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Tricks for the Treats

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A silly little stroker.
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"Oh hell! Geneva, there's an invitation to a Halloween party in today's mail, and it's departmental."

Edwin Chambers was upset. It had been difficult when his wife, Geneva, had only been able to get a position at a small, Mid-Western college where football was important and cheerleaders actually had status on campus. Worse, now that his doctorate was finished the only openings were also in the local area and part-time so they couldn't leave for loftier surroundings. Still, they could have borne their diminished academic standing for the present if only the Dean hadn't been in the habit of encouraging intra-faculty socializing with mindless holiday gatherings.

"Here, let me look at the calendar. Surely there's somewhere we have to be that we can use as an excuse to decline."

Geneva looked over the top of her gold rimmed glasses at their schedule of upcoming events and groaned. Friday, October 31st was blank and so was the rest of the weekend. There was no possible way of avoiding being at the Faculty Club (a horrible place full of club chairs and paneled walls that fairly reeked of privilege) along with everyone else in the School of Arts and Humanities.

"The worst part is that it says costumes are required. Can you imagine anything so juvenile? Even undergraduates should know better!" Geneva was getting into the mood of the rant. She began to stalk back and forth across the living room of the modest apartment that was all their combined junior faculty salaries could afford. "And if I know Tolliver, he'll be there taking notes so that he can gently chastise anyone who isn't in the spirit of the thing. The man is so jolly it makes my skin crawl. Hasn't he the slightest understanding of intellectual despair? This isn't the best of all possible worlds, after all."

Edwin groaned empathetically. "You're right about that. I really don't understand this place. There are some really excellent minds here who could find prominent positions in any first-rank university but they don't leave. I've even asked around a bit but all anyone will say is that the place grows on you. They make it sound like a covering of mold or something."

Geneva stopped dead in her tracks. "Edwin, you're a genius! What a perfect idea for costumes that would be. I'll just get some ugly grey carpeting or something and cut a couple of . . . hmmm . . . let me see. Riding capes would work, I think. They we just need hoods with black screen over the faces and if I wear heels, we'll be the same height. If anyone asks, we're colonies of something dreadful, cholera perhaps. And if we don't say anything, no one will know which one of us is which. You make up some laboratory labels in giant size and we won't even have to explain. The best part is that if we're really disgusting, no one will want to talk to us and we can beg off and leave early. Good thinking, dear, as usual."

Edwin was feeling rather proud of himself after that and hustled off to the computer to make up proper labels. He wanted to make sure that they were perfect copies of the kind that were stuck to the tops of culture dishes so he called an acquaintance in Microbiology for the specifications. By the evening of the party, each shapeless garment was marked front and rear with a warning that the contents were acutely contagious and highly lethal. The plan seemed perfect.

One thing that the couple hadn't counted on was how stiff carpeting really is. It didn't take long before they realized that driving was impossible and that they would have to don the costumes after arriving on campus. They'd hardly made their way out of the parking lot when it also became clear that carpet, as a garment, was immensely hot.

"I don't know about you, dear," Edwin confessed to his wife, "but I'm going to step over into the shadow there and get out of these clothes. Even naked underneath, this outfit is really too warm."

"I hate to admit it, but you're right Edwin. I suppose I should have thought of this but at the time it seemed like such a good idea. Alright, let's get naked and stash the clothes in the trunk" She gave an uncharacteristic giggle. "Remember how we used to do that back in Stanford when we were dating?"

Once they'd hidden their street clothes, the couple slowly made their way to the Faculty Club and the dreaded social event. As they walked, however, Edwin kept mulling over Geneva's words. She was right. There had been many a time when, as undergrads, they'd stripped down somewhere secluded and left their clothes in the car to cavort naked and happy through the woods to finally tumble down together on some soft grassy spot. There they had tried to see if they did indeed remember all the positions of the Kama Sutra and if they could actually do them. What had happened in the short six years since to turn them into such sober and politically correct people, he wondered.

Two identical, pestilential-looking heaps arrived at the door to the Faculty Club bar and silently handed over the invitation to the department secretary. Jaime, dressed as a French maid, sat at a table with a growing collection of empty glasses beside her. She gaped at them and then burst into such a fit of giggles that it looked as though she might pop out of the top of her costume any moment.

"Oh my God, you two! Those are brilliant. I can't even tell which is which."

Edwin and Geneva bowed gravely and silently in response and entered the room. The sight that greeted them was mind-boggling. Otherwise dignified full professors and upwardly mobile young grad students seemed to have taken complete leave of their senses. Plunging necklines, vampire gowns slit to the hip, men in leather harnesses on leashes . . . what had gotten into these people?

Geneva quickly nudged her husband into a darker corner behind a large potted plant. "They're crazy, they're all crazy, Edwin. Did you have any idea it was going to bethat kind of party?" she whispered. She looked accusingly at her husband.

"Absolutely not, dear! If I thought there was the slightest possibility that people were going to be dressed so . . . lewdly, I'd have said we were sick. This is disgusting!" Under the heavy rug, Edwin was sweating profusely but not just because of the heat.

Across the room, Professor Marilynn Baumgartner was slipping off her white silk robe to reveal that underneath she was wearing nothing but a criss-cross web of black leather held together by chrome rings. Usually, she was the very soul of propriety but tonight the figure she displayed was, to say the least, spectacular.

Before either of the the Chambers could think of what to say next, Professor Baumgartner dropped to her knees. Two graduate students from the Music Department stepped to either side of her and bound her arms tightly behind her back. A dreamy, glazed smile came over her face as Professor DeSilva, the chair of Romance Languages, stood in front of her and whisked off the kilt that had been his only garment. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide, letting her tongue drop forward lasciviously. By now, the Chambers were either too stunned or too completely hypnotized to withdraw their eyes. Frozen in shock they had no warning when suddenly numerous sets of hands seized them. "Gotcha, kiddies!" Professor Tolliver, clad only in a chainmail vest and chromed codpiece grinned widely in triumph. The two junior academics' struggles were fruitless as their captors tore off and discarded the carpet hoods and cloaks.

"Hey, presto!" Professor Glynn Moriarty must have been in her seventies but that hadn't stopped her from coming to the party as Gypsy Rose Lee in pasties, G-string and fishnet stockings under three inch heels. "Would you look at them? They came naked, too"

A large dark voice chuckled behind Edwin's head. "I saw them in the parking lot strippin' off their clothes and stuffin' 'em the car trunk before they came in. I imagine that those carpet remnants they wore must be a bit warm for tonight's weather." Ewen McAllister was the local specialist in West African culture and he was playing the part well, tonight, with a faux leopard skin over one shoulder and not much else. "You have to admit that it did make it easier to 'prep' them, if I may use the phrase."

"What is the meaning of this? What are you doing? Let us go at once or we'll . . . we'll . . ."

The responding laughter was uproarious. "Sure you will," shouted Tolliver, "you'll do just what we've got planned for you. Jamie, bring the frames."

To the Chambers' horror the department secretary, now stark naked, came into view. She was dragging a pair of aluminum frames with sets of leather cuffs dangling from the sides.

"You'd better put Eddie in first. Gen's a little spitfire but she's easier to hold onto." The group obeyed as one. At once they lowered Edwin onto the frame and secured his wrists, ankles and upper thighs. Helpless, he watched in horror as they bound his wife in a similar way.

"Aren't you two the cutest things?" Marilynn Baumgartner was now dabbing her lips with a handkerchief. The ropes that had held her for De Silva's attention had disappeared. "This is so much fun. I remember my first trip down the stairs. You think you're scared? I fainted, not that it made any difference, did it, Tolly, sweetest?"

As she spoke, the walnut panels next to them slowly swung open, silently as if on oiled hinges. A staircase yawned into the dark below, its stygian blackness only relieved by the occasional wall sconce holding lamps that glowed ominously. Now that the couple was tethered and helpless, the rest of Arts and Humanities began to run their hands over the immobilized bodies.

No intimacy or indignity could be avoided. Edwin struggled in vain as he felt his balls fondled, his cock massaged and the crack between his ass-cheeks spread and penetrated.

Geneva shrieked. Mouths took turns at her breasts, her mons and belly and, muffing screams, her mouth. The others turned her frame over, exposing her butt to the tip of a large squeeze bottle that slipped into her anus and inserted a large portion of slippery grease. Edwin received the same treatment. Now lifted up to the shoulders of the rest of the faculty, their descent began.

Tolliver held the bar next to Edwin's right ear. "You've asked several of the others why they stay here in this . . . little hick school. I believe that was the phrase you used? Well, Chambers, m'boy, you're about to find out. You and your toothsome wife are getting 'tenure' a bit earlier than most but Jamie showed me a letter addressed to you from Rutgers offering you a tenure track position there. Can't have the big boys skulking around trying to pick off our staff, now, can we? Especially since I haven't even had the pleasure of getting into Gen's pants, yet. No, you two aren't going anywhere. Baumgartner has her harness and dildo all oiled and primed for you, Chambers, and she isn't a woman to accept 'no' for an answer."

"You wouldn't, Tolliver! That's rape, man. Think of your position, here!"

Edwin was aghast at the thought and utterly stunned that the usually jovial Department Chair would consider a crime of this magnitude. Rape was what football captains did on dates with cheerleaders, not senior faculty.

Tolliver chuckled. "If I did it now, it would be and my position would be finished. But I'm not. I'll wait and so will Marilynn. By tomorrow you'll be singing a different tune, Chambers, a much different tune!"

By now, Geneva was sobbing, though whether in terror or rage was impossible to tell. "You just keep your filthy hands off me, Tolliver," she screamed hysterically, as the man reached over to give her left nipple a tweak.

"Now Geneva, darling, that's no way to talk to the first of your many, many lovers here." Jamie's voice was sardonic. "I'm really, really looking forward to watching you on your knees gulping down all of English Lit or bent over getting buggered by half of Painting and Drawing. Not that you'll be alone. Marilynn and I will be right beside you moaning in chorus. We really have such great Academic Senate meetings, here, not like those stuffy political things they have at Rutgers."

Finally, they reached the bottom of the stairs. Huge, heavy oak doors with black iron fixtures and heavy studs loomed before them. "Well, here we are. Y'all are in for an enlightenin' night." McAllister's hearty voice echoed hugely up the long stairway. "We'll come back and get you in a couple of hours, when we're sated upstairs. You're going to need a good night's rest afterwards. By tomorrow night, Gen'll be walkin' bow-legged and you'll have put in the kind of day even porn actors only dream of."

The lower doors creaked open. The effect was so melodramatic Edwin's critical faculties kicked in and he snorted derisively. That is, he did until he saw what lay beyond. A horror stood in the center of a large room. If a sea anemone grew to the size of a purplish small tree, it would approximate the thing that sat there. Tentacles waved gently all over it and a subtle perfume of cinnamon apple pervaded the air.

"Trick or treat, Chambers," sniggered Tolliver, "Only here, you both get and are the treat. This is really an unusual occasion for our little pet. Under normal conditions, it only gets fed a single person at a time. Having a couple is the equivalent of getting an entire bag of candy all at once. And, by the way, McAllister is giving up his place for you two so you should be properly appreciative tomorrow. Both of you, actually, since he swings both ways. That butt of yours will need re-greasing, Edwin, methinks. Ever been butt-fucked, Geneva? No? My, you are in for an experience."

The frames rose into an upright position and the lower ends slid into holes in the floor directly in front of the thing. A chorus of voices rang out behind them. "Have fun, Teddy, we know you will. And so will your new playmates." The voices receded up the stairs, the doors slammed behind them and 'Teddy' leaned forward. The Chambers hung in their cuffs thrashing about in hopeless attempts to escape. Teddy began to thrum chords. The harmonics had an eerily soothing, hypnotic effect and the couple settled down to await their fate.

"I guess this is good-by, my love," Edwin was feeling tragic, even a little soppy, until the first long tentacle reached out and stroked his face. To his astonishment, it was warm and the touch was a caress, not an assault. To his right, Geneva gasped slightly as another tendril stroked her belly and trailed down her thighs.

The first tentative strokes became a dozen, a score more. Edwin was fondled and massaged all over his body until his muscles relaxed and he hung, rather comfortably to his surprise, from the frame. He heard Geneva moan. Looking in her direction, he saw the creature, if that's what it was, lift his wife up, unfasten her bonds and pull her into its grasp. A single tentacle stroked her lips until she opened, reflexively. The tip slipped in for just a moment. "Apple cider!" Geneva exclaimed in surprise,"It's delicious."

The tentacle returned to her mouth and she began to suck on it with remarkable enthusiasm. Edwin watched in amazement as the "tree anemone" lifted his usually quite proper mate so that her ass was high and turned it towards him. A tendril rose up between her thighs and grew a set of droplets that glistened in the lamplight. Back and forth, up and down the tendril stroked Geneva's pussy as she whimpered around the larger one that not only appeared to be in her mouth but clear down her throat. It thrust and withdrew.

What kind of wonder was this? A tentacled monster was face fucking his wife and she showed every sign of enjoying it. The tendril at her labia thickened, then drove up inside her. Other tentacles all over her body rocked her back and forth between the invading members. It seemed to go on for a very long time until Geneva was mewling around the thickness in her mouth. Then a third tentacle began to flick its way around her buttocks.

Now Edwin understood what Tolliver had meant when he said she was in for an experience because there was no mistaking the thing's intent. It pressed gently against her anus and began a circular massaging motion, thickening gradually before his astonished eyes. The reason for the lubricant that she'd been injected with was clear. Geneva was about to be buttfucked. Then it happened. The tentacle entered Geneva's rectum, and seemed to crawl up her into colon farther and farther. In rhythm with the other two, it stroked her, stroked her and stroked her. By now Geneva was attempting to cry out in ecstasy as spasms convulsed her body in obvious orgasm again and again. At last, with what seemed a final thrust, something was shot into all three of her orifices and she fainted.

'Teddy' gently lowered Geneva to the floor where she lay in sleep, a contented smile on her face. Edwin looked up in alarm as the tentacles unfastened his own cuffs and pulled him toward the center of the thing in the room. It turned him first one way then another as if inspecting him from every angle. He thought to resist but his arms and legs refused to obey. The tendril that had so recently used Geneva's mouth came up to his. Edwin clamped his mouth shut and feebly turned his head away. At once two more reached out and closed his nose. Now he had a choice, open or suffocate. Keeping his teeth clenched, Edwin tried to breathe through his mouth but the waiting tip squirted something into him. Geneva had been wrong. It didn't taste like apple cider at all. Instead, it was more like caramel candy. He swallowed. To his vast surprise, he wanted more. Edwin became strangely calm and relaxed. The tendril slipped easily down his throat and began to thrust and withdraw in time with his breathing. It was an odd feeling, he dimly thought, having something so thick moving up and down his esophagus, but actually a rather pleasant one. There was a sensation across his lower belly and down to his genitals. Edwin became aware that he was hugely aroused, larger and stiffer than he ever could remember. A tentacle developed an opening in its end and engulfed his manhood, squeezing it tightly, wetly. He knew what was next. A tickling sensation ran up and down from his testicles to his anus and its tip penetrated him where nothing had ever entered before. A second joined it and snaked farther and farther inside him while the first began to manipulate his prostate. Tingling, tantalizing sensations spread out from his violated ass. Never in his life would Edwin have imagined such pleasure. This was, he vaguely decided, perhaps his first penetration, but definitely not his last.

The drive to orgasm was overwhelming and he thrust forward into the monster and then back onto its invading vines. The thing in his throat started to move faster and faster in time with his efforts until at last everything exploded together. As he jetted into the plant, if that's what it was, the thing in turn filled both his stomach and his ass sending an astonishing sensation of brilliant heat and light throughout his entire body.

Now completely limp from the fury of his passion, Edwin sat on the floor. 'Teddy' reached down and tickled Geneva until she awoke. With a dreamy smile on her face, Geneva rose to her feet.

"Edwin," she crooned, "I want to do it again."

With that she held out her arms to the Thing and stepped back into its embrace. The repeat of the earlier performance brought Edwin's cock up and stiff again, far sooner than should have been possible. Rising lustfully, he, too, stepped into the waiting tendrils only to find that they guided him right up behind his wife. Geneva was bent comfortably over a wriggling nest of tentacles with her hands reaching back, spreading her buttocks and thighs in the most lascivious manner. Once more a purple arm used her mouth and throat. Another fucked her royally. Edwin had only one possible target.


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