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A Basketball Game-Father/Son & Mother/Daughter.
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All characters participating in sex are at least 18 years of age. This is a work of fiction. This story does not contain any anal sex. As I was not an English major in college, I ask for your forgiveness for any grammatical and/or spelling errors. I've reviewed my work at least a half dozen times before I hit the submit button. There's plenty of sex. I appreciate any feedback and high scores that you post. Thank you. Enjoy Two-on-Two. -- NYBoss.

"Dad!" shouted Eli Simon to his dad who was standing about ten feet away watching the high school basketball players go up and down the court. Three games on three courts. His mind wandered back to his high school days when he was a basketball star, playing in the same gym. This was the summer league for some of the county schools. It was early July, and the gym was stifling.

Eli's dad, Mark, a successful CEO in a large hedge fund company bearing his name, based in Marlboro, New Jersey, turned his head, got out of his fog, and moved toward his son when Eli motioned to him. Mark, aside from his MBA from Harvard, also received his law degree from the same school.

Eli was the star of the East Brunswick High School (EBHS) basketball team, known as the Bears. A senior, he was a spitting image of his dad, including being the same height at six feet-four inches tall and strongly built. As such, he played both forward and center, just like his dad did over twenty years ago. He was entering his senior year and colleges were after him. With a high-grade point average, the top basketball schools in the nation were knocking on his door.

"What's going on?" Mark asked his son. He occasionally goes one-on-one with his son. The games are tough but youth usually wins out. He can't keep up with Eli. Mark was unmarried. His wife was one of the first to die of COVID when knowledge of the disease was limited. He hadn't bothered trying to find another soulmate.

"My game was pushed back an hour. The girl's team is playing next. Let's watch. My friend Taylor also plays for EBHS."

Taylor Reagan was, like Eli, going to be a senior. She was five foot-six inches tall, two inches shorter than her mom, Beth, who was also a high school basketball star back in the day. Taylor also had a high-grade point average and was also being recruited as colleges were interested in her. Her mom wound up standing next to Mark. As the first game ended, Taylor was running to warm up. She was the point guard/forward for EBHS. She did stop to say a few words to Eli. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Mark looked at his son. His dad knew that Taylor came over to the house to shoot hoops with Eli. Taylor was like a regular at the Simon household, shooting hoops and often eating dinner with Eli and her dad.

"So, he's your son," Beth said to Mark.

"Excuse me," Mark replied.

"I wonder where she goes when she carries a basketball out the door."

As he pointed to Taylor, Mark said, "I've seen her at my house shooting hoops with Eli, sometimes having dinner. And she's your daughter? I see where she gets her height." Beth was five foot eight inches tall. "And her beauty. I'm Mark Simon."

"I'm Beth Reagan. I know who Eli is. He used to come over to the house to shoot hoops and have dinner. All she talks about is Eli. And thank you for your compliment," she said with much sincerity.

"Nice to meet you, Beth. How is it we never ran into each other?" He was trying not to stare at this beautiful woman with sandy brown hair, with blond streaks, tied in a ponytail, and a fine set of legs tucked into a pair of short shorts. She was wearing Converse sneakers and a Crosby, Stills & Nash tee shirt, at least one size too small. Her breasts were round and full, perhaps 36C.

"Quite possibly because the boys play at different locations at the same time."

Beth was an Oral Surgeon practicing in East Brunswick. After a full day wearing scrubs, what she was now wearing was a welcome relief. During the season, she never missed Taylor's games.

Beth raised her daughter, with the help of her parents. Her husband left and ran to Brazil, one step ahead of the law. Taylor was five. Two weeks after he bolted, the U.S. Attorney sought to extradite the man back to the states. He had embezzled some five hundred million dollars from his place of employment, the Bank of America. With Brazil having no extradition treaty with the United States her husband was staying put. The crook was going to remain in that country. Beth was just starting her career and her parents were invaluable in helping parenting Taylor. She divorced him a short while after he fled the country. Her social life with men was, except for some lousy dates, non-existent.

"Haven't seen you here before," Beth chided Mark as she smiled at him.

"Hey, give me a break." This was the last game of the summer school league season. Mark was not annoyed. "Been traveling on business, sorry. I go to all his school games and AAU games." He loved sparring with a woman he just met.

"Let's grab a few seats. My daughter's game is about to begin."

Beth sat in the bleachers and Mark sat, uninvited, next to her. Eli next to his dad.

Not two minutes into the game they both realized that they knew what they were talking about as they were shouting encouragement to Taylor. At the first time out Mark turn to Beth and said, "Where did you play?"

"The old Bishop Ahr then Notre Dame for college ball. After that, I went to NYU for my MD and DDS degree. Taylor must have told you that I'm an Oral Surgeon practicing in East Brunswick. And you?"

"She did tell me about you being an Oral Surgeon. I went to EBHS then Princeton undergraduate where I played then got my MBA at Harvard then to Harvard Law. I'm CEO for a hedge fund I started based in Marlboro". She was forty-one and he was forty-two years old.

Beth said as she laughed, "We have quite a few SAT points between the two of us." She saw a wedding band on his left hand. "Does your wife come to the games?"

He guessed that she noticed his wedding band. "Unfortunately, my wife passed away at the beginning of the COVID crisis. She had major pulmonary issues and when she caught the disease, she could not cope. She spent fifty days on a respirator and finally passed away."

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I asked. I saw..."

"You saw my wedding band. I haven't been able to take it off. He told her about his wife, an aspiring actor. "You are the first person I told what happened. I don't know why I did but thank you for listening."

She reached for his hand and held it for a few seconds. She let go when they both raised their arms in the air when Taylor made a great play. Mark had a hard time concentrating on the game as he kept glancing over at the beautiful woman sitting next to him. Finally, Beth laughed and said, "Are you going to watch the game?"

"You've got me. I can't help it. You are truly a beautiful woman."

"Thank you. It's been a while since anyone said that to me."

"Then it's been long overdue. Now can we please watch the game?" he said while laughing

She grabbed for his hand again and held it for a minute. They watched Taylor's team defeat Monroe HS by ten points. Mark could see that Taylor was basketball smart with great skills. "Your daughter can really play. Next year?"

"We're still working on that."

Taylor came to the bleachers to sit next to her mom. Eli had left the bleachers at halftime to meet with his coach and teammates. "Taylor," Beth said, "This is Eli's dad, Mark."

Taylor extended her arm and shook Mark's hand. "I know. Nice to see you again."

"Same here. You play a great game."

Eli's game against powerful Linden HS was a rough, but a cleanly played game. Mark found himself distracted by Beth. "People are going to start talking if you keep staring."

"And your point being?"

"I like that you are staring, but I think Eli would rather have you watch him play."

"Only if I must." Beth moved closer to Mark. He noticed her thighs touching his.

Eli drained a jumper at the buzzer for the win. Taylor was the one cheering the loudest.

After the coach met with the team, Mark, Taylor and Beth met Eli.

"Great game, Eli," his dad said. Beth echoed the same sentiments.

"Truly a great ending," Taylor remarked. She gave Eli a peck on his cheek. He was blushing. Mark and Beth just looked at each other and smiled.

"Hey," Taylor said. "We are going to the Colonial," the only diner in town, "for a bite to eat. You want to join us?"

Eli looked at his dad and didn't have to ask. His dad was just as interested in being with Beth as Eli was being with Taylor. They were given a table. The kids knew what they wanted. Every diner menu is the same so Mark and Beth also knew what they wanted. The kids ordered salads, Mark a grilled cheese sandwich and Beth a cheese omelet.

The kids discussed the upcoming season. For the first time most of the girls and boys varsity teams will be playing their games together at home and on the road. One game would start at 5:30PM and the other at 7:00 PM. They would alternate times. The JV teams would play their games at 5:30PM and the second at 7:00 PM.

Eli said, "You guys will be able to watch our games together." Not realizing what he said he laughed and began to speak, "I mean..."

"We know what you mean," said his dad. Beth just nodded her agreement. It was her turn to start blushing.

They talked about next year. Both are at the top of their class academically and both said that Princeton is their number one choice.

"Taylor, I think I may have mentioned that Princeton was where my dad went to school.

"You did."

Then the talk went back to basketball with Eli and Taylor talking trash to their parents.

"I think there is only one way to solve this is to get on the court." Mark and Beth, although not in prime condition kept in particularly good shape, helped by shooting baskets in their respective backyards.

"The two of you will run circles around us," Mark said. "How about I take Taylor on my team and you," pointing to Eli saying, "play with Beth."

"Both of us have training on Thursday at 7 PM. I know the gym will be open at 5 PM. Does that time work out for everyone?" asked Taylor.

"I'll clear it with coach," Eli said. They talked about "the rules" and then, Eli asked, "What does the winning team get?"

Mark chimed in. "We will have a BBQ at our house. The losing team must cook and serve the winners. We can do that on Sunday. If that works for everyone."

"I think that's fair. I like to be waited on," Beth laughed. "Sunday, it is. I heard you have a pool. Can we bring out suits?"

"Unless you plan on skinny dipping, yes bring your suits. I have plenty of towels," Mark was laughing.

"If it was just the two of us, then maybe skinny dipping," Beth whispered to Mark.

Mark loved the play between the two of them.

They finally finished and Mark grabbed the check. "Next time it's mine," Beth said.

As they were by their respective cars,

Taylor said, "Eli and I have something we want to ask you."

There were never any secrets between Mark and his son. The same was true for Beth and Taylor. Mark and Beth said "Ask."

Taylor spoke. "Eli and I want to officially become girlfriend and boyfriend. We just want you to be okay if we hold hands in front of you and even steal a kiss occasionally. Like you saw tonight."

"Dad, Beth," Eli continued, "I just want to let you know that I love Taylor. I know she feels the same way about me. I know we are only seventeen years old, soon to be eighteen in October, but when you find someone who brings you such joy, well, it's what we want. We are both 'A' students, with Taylor looking to become a lawyer, and I'm looking to follow you, dad into the business world. Our feeling for one another is real to the point that we hope to go to the same college. This is not some teenage fixation. We are more mature than most of our friends and classmates. I hope you both think of us that way."

Beth was crying. Mark went over to comfort her.

Beth said, "I'm good with this. Eli is a fine young man. I see he takes after his dad." Now it was Mark's turn to shed a tear.

Beth continued, "Speaking for Mark, and I think he feels the same way, that if you do keep this relationship going, you both should be aware of the ups and downs any relationship can face, and you can come to us to discuss anything at any time.

Mark nodded, yes.

They both said, "We promise. Thank you."

"Taylor and I want to go to a friend's house to watch the Liberty play. I'll drop her off after the game. Is that okay?

"Just give me a text when you are leaving," Beth said.

Taylor gave her mom a kiss and surprisingly game one to Mark. Eli gave a peck on Beth's cheek.

Mark asked Beth, Where do you live?"

"We live on Valley, but, and you may have heard about this. There was a fire on the block three months ago and our house was destroyed. We've been living at the Hilton on Rt. 18.

"When do you think, they can start to rebuild?"

"I'm still waiting for the permits. I've been told that it should be any day now, but that was a month ago.

"Do you mind if I make a call tomorrow?"

"Not at all. By the way, where do you live?"

"We live on Pine Meadow Court."

"Pine Meadow. That's a neighborhood that's too rich for me," Beth said, raising her eyes to the sky. "Now I know why Taylor needs my car to visit Eli."

Mark gave her a hearty laugh. "Your place is in a pretty good neighborhood."

Beth just smiled at him.

As Beth's car, a 5-year old Honda Accord, stopped in Mark's driveway, she was, in her mind, torn as to how much she wanted to stay with Mark that night. She found him extremely attractive, a man with a great sense of humor, but a man who may not be ready to move on with another woman.

Both got out of the car and Beth was surprised when Mark asked her, "You want to come in for a cup of coffee?"

"Yeah, sure."

They took the elevator up to the third level where Mark put up some coffee. Then he gave her a tour of the house. The kitchen, dining room and family room were on this level. Mark's office and a bedroom was also on this level. On the second level was four bedrooms, including the master suite. Each bedroom had its own large bathroom. There was a room for the laundry room. Three large walk-in closets finished the living space. On the first level is where the main entrance and entrances from the garage. Also, a back entrance leading to the pool and backyard. There was a full kitchen barbeque set up placed against the back exterior wall of the house.

"Nice digs," was the understatement of the year said by Beth as they made their way up to the kitchen. She laughed. Mark joined in laughing as well.

"Your house must have been pretty nice as well."

"It was a nice colonial. I hope to get one similarly built."

They sat down for coffee and some almost stale donuts on the chairs by the island in the middle of the kitchen.

They talked about their kids, bragging about them.

"You okay with what Eli said about Taylor?"

"If Taylor had to choose a boyfriend, she could not have chosen one better than Eli. Where it goes when they go to college, who knows? He is a perfect gentleman around her, and for that matter around me."

"It seems they get along so well together. Perhaps it's the commonality of playing basketball. I'm happy for both of them."

They talked about their jobs." It was time for Beth to leave, even if she didn't want to.

"I've got to get going. I have an early day tomorrow. I'll see you on Thursday."

He walked her to her car and surprised her by asking her, "Can I kiss you good night?

"I don't see any harm in that."

Their kiss was one of obvious passion with tongues jumping around in their mouths. Beth wrapped her arms around Mark's neck as he lowered his mouth in for a second kiss. He moved his hands onto her face, then held her cheeks, softly, in his hands and continued playing with Beth's tongue. It had been close to five years since he had such a passionate kiss. It was longer for Beth.

When they broke the kiss Beth said, "Wow!"

"Wow doesn't actually capture all that went into those kisses," Mark replied.

"See you on Thursday, Mark said. Beth got into her car and pulled out of the driveway.

Eli got Taylor back to the hotel. In the car he gave Taylor a more meaningful kiss on the mouth kiss. Taylor said, "I can't wait until October when we turn eighteen and I can fuck your brains out. Then we can enjoy sex as often as we want." Taylor had promised her mom that she would not have sex until she turned eighteen.

"Same here. October will be here before you know it," Eli replied. It was July. Eli wanted his first-time having sex to be with Taylor. "See you on the court in two days. Bring your 'A game.'"

Taylor laughed and said, "I love you, Eli."

"Love you, back."

Beth and Taylor arrived at the gym a few minutes before Mark and Eli. They began stretching with Mark moaning, "I'm so tight."

"Tough being old isn't it," Beth said while laughing. The kids joined in on the dig, laughing hysterically.

The four of them continued to stretch for the next few minutes before they picked up basketballs and began to shoot at the basket. Twenty minutes later they were ready. Everyone was dressed in shorts, Beth's shorter than normal basketball shorts. She was hoping to distract Mark. She was succeeding.

Eli made and Taylor missed a free throw giving the ball out to Beth and Eli's team. They wore the East Brunswick green home team practice jersey. As the game was progressing, players and coaches from both the boys and girls teams filtered into the gym. As the game was being played on half the court, they sat on the stands nearest to where the game was being played. Before anyone knew it, there were close to one hundred people watching the game.

The students couldn't believe how good Beth and Mark were playing. They didn't know Beth was a great basketball player in high school and in college. They were playing to twenty-one, with one point for a regular basket and two points for a basket beyond the three-point line. The game went back and forth with no team leading by more than two points at any time. No one called any fouls. It was a rough but spirited game. The kids were amazed at how their parents played, seeing that their last competitive games were nearly twenty years ago. Mark drilled one for two points only to have Beth counter it with a jumper of her own. Taylor and Eli fought for every loose ball, putting up points for their respective teams. The players watching from the sidelines, and even the coaches were into the game. None of them were cheering for any one team. They were cheering for the way the players played.

The game was tied at 19, as fatigue was setting in, especially for the adults. Eli had the ball, made a move toward the basket, and kicked it out to Beth who took a step to the right, went high over the outstretched hand of Mark and buried a deuce, all net. The other players and coaches erupted into a loud roar and applauded as such. Beth and Eli celebrated, by dropping to the floor, exhausted. Mark and Taylor did the same. In a few minutes, Eli gave Beth a kiss on the cheek. Beth returned the kiss. Mark gave Taylor a kiss on the cheek and Taylor returned the light peck. Then the four of them, sweat pouring onto their practice jerseys, walked to the front row benches on the bleachers and sat down. Eli shook his dad's hand and Beth and Taylor hugged. Eli gave Taylor a kiss on her mouth. "Great game," he said to her. Mark gave Beth a kiss on her mouth. Taylor and Eli looked at their parents, smiled, but said nothing.

As the spectators moved toward the players, Beth sat next to Mark. "Great shot," Mark said. Now I must serve you guys on Sunday. In the meantime, can I take you to dinner on Saturday, when I don't have to cook?"

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