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Through hardships of trust, Ian & a lonely vampire find love.
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Before reading this you should know that this piece contains m/m and f/f sex.

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'When I open my eyes, they go straight for him.

When I try to listen to the music, all I hear is him.

I hate him. I like him. I can't stand him. I'd give anything to touch those lips of his," runs through Ian's head as he sits by himself in the midst of a party. 'But let's face the facts; He is a ladies man, a ruthless player, and not to mention, he played my best friend, Maya, like a violin. And! I'm pretty sure he isn't gay, or even bi.' Ian sighs.

Ian is a decent man. He stands about 5'4 and is slender. His hair is brown and has a few piercings in each of his ears. He also has a tattoo on his lower, lower, stomach. He's a quiet person when he isn't with his friends. Some call him a loner, which is pretty much true.

He is sitting on the floor against a wall. It's a spacious living room that 20 young adults can comfortably mingle in. Of those 20 people are himself, Maya- who he came here with-, and him; Nelson. He is across the room, chatting with 3 women, as usual. Maya is a few of her close girlfriends just talking and laughing. Ian's glad. He just hopes she doesn't look over there seeing him depressed. 'That would ruin her mood and night.' He concludes to himself.

But anyways, Ian's sitting on the floor with his beer and for the life of him just can't keep his eyes off of Nelson. 'Wow.' One of the girls with him slapped him and left with the other two close behind her. 'That was funny.' He couldn't help but to crack a smile. Feeling lonely, Ian guesses, Nelson looked around the room for a new victim to torture. Just then, his eyes lock onto Ian's pathetic position on the floor.

With a smirk he walks over to him. Nelson has short black hair with blond streaks, he spiked it up tonight. He is wearing a tight black T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and all black sneakers. The outfit just made him all the more hotter and irresistible to Ian. He looked punky yet his usual suave self. He was gorgeous, and this is why Ian hates him.

Nelson stands in front of him, smiling. His smile was an innocent one which was definitely a contradiction to the rest of him. Ian looks up for a second and sees Nelson's dangerous smiling face and quickly looks back at the hardwood floor. Ian crosses his legs and arms trying to somehow to subtly signal to him that he's not interested in talking.

"What's your name?" Nelson asks. Yeah, that whole signal thing didn't work so well. Nelson nudges his thigh with his sneaker. "Are ya deaf? Come on, you can talk; can't you?"

"Sure I can," Ian replies which also wasn't his best comeback.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. How about you stand and join me up here? The weather is fine." He says teasingly while extending a hand to Ian. He reluctantly takes it and stands uneasily next to, the still smirking, Nelson. He leans against the wall with his arms crossed, trying to play off his nervousness. "Hi, thanks for coming. Say, you look a little familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Yeah, try thinking for a moment. I'm sure you'll remember."

Nelson goes into deep thought then snaps his attention back to Ian as he had remembered. "Aren't you one of Mary's friends? Wait, it's either Mary, or umm May... something with an 'm'."

Ian sighs annoyed and angry. He could at least remember the name of the woman he fooled around with for a month! "You mean Maya?"

"Yeah, that's right! Maya; aren't you a friend of hers'?"


"That's cool. She was really stup- I mean, sweet. But she was one fine piece of ass. I'll tell ya that my friend." He stood beside Ian so they both now had a clear view of Maya was looking stunning tonight in the tight black dress she was wearing. Ian even admitted to himself that he was a little aroused when she walked toward his car when he picked her up earlier. "Mmm, you ever tap that- oh, I never caught your name buddy."

"My name is Ian and no, I have never had sex with my best friend. I'm gay, you asshole."

"Sorry." He said in a condescending tone.

'Ugh, I want to gauge his eyes out!'

"So you're gay huh? Sweet," he put his hand on Ian's cheek and stroked it with his thumb, "Because you look so," He leaned into him near his ear, barely kissing it, "Cute." Nelson pulled away, holding Ian's eyes with his gaze. He walked away and Ian couldn't stop his stare from being glued to Nelson's ass. Now Ian felt like stripping him right there and then taking him on the floor.

'Damn him!'

Maya came over and proposed they leave for the night. Ian agreed right away but knew he'd still be in the house for about 20 more minutes because Maya had to hug, kiss, say good-bye, and possibly have a short chat with absolutely everyone she knew, talked to, or anyone she was even slightly acquainted with before she'd ever take one step out the goddamn front door!

While Maya said her final goodbye, Nelson suddenly came into Ian's view. He waved bye then smiled mockingly at him.

They left right after that. On the way home Maya asked all sorts of questions about Ian's night. He answered positively, saying his night was good; he only had a beer, and talked to a few friends.

"Bullshit." Maya said bluntly and clearly.

"What?" He responded confused.

"I said that what you described as your night is bullshit. Need it spelled out for ya!?"

Ian's eyes widened, flabbergasted at Maya's sudden excitement about the accusations she was throwing at him; but he kept his cool and focused on the road. "You never make anything easy for anyone do you? I am trying to drive, please calm down Maya. Now if everything I said was bullshit, why don't you tell me how my night went? Hmm?"

"Fine. Okay, you had one beer so that wasn't bullshit; however, you didn't talk to any friends, you were alone the whole time. And, you look miserable! So your night wasn't 'good'."

Ian sighed in defeat, she was right. But she didn't see him talking to Nelson, and he wasn't about to tell her about that. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry honey. You just need to break out of that shell. You're really living up to that 'loner' status of yours. Just try honey."

"I know, I will."


A week later, Maya and Ian were invited to another party. This one was being hosted by Nelson at his house. They were both hesitant to accept but they went anyway.

Maya was off with a little group of friends again, and Ian was standing by himself once again. He was standing next to a bookcase in the living room and immersed in a book that he picked out. Nelson sauntered into the room.

He was wearing a black preppy suit that was clad to his body. The tie was untied, the top 3 buttons of his white shirt were undone, and the shirt was not tucked into his pants, and wore a black vest on top. He walked around the room smiling and greeting everyone. Then he stopped in front of Ian.

Nelson put down his beer on the coffee table and slid the book out of Ian's hands, putting it back into its place on the book shelf. Ian glared at him, who was smiling wickedly. "I was reading that."

"Yes you were...and now you're talking to me." Ian huffed and reached for the book. Nelson grabbed his wrist. "Now, now, what's so bad about talking to me?" He held Ian's hand against his chest. "I don't think I bite too hard. Or do I? Would you like to know?" Ian stared at him with an annoyed look. "Well that's okay if you don't wanna answer me because I already know it! Here we go, and please don't be afraid to speak up if I'm wrong. So your probably gonna call me and asshole again and walk away, but, of course, grabbing your precious book first; huh?"

Ian blushed and tried to wiggle his hand free from Nelson. The worst part was that he was right; that would've been exactly how he would've reacted. He was speechless. Nelson let go of his hand and pushed him back against the wall. "But because I'm right I think I deserve a little reward; don't ya think?" He took a lock of Ian's light brown hair and played with it in his fingers.

"Rewarded for making fun of me?" Ian snapped.


"Get off of me! Leave me alone."

"Aw, I'm sorry," Nelson hugged Ian tightly, "You just looked so lonely over here and I wanted to cheer you up." He pulls away from him with a sweet smile.

"Tell it to someone who fucking cares; I'm in a worse mood now. Thanks!"

"You're welcome."

Ian sighed and slumped against the wall. "Well? What do you want?" Get it over with already."

"Get what over with love?"

"This torture of talking to you." He mumbled.

Nelson raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to him; just mere inches away from touching him. "This is torturous to you?"

"Yes, you heard me."

"Indeed I did." Nelson ran his hand through his hair while looking down at the floor. He looked back up at Ian with a serious look. "Why is this torturous to you? Huh? I really want to know. I know I come off a bit strong, but I can't help it when I'm around you."

"Really?" Ian was caught off guard by Nelsons little confession.

"Listen baby, I'm bi, but you make me lean more towards then men than the ladies."

"I don't believe you. Don't toy with me." Nelson cupped his cheek with his hand.

"I'm not toying with you," He softly pecked Ian's lips. He smiled as he pulled away. Some girl walked up to him and began flirting with him. She was plastered, her words were slurred, and she reeked of beer. Ian was shocked speechless.

When the girl finally staggered off, Nelson turned back to Ian, satisfied at how distressed he was. "I really like you. You're gorgeous. I love your temper. But most of all I really like your ass." Ian's cheeks flushed a bright pink. Nelson reached around and gave his ass a light squeeze. He gasped.

Truth be told, Ian was a virgin. He was crazy about Nelson and now, hearing that he liked him back made him very excited. However, on the the outside, he still looked very perplexed.

Nelson smirked. "You okay?"


Nelson grabbed his hand and held it over his heart. "Feel that? My heart beats faster when I'm with you."

Ian nodded in agreement, not even hearing what Nelson had just said. And all he could feel beneath his hand was Nelson's hard chest, but he was too much in a daze for it to click in his head. Nelson helped him up when he could stand on his own.

Nelson smiled then gave Ian a quick kiss. He grabbed his hand and led him out of the living room and toward the back of the house and into a large room. Ian stood in the middle of the room to look around the stylish decor. The walls were painted black with white floral designs. The rug was black with a peppering of white on some of the tips. All of the furniture was black with white detailing. It didn't surprise Ian that this was Nelson's room.

It was professional with modern-playfulness to it...much like Nelson himself. Nelson locked the door after closing it softly then joined Ian where he was standing. He slid his arms around Ian's waist and kissed his neck. "What would you like to do, love?" He whispers against the warm skin of his neck.

"I-uh- don't know."

"I have an idea. Why don't we keep going until you say stop? Is that okay?"


"Perfect." Nelson steps away from Ian and strips himself of the black vest and seductively unbuttons the white shirt. Ian backs away until he is against the wall; his favorite position so far...

Nelson took off the shirt revealing his beautiful upper body. He had a narrow happy trail of light brown hair from his mid-stomach leading below the waistband of his pants. But other than that he was hairless. He shrugged off his tie and pulled off his pants to show his bare legs.

He stalked over to Ian and placed his hands on either side of his head. "Like what you see sweetie?"

"Yeah, you look delicious." Ian blushed wildly at the shocking realization of what he just said.

Nelson smirked and said, "Good. Now how about we get you out of your clothes?" He grabbed the bottom of Ian's shirt and pulled it over his head. Nelson kissed his lips than migrated down to devour his neck. Ian moaned when he nipped at his tender skin.

Nelson moved down to his chest and took a nipple into his mouth. He teased it by flicking it with his tongue and gently biting and tugging on it with his teeth. He switched nipples and gave the same treatment to it. Nelson came back up to Ian's lips while working on his jeans. After finally unclasping them, he pulled them down and Ian stepped out of them, holding onto Nelson's shoulders for balance. Then Nelson stood back a moment.

He ate up the sight of Ian's bare body, greedily. His eyes trailed down the flawless torso to a scripture tattoo. He recognized the language as Arabic.

He shyly looked away from Nelson, suddenly feeling over exposed under Nelson's surveying eye. A strong feeling of embarrassment swept over him, making his cheeks flush a light shade of pink; matching the color of his neck and chest.

"What's the tattoo say?"

"All you need is love, in Arabic."

"Interesting choice... What's wrong?" Nelson asks with a slight smirk.

"This just feels really weird."

"Have you ever done this before?"


"First timer, huh?" Nelson stepped closer to him, "I'll go easy on you then." He grabbed Ian's sack through his boxers to exaggerate when he said 'go easy on you'. Ian whimpered at the touch, causing Nelson to smile. He placed his hands on Ian's hips, pushing him over to the bed and laying him down, so his legs were dangling off the side and his butt was half on the mattress. Nelson pulled off Ian's boxers then his own. Ian's breathing was getting rapid with his new anticipation.

Nelson knelt down between Ian's legs then stopped all of his actions and stared up at Ian, happy that he was getting all worked up. Ian gazed down to Nelson because he sensed no movement from him all of the sudden. He met Nelson's gaze, seeing he had a dangerous smirk playing on his lips.

"Wh-what?" Ian stutters out.

"You just look all out of sorts." He chimed, holding back vicious chuckle.

"Oh, thank you." He said a little perplexed as he blushed again.

"Tell me what you want me to do Ian."

Ian gave an audible gulp and choked on his words. "I... I-uh."

"Come on. Say it."

"I-I want you t-to touch me."

Nelson grabbed Ian's 7 inch woody. He kissed the head which made Ian gasp desperately in pleasure and buck his hips gently, needing more stimulation. Nelson held his hips still so he was in full control of Ian's orgasm. He sucked the head hard while he wrapped his hand around the rest and jacked the rest of Ian's length.

Ian was moaning and slurring nonsense under his breath. He was writhing in pleasure. His balls tightened to his body and Nelson took that as his cue to swallow Ian's whole member. Ian white-knuckled the bed sheets then came hard, his juices sliding down Nelson's throat. He swallowed every drop of the sweet and salty semen as if it was his drug and his last fix was months ago.

Nelson didn't waste any time; he grabbed a bottle of lube out of his nightstand and smeared some on his finger and went back to his position in between Ian's trembling legs. Ian was still panting and shaking while still high from the amazing orgasm that had washed over him.

Nelson pushed the lubed finger past Ian's sphincter which made him draw in a sharp breath. Nelson massaged his prostate then added a second finger, then soon after he added a third. He scissored all 3 fingers until he had him bucking his hips and begging for more.

Nelson stepped back and lubed up his 7 and half inch penis while watching Ian moving slightly uneasy and whimpering, whispering to Nelson that he needed to be filled. Nelson lined up his cock with Ian's opening and paused, "Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, just fill me Nelson."

Of course, being the saint he is, Nelson happily obliged Ian's pleas without the slightest objection. Nelson pushed the head of his rod into Ian's hot virgin hole. Nelson exhaled heavily at that heat and tightness of his fuck buddy's ass. Ian gave a faint whine of pain as Nelson made his cock disappear deeper and deeper into his bum.

"Oh fuck baby," Nelson panted, "Aaah. You tell me when you're ready."

"Mmmhm." After Ian's muscle relaxed around its new intruder he started bucking against Nelson again. "Oh fuck me Nelson!" Nelson drew back his hips and rammed them against Ian's pelvis.

"Oooh, fuuuck." He moaned. He plowed into Ian again and again. A sheath of sweat slicked them both as the rapid paced movements continued.

Nelson was a dirty-talker during sex. Tonight was no exception. "Yeah baby. Oooh, you slut. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah! That's right bitch you take that cock. Mmm, yeah!" He pounded into Ian harder. "Oh you slut! You love that big juicy cock up your sweet tight ass, don't ya? Oh shit. Mmm, yeah. Take it!"

"Nelson! Ah, what the fu-...Oh. Oh. Oh! Fuck!"

"You close baby? You're tightening up again. Ah, oh. Mmm."

"Yes! Oooh! I'm so close! I'm gonna cum. Oh don't stop, please don't stop."

Nelson chuckled under his breath and slowed his pace then stopped his thrusting all together but was still half penetrating Ian. Ian gave a long whimper of protest. He looked up to Nelson with a strong look of bewilderment. 'Did I say something wrong?' He briefly thought. "Wh-why?"

"Why'd I stop? Well I like seeing you squirm." Nelson smirked, knowing Ian wasn't listening to the bullshit explanation; rather, he was trying to thrust his hips up trying to get Nelson further into him for some pleasure. Nelson grabbed Ian's hips and shook his head. "No, no baby. And if your hands move anywhere near your dick then we'll be done here."

Ian sighed and nodded, still not really concentrating on anything the sexy man above him was saying. He just wanted him to start moving again. "Good, I'm gonna start up again. But I need you promise me you'll be a good boy, okay?" Ian nodded. Nelson jerked his hips. "What was that, I couldn't quite hear what you said?" Nelson tilted his head toward Ian and waited for his verbal answer; of course he had his trademark smirk still beaming.

"Yes! Yeah, yeah. I'll do what you say! I'll be good, just mooove. Fuck."

"Well when you put it like that," Nelson drew back his hips, so just the head was still sheathed in Ian's warm crevice. "I guess I'll continue." Nelson plowed into Ian hard, right to the hilt. Ian moaned. Nelson gasped and repeated this maneuver over and over, although not as hard.

"Oh god Nelson! I-oh!"

"I know. too," Nelson brushed the damp hair out of Ian's warm face and whispered in a low tone that made shivers go down Ian's spine, "Cum for me baby." Ian clamped his eyes shut and threw his head back as his climax overcame him when he wrapped his fingers around hid prick and stroked it a few times. His muscles squeezed around Nelson as he was brought to an intense orgasm of his own.

"Oh god Nelson. Th-that was mind-blowing." Ian panted still coming down from his sexual high.

Nelson's spent cock slipped from Ian's arse and he sprawled out on top of him with his face nuzzled in the crook of Ian's neck for a moment before got out of the bed to collect his items of clothing. Ian sat up and watched him put each on. "Where are you going?"

Nelson finished fully dressing himself exactly as he was earlier then stood in front of Ian, sitting of the side of the bed still watching Nelson. He bent down next to Ian's ear and whispered, "Ian. That was some great sex. You're one of the best pieces of ass I've had." He kissed Ian's cheek, "But you're as easy as Maya was." He chuckled wickedly.

Ian's eyes grew wide. Nelson kissed his forehead and walked to the door, opening it, but then turned to Ian before fully exiting. He winked then laughed as he walked back down the hall to the bustling crowd of people.

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