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Trys and the Coil Fiend Ch. 01

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Elf mages hunt for a strange seductive lamia.
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Lorelei's Note: This story features cisboy, cisgirl and transgirl POVs and contains fantasy and themes of helplessness, nonconsent, hypnosis, magical earfucking, and everything else listed in the Real-life con-noncon requires a lot of trust, safewords, and other things a fantasy can fudge a little. Enjoy the kink responsibly, and enjoy the story!

This story is set before A Pollen Behavior and after Wicked Amusement, but doesn't involve any main characters or continuity spoilers.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I'm just saying, did it have to be so close to the Witching Hour?" Cinn muttered, eyes darting about the gloomy woods around them. His pointed elf ears flicked nervously as a barn owl shrieked in the distance.

"Ugh. Would you drop it?" Lin shot him a cross look. "Honestly, you are being such a minnow about this."

"Yeah, Cinn." Bitty giggled. "Quit being a minnow." The witch kicked a pebble off the path and into the bushes. "It's not the Witching Hour, anyways. That was, like, three hours ago?" She put a finger to her half-parting lips. "Or was it two? Gosh, what time is it?

"It's three in the morning," Ben said. He smirked at Cinn, an eyebrow arching. "Way past our nervous nester's bedtime. Also, Witching Hour is at 11 o' clock, Bitsy."

Cinn flushed. "I-It's three-thirty," he said stubbornly, careful to keep his voice low, "and it's bad luck to hunt fey so late regardless!"

"I thought Witching Hour was just before sunrise." Lin frowned. The elven seductress glanced up at the full moon, just peeking through the leafless forest canopy. "You three don't know a thing about--"

"All of you, be quiet." The voice of their leader rang out shockingly clear in the quiet forest, making Cinn flinch. Illetrys turned back to face them. The busty elf was dressed in a simple, practical pale dress, with slits cut up the legs to allow for easy mobility and a deep neckline to allow for easy ogling of her indulgent curves. Her long crimson hair stood out against her pale dress, even moreso against the gentle green tone of her skin. She smiled at Illecinn, who suddenly felt obliged to duck his head and examine his own feet. "Cinn, my dear cousin, do you have something you want to share?"

Cinn swallowed and tugged at his collar. He was dressed a little more formally than her, in a dark two-piece suit that blended in better against the darkness. "N-No, ma'am."

As an Ilestial, Illecinn had slightly more leeway to challenge Illetrys. Slightly. She'd still give him a pair of honey shoes if he crossed her.

"Good." The elven crime boss gave a bright, faux-innocent smile that made Cinn's skin crawl. "I brought you here to keep your enhancement spells up, not to remind us you're a little coward." She winked.

Cinn chewed his inner cheek as the others giggled, though Lin, at least, had the good grace to cover her mouth. She shot Cinn an apologetic look and a shrug.

"Ma'am," Ben said, apparently feeling that he had adequate cover now to make his own feelings known to their infamously tempestuous new boss, "ah, begging all pardons, of course, but why are we out at night?"

"The lamia has only been sighted at night, Kelleben." Trys smirked. "Why? Are you having trouble in this light?"

"Oh, I'll manage~" Ben tapped his nose slyly with one hand, as with the other he tapped the ground ahead with his cane and proceeded.

In theory, Bitty was supposed to be his guide so he could have both hands free for hypnosis, but Bitty seemed to be distracted by a moth fluttering at her lantern at the moment. Her big silver eyes widened as it flew at her, then went crossed as it landed on the tip of her pointy nose. Bitty was an especially gorgeous elfmaid, with thick, fluttering lashes and plump, kissable lips. Her chest was small, but her luscious, curvy hips more than made up for it. She was dressed in little more than a crop top and miniskirt, golden hair spilling down around her shoulders in flouncing curls that matched the bimbo's bouncing footfalls.

"It's just," Ben went on, making Cinn wince at his daring and Lin smirk in anticipation, "well, it seems to me that a lamia that has only been sighted active at night would be much harder to capture, don't you think?"

Trys smiled brightly.

Don't you think. The words echoed after Ben's mouth shut like a trap, and the normally smug hypnotist gave a nervous smile as Trys took a step closer, playing with a long lock of scarlet hair.

"Don't I think?" Trys repeated sweetly. "Oh, do you think I do? I mean, goodness, you're so very clever, Benni, suggesting the day time, and here I am, blundering about in the dark like a blind bimbo!"

Ben squirmed, his normally smug smile dropping just a fraction. "W-Well, I only, um... I just..."

"Do you know," Trys went on, her voice rising to a sultry coo as she leaned in, reaching over to caress Ben's cheek, "what I think, Benni, sweetie?"

Her fingertips trailed down Ben's neck, and Cinn saw the hypnotist shifting from foot to foot, face visibly reddening even in the twilight.

"I think," Trys said, her smile sparkling, her voice as sweet as arsenic sugar, "we have a much better chance finding a single lamia when she is awake and moving around outside her magically-concealed den than finding her when she is sleeping and, ah... not."

Ben nodded quickly. "Y-You, ah, make an excellent point, Madam."

"Aww, you think so?" In an instant, Trys's voice lost its venom and was now pure sweet dripping honey. She took Ben's hand and guided it to her chest, lashes fluttering as her fingertips continued to glide up and down Ben's neck. "That's so nice of you. Here, give a little squeeze~"

Ben hesitated, then reluctantly squeezed Trys's breast. Cinn tried not to dwell on how easily Ben was giving in, knowing that that was exactly what Trys wanted. He saw Bitty staring openly, of course, lips parted in dumb wonder.

"How's it feel, sweetie?" Trys purred.

"s... soft." Ben's voice was very small.

"Would you have found it as easy to find your way to groping my tits like a cute needy titslave," Trys sighed, leaning in to purr in his ear, "if I'd stayed over there and let you stumble over to me?"

"n-no, Madam."

She gave his cheek a pat. "Good boy." She twirled around, and everyone quickly looked away as if they'd not even noticed the display. "Now then!" she chirped, as if nothing had happened. "Let's go catch a little snake~"

~ ~ ~ ~

Cinn wasn't a huge fan of the new boss.

He and Lin had been with the Celestials for a long time. They weren't friends, exactly, but they understood each other as fellow mages. Ben and Bitty, though, they'd only shown up over the last year or so. They hadn't spent a lot of time with Cellesixe, and they didn't understand just what a disaster Illetrys's little takeover had been for the whole organization.

Neither of them ever complained, of course. Trys had made sure of that, with plentiful attention paid to all of the 'veteran' employees and Celestial family members. Cinn's colleagues had spent plenty of time staring at those hypnotic tits of hers to make sure nobody would ever challenge her.

Even though she was leading them all to ruin.

Hunting fey had once been a sometimes-mission. Like that hullabaloo with the muse sprite. Now it seemed like every week they were working to grow the Celestials' collections of exotic playthings.

They'd been walking through the woods for close to twenty minutes now, surrounded on all sides by tall, shapeless shadows and the growls and hisses that characterized the Greatest, Darkest Forest after dark.

Cinn didn't care much for feycatching at the best of times. It was in bad taste. It was one thing to catch the odd lust sprite or five, but lamias...

"Ooh, hey, look at that!" Everybody turned. Bitty was staring at something on the ground, bending over at a nearly 90-degree angle to example it closer. Behind her, Lin smirked and put a finger to her lips, admiring the view under Bitty's miniskirt.

"What is it?" Cinn asked, hurrying over.

"Looks like tracks!" Bitty said excitedly, pointing to a long line of crushed grass and foliage bisecting the path.

"Snake tracks." Lin patted Bitty on the head. Bitty squeaked and giggled shyly. "Very good, Bitsy."

"Excellent." Trys licked her lips and smiled. "Then they're near here."

"Umm, it's not just snake tracks, I think, Miss," Bitty said after a pause. She crouched down, frowning. Her fingers grazed through the dirt and grass. "There's... um, like, magic here and stuff."

"What do you mean, dear?" Ben asked, crouching down to smile at Bitty.

Bitty bit her lip. "I dunno. It's just, like... loud here. I think they cast a spell here or something."

"Or something?" Cinn swallowed, his eyes darting around the darkened woods. In fey magic, 'or something' could be code for 'just about anything'. He hoped Bitty knew that.

"Why don't you examine it, Bitty, sweetie"?" Trys suggested sweetly, bending down to pet Bitty's hair. The elven wizardess giggled and squirmed, face reddening, clearly enjoying all the attention she was suddenly giving. "Can you do that for me?"

"Ooh, um... yeah, yeah, I think so." Bitty pouted, then closed her eyes and set the lantern down. Her eyes glowed. She started sketching patterns in the air, tracing shapes only she could see.

Everyone except Cinn took a step back.

Magic released from her in sparking, crackling torrents with a sound like a wave striking the cliffs. The magic flashed sunset-pink, robin's egg blue, and a pallid bone white, rising and falling and crackling like a telemancer's static as it formed several overlapping rings around her. The rings arced in all directions as if Bitty had become her own miniature solar system.

Cinn watched uneasily, occasionally checking that the others were accounted for, that nothing was taking advantage of the distraction to sneak up on them. Something was a little off about the magic, but, well, Bitte's magics seemed a little different every time she used them. Cinn had no idea where she'd learned her craft, but it wasn't any Mage Tower, that was for sure.

Still, he tasted something acrid and biting on his tongue--ozone, maybe--when he breathed in.

"Everything alright, dear?" Trys asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

"F-Fine!" Bitty bit her lip, visibly struggling to hold the spell together as her arms spread wide on either side of ehr. Then her posture seemed to relax, and the light died down to a dim, steady pulsing. "I think this is, like, the catalyst for her den, Miss!"


"It's, like... like the, um..." The mage's cute face screwed up in concentration. Even with the magic relaxed, she was still clearly focused on keeping it running as therings twirled around her.

Cinn cleared his throat, not wanting Bitty to hurt herself thinking too hard about how to explain it. "It's the door," he said to Trys. "A mage like Bitte might be able to, um, open it. Sort of like cracking a safe."

"Ah. Obviously." Trys nodded knowingly, smiling now.

They were all mages here, technically, but Cinn was the only person who'd been formally educated, and he and Bitte were the only ones who knew much of anything about magical studies. He had to try very hard not to make his distant cousin feel uninformed. Illetrys didn't enjoy being talked down to.

"So," Trys said slowly, "how long will this take? Can we get in there and lay a trap for her?"

"U-Uh-huh!" Bitty nodded weakly. "J-Just gotta, um... figure out how she made this magic happen so I can convince it, umm... to happen for us!"

"How long?"

Bitty giggled. "Umm... ten minutes, maybe. A half-hour, tops."

Cinn chewed on his nails and scanned the shadowy woods around them.

"Let's aim on the lower end of that," he said uneasily.

"What's the matter, Cinn?" Ben teased. "You still jumpy?"

"As a bunny!" Bitty chirped.

"It's just..." Cinn swallowed, cheeks going red. "You never know who might be watching out here."

~ ~ ~ ~

Forty-five minutes passed in quiet conversation. There was no reason to keep searching now, after all, with the lamia's lair found--they could unlock the 'door' and come back in the morning for an easy catch. At least, that was what Cinn was desperately hoping.

"We could always come back tomorrow," Cinn said, starting and looking over as an owl hooted from the shadowy forest canopy. "Now that we know where she is..."

"Oh, would you stop fussing?" Trys rolled her eyes. "Honestly, it's hard to believe we're related. The night's still young and I don't plan to waste it."

Bitty yawned. "Yeah, like... I'm almost done here, Cinn, I bet. Quit being so... I..." She trailed off, her eyes unblinking and unfocused. She'd not been talking much the last ten minutes, Cinn had noticed, and hadn't finished a lot of sentences, either.

"I just think--" Cinn jumped, hearing something snap from off in the bushes."What was that?"

"What was what?" Lin looked up idly from reapplying her nail polish. She blew on her nails with fulsome, pouty lips.

"I-I heard a... a noise out there." Cinn pointed, taking a step back. "We should ready, just in case."

"A noise?" Ben's head tilted to the side as he got to his feet. "You mean the wind rustling the branches?"

"N-No," Cinn snapped, cheeks heating up, "like..."

"You mean the frog?" Lin suggested, patting Cin's shoulder with a smirk. "I hear him too. Sounds like a real menace."

"I-It sounded like a twig snapping!" Cinn rolled his eyes. "Look, someone should at least--"

"Aw, don't worry, Cinn." Bitty giggled coquettishly, swishing from side to side in her miniskirt. "I'll protect you from the, um... mm..."

Cinn turned to Trys, indignation warring with nerves. He had a bad feeling right now. It wasn't just the twig--the very frog Ben was speaking of had just gone silent. He was only just noticing that the chirps and hoots and whistles of the forest after dark had gradually dropped away. "Ma'am, with all due respect--"

"Cinn." Trys looked distinctly bored. "If you're so worried, go and check yourself."

Cinn swallowed, shifting from foot to foot.

Lin let out a sigh. "Okay, that's it. I'll go." She climbed to her feet and clapped a hand on Ben's shoulder. "C'mon, Kelestial. Let's give it a quick look."

Cinn shot her a grateful look as she and Kelleben passed. She returned a shrug in turn. The pair ventured off into the dim light just outside the brightest reach of the lamp's light, Ben grumbling all the way.

"Goshhh," Bitty said idly, her tongue thrusting into the side of her cheek and her voice reverberating with excitement at a thought, "what if... liiike... sssexy frog-girlll..."

Cinn turned back to her, exasperated. "We aren't here to get two fey. We're just here for a lamia. Don't go talking about making more enemies when we've already got plenty to handle."

"Oh, please, dear." Trys sighed. "It's one lamia. You are far too on-edge about it."

"Something's not right tonight. He chewed his upper lip, turning back to where Lin and Ben had disappeare to. He litched to call out to them, but yelling didn't feel like a smart idea right now. "This lamia's been behaving oddly. We don't know what type she is. Doesn't that worry you, cousin?"

Cinn had the unusual honor of being allowed to very, very gently criticize Trys, thanks to their relation. This was a dubious honor because it also made him a prime target for simply being disposed of if he wasn't of course.

Trys didn't respond, so he went quiet, too, not wanting to press his luck. His eyes narrowed. "They're taking too long," he said softly, turning back around.

His heart plunged right into his gut when he saw that Bitty, arms outstretched, staring off into space, now stood alone.

Trys was gone.

"Ma'am? Illetrys?" Cinn looked around, his heart racing. The forest shadows pressed in all around him, any one potentially host to a wide variety of perils that appeared in his mind right now.

"Bitte," he said, after a moment's hesitation, "did you see where she went?"


"Bitte?" Cinn turned back to face the adeptress.

"... ssseeee..." Bitte was slurring, her eyes heavy-lidded and blazing with blue light. "wwhheere...."

"Cancel the spell, Celestial!" CInn's tone got a little sharper--and louder--than he meant it to. He flushed and lowered his voice. "Cancel it, Bitte! We have a situa--"

"sssheeee.... weeeent...."

Cinn stopped short. He stared at Bitte as her wole form vibrated with eldritch power.

Something was wrong.

In a flash of motion, Cinn summoned his own magic to bear, hissing out words and sounds that did not truly exist and reaching towards Bitte. Pulsing blue light dripped from his mouth like vaporous drool, coalescing around his hand as he drew the patterns to reveal any magical interference at play.

For an instant, Bitte's whole form was wreathed in blue vapor. Cinn stared at her for a solid moment as she let out a soft sigh.

Then he turned and took off running into the woods.

This is bad, he thought to himself, heart pounding like a scared rabbit's. Catastrophically, abysmally, abyssally bad.

He kept his eyes trained on the fine thread as his blue mist continued to trail along it, illuminating it for him--and marking his path in case the thread was broken.

That invisible magical thread trailed back behind him, where it was wound around Bitte's form as tight as a caterpillar in its cocoon.

The trace Bitte had found was not a catalyst. It was a snare.

We aren't the hunters here, Cinn thought, eyes wide as he mentally ran over all the spells he could cast--offensively, his rogue's gallery was shamelessly bare, but he had a few tricks up his sleeve for a pinch, and this was definitely a pinch. We're the--

His foot caught on something smooth and sinuous.

Cinn was sent tumbling into darkness.

~ ~ ~ ~

Lin and Ben made their way through the shadowy maze of brush and bramble, careful to make as little noise as possible as they went to investigate what Lin was fairly certain was a small frog.

"Eager to get me alone, Lin?" Ben murmured with a sly smile, brushing a lock of hair back from his face as he crept under a low-hanging branch.

Lin smirked, filling her voice with sweet innocence. "Aww, Benni, I just knew you needed some time off after that cute little scene you made with Trys. Gosh, I thought you were gonnafaint!"

Ben's face went a little pink, but he just reached over towards her, his soft, delicate hands brushing along her arm. Lin flinched back with a sputter, and he chuckled. "Oh? Did you enjoy the show, sweetness?"

Lin was very glad Ben couldn't see her face going even redder than his. She didn't flinch again as his hand extended again to touch her arm, and she let his fingers graze over her skin.

In the darkness, just out of sight of the group, there was a heady intimacy to the moment. Gods, watching Trys toy with Ben had been an unbearable tease, and then having to watch cute ditzy Bitsy go under her own magic's thrall like that...

"You feel cold," Ben purred, his handsome face wreathed in flickering shadows in the dim light cast by the distant torches. His fingers traced up her arm. "Would you like to warm up a little before we head back, sweet girl?"

"Mm..." Lin squirmed slightly, letting him take another step closer.

Then she reached out, and in one smooth, delicate motion, her hand slid right down the front of his trousers.

Ben went stiff. In more ways than one, Lin noticed, and she giggled.

"Aw, gosh, Benni," she cooed, leaning in close as his touches towards her breast became decidedly less focused. Her lips grazed his cheek as she whispered in his ear, "I guess I just love seeing you melt like that." She gave him a little squeeze.

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