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Uncle Jason Lives with Us

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No way out for him.
10.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/06/2021
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Uncle Jason Lives with Us

This is a little different take on a pretty common theme. This story is about an unwilling cuckold. If you don't like this type of tale save yourself some time and aggravation, and just don't read it, because it's a long one with several chapters.

This story is told from several different characters viewpoints. I have placed the name of the character's POV as a header each time the viewpoint changes to try and make it clearer to the reader. I know some folks still find it confusing or disconcerting. So if you are one of those readers you should also pass on it.

Sometimes I wonder if anything as bizarre as this genre of stories is, do ever really happen? I suspect that, although rare, it does occur occasionally. It is probably when you read those terrible news stories every year or so when a supposed loving husband 'snaps' and commits a murder suicide.

Note: This is a multiple chapter story. As such voting and comments will be turned off until the story is completed.


Something had been going on with my wife of 18 years recently. I didn't think she was pulling away from me. I know she still loved me, but she seemed to be in a constant state of internal turmoil. I think I understood what it stemmed from, but I really didn't know what to do about it. Little did I know that soon my life was going to change forever. And, it was going to change in ways I never could have imagined.

My name is Jonathon Bishop, but I go by John. My wife's name is Virginia but we call her Gina. She always said Virginia was an old lady's name. In fact, she was named after her maternal grandmother.

As I said Gina and I have been married over 18 years. We have three terrific daughters. June our oldest, is 12. Sabrina is age 10 going on 30. Gina always says that Sabrina is an "old soul." Our baby is 8 year old Mary.

We really wanted a boy but after 3 kids and with our hectic schedules we decided that three was enough and I had a vasectomy. Another reason to stop was that we were in our mid thirties and didn't want to be doing the diaper thing when we were approaching 40. When my wife talked to me about getting the vasectomy I joking said, "What's the matter, you don't want to have fun anymore?"

She quickly shot back at me, "No dummy, I want to start having fun again!"

After Mary was born Gina hit the gym with a vengeance and within 6 months she was in great shape. Gina was an NCAA volleyball star back in college with a full scholarship. She looked many years younger than her 43 years, but with her work out regimen she had become a stone cold fox! She looked better than the day we got married. I was very proud of her and told her so often. Her college athletic experience always made her very competitive person with a dedicated work out regimen.

Gina is a 3rd grade teacher at Owens River Elementary school. Yes that's the school our girls attended. They couldn't be in her class, but she did get to keep a watchful eye on them. As such, they couldn't get away with much. Gina said that chasing kids around 6-7 hours a day was a better work out than she got at the gym.

I was no slouch myself, but I have to confess that I had put on about ten pounds since college. While I did try to eat well and get some exercise, I was at 44 years old, definitely slowing down. Part of the issue was that as an Area Vice President for Cartago Manufacturing I mostly had a desk job, so I was fairly sedentary at work.

I enjoyed my job, and in addition to providing a good living, I had a great staff working for me and that allowed me to spend ample time with my girls. Kids grow up so fast; I didn't want to miss out on their childhood. When I was growing up, I rarely saw my father and as such we never had a close relationship. I didn't resent him, that's just the way things were back then. I vowed to myself I wouldn't allow that to happen with my girls. I was actively involved in their lives and though that presented additional scheduling pressures and some nights working from my home office I wouldn't change anything.

I even belonged to the PTA instead of my wife because she thought that her being a teacher would somehow make other parents uncomfortable to speak freely. I did most of the running around transporting the girls to their many activities. I had plenty of vacation time at my company so I even got to take weekend trips with them several times a year. We also took a 7-10 day vacation as a family each summer and it was a great family bonding experience.

As I mentioned earlier I think I knew the problem Gina was working on was related to our sex life. She has always had a stronger sex drive than I have. That was true even when we first got married. While neither of us were virgins when we married I knew that she was much more experienced than I was. I never asked her about it because I figured it was none of my business.

Gina wasn't bashful about what she wanted and was a very patient lover. She taught me how she wanted to be pleased, and she complimented me often about my abilities. The problem was she always wanted more! When I was in my 20's and 30's that really wasn't an issue, but even then I sometimes had to wave the white flag.

Now that I am in my mid 40's, well let's just say that the old line, "I'll never be as good as I once was, but I'm as good for once as I ever was," pretty much applies to my situation. It's not that I couldn't recharge my batteries; it just takes a lot longer for that to happen. As busy parents with work responsibilities, time was a precious commodity. As a result we were only having sex maybe twice a week on a good week.

The real problem was that as Gina got older her sex drive kicked into overdrive. I always thought that as they aged, women especially married women, grew bored with sex. Do you remember the old joke? "What two words are guaranteed to kill a woman's sex drive?" Answer, "I do!" That never happened to us.

I could tell that Gina was growing frustrated with our sex life. I hadn't yet spoken to her about it, because I didn't really know what to say, and she has always been the kind of person that likes to work thru her issues internally first. I am the same way. In any case, I knew that once she was ready, she would have us sit down and talk. We would figure it out as we did with every other problem in our lives.

So one day, as we were scrambling to get the kids ready for school and us to work, Gina said in a matter of fact tone. "John, are you working Saturday?"

I quickly responded that I wasn't, and was hoping we could do something as a family on the weekend.

Gina looking a bit anxious said that she had arranged for the girls to stay at her parents for the weekend because she wanted to spend some time with me and talk about our "situation."

I caught myself before I said, "What situation?" But of course I knew what it was about and didn't want to play any games. Gina was a bright thoughtful woman and didn't respond well to those that played ignorant.

So I said, "That sounds great," with more enthusiasm than I felt. We did need to talk about it, and besides the girls loved staying with their grandparents. Gina's parents loved them unconditionally, and would never turn down an opportunity to spend time with their grandchildren.

"Good." Gina declared. "Friday, I will take the girls directly from school to my parents. I'll have their bags packed and in the car when we leave the house in the morning. You can order us some take out on your way home, make it Thai please. And, pick out a good wine for us with dinner. We are definitely going to need it. Then we can have our conversation after we eat."

I knew that meant Pineapple Curry for her and Pad Thai Shrimp for me, so I nodded my head in agreement. That was typical Gina, a real planner and organizer. What the hell, those strengths made all of our lives easier.

The rest of the week passed routinely. I did notice that as opposed to becoming more relaxed after she had made up her mind about something; which was her usual modus operandi, she appeared more on edge than ever. I was more of a 'take it as it comes' kind of guy, so I just waited for Friday evening. Besides, what guy ever looks forward to talking about sex anyway? It's funny, guys may think about sex more than women, but women talk about it MUCH more than men. I never fooled myself into believing that Gina didn't talk about our sex life with her friends.

On Friday evening, I dutifully picked up our take out on my way home from work and had our dinner all laid out and ready to go when Gina arrived home from dropping the girls off at her parents. While she was there getting them situated for the weekend I thought how lucky the girls were to have grandparents like Gina's folks. I was an only child and my parents had passed before they were born.

She was definitely nervous when she came in the door. She saw the wine poured and dinner waiting and said curtly, "Let me change quickly and we can eat." She wasn't being rapacious with me I could just tell she was extremely agitated.

I handed her a glass of wine and urged her to take it with her upstairs because it sure looked like she needed it. I was trying to lighten the mood to get her to relax, but she just took the glass and headed upstairs silently.

I suppose that under these circumstances it would be normal to think that whatever was coming had to do with family and/or health issues, but I was still fairly confident that it was about our sex life. And, I figured it was going to be a very uncomfortable conversation. I gulped my glass down and poured me another and awaited her return.

Gina came back down to the dinner table in a few minutes. Her wine glass was empty. She directed me to pour her more by signaling with her glass as she sat down without speaking.

The tension could be cut with a knife as we started to eat so I thought I would start the conversation off. Taking the initiative I started to speak. "Gina I know......."

"Jonathon Paul Bishop, you need to listen to me, and listen well," she interrupted.

Oh, oh. What ever it was, I knew I was in big trouble. Gina had, to the best of my recollection, only used my full proper name two other times during our marriage. The first time was when saying our vows. The second was when she was giving birth to our first child June, and she was having a difficult labor. In the middle of her twenty hour struggle I had left the room a few times to use the bathroom, not to mention take a break from the crazed she devil that was using every swear word in the book, plus a couple I think she had just made up! She also kept looking at me like she was thinking of all the different ways she could kill me and get away with it.

I started to leave again and she screamed at me, "Jonathon Paul Bishop, Where the fuck are you going now?"

"I, I am just going to go pee, I whimpered."

"Get your ass back in here. I have to pee too and I can't leave, so neither can you. You did this to me, so suck it up and stay until this shit is over!"

Thankfully her other two labors weren't nearly as long because I never left her side. It all worked out in the end and we laughed about it as time went on.

So you can imagine that hearing those words again stopped me in my tracks and I put my fork back on my plate and looked right at her.

"I'm sorry John, I didn't mean to sound so severe. This is very hard for me. John I do love you so much. That's why this is so hard."

Gina never repeats herself. Jesus, she wants a divorce, Leapt into my head. It can't be that bad?

"John, I need you to understand where I'm coming from with this. Before I explain myself I would like to ask you some questions. I would really appreciate your honesty, even if it hurts my feelings. I'm afraid some of the things I have to say to you are going to hurt you terribly. But, it can't be helped. At this moment we both need to be completely honest with one another. Can we do that?"

I felt sick to my stomach. I now recognized that ordering Thai food was definitely a mistake. Or was it the wine? No, the wine was the right call, so I opened a second bottle right there at the table. I didn't even know what it was. If it had turned to turpentine I wouldn't have noticed.

As composed as possible I simply replied, "I will do my best." However, I knew I was stepping into a minefield with only a bayonet instead of a PSS-14 GPR equipped electronic mine detector. The chances of me making it through this field alive were not good!

"Thank you, honey, this is very hard." She delicately stated.

Damn, that's the third time she has said that.

"John, do you love me? I mean really love me? Don't just blurt out the obvious answer, I need to know. I need to believe you," she implored me.

Walking purposefully into the minefield I responded, "Yes of course I do. I thought I loved you when we married, but over these years I have come to know the true meaning of love. I seriously don't know how I would live without you and the girls." Under the circumstances probably not the smartest response, but it happened to be the truth.

The change that came over Gina's demeanor was immediate. She all of a sudden was sitting up much straighter in her chair. Her anxiety had disappeared and she was definitely more confident in her manner as she proceeded.

"Have I been a good wife; a good mother?"

"Of course you have. What is going on Gina, you are worrying me?"

"I'm glad John, I'm glad you feel that way. I believe I have given my total commitment to us, to our family for the past 18 plus years. And now, now I am going to do some things for myself. I am not getting any younger and I think I have earned the right to put myself first for a change."

I really didn't have a clue as to how to respond to that. At this point I was about 95% certain there was a divorce in my near future.

"Say something John."

"Gina, I don't really know what to say at this point." I stammered out. "Please tell me what you need and I will help as best I can. But, I really don't understand where you are going here. Are you asking me for a divorce?"

"Oh my god, NO! That is the last thing I want. I want to be together for the rest of our lives. I want us to have lots of grandchildren that we can watch grow. I want us to be able to take them on vacations with us to all parts of the world. I am looking forward to that part of our lives together." She said all this as earnestly as I have ever heard her. The thing is John, I don't want to hurt you, but I'm afraid that there is no way to avoid it."

"For god's sake Gina, just say it! Please!" I barked at her. And then, I stepped on a landmine.

After a brief pause, "John I have taken a lover." She stated matter-of-factly. She didn't blink or shy away from me. She stared right into my eyes. "And John, I'm afraid it's going to get much harder than that for you."

I was stunned beyond description. After what seemed like hours but was probably only a minute or so, I tried to speak. But I couldn't get any words to come out. Then I uttered the only thing I could think to say. "What could be worse than you cheating on me?"

Again, with her eyes boring straight into mine, she purposely stated, "He is going to be moving in with us."

My stomach immediately revolted. My chair crashed back against the wall as I bolted from it and made a mad dash for the bathroom. Amazingly I made it to the toilet bowl in time before everything I'd eaten all day came up. As I continued to retch long after my stomach had emptied itself, I heard Gina coming toward the bathroom calling my name. Without getting up I reached over and slammed the door closed and locked it. I could hear her knocking on the door asking if I was ok, but I ignored her. Shortly after, I heard her walking away leaving me alone with my thoughts and my miserable condition.


I quietly sat at the table finishing my meal. That went well," I thought to myself. In actuality it had. It could have been much worse, but I had contingencies in place had it gone that way. I picked up my phone and sent a quick text. It simply read, "Thanks for standing by, but I don't think I will need your help. You can head home."

I continued to review with myself what had happened, and what needed to happen as soon as John came out of the bathroom. I had been planning for this moment for months. I think that the worst is over, but the pain for John, unfortunately had to continue for sometime in order for me to have the control necessary to keep my family together.

I recognized months ago that my sexual needs had far surpassed John's. I truly loved my family and my life with John, but my sexual desires kept getting stronger. I tried getting John interested in a more adventurous sex life, but it just wasn't in him. I was going crazy with need and had ended up seducing a 19 year old college student named Jason. I had intended it to be a one time occurrence, but Jason had a huge cock, unlimited energy, and a willingness to learn.

Over the past six months I had taught Jason well. He had quickly become a very proficient lover and his only desire was to please me. I had tried to train John a few years ago but it was probably the "old dog new tricks" story with him. While John makes me feel safe and warm when making love with him I rarely climaxed, but with Jason, oh my god I would cum multiple times every encounter.

I wasn't going to give Jason up and I wasn't going to lose John either. So over time I had developed a plan. It was time to put that plan into action.

Now conventional wisdom would say that when he came out of the bathroom I should walk back the harshness of my statements in order to make it more palatable for John, but my athletic experience had taught me that when you have an opponent down, you don't back off. You step on their throats and finish them off. So unfortunately for John, I will need to treat him like an opponent for a while. Given time to adjust, I'm very confident that I will be able to draw John back into the loving relationship that I absolutely intend to keep in place.

There wasn't going to be any, "Oh John honey, I need you to see that this won't affect us in any way, it's just a fling and something outside of us crap!" I'm on a mission here.

In formulating my plan I have done extensive research. I actually studied what became known as the 'Stockholm Syndrome.' Stockholm syndrome, as the condition came to be known, was named after an incident that occurred in Sweden back in the early 1970's. During a botched bank robbery several hostages were taken and held captive for about a week. At the end of the ordeal when the hostages were released, not only did the hostages refuse to testify against the robbers, they actually raised money for their defense. To over simplify, the robbers used a brainwashing technique that made their captors sympathetic to their 'cause.'

Part of my long term plan was to make John sympathetic to my 'cause' and thus bring him back into a loving relationship over time. But, in order to accomplish that I need to obtain absolute control over him initially. A key part of my plan though is dependent on John's absolute love and devotion to our three daughters.

Another essential part of my plan involves the need for privacy. We live in a very conservative community and as a public school teacher if my sexual proclivities became public knowledge, I could lose my job and respect from the community. Not to mention the impact on my family. Getting away with a one time or short term fling would be relatively easy, but I plan on using Jason for years to come. After all John's sex drive will just keep on diminishing as he ages. When I initially came up with my plan, I thought it outlandish, but the more I studied the idea, the more I was convinced that it was the best way for me to have a lover and a husband while maintaining privacy.


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