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Twisted: Blackmailed into Incest

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Revengeful teen dominates mom to get to daughter.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content, as well as scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.

Summary: Revengeful teen dominates mom to get to daughter.

This is a 2019 April Fool's Day contest story so please vote (PS you need to get to the very, very end to see the plot twist)

Note 1: Thanks to Rebecca for allowing me to use her artwork for this naughty tale which was inspired by one of her many epic comics... this one Hot Moms 13.

Note 2: If a story that includes aggressive sex offends you, please don't read this.

Note 3: Thanks to Tex Beethoven, Robert,

Story: Jasmine with Rebecca

Illustrations: Rebecca

Inspiration: Rebecca

All characters are 18 years of age and older.

"Really?" Maggie asked, thinking Charissa didn't like her.

"Definitely," Charissa said, already planning on tainting this transfer student's sweet image. "It's time for us to become better teammates."

Charissa loved turning sweet, innocent girls into sluts, and this one would be special for two reasons:

1. Maggie had stolen her spot on the starting line-up of the basketball squad.

2. Maggie was so syrupy sweet (think Olivia Newton John in the first three quarters of the movie Grease) that it would be fun to watch her eat her pussy or get gangbanged by the football team... or both.

"Sounds great," Maggie said. She hadn't met many friends over here yet. Truth was, moving during her senior year had been awful... the only thing that had made it tolerable was basketball. The only positive was that she'd get a lot more exposure to the top colleges at this school than at her previous one.

"Come at seven," Charissa said.

"Should I bring anything?" Maggie asked, the slumber parties back home having been pretty much gossip, food and movies.

"Just yourself," Charissa answered, already plotting the sweet girl's downfall.

"Okay," Maggie nodded.

At supper Maggie told her Mom, "Charissa invited me to a slumber party."

"Really?" Mrs. Collins asked, rather surprised. Charissa had been a bitch to her daughter ever since they'd moved here.

"Yeah, she says it's time to become better teammates," Maggie said.

"And you think she was serious?" the cautious mother asked, recalling the rivalry she'd had with a teammate when she was in high school... teen girls could be vicious.

"I do think so," Maggie said. "But if it ends up being lame or anything, I'll just leave."

"Well, I trust you," Mrs. Collins said, knowing her daughter always made good choices... she was really mature for a teenager.

"Thanks, Mom."


"Sorry, Maggie," Charissa said, as dozens of people showed up for the party. "Jack announced my parents were out of town."

"How long will all these people be here?"

"Not for long," Charissa lied. "Please, don't leave."

"Okay," Maggie said. Part of her screamed Leave now, but wanting to fit in and knowing that if she and Charissa could get along the team would play better, she stayed.

During the next hour even more people showed up, and people were still arriving an hour after that. After she'd been hit on by several drunken boys and even a girl, Maggie decided it was time to leave. From the very beginning the party had been loud, and by now it was totally out of control, and she just didn't fit in. On top of that, she hadn't seen Charissa in an hour.

Charissa had gotten distracted by her boyfriend Jack (who had to leave early tomorrow for a trip with his father) and his big cock, and had completely forgotten about Maggie. Instead she'd had two orgasms and had just swallowed a load of cum when she sent Jack home, wandered back downstairs and saw Maggie on the phone.

"Mom? H-hello, Mom?" Maggie asked, the music in the room so loud she couldn't even hear her mom.

Pamela was groggy. She'd been in the middle of a rather realistic dream when the phone rang. She answered the phone, still half asleep, "Hello?"

"Can you hear me?" Maggie spoke loudly into the phone.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Pamela asked, waking up with a jolt, realizing it was her daughter. Her only daughter, who didn't call unless there was an emergency... and she'd never called this late at night.

"The sleepover turned out to be a wild party," Maggie explained loudly, looking around at all the drunken teenagers, which only made her sigh. God, she hated her generation. She couldn't wait to graduate and attend some liberal arts college full of people who were actually into academia.

"Okay, I can come get you," the concerned mother said, getting out of bed and shaking her head at her husband, who was snoring obliviously away.

"Please," Maggie said.

"I'm on my way, what's the address?"

"154 Appleby."

"Leaving now."

"Thanks, Mom," Maggie said just as Charissa reached her.

"Who were you calling?"

"My Mom."


"I'm not much of a partier," Maggie said, trying to hide her annoyance at her.

"Oh, come on," Charissa said, annoyed. "Be a team player."

"My Mom's already on her way," Maggie explained.

"Well, just come and hang with the girls until she gets here," Charissa urged, grasping Maggie's hand so she couldn't say no.

Maggie reluctantly followed along, figuring that doing so may at least help her fit in somewhat.

They ended up in a corner of the house where three other girls on the team were chatting and drinking. Charissa smiled, "Girls, make Maggie at home."

"Hi, Maggie," Jennifer greeted. "Happy you could make it."

"Thanks," Maggie said.

"Yeah, great to see you," Amber added, slyly acknowledging Charissa's look... which was clearly saying to keep Maggie occupied. "Come and dance with us."

Maggie was about to protest, but she was already being dragged onto a makeshift dance floor by Amber, with the other girls on the team joining her... except for Charissa who was once again nowhere to be seen.

Charissa meanwhile was heading to the front door to deal with Maggie's mother when she arrived. If she was anything like her daughter, she'd likely be a pain in the ass, and she didn't need some parent calling the cops or anything.

Maggie began to enjoy herself... she did like to dance, and for a while she forgot her mother was on her way.

Pamela sped to the address, concerned for her daughter's safety. She'd watched some horrifying stories on shows like 60 Minutes, where girls were roofied (drugged) at parties or clubs, and she sure didn't want her sweet, innocent daughter to be a victim of such a violation.

Pamela stormed through the front door, taken aback by the blaring music. There would have been no point in knocking, nobody would have heard it above the din.

"May I help you?" Charissa asked, this obviously being Maggie's mother.

"I'm here for my daughter, Maggie."

"I'm sure she's fine," Charissa said, turning on her charm, which usually worked with teachers and parents. "Let me help you look, okay, Mrs. Collins?"

Pamela glared at the blonde bitch and snapped, "Not a chance." She doubled down when she felt threatened, "And just you wait until I speak with your parents, young lady."

She's probably upstairs in my parents' room waiting for you," Charissa lied, needing to get the bitch alone. She always had a temper, especially at the rare times things didn't go her way. Having an old bag threatening her in her own house had sent her from calm to rage in a heartbeat, although she hid it very well in her sweet exterior.

"Take me there right away," the mother demanded.

"It's my pleasure," she smiled insincerely and waved for her friend Jenna to follow them.

Once they were in the bedroom, the mother sighed, "She's not here."

"Nope," Charissa smirked as she shoved her down onto the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Ad libbing," Charissa shrugged, ordering Jenna, who was looking at the situation with some confusion, "Close the fucking door and grab some of my dad's ties from the closet."

Jenna obeyed Charissa like she always did, as Charissa held the mother down.

"Get off me," Pamela demanded as she tried to struggle to her feet.

"Shut up, bitch," Charissa snapped, her anger now fully evident.

"Get off me," the mother repeated, struggling to break free of the surprisingly strong teen, as Jenna returned with the neckties.

"Help me tie up the bitch," Charissa ordered.

"Please, no," Pamela begged, knowing she was losing the fight.

"Shut up, bitch," Charissa demanded. "Or you'll only make this worse."

"Help!" Pamela screamed as loudly as she could, but only briefly before a tie was shoved in her mouth.

"You dumb bitch," Charissa snapped, as she unzipped Pamela's hoodie. "Now you've really pissed me off. Keep disobeying me and I'll do the same thing to your daughter."

Pamela's eyes went wide and she stopped struggling as she felt her right hand being tied to a bedpost after the hoodie was yanked off of her.

"Much better," Charissa smiled. "What kind of slut goes out in a hoodie and a nightie? Try and scream, and I'll have the entire football team ass fucking your daughter."

Charissa pulled the tie out of the MILF's mouth and Pamela pleaded, "Please, don't do this."

"Answer the fucking question," Charissa demanded.

"I was in a hurry, so I just threw on my husband's hoodie," she explained.

"In a hurry to save your daughter," Charissa scoffed.

"Yes," the terrified mother replied, as the teen took the same tie that had been in her mouth and now tied it around her head as a gag.

"Keep being a good slut, and I won't make your daughter into a cum bucket for the football team," the dominant teen told the mother.

Pamela's eyes went even wider with fear. What's going on? What does this bitch plan to do to me? How am I going to get out of this mess?

"What are you doing?" Jenna asked, this being a lot crazier than most of Charissa's pranks.

"Get her other hand tied," Charissa ordered, still not sure what her plan was. Sitting on the mother's face would be fun. Banging the mother with a strap-on would be fun. Then a really wicked idea popped into her head.

"Fine," Jenna sighed, knowing not to disobey Charissa. Last time she had done, she ended up with a butt plug up her ass during practice. No one fucked with Charissa, and she had no idea who this woman was, but she'd obviously crossed her.

"Oh, we're really going to have some fun, Mrs. Collins," Charissa smiled, shifting from angry to sweet in a heartbeat.

The mother, now bound and gagged, heard the teen's ominous tone and her worry increased.

Charissa got off the bed and told Jenna, "Go get Benny."

"And bring him here?"

"Duh!" Clarissa said, as she grabbed some scissors from the dresser.

"Okay, okay," Jenna said, shaking her head before leaving.

Mrs. Collins tried talking through the gag as she saw the teen stalking towards to her. What was she going to do?

Charissa said, climbing back onto the bed, "Whatever deal you want to make, it's too little, too late."

Mrs. Collins again tried talking through the gag, but nothing coherent emerged.

Charissa warned, as she placed the scissors at the bottom of the granny-like nightie, "I wouldn't move a muscle right now."

The bound and gagged mother was terrified and she froze as she helplessly watched the teen cutting her nightie off.

Just as Charissa tossed the ruined nightie aside and stared at the MILF's nice tits, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" she asked, all sing song.

"I have Benny with me," Jenna announced before adding, "and Greg."

"Bring them in," Charissa called back, as she winked at the bound bitch and yanked her legs apart. "A well-trimmed cunt. I'm impressed."

And as the door opened, Charissa ordered, "Keep those legs spread, or these boys will be fucking your daughter instead of you."

Bound... helpless... humiliated... the mother obeyed, as two boys from the basketball team walked in. She recognized them from watching a game a few days ago.

"Holy fuck," Benny gasped.

"She's yours to fuck," Charissa retorted wittily.

"Wow," Greg said, staring at the naked MILF.

Pamela pleaded with the teens with her eyes... begging them to help her. Of course they didn't.

"Seriously?" Benny asked. Charissa was pretty wild and had pulled some crazy stunts in the past... but this was a new one.

"Who is she?" Greg asked, not that he cared. Pussy was pussy, and unlike Benny, who had all the girls eager to suck his cock or to fuck it... Greg, being primarily a bench player, got a lot less attention.

"Maggie's Mom."

"Aaaaaaah," Benny nodded, everything making sense.

"Go ahead, play away," Charissa offered.

"Fuck, yeah," Greg said, walking over to the bed and cupping the MILF's tits.

Oh fuck, Pamela thought to herself as she was about to involuntarily cheat on her husband. Sure, they only had sex once every two or three months, and her vibrator was her main source of orgasms, but she still loved him and would never deliberately cheat on him.

Benny strolled over to the bed as well and said, as Greg sucked on a hard nipple, "Nice body, Mrs. Collins."

Oddly, even under these humiliating circumstances, the compliment made her briefly feel good about herself. She worked hard to stay in shape, and her husband didn't pay her any attention at all. Fuck, he even ignored her when she came to bed wearing lingerie... something that years ago would have resulted in a guaranteed fuck session. It also didn't help that her nipples were extremely sensitive, and the most direct way to get her revved up.

"Finger the slut," Charissa ordered.

Benny did, and said, as his finger slid easily inside the mom, making her moan into the gag, "Shit, she's already soaking wet."

Charissa laughed harshly, "Really? Does my newest slut crave some teen cock?"

Pamela shook her head in helpless negation as two fingers slid inside her, making her moan again... as did the squeezing of her nipple, as the boy whose name she'd already forgotten sat back up and pinched her nipple again.

"Finger fuck the slut," Charissa ordered.

Jenna added, as she watched the hot scene, "Shit, she's actually enjoying this."

Dammit, Pamela thought to herself, I can't let myself enjoy this... but unfortunately her pussy, her nipples and her body were betraying her... as the boy bent back down to her diamond hard nipples.

"I could probably shove my whole fist inside this slut's cunt," Benny said, as three of his fingers banged her.

"Then you may as well just fuck her," Jenna chipped in.

"Who wants to fuck her first?" Charissa asked, glaring at Jenna for attempting to wield some control in this well-orchestrated gangbang.

"Me," Benny said. "Then bench boy here can have my sloppy seconds."

"Maybe I'll just fuck her face," Greg said.

"Every load goes in her cunt," Charissa decided.

"No!" Pamela screamed into the gag, opening her eyes to see both guys getting undressed.

"I think she just begged you guys to fill her cunt with your big loads," Charissa mistranslated, as she walked over to the bed and smiled down at the bitch. "You can't deceive me. You're dying for these big teen cocks."

Pamela violently shook her head as the bitch reached down and pinched both of her nipples. HARD.

"I've never seen such hard nipples," Charissa smiled, enjoying the rush of power.

Benny lay down between the MILF's legs and slid inside her.

Oh God! Pamela thought to herself, as a cock much bigger than her husband's was slamming into her. HARD.

"I knew you'd like it," Charissa mused, looking at the undeniable look of pleasure on the MILF's face, even as she desperately tried to hide it.

"No, no, no," the MILF babbled into the gag.

"Harder, she's begging for it," Charissa again mistranslated for the bound MILF.

"Oh, fuck, she's got such a tight cunt," Benny groaned, knowing this was going to be a quick fuck.

"Probably full of cobwebs, before tonight," Charissa smirked, as she looked down her nose at the moaning MILF.

Oh fuck. I'm going to come, Pamela thought to herself... mortified that she was so turned on from being raped.

"Oh fuck," Benny grunted, slamming into the bitch as hard as he could.

"Shoot your load way inside her," Charissa ordered, seeing he was close.

"Oh fuck, yes," Benny grunted a few deep strokes later before depositing his load in the MILF's box.

"Fuck!" Pamela screamed into the gag as her own orgasm was triggered by the load shooting inside her.

"Shit, the slut just came," Jenna gasped.

"What a complete whore," Charissa laughed, as Benny pulled out, a gush of their combined cum leaking onto the bed as Greg moved into the position Benny had just vacated.

"Enjoy," Benny laughed, as he went to put his pants back on.

"Go get some more boys," Charissa ordered Benny.

"Can do," Benny said, knowing there'd be a line-up soon. A few weeks ago they'd done quite the train on a cheerleader from the Catholic school... all eight seniors shooting a load in her cunt... Benny twice.

"Oh God," Greg groaned, as soon as he slid his cock into the wet cunt.

Oh, God, Pamela thought to herself as she continued trembling from the orgasm that made this humiliating ordeal feel even more humiliating.

"Keep watch, Jenna," Charissa said, "I have an idea."

"Sure," Jenna said, really enjoying watching this... it was a lot better than porn.

Charissa walked out and back down to the party. It was still pretty wild, and yet almost everyone was oblivious to the goings on upstairs. She spied two of her posse and walked over to them.

"Sue? Kendell? You guys got your phones?"

"Of course."


"You feel like taking some pictures?"

"Why not?"

"You bet!" Kendell sad, knowing from the tone in Charissa's voice that this photoshoot was going to be something interesting.

"Come with me," Charissa said.

"Okay," both girls said in unison, both of them curious.

Back in the bedroom, Greg had already deposited his load in the MILF, lasting under two minutes, which, sadly, was a new long record for him, and a football lineman, the three-hundred-pound Jonesy was now taking his turn.

"Oh my God!" Kendell gasped.

"Isn't that Maggie's mom?" the butch lesbian Sue asked.

"The one and only," Charissa answered, "although she may be someone else's mother too, nine months from now.

"Oh my God!" Kendell repeated, but this time with a laugh.

Pamela couldn't believe she already had a third cock inside her tonight... that was only one fewer than during her entire life until now. Gary at prom and a few times after; Hector her college boyfriend, a one-night stand, and, of course, her husband William. She heard some female voices but kept her eyes closed... trying as best as she could to imagine this as a really bad dream.

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