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A doctor prescribes private "one on one" treatment for her.
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Doctor Mark Harrison drove cautiously on the wet streets. Snow was falling but so far it was melting on the roadways so the driving wasn't too treacherous. He did expect conditions to worsen overnight but he wasn't scheduled to leave the facility until midmorning the following day, so hopefully he shouldn't have any difficulty getting home.

He'd been working at the state hospital since finishing his residency two years ago. It wasn't the Mayo Clinic but for a floundering med student, it was pretty good. Well, not really pretty good, it was better than nothing, though not much.

Doctor Harrison was in a good mood today, part of it was the Christmas Season, part of it was the plans he made for the evening, For the past two years he'd been putting in his hours, accruing the few vacation days they allowed and pretty much nothing else. He never really understood some of the unwritten benefits this job and his position afforded him.

It wasn't until he had a talk with one of the other doctors on staff that he began to understand what a good job he had. He was completing two to three psychiatric evaluations a week, and pretty much managing the medical requirements of an entire wing of the hospital, say just under one hundred patients. What he hadn't involved himself in was the treatment.

Sure he had counseled patients and prescribed treatments, he had built them up when they succeeded and had taken part in some group sessions where he witnessed some amazing breakthroughs. What he had not experienced was the "one on one" treatment sessions. Well, he decided he would change that tonight.

To get ready he signed out room three hundred thirty one, a fairly normal treatment room with a number of chairs, a couch and a small bed. Looking over the evening report roster, he saw that Mrs. Ericks had been a bit on edge lately, so he figured he might do her some good. He wrote out a directive for her to report to room three hundred thirty one at eight pm.

In the meantime, he grabbed Mrs. Ericks' file and carried it with him to the room. He glanced over a number of notes, and then turned the page to a photograph. Yes, quite attractive, with light hair, blue eyes and some nice breasts. Yes treatment should be effective.

In a few minutes, Steve, the orderly, led Mrs. Ericks into the room and helped her sit in one of the chairs. He looked over to Doctor Harrison and asked, "One on one treatment?"

"Yes," he replied.

Steve winked to him and said, "Yes, she is a popular choice for one on one."

"Hopefully we are nearing a breakthrough."

"Okay, I'll make sure you aren't disturbed."

"Thank you," the doctor replied, watching to make sure the door closed completely behind the orderly. When the door closed he stood up and walked over to Mrs. Ericks.

"Mrs. Ericks," he said, pausing until she looked up at him. "I'm Doctor Harrison, will you please remove you clothes?"

The woman stood up, unbuttoned her gown, then neatly folded it, placing it in her chair. Feeling his cock stiffen, Doctor Harrison quickly undressed himself and then took Mrs. Ericks hand, leading her over to the small bed. She sat down on the bed and when he grabbed her hands and guided them to his cock, she immediately began stroking it.

"Wow, " he thought to himself, "this will be easier than I expected."

Watching the way her hands moved up and down his shaft despite the fact her eyes were completely glazed as if she was somewhere else disturbed him a bit. He took a half step backwards, but she didn't release him. Reaching down, he grabbed her hand and slowly pried her fingers from his cock and backed away.

Dr. Harrison quickly grabbed his clothes and got dressed feeling ashamed. He had taken an oath and right here he was about to break that oath, he was about to throw away everything he had worked for all these years in order for some quick sex with a nearly catatonic patient. Moving over to a nearby chair, he sat down and picked up her file. Leafing through it he noticed she had been involved in these "one on one" treatments nine times already. It appears each time she displayed reduced agitation after the session.

Reduced agitation? Reading further it appears she stopped responding after the sessions, which the doctors who gave the treatment noted was positive. He didn't agree, she...

His thoughts were interrupted as Mrs. Ericks kneeled down in front of him and reached up to unfasten his pants. Dr. Harrison put the file down on the floor next to the chair, stood up and walked her back to the bed saying, "Mrs. Ericks you can get dressed now."

Instead of turning to grab her clothes, she continued reaching for his pants, trying more and more forcefully as he tried to stop her. He finally had to shove her onto the bed to get her to stop. Moving toward the intercom he was about to call for assistance when he felt a sharp pain to the head and he fell to the floor.

Feeling dazed he rolled onto his back holding his hands up over his head, expecting her to hit him again with whatever she had hit him with, but instead she went for his pants. He reached down to try fighting her off but a wave of dizziness came over him. He put his hands flat on the floor and tried to sit up but the room suddenly went black.

It was just seconds before he could see again, but as he glanced down he saw her pulling his pants down below his knees. Suddenly he felt her hand on his cock again and he could see it harden. He tried to reach down and move her hands but he felt so weak, it was like trying to push her away using a feather.

He noticed the edges of his vision going black again, so he stopped trying to fight her off and simply placed his hands on the floor beside him. Through a misty veil of consciousness he watched as his cock disappeared into her mouth and although the pain in his head was pervasive, he felt a pleasurable tingling in his cock.

After a short while, Mrs. Ericks lifted her mouth from his cock, reached down and stroked it a few times and then crawled up beside him. Mark wanted to move his hands but he just didn't seem to have the strength. He opened his mouth and tried to speak, "No, plea..." he stopped when he realized no sound came out.

He watched helplessly as the naked woman straddled him, grabbed his cock and guided it as she lowered her body down on him. The wet warmth of her pussy felt good, so inviting to him, but he had to stop this. Mark lifted his hand, grabbing her thigh, but she reached down, took the hand and lifted it up to her breast.

Unable to resist her, he found himself cupping her breast as she began moving up and down on him, her wet pussy making his cock feel so strong, so good. Wanting to stop it, to stop the sensation he tried to move his head, but nothing happened, all he could do was feel her, watch her as she moved rhythmically up and down on his cock.

At one point, she stopped bobbing up and down and simply leaned forward, grinding her clit on him. She made a noise and he could feel a squeezing on his cock. The squeezing subsided after a short time and she began moving up and down again. He wanted to stop, every thought in his mind fought her, but every sensation he felt drove him, closer and closer.

It happened suddenly, the pleasure in his cock leading to a squeezing sensation and a type of relief. He felt it squeeze again and again and then he felt a flood of wetness on his balls and thighs. After a while he felt an odd slipping feeling and then suddenly he felt a coldness come over his cock. He no longer felt her weight on him and as he focused his eyes, he saw her stand up and move away.


A bright light flickered above him, it was a flashing, bright, dark, bright, dark. He heard a voice, yes, it called him, "Dr. Harrison." Dr. Harrison, yes, that was his name. He heard it again.

"Dr. Harrison."

He opened his eyes.

"Dr. Harrison, are you okay?"

It was a man dressed in a white shirt. The orderly... Steve, yes it was Steve. He reached up and grabbed at him.

"Okay, Doc, you've hurt your head. I'm gonna help you."

"St... Steve," he mumbled.

"Yes, it's Steve, I'm gonna sit you up."

He felt a throbbing in his head and was a bit dizzy but he could see around the room. "Mrs. Ericks?" he moaned.

"Asleep like a baby on the bed there. You must have fallen after, ah the therapy."

"Fallen? Yes, I must have fallen. My head hurts."

"Yeah, I wanted to get the doctor on call, but that's you. Dr. Larson should be getting here soon. Here, let's get your pants up. Looks like you tried walking with your pants down and tripped."

"Yes, I tripped," Mark replied.

"Yeah and you must have hit your head."

"I must have hit my head," he mumbled as the room went suddenly black. The cold silence felt comforting to him. He embraced it feeling an odd calmness as it all slipped away.

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