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Turning Out Angela

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Naive buxom teenager is turned into a ghetto whore.
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Angela waited patiently on the stairs, keeping her back straight, as she'd often been nagged to. It was only five blocks from the St. Mary's Catholic school to her house, but she wasn't allowed to walk around on her own, not in the city. She shivered a little in the cold and pulled her jacket tighter around her. This was one afternoon when she was grateful for the thick school jacket and long woolen skirt.

Her Uncle Mario's Cadillac approached and she walked down the stairs, not rushing, walking, like a lady, and then halted as the fancy car pulled up beside her. She opened the door and got in heaving her heavy bag across the seat into the rear. "Hello, pretty girl," Uncle Mario smiled.

Hi, Uncle Mario, she smiled back.

"Did you have a nice day at school?"

"Okay," she shrugged. "This is a real fine school," he chided. "You should be very glad every day that you get to go here." "I am," she said. He pulled out onto the street and headed for her house, talking about his wife, (her aunt) and her bad back and how she was always complaining about it, and about her most recent trip to the doctor.

Angela nodded and smiled at all the right places, not at all interested in her hypochondriac Aunt's back problems. Three minutes later the car rolled up in front of her house and she got out, thanking her Uncle for the ride.

She walked up to the front door and rang the bell. She had no key, because, her father said, she had no need for one. Her Uncle waited until her mother opened the door before pulling away.

"Hello, baby," her mother smiled, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. "Come on inside... How's your Uncle Mario doing?"

"Fine," Angela answered automatically, "Aunt Edwina is having back trouble again." "Oh, poor woman." The flesh jiggled on her mother's round face as she shook her head in sympathy.

She bustled past her, towards the kitchen, while Angela carried her school bag upstairs to the small bedroom she shared with her older sister Gina to change out of her school uniform. She carefully hung up her jacket, and then took off her shirt and put it on her bed. She removed her long skirt and hung that up, and then took off her black shoes and placed them neatly in the closet on the floor. Lastly, she removed her underwear. Angela did this although; it made very little sense to her. Her mother insisted she wear "good" underwear outside the house, and wear the older underwear at home. Therefore, once she was home she had to change out of the "good" underwear, even though it was going into the laundry hamper with her white school uniform shirt anyway, and put on "old" underwear. She put on her "old" panties and went to get her nightgown.

All of her underwear, both the "good" and "old", embarrassed her terribly because it was so ugly and old fashioned. Her big white bra looked like a medieval restraining device, but it was the perfect match for her thick and heavy white cotton granny panties.

They covered her almost completely. She'd been ridiculed for her underwear by both her classmates as well as her older sister Gina. She put the underwear on top of her shirt, to be carried to the hamper, and then went to the dresser drawer that held her underwear and pulled out an "old" pair of panties and a bra. Then just before putting them on, she daringly, and with an eye on the door, went over to Gina's full-length mirror and looked at herself.

She seldom had the opportunity to really look at her body. Either her sister was there, or she didn't have the time, or her mother was bustling in and out. Now, nervously, she shook her long, thick curly hair aside and gazed at her nude body.

Her face, she was familiar with, round, and pretty, with a look that could be interpreted as anything but Italian. She had, on occasions, pretended to be Spanish, though, just for a change.

Her hair was a gleaming shade of auburn, thick, loose curls dangling over her ivory white shoulders, and down her back over her shoulder blades, to the top of her firm young ass.

Her body, her naked body, made her nervous as she gazed at it. Her parents both frowned on any amount of nudity, deliberately keeping the light in the bathrooms dim and teaching their daughters to change clothes as quickly as possible. At night, she would strip down to her underwear, pull on the heavy, ankle length nightie, and only when her chest was covered would she remove her bra. Then she would lower the nightie until it covered her full hips and then slide her heavy panties down and off.

In the morning, she would reverse the process, first pulling on panties, and then raising the nightie high enough to strap her on heavy bra. The only time total nudity was acceptable was during bathing, which was done once a week only. The rest of the week, she took sponge baths, only baring the part of her body, which she was washing as she washed it.

Therefore, because of her Italian family's extreme strictness and her parents almost fanatical rules regarding nudity and sex. Angela was always embarrassed and extremely self-conscious, as she stood there before the mirror naked. The afternoon light was bright, and it seemed somehow...indecent, to be standing here like this. Her body was full grown, even if her parents did treat her like a child. She had full...in fact, uncomfortably large breasts. They were now actually size 38 DD, and she did her very best to conceal their huge size wherever she went. Her parents encouraged this, of course. Though they never said it, it was almost assumed that people would think of her as less virtuous and wholesome and possibly a slut if they were to notice her large chest.

Her waist, by contrast was extremely narrow, and her hips and bottom were just as ample and well formed as her ample breasts. There were lots of people at school and people on the street, who at first glance thought Angela was on the fat side. This was because the loose, thick clothes she wore tended to be pushed out by her very large, heavy round breasts, as well as her other extremely feminine curves. Tighter better fitting clothing would, show off her voluptuous figure.

Angela waited for her Uncle again the next day, and waited longer, because he was late. She was patient; however, sure that he had his reasons. Finally, he pulled up and she walked down the stairs and got in the car.

"Hello, pretty girl," he smiled.

"Hello, Uncle Mario."

"Waiting long?"

"No, not long."

"Your aunt wants some special cream for her face. I've been to five pharmacies so far and still ain't found it."

"There's a pharmacy two blocks away."

"I know I'm going to stop there on the way to your house."

"Want me to go in!"

"Oh no, you just wait in the car. I won't be long."

He pulled the car over to the curb and got out. Angela watched him cross the street and enter the pharmacy, then turned her head to watch the pedestrians walking by on her side.

The driver's door opened and she turned to smile at her Uncle, and then gasped in shocked fear as a tall, heavy bodied black man glared at her. "Get the fuck out bitch," he snarled, as he started the engine. She stared in shock, unable to move. He turned to her again, and then his frown turned to an evil smile as his eyes moved up and down. "Okay, you can stay," he leered, shoving his foot on the gas and sending the car lurching forward. Angela's mouth was wide in shock, and then she suddenly came out of her daze and fumbled at the door. The black man reached over and grabbed her by the hair, jerking her back towards him. She screamed in pain, grabbing at his wrists. "You just stay put, baby. I'll tell you when you can step out," he snapped. He let go of her hair and she jerked away, gripping her aching scalp and staring at him in fright. It didn't occur to her to disobey. Not only did she always do what she was told but also she was frightened out of her wits by the man. He was big. He was a criminal, and he was black. Everyone knew blacks were all vicious killers. Who knew what he might do to her if she disobeyed? Besides, she realized, the car was moving so fast she'd probably kill herself if she jumped out now.

Then she remembered the other thing that everyone said about black men, how they lusted after white women. Now her fear became more pronounced. Surely, he wouldn't... No, he couldn't. She hugged herself tightly, watching the people on the sidewalk outside with desperation, as if she could somehow communicate telepathically and have them call the police. She looked around for a police car. Surely, there would be a police car somewhere that she could signal for help.

The car kept moving, making a number of turns. She had no idea where they were, or where they were going. The neighborhood did not look very nice, though. She saw a large building with all burned out windows, and a hug pile of rubble next to it. She saw more vacant buildings, then a slouching gang of black teenagers. This was a black neighborhood! Surely, she would be killed here. No, raped and killed. They would find her body... naked. Strangers would look at her naked body lying stretched out on a road or in an alley.

They would take pictures of it! She sniffled in fear, turning her now terrified eyes on the black man as he drove the car now. Dying now would have some dignity. She grabbed at the door handle and jerked it open.

The door opened and she started to spill out, but the man's long arm reached out and his hand gripped the collar of her jacket, dragging her back inside again. "Where the fuck you think you're going', bitch?" he snarled. "Let me go! Let me go!" she screamed. "Shut yer fuckin' mouth!"

He jerked her over against him, forcing her face down into the seat next to him, then turned another corner and stopped. He got out of the car and dragged the terrified teenager behind him. Angela looked around wildly, hoping to see a police car or something. She found nothing but heavily spray painted brick walls, empty windows, and garbage and bricks all over the ground. They were in some kind of abandoned building, or next to one anyway. The big black man dragged her up to a boarded over doorway, then roughly jerked a big piece of plywood to one side and thrust her through. He followed and she whimpered in fear as he shoved her over to a filthy mattress that sat on the floor, and then turned her around to face him. His face was evil and his gold teeth showed as he leered at her. "What's your name, baby?" he growled, his hand moving through her hair.

"A...Ang...Angela," she gulped in terror. "Angela, huh?" He gripped the lapels of her school jacket and pulled them apart, then licked his lips as he stared at her white blouse. "You got some set of big white titties there, Angela, baby," he said. "Please let me go," she whimpered. "Sure...after."

"Please don't hurt me," she gulped. "Ain't gonna hurt you, baby long as you do what you're told."

"How old are you, pretty lil' Angie?"

"I...I...I'm...Eight...teen... almost n...nineteen," Angela whimpered.

He shoved her jacket back over her shoulders, then slid his hands around her head and jerked her violently forward, crushing his lips down on hers. Angela's cry of alarm was muffled as she struggled fearfully against the huge man.

His lips were mashing down with bruising force, and, to her utter shock, she felt his tongue shoot into her mouth. She sobbed in terror and struggled to twist her head away, her hands clawing at his face. He drew back with a snarl and slammed his fist into the side of her head. She staggered back and fell onto the mattress, gasping and moaning in pain and fear.

He stepped over her, straddling her body, glaring down hatefully. She saw a long, sparkling knife in his hand and caught her breath in abject terror.

"You want me to cut your guts out, slut?" he snarled. "You don't do what I tell you I'll cut you into little fuckin' pieces!"

He dropped down to his knees, still straddling her. His hand shot out and grabbed a thick handful of her hair, jerking her head up and back, exposing her throat. The knife came down against it and pressed sharply, making her shake and tremble.

"I'll cut you from ear to ear, bitch," he hissed. "You better fuckin' do what I tell you. Got that?" "Ye...ye...yesssss," she sobbed. He took the knife away, and then slapped her face hard. He brought his hand back again, slapping her in the other direction. Then he gripped her white blouse and tore it open. Buttons popped free as he exposed her bra clad upper body, and Angela could only sob weakly and moan in pain. He snorted at the sight of the big white bra, then slid his knife under it and sawed it in half between the big cups. They parted and her naked breasts were exposed to a man for the first time in her life. "Maaaaaan!" he groaned. "What a fuckin' set of titties!" His hands cupped her creamy fat round tits, digging into the soft flesh, squeezing and kneading them repeatedly, mashing them together, then forcing them up into hard, round balls of flesh. He bent and began to lick and suck on each breast, growling and slobbering over them wetly as Angela lay there in horror and fright.

She did not dare to offer any further resistance, not with the memory of the knife pressing against her throat so clear, not with the pain in her cheeks and the taste of her own blood on her lips. He slid his pelvis down her body as he lowered himself atop her. His hands and mouth worked feverishly on her big breasts, squeezing, pinching, sucking, biting, and licking the two round mammaries until they were sore and aching. His hand tore the snap of her skirt, and then he straightened up. He leered at her again, and then gripped her skirt and stood up, tugging her skirt up with him, forcing her legs up as the skirt slid down them. Then he flung the skirt behind him and she lay there with only her heavy white cotton panties to protect her virginity from this awful black man. She sobbed in misery and helpless fear, knowing he was going to rape her and steal her precious cherry, knowing that her chastity for all these years had been in vain. He stood over her with a big white grin, removing his shirt, then undoing his pants and jerking them down and off.

She gasped in new fear, putting her hands over her mouth as she saw his huge black cock. It was not soft at all, but long and thick, pointing out like a weapon. It looked as thick as her wrist, and as long as her forearm.

He straddled her again, a foot on either side of her hips as he held his cock and stared down at the prone girl. "This is for you, white girl, so don't forget to say thank you afterwards," he growled. He bent and gripped her panties, and then tore them off, exposing her trimmed brunette pussy, her most private of privates. She whimpered and sobbed as he snickered and lowered himself atop her again. He tore her legs open, and then slid his naked black body onto hers.

His hard cock lay between their bellies, squeezed and rolled between them as his mouth sought and found hers and his hands groped her breasts and pussy. He ground his body down against her, forcing his tongue into her mouth once more as he crushed her fat titties in a painful vice-like grip. For Angela, the horror only mounted. She was appalled to feel a man's flesh against her own, especially his...his thing pressed against her belly. The big black man was lying between her legs, where only her husband should one-day lie, and his hands were making free and violent use of her breasts. It was impossible for the innocent young girl to take it all in. It was just too shocking. Her head was in a daze from the violent emotions blasting through her. Never could she have imagined she would be so humiliated, so brutalized, and yet it was only just starting.

The ugly black man continued to force his big dark lips down on hers. He was the first man who had ever kissed her on the lips, and so her shock was all the worse as his tongue kept stabbing and flittering around inside her mouth. His heavy body crushed her beneath it as he rolled from side to side and ground his body down onto her. His hands slid over her breasts, then down between her legs, cupping, squeezing, and fingering her sex, pinching her pussy lips and stabbing at her cunt tunnel.

He twisted her over and slapped a hard hand onto her plump round ass, squeezing it with perverse pleasure as he pressed himself into her, then he rolled over, taking her on top, his hands squeezing and mauling her smooth ass cheeks as he now shoved his tongue into her mouth. He rolled again, so he was on top, delighting in the softness of her flesh. He reached down and gripped his thick cock, then pressed it against her slit, trying to jam it in. She whimpered with new strength, and tears flowed faster, but try as he might he could not jam his cock into her.

Cursing, he rose to his knees and gripped her thick thighs, jerking them wide, exposing her tight dark slit to his eyes. He shoved a finger against it, punching it through her pussy lips and down her hole.

She screamed in pain and sobbed even louder, her face twisted in a grimace of agony and misery. He growled in anger at how tight she was, then gripped her thick hair and forced her up into a sitting position. He shuffled forward on his knees and pressed his cock head against her mouth. Her eyes bulged and she clamped her mouth shut. "Suck my cock, bitch," he snarled. She stared at it, petrified, but kept her mouth shut. He slapped her face hard, and then slapped it again, then again, then again. Back and forth, her head jerked as his open hand cracked into it. Then he gripped her hair and twisted it sharply, making her cries out in pain. He jammed his big cock head through and pulled her face forward against him.

"Okay, whore, now suck it," he snapped. "Suck it! Suck it!" He slapped the side of her head to punctuate each demand, and the stunned girl began to suck on his cock, sucking like a baby would on a bottle, or like she would a straw. She knew no other way, she had heard some hurried, whispered rumors about oral sex, but knew nothing about it, really. The very notion was disgusting and revolting, so she hadn't bothered to inquire much.

Now the big black man's dirty cock was choking her, filling her mouth with its foul scent and taste, and the man tore at her hair in anger as she did her best to sick it. "You call that sucking? What kind of stupid bitch are you?" he snarled. "Lick it, whore. Lick it!" Again, he slapped the side of her head, making her ears ring. She pressed her tongue against it and licked desperately at the head.

"Yeah, that's it, slut. Lick me," he growled. Desperate to stop him hitting her she licked the head as she sucked. He held her hair in his hands and pumped his cock in and out of her mouth, calling her filthy, obscene names the whole time. Then he shoved her back flat and moved backwards. He pressed his spit-wet cock head against her pussy, rubbing it up and down her slit. He peeled her cunt lips wide, drawing a sharp cry of pain and misery from the stricken teen.

Angela felt herself pierced, with a heartsick misery, the big black cock going into her body. She knew there was nothing she could do, that she was going to be disgraced before God, robbed of her virginity, and numbed grief settled upon her. She lay unmoving, whimpering, and sometimes gasping and crying out in pain as the man forced his huge black fuck stick deeper and deeper.

She felt the thick tip of the intruder pressed against her cherished barrier and then, she heard the black man curse in amazement. She had a forlorn hope that maybe he would stop, but it was dashed as he laughed in amusement.

"A fuckin' virgin! Who'd believed a big tittied little white bitch like you'd still have her cherry! Well I'll take care o' that shit for your pure white ass right the fuck now my hot lil' bitch!"

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