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Two Three One Ch. 08

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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 01/14/2014
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8. Dissolution

Keri could barely contain her ongoing inner excitement and happiness over the next several days and weeks over the recent turn of events. This was especially so soon after when she next offered Sam an opportunity to worship her and he humbly expressed his profound gratitude. She felt that an important bridge had been crossed, and she hoped that Victoria might feel the same way. She in no way felt ashamed or embarrassed by what had occurred. It was Vicky, always Vicky, who was the focus and object of her desire and amour, then and forever. But that Sam could be involved, even intimately, made it for her complete.

For her part Victoria had been astonished at how turned on she had been during the entire escapade. The multitude of sensations and stimulations had been overwhelming and she couldn't entirely diminish the part that the slave had played. Even her subsequent lovemaking with Keri alone had become more intense, as if something new and vital had been awakened in both of them.

She was somewhat less sanguine however about the relationship she perceived developing between Keri and the slave. It wasn't that she wasn't sure of Keri's love. She was, now more than ever. But she could see the growing affection and comfort level between Keri and he, the former so obviously reciprocated, and she just didn't feel that it was healthy.

So she was initially inclined to say no when some weeks later Keri suggested having another 'play time' with Sam. She had fulfilled her promise after all and saw no reason to further indulge or encourage him in any way, even for Keri's sake. She did have to acknowledge however that he had been even more energetic and solicitous in his service than ever, without being obsequious or annoying about it. And the more that she thought about it, the more she recalled how enjoyable the first episode had been. Now that a new opportunity was being suggested she again had an almost overwhelming desire to act upon her long held secret fantasy. Doing it her way, if there was to be a second time, had been one of her preconditions and she reminded Keri of this now.

"Just what do you have in mind?" Keri asked cautiously.

With a mixture of escalating excitement, but also a touch of dread over what her love mate might think, Victoria outlined it for her in detail. Keri was not at all pleased, and did not think that it would be in any way something that Sam would appreciate or enjoy.

"So what." Victoria retorted defensively. "He's supposed to exist for our enjoyment, not his. And I thought that your part would appeal to you. Much as I find it difficult to admit, he's really a pretty decent pussy licker." She marshaled her final pitch. "But if you're that concerned for him, my Love, I'll let you let him decide. He can take it or leave it. Just so long as he knows that it's the only way he's going to get any this time."


Against her better judgement, the very next day during their companion time Keri nervously laid out for Sam the scenario and choice, making it clear to him that she was giving him every right to refuse.

He didn't.

"As much as I may not ... relish it, Keri," he explained earnestly, "if this is what Miss Victoria wants, I feel I really must obey. For my sake. And anyway," he suddenly grinned, "I think that the enjoyment I'm going to get in being allowed to give you pleasure will more than offset everything else." Keri was far from so certain, but she reluctantly agreed to proceed.

Victoria was frankly surprised at the slave's determination. He must really be horny, she mused. Or maybe he was more of a man than she had given him credit for, not that she gave any man very much credit. But this only whetted her appetite for what she had planned, would make it all the more satisfying. She understood that she would have to tread somewhat more lightly with Keri involved, but that was okay. She had no desire to cause real harm. Just to assert her rightful place. And maybe have Keri see the slave for what he really was.

As she needed to make some preparations and purchases beforehand, Victoria announced at dinner early in the week that Saturday would be their planned 'fun' night. In private she tried to assuage Keri's continued reservations and fears by promising to be as gentle as practical, and by pointing out that the slave undoubtedly was very much looking forward himself to arousing Keri, while she herself was going to find it very 'hot' watching her loved one pleasured so at her direction. Finally, Victoria stressed, if the slave performed to their satisfaction, she would find it acceptable to allow him to make another mess.

There was that at least, Keri reasoned, as she mentally prepared herself for the coming event.


As Saturday morning and afternoon progressed to evening, Victoria, Keri, and Sam all wrestled with their own different apprehensions. Keri was concerned about Sam and how he might be affected, and even if he might get hurt. Sam was worried that he would be found inadequate once again. And Victoria, still obsessed with her plan, wondered if by proceeding she would be lowered in her own lover's regard.

Once again Sam prepared a sumptuous dinner, well supplied with choice wines. This time Keri insisted that he partake in the drink as well, and by the end of the meal everyone's anxieties had somewhat lessened. Eager to get started Victoria told Sam that he could forego the dinner cleanup until after, and that while she and Keri went to change into something more 'comfortable', he was to get naked in the living room and await them there on his knees.

With the living room lights turned low Sam prepared and then waited as he had been charged. After several long anticipatory minutes Keri entered the room. Alone. She looked luminous in her long white satin robe. She slowly walked over to him and placed one hand under his chin and with it bid him rise. As he did she undid the robe's belt so that it fully opened in front to reveal her to be completely nude beneath. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. This was not the kiss of lovers. That she reserved for one person only. But it was a kiss of affection filled with it's own special emotion. She then placed her hand on top of his head and slowly urged it down to between her bare breasts.

Sam didn't dare to presume to do more that dreamily drink in his presence in this hallowed place, but Keri had other ideas. Cupping one of her breasts in her other hand she directed it to Sam's mouth, her nipple to his lips. Her intention and invitation clear, he began to lovingly lave the sublime orb. After a wondrous time with that treasure she offered him her other. Wanting never to leave, he too soon felt her hands on his shoulders pressing him down to his knees once again, his tongue trailing down her chest on to her belly and finally coming to stay and probe into her navel.

None of this had been part of Victoria's plan, but Keri had made it her own. For his sake. And her own. She wanted, needed him to have this, particularly in light of what was to come. Running her hands lightly through his hair as he continued to lick and flick, she finally pressed him further down until his face was before the threshold of her most holy of holies. With an inner sigh his lips began to gently caress the whole of her pubic area, and when she could stand no more she lay back on the easy chair behind her, spread her legs wide, and silently demanded more.

Sam hastened forward with worshipful mouth, lips and tongue. While Victoria's taste had been pleasantly tart, he found Keri to be indescribably sweet. He probed and pushed and pressed and lapped, becoming so immersed in providing her delight that he lost all awareness of time and place. He never sensed Victoria as she entered the room, and though in the back of his mind he knew it was to come, it still was a shock when the lubricated tip of the seven inch dildo strapped in front of her began its slow but steady assault on his anus and rectum.

It burned like fire as it as it was forced inexorably through his sphincter. He tried hard not to resist but the going was still arduous. As it delved deeper and deeper within him, his only defense was to redouble his efforts with his lips and tongue and concentrate all of his consciousness there. Keri's swaying response to his more urgent attentions guided him to that desired state.

Ever mindful of Keri's sensitivities Victoria had been careful with the initial introduction of the device, but when it was finally fully buried deep within her hunger took over. This was for all men who, at every step along the course of her life, had viewed her not as a person of talent and ability, but as an object of sexual gratification, if only in their own minds. And when it became clear that she would never, under any and all circumstances, ever be that, it only inflamed them more, as it also further lowered their regard of her. So here she was now, Butt Fucking them all as she began to thrust in and out more rapidly. The more vigorously she drove the more angry yet elated she became. SHE was now the one on top, the one in charge, with her own personal butt boy available to her at any time of her own need.

But as she reached the peak of her exultation, plunging in more deeply than ever, Keri's moans and gasps of delight broke through her haze as she saw the slave working so feverishly to achieve her mate's joy. And she suddenly realized what was really of the most importance to her. That was where she belonged, with HER face, not the slave's, buried between her lover's legs. Rapidly withdrawing, she peeled off the strap and dildo, pulled the slave up and away and cast him aside, and assumed her rightful place on her knees at her partner's carnal font.

Keri was too far gone to be overly aware of the momentary interruption but she instantly knew that a change had occurred as she recognized Victoria's own special brand of oral magic. Victoria herself was so engrossed in providing stimulation that she only gradually became aware of her own buttocks cheeks being gently pulled apart and a pleasing, velvety wetness being applied to her own orifice between. As her tongue worked more furiously above this other tongue began to move more rapidly below, back and forth between her own two distal openings. As both tongues continued on, a thrumming began to form deep within her. Ever building it surged through her to emerge as a muffled scream, fully felt however as it continued its course, first through Victoria, and then upward through her lover, to finally escape from Keri as she arched her back up and out with a cry of unremitting exhilaration. Waves and spasms continued unabated in them both until both felt they could stand no more and Victoria pulled away, causing Sam to cease as well, and she then crawled up, completely drained, onto the chair and snuggled up into Keri's own completely sated lap and arms.

As Keri came back down into herself she marveled at all that had just taken place. The two most important people in her life had both just taken her to unimaginable heights, and as this dream came to its end they still remained , rock solid and real, one curled up at her bosom, and the other lying at her feet. And the one thing of which she was absolutely certain was that she was blissfully happy. She realized though that there were still things requiring her attention before this night was done. For the one at her feet she had to allow and help him to make a very well deserved mess. For the other, most assuredly the most important and resting now so contentedly in her arms, she once again had to reassure and prove, as only she knew how, her unending love and devotion.

And she did both.


The very next day Victoria hid away the dildo and strap. She had pretty much expunged those demons the night before, and she had to acknowledge that the slave was not really like them in any case, and she no longer felt the necessity or need to subject him to that. What he really was she did not yet truly know. She did have to admit to herself however, as her lips curved up into her half smile, was that he was quite the ass as well as pussy licker. Perhaps she could hone that talent in some future flings. But only for herself. Keri was for her alone. She realized that Keri would not like or appreciate that, and that could present problems. This sobering thought made her even more wary and concerned about the attachment that Keri was clearly forming with the slave. Maybe, she mused, it really was time to put an end to all of this before it truly got out of hand. The question was how to do it without causing any serious rift between Keri and herself. She would have to look for the right time and opportunity. Hopefully it would not be that long. In the mean time she might as well settle back and take advantage and enjoy until that time and opportunity arrived.


For the next several months a sense of good feeling and well being seemed to prevail. Keri could see that Sam was more enthusiastic than ever in the performance of his 'formal' duties, which she had come to realize appeared to be as vitally important to him as it seemed to be for Victoria. She could only hope that this particular importance would lessen for both of them over time. He also had become far more open, forward and engaging in their 'companion' time together, and she especially enjoyed when he endeavored to show and teach her things, particularly regarding the stock market where they spent much time perusing on the computer as he would point out to her how well she was doing with the investments which he had suggested to her.

She was also pleased to note a bit of a thaw in Victoria's attitude toward him. She interacted with him more frequently, was more civil, and even at times thanked him for something he had done for her. Keri winced that she still never called him by name, but always referred to him as 'the slave', and called him that directly when they were together. But it now seemed that she more often did so with her tongue half in cheek.

Keri and Victoria's lovemaking also took on a new and more vibrant dimension, both in frequency and intensity. They also now occasionally involved Sam in a session, sometimes surprisingly even at Victoria's suggestion. These always involved some variation of their last interaction, with Victoria solely attending to Keri, and Sam solely attending to her. Keri at times wondered about this, and hoped that it would change in the future, but she was happy and satisfied that things had progressed this far, especially as it now appeared that Vicky no longer felt the need to use that 'appliance' with Sam. She actually began to have some thoughts though that she herself might like to experience it. In the proper hole of course. She thought she might mention that to Vicky at some point. And with Sam she always made sure at the end, with Victoria's resigned indulgence, that he be allowed to make his mess.


A jolt to this developing comfortable routine occurred one afternoon at work when Keri received an unexpected phone call. Two years earlier she and Victoria had been guests at a dinner party given by a couple whom they both knew, at the couple's secluded home on a beautiful private lake about forty five minutes outside of the city. Both she and Victoria had immediately fallen in love with the house and the setting and gushed about their feelings to their hosts, who then indicated that they were both planning to retire in the next five years and move south. Both of the women begged them that when they were ready to move to please call them first before putting the house on the market, to give them the first opportunity to buy it. The couple promised to do so.

The phone call to Keri was from the couple, with whom she had kept in touch periodically. They told her that they had both decided to take early retirement and were planning to put their house on the market soon, but if Keri and Vicky were still interested it would be a win-win situation as the couple would save the realtor fees and Keri and Vicky would have the first opportunity at it. Keri assured them that they were most definitely interested and would get back to them by the next day.

She was overjoyed. This was, without question, their dream house, which they had talked about and fantasized owning many times since they had first seen it. Now with her working and Vicky in her new position as a partner they could definitely handle the mortgage payments and taxes. She was practically beside herself as she immediately called Victoria with the great news.

Victoria was far more subdued than she would have expected, and Keri, perplexed, prodded her to know why.

"You're right that we can cover the monthly payments," Victoria began slowly, "but ... oh Keri, I'm so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

"About what?" Keri asked, very concerned.

"All the money that we had been saving with the thought that we'd eventually use it as a down payment on a house, most hopefully our dream house ..." She stopped.


"I used it all for my partnership buy in. I never thought this house would be available so soon, and in a year with my new salary I would have been able to replenish our savings and a lot more. But we don't have it now. We can't swing the down payment."

"Can't we borrow it?"

"With the tight market the way it is, banks don't allow you to borrow the down payment to a mortgage. They expect you to have it or they won't consider you an acceptable risk no matter what you make. And we don't have it ... I'm so sorry ... It's my fault. But we just don't have the money for it now."

"No ... It's not your fault, darling." Keri offered slowly. "The partnership was your dream and stepping stone for far longer than this house ever was for either of us. And far more important as well. There will be other houses."

"I don't deserve you, my Love."

"We deserve each other. Don't fret. Please." Keri concluded.

But Keri was extremely disappointed and couldn't hide her mood when she got home. Sam sensed something was amiss immediately, and it didn't take much of his prodding for her to explain it all to him from the very beginning.

"But you have your investments." Sam said when she had sadly finished. "And they've done extremely well. Let's see what they're currently all worth." He went over to her computer and logged on to his site and brought up the numbers. She was astounded. They had frequently looked at individual stocks that he had put her in, and she knew that she was doing well, but they had never actually added up all of her holdings. She now looked at the total in amazement. Still ...

"It's less than half of what we'd need for a down payment." she determined morosely after her initial excitement.

Sam nodded slowly. "But I can easily come up with the rest." he said quietly.

"Sam, we couldn't ..."

"It would be a loan, Keri," he went on hurriedly, "one that I know you'll pay back as soon as you both can. I don't need the money right now, and it would mean so much to me. Please ... It's your dream house. Don't let it slip away when it's right there for the taking. Please."

It wasn't going to take much to convince her under the circumstances, and she knew that they would be able to pay him back in a year or so. And she really did believe that it would mean a lot to him, in ways that she didn't fully understand.

"It would have to be a loan, Sam. If you really can do it." she agreed.

"No problem whatsoever." he grinned excitedly. "Just one thing though ... " he added somewhat timidly.

"What?" she asked, slightly alarmed.

"I don't think it would be such a good idea if Miss Victoria knew about my part in all of this. Maybe it would be better to say that it is all coming from your investments."


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