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TRC - Lord of the Glass Desert Ch. 29


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Gavim nodded slowly, still hardly believing that he was the one doing the fucking instead of the one getting fucked. He wasn't sure where his and Pon's intimate time earlier fell on that spectrum, but he enjoyed it, and she seemed happy and acted a little nicer toward him afterward. The mouse placed him at her entrance and stopped as they heard rhythmic thumping coming from the captain's cabin next door, followed by mooing moans of pleasure.

The mouse grinned at him and slowly pressed down. For a moment, he wondered if he was positioned correctly until the head of his cock finally slipped inside. Muri and Gavim both gasped, her because of his size and him because she was painfully tight.

The mouse grimaced for a moment before her hands came up and harshly twisted her nipples. "Yeah, that hurts so good," she moaned before taking him a little deeper.

Naivoo stared at the mouse's exposed rear and grinned. "I'm gonna--"

"Do nothing, Naivoo," Pon interrupted. "You heard Roka, we need all those available to help run the ship. You've already had a turn with him, so if you don't have any immediate duties, go rest up." The squid-girl glanced longingly at Muri's exposed pucker before sticking out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout and leaving the wheelhouse.

Pon looked over where the boy and mouse were starting to move together and trying to match Kal and Roka's rhythm on the other side of the wall. She resisted the urge to go over and whisper encouragement into Gavim's ear like earlier and watched with an odd sense of pride as he pleasured the mouse-girl. After a few minutes, she returned to her map and trying to find potential hiding places in The Spine for a large sailing ship.


The soldier shrieked as he bounced toward the aft of the ship. A burgundy-robed figure lowered her hand and affixed the man's commanding officer with a stern glare.

"The next one of your men to touch me goes over the rail in pieces," she hissed.

The officer bowed low, an insincere grin on his face. "My apologies, Mage Velus. It is hard for a man to restrain himself with a woman of such beauty around." He immediately threw himself to the deck as an arrow of fire passed through where his chest would have been had he stood up. The arrow struck the face of the rock spire they moored The Dauntless behind and exploded, leaving a charred crater in the granite.

"Save your magic for the whores who stole my boat! I didn't hire you to kill my mercenaries!" bellowed the finely-dressed man wearing red and gold stately robes. He stood beside the comparably dirty captain at the aft wheel.

"And I didn't take the job to be fondled by them," Velus replied, magically amplifying her voice loud enough to make any soldier or sailor between her and her employer wince and clap their hands over their ears.

"Silence, woman! Your magics will give our position away!" shouted the captain.

Ignoring him, she turned back to the soldier's leader. The man's face burned with anger. "To think scum like you believe yourselves worthy of bedding me. Disgusting. I'd no sooner let some mongrel off the street mount me as you or one of your men. At least he has the sense to keep his men in check." She said with a wave toward the captain standing behind the ship's wheel.

"Only because they know what's in the water around here and are scared to death you'll bring bad luck upon them," the captain muttered barely loud enough for the man beside him to hear. "Get alone with me boys on land and they'd be no better. Ain't no place for free women on a sailin' ship Mr. Darrow."

"But what a woman she is," said the man in silken fabrics, his voice teetering on reverence. He reached beneath his robe and adjusted the front of his pants behind the poop deck's railing and out of the mage's sight. "I don't know if you've had the chance to see beneath her robes, Captain Kolas, but the body she hides is exquisite." The lust-filled look on his face turned to a frown. "No matter what I offer, she refuses to lay with me."

"You're better off putting her in chains for that kind of fun, Sir," said Kolas as they watched the female mage return to her room in the ship's forecastle.

"Perhaps once I have my ship back. Iron shackles will work just as well on her as on The Intrepid's elf."

Kolas nodded and chose to keep quiet about The Intrepid's name change. It was not wise to mention The Scarlet Bitch in front of Mr. Darrow.

The captain hoped the mage and soldiers were enough to bring Darrow's wayward boat to heel. He was ready to get the mercenaries, magic-user, and extra crew off his boat and take on a fresh batch of slaves. Kolas missed going down to the cargo hold and getting his dick wet whenever he liked. Though he preferred the human slaves, it was hard to say no to a hot, wet monster girl pussy. They might not be the tightest, but they were almost always wet.

If Darrow did capture the mage, maybe he'd let him and his crew, and maybe even the soldiers, have a go at her once he was done. It'd serve her right for all the trouble she caused his ship.

Kolas frowned as his eyes were drawn upward by sunlight striking the top of the mast. Sitting in the rock's shadow without seeing the sun's position had bothered him all morning. Now he knew the time, and The Gazelle should be delivering The Scarlet Bitch to them shortly.


"We're running out of time," said Kal.

"We're working as fast as we can," snapped Tavorah as she frantically crushed ingredients with a mortar and pestle in The Scarlet Bitch's galley. Next to her, Kashka used a long pair of tongs to lower a small vial into a large potion bottle. She had glued a square nail to the vial's bottom while another dollop was on the nail's head as it descended to the bottom of the flask. She held it pressed against the bottom for a moment before removing the tongs, then looked over at Tavorah.

"Valerian root, chamomile, passionflower, and a single nightshade berry," said Tavorah, handing the mortar and pestle to the cat. "I don't know how the nightshade will do much. It needs to be eaten to have any effect."

"It's not there to poison. Merely enhance everything else," Kashka explained while scraping the mixture into a wooden bowl filled with a strong-smelling clear liquid. She then strained the purple concoction through a cloth to remove any large bits and poured it into the prepared potion bottle. After topping it off with saké from The Bitch's stores, Kashka put the stopper in and stepped back.


The mage moved into her place and put a hand on the bottle before pushing magic into the concoction. It glowed for a few seconds before turning dark as the nightshade berry. When he stepped back, Kashka looked at the sprite on his shoulder and said, "Ria, it's yours now."

Tavorah let out a relieved sigh as the bottle vanished and its mote of light floated into Kal's pouch. "The galley of a sailing ship is not the place for potion making," she said, frowning at the mess on the floor marking their first attempt.

"Thankfully, it happened before the final mix, or we all would be napping right now," said Kashka.

"Come on," said Kal bouncing a sack in his hand that let out small puffs of white powder each time it landed. "Pon was right about the rock they are hiding behind. We don't have much time to get ready."


"This plan of yours may sink us, Mr. Darrow. I hope you know that you won't live long enough to swim to safety if you fall into these waters."

"The ship has been reinforced, Captain Kolas. Any damage will be minor," said Darrow. A shout from above made them look up at the crewman clinging tightly to the very top of the mainmast. His frantic wave signaled The Scarlet Bitch was now locked into her current course and couldn't deviate without smashing into The Spine's massive rocks.

"Cast off!" Kolas called and his crew began hacking away at the mooring lines. Days ago, his crew went out on longboats and hammered Darrow's fancy steel 'pitons' into cracks in the rock to moor the ship. The captain could hardly believe that the flimsy-looking spikes held the massive weight of The Dauntless, but Darrow said there was something about their shape that made them dig harder into the rock the harder you pulled. It also meant the mooring spikes were unrecoverable.

"Set the Jib!" he shouted as the ship came free and began drifting sideways away from the rock. His crew pulled the triangular sail on the front of The Dauntless taut. It caught the crosswind and began slowly pulling the ship forward.

Directly into the path of The Scarlet Bitch.

Now Kolas just needed to hope the three heavy, curved beams Darrow had attached to the port side of the ship held.


From her position on The Dauntless's forecastle, Velus did her best to ignore the catcalls of the mercenaries on the maindeck. As the bow moved out into the channel, the wind whipped her burgundy robes around, revealing the black leather pants and corset she wore beneath. Besides fitting her body like a second skin and making her look stunning, the enchanted leather could turn a blade or arrow almost as well as metal armor.

The crew of the Scarlet Bitch, or 'The Intrepid' as Darrow insisted upon calling it, had mainly gathered on the poop and quarterdeck. Most likely to confront the ship attacking them from behind. A shout drew their attention to The Dauntless cutting off their path forward. The women aboard rushed toward the front of the ship amid calls to brace for impact. Captain Kolas shouted the same warning, but the mercenaries and his crew had already secured themselves for the impending collision.

Velus smiled at the white powder coating The Bitch's crew as she stepped back to the middle of the foredeck and traced the featherfall rune. Grinning wide, she hopped into the air as The Scarlet Bitch and Dauntless came together in a cacophony of splintering wood and popping timbers. The Dauntless listed to starboard as the Scarlet Bitch pushed it, and Velus landed lightly on the leaning ship's rail as she pulled out a wand and began tracing a large Sleep rune.

The tip of her wand faltered. A man on The Scarlet Bitch stood staring at her instead of picking himself up off the deck like those around him. Her breath caught when she saw his eyes glowing blue with power. Her smile faded when she saw the mage but returned when she noted the faint sheen of white powder in his hair.

The women aboard The Scarlet Bitch collected themselves and rushed forward, brandishing swords, claws, and teeth. Wood scraped against wood, and ropes snapped as The Scarlet Bitch pushed The Dauntless's front half under full sail, turning the ship sideways and allowing the larger ship to slowly right itself.

As the first of The Scarlet Bitch's crew stepped onto the forecastle, Velus poured the entirety of her largest mana crystal into the Sleep rune and activated it.

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ClearmuseClearmuse3 months ago

It's always nap time.

Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlot8 months ago

Methinks the teapot is beginning whistle. Stand by for action!

5 🌟, 👍 👍, and a whole raft of 'atta girls' for the plot and movement of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hmm... Velus is knowingly working for slavers. Ordinarilly Kal would be very unsympathetic. But she seems to be setup as a significant character so it'll be interesting to see how she avoids being fish food.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Awesome as always! Thank you!

BluDraygnBluDraygnover 1 year agoAuthor

: Nope. I use Fantasy Name Generator for a lot of the names you see (most are slightly modified). This one just caught my eye.

MeerlockMeerlockover 1 year ago

Is there any corollation between Velus' name and the command word for Kal's tent, "velu"?

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Cannot wait. Another great instalment. Kal and Velus, interesting thought.

skippersdadskippersdadover 1 year ago

I love this story ,but the cliff hangers ,Wow .Keep them coming.

DawamDawamover 1 year ago

Nice one, knowing Mage Velus' sleep spell doomed to failure amps up suspenders. I'm thinking she may be finding common cause with Scarlet Bitch crew by conclusion of this encounter.

The evil is Lit have active link for Next Part, which unsurprisingly (7 hours after this release) doesn't actually lead there yet.

Tenters thoroughly hooked and breath bated.

dapidapiover 1 year ago

Another cliffhanger? You're evil! Please hurry with the sequel.

NewtScamanderNewtScamanderover 1 year ago

Ahhhhhhhh what a place to leave it!!! On the edge of my seat here, can’t wait for the next one. Thanks for the great read. Keep up the exemplary work.

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