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A serious college student who questions her sexuality.
12.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/13/2018
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This is a sweet story I had the urge to write one day. This is also the first time I share any of my works so please be gentle but definitely give feedback. Enjoy!


I walked into my first day of History class with high hopes. I was taking the second level of History and it was my last semester at the local community college. By this time next semester, I would be attending the local university to finish my four years in school. I honestly just couldn't wait to get this semester over with. I didn't really have any ties to this school and just wanted to be out in the real world already. Because it was a commuter school it was hard to make friends when most of the people who attended had jobs, kids, and a million other things on their plates. Plus, most of the kids here were just as eager to get out as soon as possible.

I sat in the front of the classroom and played on my phone until class was about to start. I was the type of student who got good grades, studied instead of partied, and passed up 'fun' opportunities to stay at home and read a good book. This was another reason it was hard for me to make friends. I liked interacting with people in class, but between school and work I had no time to hang outside of school and with this being my last semester, I had no intention of making any lasting friendships. One good thing that came out of my time here was meeting my current boyfriend Derek.

Derek was very attractive. He was a few inches taller than me and had a lean body. He played baseball at the local university that I was attending next semester, so that kept him in shape. His dirty blond hair was always kept short. Derek and I actually met the day of my orientation. He was so dreamy and charming I couldn't resist giving him a chance. Now he had transferred onto the local university where I would meet him next semester. I smiled a little thinking about him. I couldn't wait until we got to hang around campus together. I would get to tag along to his games and after parties. Not my cup of tea but being around Derek made even the worst days seem bright.

I was going over my work schedule in my head when the professor began to lecture. Since it was the first day of class, we only went over the syllabus and what the professor expected from us. I remember hearing that he was a tough grader but I knew I could easily get a B in his class without really trying. I raised my hand here and there to ask some questions and tried not to care that people would stare at me. People did not usually care to ask enough questions the first day of class. I could feel my cheeks heating up when it was my turn to speak, but I needed some clarifications.

Class ended fifteen minutes early.

As I gathered my things I felt someone standing next to my desk. I pretended not to notice and continued to zip my already closed bag. I was used to having guys coming up to me asking for my number 'in case they had any questions about class' when in reality they just wanted to hookup. Even when I let them know I was happily taken, they still had the nerve to text me with obvious intentions.

"Hi, I'm Amanda, Mandy for short" Said the voice next to my desk.

I looked up and saw a girl standing there with a large bag hanging on her right shoulder. She was definitely overly friendly, especially since everyone else walked out without bothering to introduce themselves. She had dark brown hair, with caramel highlights, that reached the middle of her back. It was held back by a rolled up red bandana, which left her face free of any stray hairs. Light freckles covered the bridge of her nose. Her eyebrows were dark and thick which contrasted against her pale skin. Her big hazel eyes gave her an innocent look. Her smile lit her face.

She had on a white sweater that outlined her small figure. Her thin arms hung to her side. She had tight jeans that were stuffed into black winter boots. She looked delicate, something that I envied. My body was curvier and my tummy was no wear as flat as hers. My breasts were a slightly bigger and with that my envy disappeared.

"Hi" I responded in short. I was caught off guard by her approach. People here didn't just come up and talked to you unless you were the class nerd, had food, or were cute. I had an idea as to why she would want to introduce herself. I made it pretty obvious who would be the class nerd in this class.

"My name is Kimberly. Kim for short." I replied.

"Do you have another class after this?" Again her smile appeared and I couldn't help but reciprocate it. Her genuine friendliness made it hard to be short with her. Nice people were hard to come by.

"No, I was going to head to the library and study for a while." I really wasn't going to study, it was only the first day of classes, but I had a book I wanted to start reading. I got up from my seat and noticed I was about two inches taller than she was.

"In that case, can you be a dear and show me where the art building is located?" She batted her eyelashes and I giggled. It was hard not to like someone who was obviously trying. Even if I made a pact not to make any new friends, I couldn't help but gravitate towards her. It took guts to initiate a conversation, and I thought she was pretty awesome for introducing herself.

"Sure." I shrugged. We both walked towards the door. I led the way and headed towards the elevator.

In less than five minutes, we had reached the art building. All too soon I was turning around to say my goodbyes.

"Oh, it'll only take a minute!" She said before I turned to leave. "If you wait, I'll go to the library with you and help you study!" Her enthusiasm was unlike anything I've seen in this college. I actually tried to think of a time I had ever met someone who was this happy before noon. Welp, guess I have a new study buddy, and all before my first day of school was over, definitely a new record.

I sat in a nearby bench outside the building. It was January, and living my whole life here, I was used to the cold weather. It still didn't mean that I wouldn't bitch and moan about how the weather should not be able to physically hurt your face. Today the sun was out and I tried to let it warm my cheeks. I closed my eyes and began to go over my to-do list for the week.

"You actually waited!" She exclaimed. She made it through the double doors and rushed to the bench.

"Only because I think you will be an awesome friend to have this semester." I got up from my seat and we started walking back where we came from. "I don't know where you came from, but here, it is best to make class friends quick and in a hurry. I believe my fellow peers are better instructors than the professors." I always made it my goal to have at least one point of reference in case I ever needed any help. Again, these "friendships" ended once the class did.

"I moved around, here and there." She shifted her bag to her other arm. "I just want to make this semester my best one. I plan on transferring again."

I was never one to pry. Unless people opened up to me, I usually let things go unmentioned. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit curious as to why she was planning to leave so soon. But I let the silence settle between us as we walked into the library.

We spent about two hours in the library and I wish I could say I was productive the whole time, but I just couldn't shake the idea of someone so nice looking to me for guidance. She later explained that she specifically chose me because of how attentive I was in class. She seemed to have an eye for people who did well in classes. So that reaffirmed my earlier question. She chose to talk to me because I was the geek in the class. I wish I could say it bothered me but honestly I felt honored she chose me. From what I gathered during our "study" session, she had moved around a lot. Her dad was in the army. She was a great storyteller and knew how to keep me distracted from getting any reading done. It was when she was talking about her visit to France that I noticed I got a text from my mom. I was going to be late to pick up my little brother from school if I didn't leave right now.

"I'm sorry," I started when she finished her story "but I have to get going." I didn't want to be late again. My little brother, Luis wouldn't forgive me this time. "Here is my number, in case you have any more questions." I gave her a slip of paper and got my things together.

She smiled so brightly, I was sure her cheeks were hurting. "Thank you so much!" She almost tackled me as she took me in for a hug. I stood frozen at first. I was never an overly touchy person, so this was different. I could feel her light breath on my ear. I slowly returned the hug. It was more like a pat on the back.

"You're welcome, I'll see you next class" I threw my backpack on.

"See you!" She walked away in the opposite direction. Out of all of the first day of classes I had ever experienced, this was the only one that ever stood out in my head.


After the first day of class Mandy and I were inseparable. If I wasn't at work or in classes I was at her place or she was at mine. We quickly got into a comfortable routine and by the end of the first month her mom, Fran, and my mom, Rosa were also close to becoming friends. We would sometimes have a girls night and would all drink wine and watch movies or play board games. Fran was awesome! I could see where Mandy got her free spirit attitude. I never saw her dad much but I knew he was very important in both of their lives. I never met my dad so it has always been just me and Luis and my mom. Like my mom, Luis loved Mandy. She always played around and entertained him when I would have to get some studying done.

Mandy was such a part of my life that even my other good friend Crystal had to put up with me talking about her all of the time. I tried to introduce them and hoped that we could all hang out together but I felt some tension. Crystal was more of a possessive friend and did not really open up to many people. She distrusted anyone new and made it clear the first time she met Mandy. Mandy was a sweetheart to anyone she met but I could see her sizing up Crystal and seeing just how close we were. I hated being in the middle of their-whatever it was that they were doing. I would have never guessed that their first meeting would be their last.

"There is something off about her!" Crystal yelled over the phone one night after I tried to ask why she didn't like her. "She's too friendly and she looks at you weird."

I felt myself getting angry and trying to come to Mandy's defense. The kind of trusting relationship I had built with Mandy was almost indestructible. I trusted this girl with my life and I would not deny that if she looked at me any type of way it was because she trusted me with hers too. I never depended on someone who I just met but I could tell our friendship was organic and unlike anything I had ever had before. Even with Crystal, I still held a lot back. With Mandy I never felt judged so I always voiced my thoughts, fears, and opinions.

"See! And you're always taking her side" I could tell this was going to end ugly. "Mandy could do no wrong in your eyes"

"Crystal, you're not being fair-" I tried to reason with her.

"I'm going to make this easy for you. I think we should stop being friends." Then she hung up on me.

I was more surprised than hurt. Even if she didn't give me the ultimatum she was smart enough to know how I would respond.


The next day after class Mandy and I headed to the library in silence. She knew there was something wrong but let me bring it up. After I told her about my phone call with Crystal she gave me a hug. Something I was still not used to. She felt terrible about being the cause of the fight. She admitted that her and Crystal would have never gotten along but she knew it was good for me to have other friends I could talk to. Mandy never made me feel like I had to put her as a priority. If I ever did it was because I wanted to. She was more annoyed that Crystal would give up on our friendship so easily.

"I would never throw our friendship away like that" The seriousness of her tone gave me comfort.


"Where is Derek anyways?" Mandy asked as she put on eye shadow. She picked this metallic light brown color that made her eyes pop. It matched the crop top she wore. I felt self conscious of never being able to show my stomach with that much confidence.

"He's hanging with a buddy of his tonight. I think they're playing video games." I stood in front of the mirror and checked out my outfit. I had on tight black jeans and a form fitting red shirt. My black stilettos made my butt look bigger. I turned and swept my wavy black hair to the side. I was still debating on wearing it up or down. We were going out for drinks tonight and I felt like looking pretty. No other way to celebrate midterms.

"I feel like I never see him anymore."

I looked at her through the mirror. She was putting on lip gloss. Her pink lips gave her a pouty look that I could never pull off. She looked up at me when I didn't answer.

Derek had stopped coming around much. He liked Mandy more than Crystal but always felt like the third wheel when she was around. I knew he was okay with us hanging out but I could tell it was starting to become a problem. I just hope it doesn't come to what Crystal did. If he made me choose between him and Mandy I didn't know what I would do.

"Yeah, he's so busy all the time." I plastered a fake smile on my face but I knew she didn't buy it.


I was lying in bed with my feet leaning up against the wall and Mandy lying next to me in the same position. We were three months into school and I could feel myself burning out. My white socks stood out against the pink wall. Mandy's red socks, with white polka dots blended in just fine. I put one leg on top of the other. I had learned this trick from my mom. Whenever I had long days where I barely got to sit I would elevate my feet for a couple of minutes and wouldn't be at risk of waking up to a charlie horse in the middle of the night.

"Today was another terrible day" I sighed. Working at the fast-food restaurant was starting to take its toll on me. I had only been there less than a year but I couldn't see myself working there any longer. The customers were rude, most of my coworkers were still in high school, which made the work atmosphere less than professional, and my legs were killing me. Working an eight-hour shift with no breaks was also a bummer.

Mandy scooted closer to me and ran a hand through my hair. I sighed again. There is not a more wonderful feeling in the world than having someone run their hands through my hair after a long day. Well, that and sex. I snickered at my thoughts.

"What's so funny," She asked. I didn't have to open my tired eyes to know she was smiling. I couldn't help it anymore, I just smiled along with her. "My mind was in the gutter." I explained. We listened to the music she selected for a little while and I felt myself falling asleep.

"Did you expect us becoming this close when we first met?" She asked. She still ran her hands through my hair. I finally opened my eyes and looked at her. She seemed to brace herself for my answer. The uncertainty in her eyes took me off guard. Mandy was never one to show when she was unsure of herself. Guess my answer meant a lot.

"Of course," I replied with certainty. When she finally started breathing again I grabbed the hand that was running through my hair and held it between us. "I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but you are like a unicorn" She giggled and I did too. I don't know where this was coming from but I was suddenly feeling like I needed her to know we were now going to be best friends forever. Whether she liked it or not, I was now bound to be her best friend until the end of time. People like her were people that I needed in my life. The constant positivity, ego boosts, and mother hen qualities she had was exactly what I needed to get me through school, work, and just life in general.

"I don't just befriend anyone. You have to be pretty special. And you are." I said.

It seemed like the most logical explanation for me. It was true. I only had a handful of friends, and besides my boyfriend, I was pretty bad about making time for them. Mandy was different though. I never felt like I had to make time for her. I always felt that the times we hung out were special. She was never pushy about when we had to hang out and always made sure I was up for it. Which is why here we were, at 10 pm, on my bed.

"Seriously," I continued, "You have this big, lovable, personality. Anyone within a mile radius from is bound to be attached to you." I could feel myself getting tired again, but I wanted to finish my short speech "You don't have any ill-will or bad intentions. You are an amazing listener and motivator. You are, the best friend that anyone could ever ask for."

By the time I finished talking, my breathing was slow and steady and my eyes had closed.

I felt the bed move, but for the life of me, couldn't bring my eyes to open. I had such a long day. I just wanted to sleep into next spring. I felt Mandy bring my legs down from the resting position against the wall. I didn't protest. She placed a pillow under my head and pulled a blanket over me. I was barely able to hold on to my consciousness before I felt something unexpected, a light kiss on my cheek. I could have completely imagined it but her minty breath on my face said otherwise.

"Thank you" Was all I heard before falling into a deep sleep.


The semester was almost over and I couldn't believe it. How did time fly by so fast? Maybe the fact that I had my best friend in one of my classes made this semester more bearable. I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be my last semester here before transferring to a four-year school. Mandy had already gotten accepted to a prestigious four-year school in the same state but about three hours away. This meant we would not be able to see each other as often as I was used to. I tried not to think about that as we walked around the history museum our history professor brought us to. This was one of the few field trips I ever had as a college student and I was making sure it was one that I would enjoy.

"Did you see the small area of the museum where they talked about the Spartan warriors?" Mandy asked behind me. I was so engrossed in a big interpretive painting of the Mesopotamian river and its first inhabitants that I didn't feel her come up behind me. She rested her chin on my shoulder and we sat there looking at the painting for a couple of seconds. Her light breathing brushed against my neck. I was no longer aware of the painting. Before I turned around I made sure to take a step forward to put some space between us. For some reason Mandy did not seem to have any physical boundaries when it came to me. It was funny because she would run like there was a plague being carried by the guys in our class whenever they tried to talk to her. Half of them stopped trying, the other half still had hope. I didn't blame them. Mandy would be the best girlfriend ever.

I slowly turned around and tried to brush off the fact that I felt her small breast press against my back when she came up behind me.

"No," I said, answering her question.

To be honest, I spent most of my time here in the museum focused on this one painting. There was so much going on, I wanted to remember every detail. The way women washed their clothes, the way kids bathed, men on small boats. Everything was so simple then. But then again, it was a lot of fighting for survival almost every day.

Mandy grabbed my hand and lead me to the secluded area in the back of the museum until we stopped in front of a waxed mannequin of Spartan warrior. He had an aggressive stance and his muscles bulged out. I didn't know where to look first. Before I could decide Mandy pointed at a small text that was next to the mannequin.

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