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Tribulations of a Spy Pt. 02

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Flashback to the Spy's Training.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/26/2022
Created 07/09/2020
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"You want me to be what?"

"A piece of meat," repeated her instructor. She was a woman in her late 40's with a resting bitch face and Sani was supposed to refer to only as "Sarge," even though that was not her position.

All through her physical and technical training, Sani thought that Sarge was as sexless as a woman could be. Now, she spoke about sex without any regards to the political correctness of her speech.

"You're a virgin. We need to work on that before we can move forward," said Sarge, pointing right at her crotch. "Then, we will make sure that you have no vagina, no anus, no mouth."

"What do you mean?" asked Sani, confused.

"By the end of your training, they should be nothing but holes," said Sarge, without humour. "You can call them whatever you. A cock-pocket, a bunghole, a word-tunnel. Whatever."

Sarge turned around and left her student alone. Sani wasn't sure what to make of what was being said. Sarge had never once joked about anything. She had never even exaggerated anything.

Sani had no idea what she had to look forward to. She watched Sarge walk away. She had always worn a loose tracksuit, hiding most of her physical features. Sani wasn't quite sure how big or small her instructor's breasts or ass were.

The way she had spoken just then made Sani wonder what kind of life had the Sarge left when it came to sex. Was it all business, or was there any pleasure? Sani wasn't sure what was going to happen to her, but she knew she wasn't ready for it.

The rest of the day was unremarkable. Classes after classes. Some practical, some theoretical. After dinner, she returned to her room and collapsed on her bed. She was too tired to think of any methods that would be used to turn her vagina into a cock-pocket. She didn't even bother changing out of her sweaty clothes as she fell asleep.

Sani dreamt.

She dreamt of that she was flying amongst the clouds with the help of something one of her instructors had mentioned earlier to be in development earlier that day.

And then she crashed into the ground and woke up to two men staring at her. She wanted to defend herself, but was to slow in her grogginess to react as fast as the men.

She could see any of their faces in the dark, just two towering silhouettes pinning her on the bed. Her legs were over the edge of the bed and she started kicking. Her mouth was already covered by then.

She watched as a third figure emerged from the shady corner and held her legs up. She stopped struggling and felt her trousers be pulled down to her ankles along with her panties. She knew by now what was going to happen to her and closed her eyes and tried to just focus on her breathing.

A warm hand rubbed a cold liquid over and inside her vagina. The fingers were long enough to touch her where she had never touched herself.

Then she felt something on the lips of her vagina. She did not know what a penis would feel like on her vagina, but this was not what she expected. She cracked open her eyes and peeped down at what was happening.

The third man was getting ready to push a dildo in her vagina. She couldn't see how big it was, and she did not want to find out. She shut her eyes and waited.

At the first penetration, Sani let out a squeal. She was worried that she was bleeding, but couldn't feel blood because of the lube. The man wasn't worried, however, as he steadily pushed the dildo in her vagina. And then, just as steadily, he pulled it out.

He repeated this, gradually increasing the pace, much to Sani's pleasure and pain. Sani had started crying at the pain of her vagina being stretched out for the first time, but was enjoying it at the same time.

Somewhere in there, a and started stoking her clit and Sani started moaning in pleasure. Soon enough, she orgasmed. The men wiped her vagina with a towel that was on a chair by the bed, let go of her and promptly left the room.

Sani managed to place a hand on her vagina to feel it. It was warm and slick. She was exhausted and fell asleep with her hand on her vagina and pants by her ankles.

Next morning, she woke up confused, hoping it was a dream. Then she looked down at the pants around her ankles and she knew.

As she got ready for the day, she felt a little uncomfortable walking around the room. There was a knock on the door and Sarge entered without waiting for permission.

Sani instinctively covered her chest with her arms as she stood wrapped in a towel. She realised it was the same towel used to wipe her the previous night.

"How was the last night?" asked Sarge.

Sani wasn't sure how to respond.

"I guess I'm all the holes you wanted me to be," said Sani, clinging to hope that she could consider herself a virgin given that it wasn't a real penis that had entered her.

"Sure, now get ready quickly and be prepared for the day. You did well."

"Thanks. Was that all?"

"Oh, yes. That won't happen again."

"Thank god!"

The rest of the day was just as unremarkable as the previous one, minus worrying about what would happen to her.

That night, however, could have used some worrying about. She was woken up again by presumably the same men and this time, each of them fucked her vagina.

When it ended, Sani did not know what had just happened. She hadn't orgasmed, even though the three men came inside her. The left her just like they had the previous night, but hadn't bothered to wipe her down.

Despite not cumming, she was even more exhausted than last night. Her hand found itself on her vagina again. And as she felt her own juices mixed with strangers' semen dripping out of her, she knew she couldn't call it her vagina anymore.

Cum and her wetness dripped out of her sore pussy and she scooped some of it. She brought her fingers to her nose and sniffed. The cum smelled about the same as she had expected and then she licked a drop off her fingers. It wasn't as bad as she had expected, but not as good as she had hoped.

The hand went back down to her pussy and she started fingering herself. She rubbed the cum on her clit and stroked herself, but fell asleep before she orgasmed.

She woke up just like she had the day prior, except her hand and pussy felt like they were glued to each other. Sarge was in her room already. Sani blushed for a moment and covered herself with her blanket.

Sarge walked up to Sani and slapped her on the face. Then she left Sani alone in the room to comprehend what had just happened.

Sani managed to clean herself up and left the room to get on with her day. That night, she was going to be ready for what was going to happen. She wasn't, though.

The men fucked her twice each, ejaculating in her pussy each time. This time, Sani could sense that they were deliberately not letting her cum. Once they were done, she was left alone like the previous nights.

She was keen to not fall asleep this time. She managed to stand up, barely, and felt semen drip down her thighs. She covered her pussy with a hand and hobbled to her bathroom to clean herself up.

As she sat on the toilet, she had the urge to finish off herself, though wasn't sure why Sarge had slapped her. She did not want to be hit again and so that night, she went to sleep desperate to orgasm.

In the morning, she was woken up by a slap to her other cheek. Sani sat up with a start and stared at Sarge as she took a seat by the chair.

"I'm going to need some pills if those guys aren't planning on wearing condoms."

"Don't worry. There's some mixed with the electrolytes you drink after your jog."

Sani wasn't surprised. "And what if I stopped drinking that?"

"You won't."

"Yes, I won't."

That night, four men fucked her pussy, hard. Sani was surprised that they could fuck herder than they had the last night. But again, she had nothing but them to compare to.

They all came in her and kept doing it for a week. She was woken up by a slap each day after and she had no idea what she did wrong.

On the eighth night, only two men came to her room. This time, they flipped her onto her stomach and fucked her with a dildo in her butt. Unlike being penetrated in the pussy, the pain this time gave her no pleasure, and as she screamed, she hoped that someone would come in and save her.

She did not remember them leave that night, only that she screamed her lungs out and woke up with Sarge yanking a dildo out of her butt. No, it was an ass. Sarge threw the dildo at Sani's face followed by a bottle of lube.

"Turns out your schedule is clear today. I suggest you practice and widen your holes. Those cocks are pretty big," said Sarge and left the room, locking the door from the outside.

Sani stared at the dildo and then remembered the pain in her asshole. Then promptly covered it with lube and rubbed some on her asshole as she got on her knees. She rested herself on an elbow and then fucked herself in the ass.

She did not want to do it, but at least this time she had the control. She brought herself to the verge of tears before stopping. She lay down on her back to catch her breath. She knew she should have started with her fingers first.

This time, instead of on her knees, she lay on her back and pulled her legs up and spread them. She proceeded to fuck herself in the ass with a fake cock and slowly brought herself to an orgasm. It was the best one she had had yet. And she wanted more of it.

She came eight times that morning, alternating between fingering her pussy and fucking her ass. She was prepared for what the men would do to her that night. And just like last week, she was wrong.

That night, the four men pushed her down onto her knees and fucked her face twice each. They shoved their cocks deep down her throat and forced her to swallow each time.

She had to puke a couple of times, but the men didn't care. They make her gag and choke on her own spit, but did not stop at all. Just like the night before, she had passed out before the men left and woke up the next morning with her face in her own puke.

She had to clean it all up before she could go to her training for the day. That night, only three men returned. She felt weird when one of then lay down on her bed and made her straddle him.

She rode his cock for a minute when another stuffed his cock in her ass. She did not know how full she could feel until she had two cocks in her at the same time. And then the third climbed up in front of her and shoved his cock down her throat. They all came in her holes.

The next night, they repeated this, but after cumming once, switched positions and came again. The night after that, each came in each of her holes once.

By the time she had gotten used to this, she was fed up of all the cleaning up she needed to do later.

Five nights of being stuffed airtight, a hole was spared each night for three nights. On the first, she straddled a man was fucked in the pussy and mouth and the third guy stood by. And then she felt it. Another cock entered her pussy and fucked her. She couldn't make a sound because of her stuffed mouth.

The next night, she was fucked in the mouth and with two cocks in the ass. She was able to let out a scream that night. The night after, her mouth was spared and she screamed her lungs out as two cocks fucked her pussy and one her ass. She felt like she would burst at any moment and was shocked that she didn't.

She shuddered at the thought of being fucked by two cocks in her ass and one in her pussy, but that was not what had happened. That night, five men came to her room.

Four arranged themselves under and behind her as one positioned himself in front of her face. He waited till the other four stuffed her to let her scream for a bit. Then, he shoved his cock in her mouth and pushed its based onto her lips.

Two cocks in her pussy, two in her ass and one in her mouth; she thought that she was stuffed airtight earlier. That was nothing to the pressure she felt build inside her.

By the time all five came in her, her eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears, her face was red with throbbing veins and her body couldn't support her own self. She managed to swallow the cum in her mouth, but did nothing else after the men left her half naked on her bed. She was surprised that she was still conscious, but had wished that she wasn't.

The five men fucked her like that for five nights. Each night she swallowed someone else's cum and each night she had no energy to clean herself up. By then, Sarge had stopped waking her up with a slap. Most days, she wouldn't even check on her.

On the sixth night, as she prepared herself to be stuffed, she was shocked to see just on man enter the room. He removed her top and bra and began sucking on her breasts.

Sani realised that this was the first time a man had seen her breasts, let alone suck on them. She was genuinely shocked that in all their rough fucking, her top had never come off.

And then she realised that now her breasts would no longer remain breasts. They'd become boobs or tits or something. By then, she didn't care.

The room was too dark for her to make out his features and once the man was done sucking on her tits, he began kissing her. Sani hadn't been kissed in a long time and she was almost embarrassed at how wet it made her.

That night, she wasn't fucked. She finally had sex. On the many nights that followed. One of the five men would come to her room on random nights and have sex. Each time making her try something different. She had begun recognising them from the taste of their semen.

After a month of this, they stopped coming to her room. Sani wasn't sure what had happened. Sarge had said nothing to her about his. She knew she had to expect the worst. But nothing happened that night. She fingered herself to an orgasm, but it wasn't enough to fall asleep.

For the first time ever, she fisted herself. And for the first time ever, she squirted. The thrill of it was too much to let her fall asleep after that. So, she lay on her belly and fisted her ass as she fingered her pussy from below. She buried her face in her pillow as she moaned.

She woke up to a spank on her bare ass, and quickly balled up to retain whatever dignity she had left in the eyes of Sarge. The Sarge informed her that due to a situation, her training had to be cut short and that it would be completed on the field in Beirut.

She started as an on-field analyst and showed a steady growth in her skills over the course of a few months. Then, a new assignment required her to be a honeypot. She realised that she knew what to do in bed, but not how to get a man to the bed.

She was glad that a voice would guide her from an embedded chip in her head scarf. She also felt secure that she could be tracked from anywhere because of the transponder in her shoes. She wore black lace lingerie underneath a pretty simple formal attire.

She had spotted her target but before she could act, she was taken.

to be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I'm loosing interest in this story

Let's see next chapter.

4* for the first chapter, only 2* for this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Excellent So Far!

Looking forward to the next chapter(s)!

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