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Under a Red Moon

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A devil falls for a woman.
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(This is a Literotica 2021 Halloween Story Contest entry. Please vote! Thanks!)

Currain jogged down the windswept Newfoundland beach. He hated this time of year. Halloween was coming up. Despite his desire to be a human, Currian had to turn into his demonic form on Halloween. It was the price he had to pay.

Currian had been a demon for many millennia. He knew he was immortal and had powers but he just wanted to be a human and live a normal life. Even if it meant he would die. There were a few stories of demons becoming human. Currian didn't know if he believed them. No one he knew had ever become mortal. So Currian thought that becoming mortal was an unattainable hope.

As he continued his jog down the foggy and snow ridden beach, he noticed an orange lifeboat ahead of him. It was strange that a lifeboat, or any boat should be out stranded on a desolate beach this time of year. So he went up to check it out.

In the life boat, Currian found an emaciated woman. Her long red hair was strung out across her body. The woman's lips were chapped and she could barely move in the freezing weather.

The woman looked up at him and muttered "fuck, death at last". She slumped back into the lifeboat, utterly defeated. Currian knew she wasn't dead, if there was one thing he knew after all his eons on earth it was death. This woman was just exhausted.

Currian hoisted her up in his arms. The woman weighed next to nothing. He didn't even need to use his supernatural strength. Currian debated on whether he should help this woman or not. Halloween would be here soon and he'd be an entirely different entity.

It would be a red moon. Red moons were always the time he underwent his most painful transformations. Still he knew without help that this woman would perish. He was a devil but he had a minuscule amount of empathy in him. Cosmic forces, beyond his own understanding, compelled him to help this woman.

So he picked the woman up in his arms and carried her to the abandoned 1920s mansion that he had been living in. Back in it's day it had been quite a posh place. Now the paint was peeling and rot crept throughout the house. The forsaken mansion was lost to the moral world. No humans ventured here. Currian lived alone. Still he didn't need much and Currian hid out in the wilderness so no one would disturb him or find his dark secret.

Currian gently laid the woman down on the moth-eaten sofa and "summoned" a thick blanket and some water for her. Currian always "summoned" or "liberated" things when he needed them. No one cared that furniture and chairs had been "liberated" from Enron or that Bernie Madoff's entire wine cellar had disappeared. Currian was a Robin Hood in this aspect. He took from the unscrupulous. No one minded. A thief can't complain if another thief steals from them.

Currian put the thick woolen blanket on the woman. He tried to get a bit of water down her parched throat. She choked on it. Her eyes looked up at him in panic as she shrank back onto the sofa. Right now, when she was in a vulnerable state, she could see his demonic form. He didn't blame her for being alarmed but wished he could spare her the unnerving experience she was having.

Despite her moment of terror, the distressed woman fell back exhausted on the sofa. Currian was content with the fact that at least she was warm. He figured right now the best things for her were warmth and sleep.

Knowing Halloween and the his time of transformation was near, Currian went out and caught a deer. He could have easily "summoned" some food. But, he knew he would be fighting his demon in the upcoming days and it would be best to get all of his animalistic instincts out now.

Out in a forest, he tore the deer to bits. Warm red blood streamed down his face like a river, his serrated fangs tore at bits of it's flesh. Soon it was gone. Shredded to nothing. Bones and all were gone. Currian knew he had to get his curious visitor something to eat. He caught a rabbit.

When he returned to the house the woman was awake. She was sitting up on the old sofa. She turned to stare at Currian. Currian just looked at her memorizing sea green eyes. This woman was beautiful. She was stirring emotions deep within him. Emotions he had not felt in eons, if ever. Emotions he considered to be mortal, so why was he, a devil, feeling them?

"Hi...I'm Cara. The last thing I remember...well I suppose it doesn't matter much what it was. Are you the only person here? Did someone else bring me to this cabin?" questioned Cara. There was a bit of alarm in her voice.

"No, I'm the only one here. My name is Currian. I'm the only soul for miles. It's pretty much wilderness in this part of the world. But, I found you in a lifeboat on the beach and brought you here. My house isn't much but it's warm and I have food. I'm making some soup for dinner." stated Currian.

He didn't want Cara to know about his demonic side for now. Currian just wanted companionship and no judgement. He needed a friend after he had been on his own for so long.

"Could you tell me how you got to that remote beach? Not many people come to this part of Newfoundland this time of year. It's nearly winter and we have icebergs forming and huge winter hurricanes. It's really not safe for someone, especially a delicate lady like yourself to be out on the ocean alone. Let me know how I can help you, Cara. I want to help you. I'm at your service."

As Currian spoke he wondered if Cara would take him up on his offer or if she would bolt. She had an alarming experience after all both on the ocean and when she saw him in his demonic form.

"Oh...thank you? I think I would have died out there if not for you. I was in that boat for days I think. It's hard to tell with the lack of light up here. It was just SO SO cold. I think I'll always remember that bitter cold and polar wind. But, this house is nice and warm. This soup is delicious by the way. It tastes like the woods and I mean that as a good thing."

Currian blushed and looked away. He wasn't used to being talked to like that. Perhaps, eons ago another demon told him he'd done a good job, but those words had never been uttered to him by a human.

They'd always been too frightened by him. Still here was a damaged woman praising him. Currian knew she was only doing it because she didn't know the real him. Once she found out the truth, Cara would abhor him. It wasn't her fault.

Cara continued to talk as she ate her soup. "I suppose I should tell you how I got to that beach. I don't think I did anything wrong...if I did please, please don't turn me into the cops!"

Currian poured a cup of creamy hot chocolate for her. He knew Cara needed to keep her strength up. He had no intention of turning her into the cops. Currian was sure he had done far worse things in his life than whatever it was that Cara had done.

Cara took a long sip of her hot chocolate and continued. A chocolate foam mustache appeared on her upper lip. Currian took his hand and wiped it off. Surprisingly she didn't bolt from his rough touch.

Currian loved touching her skin. It was soft like satin. He imagined exploring her skin more. Currian wanted to take his hands and trail them down. He wanted to worship Cara. But, he knew he had to banish these thoughts; it would be unfair to Cara to start a relationship. He wouldn't be able to continue it. Currian was content listening to Cara's story. It had been too long since he had conversed with someone.

"I met this guy on Tinder..Bryce. We went on a few dates and I thought we could have a relationship. Then he invited me on a boat trip. He said we would take an autumn sail up the coast of New England. We could see the leaves changing and just have an all around good time. We were just off the coast of Newfoundland's Sheep's Cove when we met up with what I guess you'd say is a contact."

Cara was sobbing, her small body was trembling and Currian placed a hand firmly on her shoulder to steady her. He felt it was his duty to comfort his guest.

"Then I found out that Bryce was a cocaine smuggler. He meets up with this person every six months or so and gets coke from him. I was there and you probably could say I was a patsy in case the cops caught up with us or something. Bryce didn't even like me. He was just using me for illegal purposes. It was all a ruse!" cried Cara. She grabbed onto Currian's side and cried heavy tears into his shoulder.

"I really liked Bryce too. Why is there something wrong with all the men I date? Am I just some magnet for attracting assholes? Still ultimately, I suppose he saved my life...sorta...Bryce insisted that I go in a lifeboat. The contact wanted to drown me then and there. There was a huge fight...I passed out but somehow I ended up in the was SO cold. Then I was adrift at sea for days...maybe a week. But, you saved my life Currian. You're a good man. Thank you so much!"

Cara stopped her crying for a second. She wiped her tears away. Then she threw her arms around Currian and lightly kissed Currian gently on the cheek. It startled him. He'd never experienced an emotional display like that. No one, neither demon or human, had embraced him for centuries.

Currian didn't know what to do or say. He was glad Cara was better. But, what could he do with her now? Halloween's red moon was coming up and she'd be sure to ask questions when he transformed into his demonic form. Still, he didn't want to cast her out into the cold. Cara wasn't well. If he cast her out in her fragile state she might die. That would make him as bad as Bryce the cocaine smuggler. He didn't want to be another asshole in her life. She was a nice lady and didn't deserve that.

Cara had said that he was a good man and he wanted to be that for her. Currian decided that he would let Cara stay a few more days. That way she could regain her strength. He thought he could keep his "humanity and be a good man" and not attack her on Halloween. It would be hard but he could do it...hopefully. Cara deserved to be with a guy who wasn't an asshole.

The night grew late. Curria and Cara made small talk. Currian had been nearly everywhere in the world. He had seen the pyramids when they were being built. However, he wasn't about to let Cara know that. He just pretended to be a well traveled man.

As the night progressed, Cara let out a big yawn. "Oh, I'm so sorry...I'm just tired and it must be miles to the next town. I don't mean to be any trouble but can I stay here? I don't know anyone besides you Currian. You don't have a spare room do you?" questioned Cara.

Currian knew it wasn't Cara he had to worry about. It was his potential behavior. Still he wanted her to stay. "There's no spare bedroom in this house. Just mine, but you're not well. You sleep there and I'll sleep here on the sofa. It'll all work out fine. I can rough it for a night or two."

Cara started to protest. It was his house after all and she didn't want to be a nuisance. She had ruined Currian 's life enough already. But, Currian wouldn't have any of her protests.

"You're sick and I'm healthy. You can have the bed as long as you make breakfast for me in the morning. I'm not a great chef as you can probably tell from tonight's dinner."

Cara was too tired and run down to protest. She just wanted to sleep. "Deal" she said with a yawn. Cara barely made it to the bedroom before falling into a deep sleep. Currian stood in the door and looked at her waifish frame.

It was nice to have someone to talk to. Cara wasn't in any trouble like she assumed. He was worried about himself and his approaching transformation. Would his demonic side harm Cara? Could he control himself around her? He wanted to.

Currian didn't need to sleep so he stayed outside of the bedroom all night long listening to Cara's breathing. It came regularly and he knew that she was getting better. Cara was safe, warm and no longer starving. Still, Currian didn't want to cast her out. She could stay for a few days. Currian was lonely and needed a friend.

The sun came up and Cara still slept. It had been a rough few days for her at sea so Currian let her sleep. She slept late into the afternoon but Currian was content just to listen to her breathing. He knew Cara was getting better. That was enough for him.

Suddenly, he heard her getting up. "Shit, shit, shit...what am I going to do about breakfast? He's going to be so mad at me. Shit shit shit!" Cara was struggling to get into her jeans.

The bedroom door quickly swung open and she was running her hands through her hair in a desperate but vain attempt to comb it. Cara saw Currian in the hall, leaning up against a wall, smirking at her.

"I'm so sorry...I meant to make you breakfast and all of that. I don't have a phone for my alarm...I guess I was just tired and slept. You've done so much for me and I've done nothing for you. How can I make it up to you, Currian?" Cara gave up her vain attempt to comb her hair and stared at Currian.

For a brief moment, Currian thought about all the ways Cara could "make it up" to him. Then he recovered. He was ashamed of his thoughts. Cara was his guest. He shouldn't be having lascivious thoughts about her.

"Don't worry about breakfast, believe it or not I can make my own breakfast. It's good that you slept. You needed it Cara. You're looking better or at least you have more color in your cheeks. Come and get something to eat."

Currian led Cara through the ruined mansion to the kitchen. Cara noticed the dilapidated state of the manor. She wondered why someone would live in such a wreck of a home. But she was too polite to say anything. Currian had been nice in taking her in.

The couple eventually arrived at the kitchen. It was scant in supplies. Currian had been smart in "summoning" some basic sandwich ingredients.

"Uhmm...I'm sorry I don't have many things that ladies like...kale...quinoa...other stuff. I just have stuff for me. I basically live off coffee, bread and KD. My kitchen isn't the tidiest either. I wasn't expecting guests. Not many visitors make it all the way out here...sorry." said Currian.

Currian honestly was sorry. Why hadn't he cleaned up while Cara was sleeping? His house looked like a pigsty. He was a demon but that was no excuse for him to live in a dump. Currian also wondered why he hadn't summoned something more gourmet for Cara. He knew it didn't have to be Eggs Benedict and espresso but at least he could have summoned her some Cherrios.

Despite Currian's messy home and meager supplies, Cara was as cheerful.

"I'll make due Currian. I survived out on the freezing ocean for a few days so your meager supplies seem like a feast. I'll cook something up!" Cara busied herself in the kitchen. Currian watched her in amusement. She dusted spots in the kitchen and dining room that he hadn't touched.

It was a simple supper. Just Kraft Dinner with hamburger but Cara and Currian had a wonderful dinner together. Since there was no dishwasher, Cara and Currian washed the dishes together. Cara washed them and Currian dried. He stacked the plates neatly in a cupboard.

After they got done, Cara asked "What do you do around here for fun?" She had assumed Currian used the house as a hunting cabin instead of a remote fortress. Currian was used to living in solitude. The freezing cold of Newfoundland's late autumn didn't bother him with his warm demonic blood. So Currian spent time outdoors, jogging up and down beaches and exploring the woods.

Due to his love for the outdoors and solitude, his home was sparsely furnished and without human supplies. Currian wondered to himself, what could he do with Cara? He had no TV or internet. There were no modern luxuries which humans loved so much. Bed, food and chair was all that he needed, so it was all that he had. Still he had to do something with her. Currian was surprised that he found himself WANTING to do something for her.

Currian lied. "Uhmm...I have some games in the other room. I'll go fetch them. Cara you like anything in particular?" Currian was hoping to know more about Cara but also eager to talk. It had been too long since he had spoken to anyone. He wanted companionship.

"How about chess, I used to be on my high school's team..if you don't know how to play I can teach you. As team captain it was my job to teach all the new freshmen. We went to State twice! I'm not good enough to be a professional or anything though. But, it's fun!" proclaimed Cara. She was excited, her face flushed a tempting red.

Currian nodded yes. He knew how to play chess. So he went into the next room and "summoned" it. The couple gathered in the chilly living room to play it. Dusk came and the old house began to grow cold. Cara shivered. She was too nervous to ask Currian for anything so she drew herself closer to him for warmth. His demonic body radiated heat keeping her warm.

Currian thought it was nice as Cara placed her head on his shoulder. Cara's long red hair spilled down on to his chest. Currian admitted to himself that she was really good at chess. He hadn't won a game! He was almost tempted to use his demonic powers to beat her. But, it was fun to have someone challenging him. Currian knew that Cara probably could have been a professional chess player if given the chance.

They played late into the night. Currian made some more hot chocolate and the couple drank it together. Cara yawned.

"I'm so sorry Currian. I know I slept nearly all day. I'd love to stay up and play chess some more. It's just that I'm SO sleepy. I'll be up bright and early tomorrow. What a day we'll have! Again I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here." Cara ran her hand through Currian's hair and went back to her bedroom.

The next day was October 30th. Currian knew he'd have to leave before he transformed on Halloween. He didn't want to frighten Cara. She was his friend. Or at least the closest thing he had to a friend. Currian knew he needed to give Cara some excuse for his abrupt absence. He was fairly sure he wouldn't hurt her but fairly sure wasn't good enough. Cara deserved the best. If he hurt her he'd be as bad as Bryce, the cocaine smuggler.

Currian watched Cara sleep the whole night through. She slept soundly with him as her guardian. He was there when she woke up the next morning.

"Cara, I hate to leave you alone. But, there's a huge blizzard coming. My old pickup isn't so reliable. I wouldn't want to get caught in the middle of bad weather, but I need to go into town for supplies. You've probably noticed I don't have much food in the house. It's a long drive to civilization. I should be back on November 1st.

Cara accepted Currian's statement and walked hand in hand out to his worn out Chevy with him. "Stay safe on your trip into town. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you Currian. Have fun!" stated Cara. She waved goodbye to Currian.

He drove his battered Chevy down the road out of sight. Then he got out of the old car. He walked back through the woods to an abandoned room in his decaying house. Making sure he wasn't seen.

On the night of Halloween Eve, as the red moon was rising, Currian locked himself in one of the mansion's spare rooms. Here he had solitude. Here there was no chance of hurting his new friend. Everything should would be alright. Currian just had to get through the next 24 hours. Then everything would go back to normal and he could go back to Cara. He would make sure that she remained unharmed. Even if it came at the cost of his own life. Currian had just met her but Cara was the most precious thing in his life.

Currian's transformation to a devil happened as it usually happened. His body changed: his skin turned to scales, spikes justed out from his back, horns appeared on his head. His hands turned to claws.

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