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Two Tourists: Tale & Sequel


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"Shall we go on with the questions?" Vassily asked.

"You can't treat me this way! I refuse to answer your questions until you allow me to relieve myself in a decent way! You cannot-- "

Vassily cut her off with some words to Durv. He motioned to the men to take her out.

Durv roughly turned her around and pushed her out the door. He led her down the hall. Two guards quickly joined him, holding her by the arms. They headed for the outside door.

Suddenly Irma realized they were indeed taking her outside. She screamed at her captors, "NO, NO. Don't take me out there - Please!! Let me go back to the office - I'll hold myself somehow -just don't take me out there!" In her mind she had a vision of being pushed out onto the street naked, with a crowd of men probably waiting out there. She didn't see how she could restrain her bladder much longer, but she was sure she didn't want to be forced out to the public street.

Durv seemed to understand. He stopped the two guards. He shook a menacing finger at her, as if to indicate "only this once!" and turned her around toward the office she had come from.

They re-entered the office where Vassily sat. He smiled at her. "Have you decided to be more cooperative?" he asked. All she could do was nod her head.

"Are you ready to admit unlawful exchanges of money?" He asked her pointedly.

"We did exchange some money on the street.." she began, tears in her eyes, her whole body quivering. Vassily then asked her several other questions, which she only vaguely understood. She simply nodded.

"I think you must be thirsty" Vassily said to her, after making some notes on the questioning. "Bring her some water!"

"I'm not thirsty - I don't need a drink-- just, please, let me pee!" She almost cried, tears in her eyes and her voice breaking.

In a moment a guard came in with a pitcher of water. Vassily motioned for it to be given to her. "Drink it - all of it!" he commanded. "I will have a statement prepared for you to sign. It will take maybe half an hour. You are not to relieve yourself until you have signed it! Once that has been done we will allow you to release your water. Until then you are to stand there and hold it!"

He started to leave the desk, carrying some papers. "I don't think I can hold myself - I just can't!" she protested, rather weakly.

"Then", Vassily instructed, "I will have my men help you. You will hold!" He was quite firm. One of the two men immediately placed his hand on her genitals, squeezing the lips together. She glared at him in protest, then turned her eyes downward. She knew his hand there would not completely prevent her bladder from releasing, but the invasion of what was left of her privacy was just one more terrible indignity.

A second guard held the pitcher to her. A glass straw was in it, to enable her to take in the water without using her hands. She took the tube into her mouth and began to drink the water. It seemed an eternity until the pitcher was empty. Her stomach again felt bloated; and she couldn't imagine the torture which awaited her stretched bladder if she didn't quickly get relief.

She stood, legs squeezed together as best she could, her guards alternating holding her genitals closed. Her hands were still cuffed behind her. Her body was shaking and sweating under the stress. Her breasts quivered. The minutes slowly ticked by. Her stomach ached with its load, the pain in her tormented bladder getting worse by the minute.

At long last Vassily returned, a carefully typed paper in his hands.

"Are you ready to acknowledge your breach of the currency and customs laws?" he asked her quickly.

She didn't care. She didn't know what the paper said. She just had to have relief from the pain inside her. She nodded.

He had her hands uncuffed, then presented her with a pen, his hand indicating a spot on the document where she was to sign. She tried to write her name, her hand shaking.

Vassily held up the finished document. "Now, I suppose you would like some relief".

At his order, a guard took the now empty pitcher and held it between her legs, spreading them with his hand.

"You may release your water into the container!" Vassily instructed her. All the men were watching closely.

It took Irma a few moments to get her muscles to relax, but shortly her urine began to pour from her. She tried to bend a bit into a squatting position, but the guards held her erect. The contents of her bladder poured into the pitcher, splattering audibly. She held her head up, her eyes almost closed. The humiliation of this was such that she didn't want to see her spectators. Yet, the relief she gradually began to feel was sublime. The awful ache in her bladder ceased. Finally, Vassily commanded her, "Stop - it's full - enough for now!"

A bit shocked, she tightened her sphincter to shut off the flow. It wasn't easy or quick, but she managed. Her bladder wasn't empty, but it was a lot more comfortable than it had been.

Vassily gave some instructions in Russian, then spoke to Irma. "I am sorry you were so slow in cooperating. I hope you will give us less trouble in the future. For the moment you will be held here tonight. In the morning you will join some other prisoners who will be learning some lessons in cooperation. Don't make it difficult for us, and learn the lesson well. If you are not troublesome, you may be out of here in a few days. If not..." he let her guess the rest of the sentence.

Irma had supposed that, having signed the statement, she would be given her clothes back. She was wrong. She was led down the hall, where various men and women stared at her as she passed, and then down some steps into a basement. She could see a row of cells, some occupied, some vacant. She was taken to one near the end of the block and ushered inside.

In the cell, there was a cot with a crude mattress, a sink, and, blessing of blessings, a toilet. A blanket was tossed at her, and the door was closed and locked behind her.

She immediately drew the blanket around her. Looking to see who was around, she used the toilet to relieve her bladder. She fell onto the cot, wondering what would happen next.

An hour or so later, a woman came to her cell door, unlocked a small opening in it, and handed her a tray. She took it in and looked it over. There were a few pieces of black bread, a piece of cheese, and a small slice of some kind of sausage, accompanied by a cup of lukewarm weak tea.

Shaking her head at the prison fare, she ate most of it, then fell exhausted to the cot and drew the blanket around her body.

Chapter 5


Irma awakened suddenly in the morning when she heard a banging on her cell door. A male guard held a tray, quite like the one she had received the night before. As he gave her the tray, he gestured for her to give him her blanket. She hesitated and drew back, but he was clearly insistent, and she relented, handing it to him. She sat on the cot, naked, to eat her breakfast. She was unable to discern the time, but the dim sunlight coming through the window suggested it was quite early.

She washed herself as best she could, and used the toilet, wondering what she would have to face. She had not long to wait.

Shortly a uniformed male guard came and unlocked her cell door. He took her roughly by the arm, and pushed her down the hall. As she passed other cells, she saw several male prisoners staring at her naked body as she passed. The men, she noted, were all wearing clothes.

Irma was taken up the stairs and down a hall to a large room, where she was roughly pushed inside and the door closed behind her. The room was large and well lit, but with only benches along two walls and a small table at one end. There was one other occupant, a woman somewhat younger than Irma, slender, with dark hair, huddled on a bench, and just as naked as she was.

The woman, Irma found, spoke no English, but Irma discerned she was another prisoner, probably a local. The two of them waited, and in a few minutes two more women were brought into the room, both naked. Within a few minutes there were others. When the last arrived, there were eight altogether, besides Irma. Not a one had a stitch of clothing, a piece of jewelry, a hair ribbon, or anything on their bodies whatever. All were absolutely bare.

Irma surveyed the group she had joined. Two were quite young, probably twenty-somethings, and fairly good looking. Another somewhat plumper woman was probably close to Irma's age, and the others appeared to be older. Three, Irma guessed, were middle-aged, forties or fifties; one quite slender with very small but drooping breasts, one rather matronly, sporting a bit of a paunch, a great bush of pubic hair, and rather large sagging breasts; and the third, also a bit on the heavy side, had long gray hair. One woman was relatively young, perhaps thirty, but quite fat, with heavy thighs and large breasts. The last woman was clearly the oldest, probably seventy or so. She was not especially small, but wrinkles were evident in her skin, spotted with brownish age blotches. Her small breasts sagged noticeably so that the nipples pointed downward, and her hair was almost white and cut short.

The slender one with the smallish breasts spoke a bit of English, and Irma attached to her, hoping for some interpretation of what might be said.

Two uniformed females came into the room, pushing a cart on which were set nine large plastic containers, filled with water. The containers were clearly marked to show a two liter content. The women in the room were called to queue up, and each was handed a container. The English speaker, who Irma learned was Titania, told Irma that they were being told to each drink a container of water - and "not to leave a single drop!"

Irma began to sense that they were being filled up so as to shortly create a need to urinate. She was glad she had relieved herself before leaving her cell. As the women were drinking the water, the two female guards watched to insure none was spilled and none was left. Simultaneously, a roll of light steel chain was brought into the room, with a box of padlocks. Two male guards went to work with the chain. The women were lined up, and starting with the first in line, the chain was passed around her waist, padlocked in place, and about a meter of chain measured out before it was passed around the waist of the next woman, then again padlocked in place. Eventually all nine women were chained together, in a line, spaced about a meter apart. A length of chain had been left hanging in front of the first woman, apparently to be used as a sort of leash to lead them. The chain around their waists was not tight enough to be painful, but too tight to be able to be slipped over their hips or shoulders.

One each woman had consumed her container of water, the guards pulled her hands behind her back and tied them with a soft cord.

Their work completed, the guards surveyed the result with apparent approval.

The women were then led by one uniformed guard out of the room, and down the hall, to the front door of the police station. Then, the door was opened, and they were marched out to the street outside.

As they passed through the hall, Irma noted from a clock that it was close to nine o'clock in the morning. She wondered, with some alarm, where they would be taken.

As they entered the street, it was apparent that they were expected, for a crowd had gathered. Most were men, though there were some women. She saw no children, reflecting that probably they would mostly be in school at that hour.

They presented quite a spectacle; nine naked women, of assorted ages and shapes, chained together and marched in a line through a public street. It was cool, not really cold, but in the morning air Irma shivered just a bit. Her bare feet felt the roughness of the pavement. The leader forced them to spread apart as far as the chain would allow, so they presented an unrestricted view of themselves to the onlookers.

Three policemen guarded the group; one leading them by the chain, a second holding the chain behind the last prisoner, keeping them spaced apart; and a third walking beside them, watching the bystanders.

Irma had an intense urge to cover her breasts and pubic area, which of course she could not do with her hands tied behind her. They had to walk slowly, keeping the spacing, and the view of their bodies was unrestricted. Irma could feel her breasts swinging and bouncing as she walked over the uneven street. She could see the bystanders staring at her parts, focusing as they were on her breasts and crotch. Some of them made comments, in Russian or Ukrainian, which she could not understand, but she expected were crude remarks.

Many of the bystanders followed the group as they were led through the streets. Several women in the crowd stared with open mouthed expressions of shock. Others just laughed, mocking the prisoners. The policeman watching the crowd kept them from touching the women, but not from looking and calling to them.

They were marched slowly around the streets for over an hour, passing some points several times, which caused Irma to know they were being publicly paraded, not just being taken to a particular place. Irma's feet were feeling and looking dirty from the unclean pavement, and the constant pace was making her just a bit tired. She was no longer cold, however, as the day warmed and the exercise heated her body. After most of an hour, however, all of the women had quite full bladders from the effects of drinking two liters of water. Irma was no exception; her bladder was becoming quite uncomfortable; and she doubted they would allow her to relieve it any time soon.

The parade eventually stopped at the side of a small public square, where several iron posts were sunk in the ground. The women were drawn up to the blank wall of a building on one side of the square, where they were made to stand, turning in their chain belts so they had their backs to the wall and they faced the square. The front end of the chain leash was attached to a metal post, and the other end was then pulled until the women were spaced as far as the chain lengths would allow, when it was then tied to another post with a length of rope. The guards then positioned themselves in front of the women. A sizable crowd was assembling.

From somewhere a small table and chair had appeared, and one policeman positioned it in front of the women, at one end of the line, He then sat on the chair. A conversation in the local language began, which Irma could not comprehend.

There were perhaps a hundred people now in the square, looking at the prisoners. Irma had a chance to look down the line, where she was in the sixth position, to see how her companions were doing.

The lead woman, one of the youngest, stood rigidly erect, her youthful breasts high and firm. Her dark hair was in disarray, though, and tears ran down her face. She stood with her feet apart but her knees squeezed together, probably trying to control her full bladder. The second position was taken by the rather fat thirtyish woman, constantly shifting her considerable weight about, her head hung downward. Number three was the one about Irma's age, a little on the plump side. She stood in a stoop, leaning forward, her breasts sagging slightly as she stood with her legs tightly pressed together. Fourth was Titania, the English-speaking one, slender, head held high, one leg moving in an agitated way. Fifth was the matronly paunch with the big bush, breathing a bit heavily and squirming noticeably. Irma was next, and as she looked to her left, the seventh position was the other young woman, holding herself erect and still, showing no real signs of distress. But beyond her, the oldest prisoner was grimacing, moving her head around, fidgeting nervously, and muttering something Irma could not understand. At the end of the line was the heavy middle aged woman with the long gray hair.

From the looks of the group, Irma guessed they all had full bladders and were feeling the same distress as she was. Suddenly a guard stood in front the women and began to address them. Irma got not a hint of the language, however, the reaction of the women was obviously unpleasant, so she reasoned he must have said something unsettling. Irma looked to Titania, about two meters away, her expression asking for some interpretation.

Titania saw the question in Irma's eyes. She looked at Irma and tried to tell her what they had been told.

"It's to be hard for us - we are all full of water, but we are told not to let any of it out - we must hold ourselves - sometime, maybe, they let us let go of our water, but not now. We are told to hold, and stay standing up. The people are not allowed to touch us as long as we wait. But he tells us if any woman lets go of her water they will let a man come and put his hands on - on her, her top up front, you know - "

Irma understood that they could not relieve themselves. She expected as much. For her, it was last night all over again. She tensed her muscles, trying to hold herself. At least, she thought, "this time I have company. I wonder who will be the first to let go?"

The guard at the table was apparently doing some kind of business. Several men stood in a queue at the table. The one first in line produced some money, and the guard took it, making some notes on a sheet of paper. He gave the man a small scrap of paper. The transaction was then repeated with the second in line. Irma tried to figure it out. She looked to Titania. "What's going on?" she softly asked.

Titania shook her head with a worried look. "Gambling - tokens, how you say? Tickets? They make bets - which one of us will leak first. He tell first man, if you win, she let go first, you get ten minutes your hands on her - her things in front; what you call?" Titania, slightly shook her breasts to clear up her point. "Breasts?" Irma asked, "He gets to put his hands on her breasts?" Titania nodded.

All of the women were showing signs of major distress. The men at the table were eagerly awaiting the first loss of bladder control. Irma fervently hoped it wouldn't be her.

Then she heard the first failure. A slight scream came from her left. She looked to see the old woman in number eight position squatting slightly. She could see a stream splashing on the pavement in front of the lady. Evidently the older woman's bladder had given out - she just couldn't bear the strain of all that water any longer. Irma felt sorry for the older lady, but at least it wasn't her own muscles that had given up the battle.

A somewhat rowdy discussion took place at the table. Titania looked again to Irma. "He doesn't want her - he wants someone not so old. The other man - the one with the hat and hair of gray - he wants to play with the old lady's --- breasts? So they are exchanging!"

Irma watched with some trepidation what was happening. After some discussion at the table, an older man, perhaps in his sixties, moved forward. He went directly to the older woman, who looked at him with obvious great apprehension. The guard allowed him to stand directly in front of her. He said something to her, and she said something back, her voice shaking in fear.

He reached out his hands and seized her small sagging breasts. He felt them with both hands, then grasped the nipples and pulled them both out toward him, tugging noticeably. Her two breasts stretched out in front of her, and she winced and cried out. He held them for a minute or so, then pulled them wide apart, stretching the nipples beyond the width of her shoulders. He released them suddenly, allowing them to jump back into position. He repeatedly pulled them, twisted them, bounced them up and down. He held them up, one at a time, stretching them upward, as he looked under them. The woman closed her eyes, at times holding her breath, at times gasping, as she endured the treatment. The man turned to the crowd behind him and received some shouts of approval. He continued to fondle her breasts for several minutes, until the guard stepped forward and took his arm, saying what Irma surmised meant "time's up!"

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