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University Discoveries Ch. 03

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Two's company, three's a party.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 04/04/2007
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Many things changed my first spring at the university. Of course there was having what could only be called a steady boyfriend. That was something that I could not even have imagined only months before. My relationship with Greg evolved from two friends sharing the joy of male on male sex through friendship to what would have to be called romance. I can't pinpoint exactly when I realized there was something more connecting us then just friendship and our shared bisexual desires. Certainly that first day back from winter break was a part of the transformation. But I can't say that it was simply the first time I fucked a man that was the turning point. In fact the next steps in our evolving relationship were not at all as I expected them to be. Greg continued to date and regularly fuck the girl from history class, Shelly. They actually seemed to be getting closer. I didn't give it much thought since it did not interfere with my sex life. Greg seemed to be constantly horny.

He and I were having sex more in February then we had been when we were both single. There were even nights when he would come to bed after spending the early part of evening fucking Shelly. The taste of pussy on his cock just seemed to add an element of eroticism on those occasions and he was always very enthusiastic about pleasing me. The biggest change that semester was that at least once a week our sex sessions ended with me fucking him. Each time he seemed to get more and more into bottoming for me. To my surprise my ass remained virginal except for his tongue and occasionally just a bit of his finger. He never showed any desire to fuck me and for whatever reason I didn't pursue the idea. Looking back I would say that things just seemed to be going too well and I didn't chose to make any changes.

In addition to our sex life getting better by the week there were other changes. It seemed whenever we weren't in class or otherwise occupied we were together. Our social lives slowly became one. Even when I started dating and sleeping with one of the women that worked in our favorite hangout in town we still did most stuff together. It sometimes seemed funny when we double dated. After dropping the girls off it would be him and I that ended up spending the night together. The four of us became very comfortable together. The really nice thing about dating Carol, who was my age but had never gone to college, was her apartment. Many nights while she and I fucked in the bedroom, Greg and Shelly would be going to town on the sofa. Shelly was pretty loud and since we hardly ever bothered closing the bedroom door we had the added sound effects to enhance the sex.

By the end of March, things seemed to be perfect. I was getting regular pussy from a nice girl. I had come to think of Greg as my best friend. I got to suck and be sucked by my best friend as well as fuck his tight ass regularly. Of course as far as I knew the girls had no clue about their men being cock sucking buddies. More had changed by then. Greg and I had begun to show a lot of affection for each other besides the sex. When we were alone we would hug and even kiss. I slowly realized that I had feelings for him I had not really acknowledged. They were feelings that I did not have for Carol. I liked her a lot, we got along well and the sex was great. But I was not in anyway in love with her. As it turned out my lack of feelings led to the end of a great thing.

In late April Carol confronted me about our future. She was not a college student who felt as if her whole life lay ahead of her. She was a townie and at first was perfectly happy playing with the college boy. But she was far more ready to get on with her life and find a husband as many of her friends had already done. Not wanting to lead her on I told her the truth that I liked her a lot but did not know if there would ever be more. She kissed me softly and then told me it was time to move on. We held each other for about an hour and shared a cry. Then we had a goodbye fuck. Greg, Shelly and I found another hangout. Even though I was not n love it was still painful to see her and know she was with another guy.

The next momentous thing that happened that spring occurred as a result of my becoming a real adult. My twenty-first birthday was May 10, just before exams. Greg and Shelly planned a special surprise. I later learned that Shelly knew Greg and I were bisexual and lovers which really turned her on. She was also bisexual and thought having a bi boyfriend was perfect. She had a girlfriend and figured as long as she was going to be licking pussy her boyfriend may as well be sucking cock. The stories that they shared had enhanced their sex life. They had also had a couple of threesomes with her girlfriend. I seemed to be the only one in the dark and still keeping the secret. Greg told me about a year later that he was sorry for not telling me. He had been concerned that I would be too uncomfortable with Shelly knowing that I was bisexual. He was probably right. He had chosen to tell her after she told him about herself. He figured that they should be honest considering the feelings he was developing for me.

About a week after Carol and I said goodbye, Greg and I were laying in bed after having had sex. He propped himself up on one arm and looked into my eyes like he was going to make some great pronouncement about his love for me or something.

"Hey, lover, I got something to tell you," He said so casually I was caught completely off guard.

"Shoot," Is all I managed in reply.

"Shelly and I are planning a celebration of your becoming a man. We are going to take you out and wine you and dine you. Also, we have a date for you."

"Fuck no! I am not in the mood to be with some chick I don't know making me think about Carol and shit. Couldn't you just give me a special blow job and let my fucking birthday pass quietly?" I muttered.

"No!" He barked and climbed on top of me.

He pressed his lips to mine and pushed his tongue into my mouth. He did not usually kiss me so hard. For all his working out and outwardly macho attitude, Greg was a very gentle guy in bed. He continued to kiss me hard and deep. Even though I felt a little like I was being raped I let him control the kiss and made no attempt to stop him. Our bodies pressed together and our cocks almost instantly came back to life as he ground his meat against mine. I was pinned on the bed under him and somehow knew what was coming. He broke the kiss and rose up pressing one hand hard to my chest. The pressure made breathing difficult and speaking all but impossible. Still I did not try to fight back.

"You are going to forget Carol and her cunt starting right now! You have been acting like a little fucking pussy, so I am going to show you what happens to pussies!" He barked in my face.

He used his weight to hold me down as his he forced me to spread my legs. He squeezed my cock with one hand and started teasing my asshole with the other. I knew what was coming and did not protest. I saw the look of determination in Greg's eyes. My gentle lover had transformed into forceful man determined to take what he wanted. Or more accurately to give me something he thought I needed. I had wanted my lover to fuck me for weeks; to take my virginity. But I had never imagined anything like the scene that was unfolding. I had thought we would make love and he would be gentle and spare me much of the pain. But at that moment I knew that he was going to rape me and nothing would be spared. I did not protest of even resist as his finger invaded my body.

He shoved his digit deep into me with one hard thrust. I was scared and thrilled at the same time. A myriad of new and old emotions filled my senses. Seeing I would not fight him he grabbed my ankles as he slide down my body. Far from fighting him I helped. I held my ankles up over my head and spread wide my ass for him. He licked and spit on my hole, driving me to near orgasm with just his tongue. Then he pushed first one then two then three fingers into my once tight anus. The pain burned along my rectum as my lover brutally finger fucked my asshole using only his salvia for lubrication. Despite the pain and my growing fear that his unlubricated cock would tear me open I cried out begging him to fuck me.

"What do you want me to fuck bitch?" He asked in a harsh tone I could not imagine came from my lover's mouth.

I whimpered for him to fuck my pussy. He immediately pulled his fingers from my ass. I suddenly felt empty and craved to be filled again. I did not wait long. He got on his knees between my legs and guided his steely shaft to my well stretched hole. I felt more spit hit my ass crack and then he impaled me without warning. I had to bite my fist to avoid screaming loud enough to alert the entire dorm suite. For what seemed like hours but it reality was no more than ten minutes, he rammed his cock in and out of me. I bounced against the bed with each thrust. When the mattress recoiled I was driven back up to him as he withdrew. I wondered if that was how Greg fucked women, hard and rough.

My senses were so overwhelmed with pleasure and pain as well as the bizarreness of the whole scene, I did not even feel my orgasm approaching. I am still not sure if the first thing I felt was the pleasure of cumming or the drops of warm semen hitting my belly. I do remember the searing heat in my ass and the odd sensation I felt when he erupted inside me. For the first time a man had injected his seed into my body without me using my mouth to provide the stimulus. Greg continued to fuck me until his cock was too soft to thrust into my then gapping asshole. When he pulled out I felt warm fluid trickling out of my body. He crawled up the bed, kissed my cheek and laid his head on my still heaving chest. Neither of us spoke for a long time. If I could have formed words I have no idea what they might have been.

The first either of us said was when he asked if I was ok. I nodded but still could not speak. In response to my silence, he started to apologize. I stopped him.

"Greg, you were right, I have been acting like a pussy. Maybe I needed that point driven home just that way. Besides, I love you and have been waiting for you to want to fuck me. If that is the way you like it, then you can have that whenever you want."

"Damn, babe, I love you too and I don't know why I did that. I know it isn't something I expect to ever do again. You got to know I will always be the bottom with you. Well unless you ask me for more," He said smiling.

"I am sure I won't ever ask for that, but I think I would like being the bottom sometimes," I replied with a sly grin and a wink.

As it turned out he only occasionally fucked me in the future. When he did it was always gently and very loving the way I had imagined it would be originally. After another hour of cuddling and kissing he laid out his plan for my birthday celebration. He convinced me to go out with Shelly's friend Lindsey.

I learned a lot that day. I learned that I felt no shame in announcing to another guy that I loved him. I learned that I felt thrilled to know that another person loved me. I learned the true meaning of comfort and closeness. I had never been so comfortable with any other person. In many ways I have never again been that comfortable or close to another person. I also learned that love could be expressed in surprising ways. I may never know what brought out Greg's behavior that day. I never had the nerve to ask him about his motivation. We never really talked about that day. I know it was a powerful experience and one that can never be repeated.

What I hadn't yet figured out at that point was the nature of the love Greg and I shared. I knew that I was deeply and truly in love with him and believed he felt similarly toward me. But I also felt that there was something different about the love we shared. I didn't see him becoming my life-long, monogamous partner. That wasn't the case then and didn't feel like something that would ever happen with us. We had made no commitments regarding fidelity nor did either of us show any jealousy. We both had been with women while continuing our relationship. I would have felt no prohibition or guilt had I had sex with another man while Greg and I were together. It was simply a matter of the opportunity having not presented itself that kept that from happening in my mind. As for him, I had no idea if he had sucked other cock since we started having sex or not and I truly did not care. That spring I truly felt I had it all. I was in love with my friend. I was having great sex regularly and I was completely free.

As the day of my birthday celebration came near I felt an odd sense of nervousness. I barely knew Lindsey and it felt like something was up that Greg wasn't letting me in on. Neither he nor Shelly would say anything other than that they were planning a weekend to remember. There was the added stress of preparing for finals. Most of the university students would be hunkered down cramming soon to be forgotten facts into there heads the weekend of the big celebration. It was clear that my best friend and his girl were not going to leave me any time to study so I had to do all my preparation the week before. Since I wasn't really that big on last minute cramming anyway studying was really my concern. It was the nature of what constituted a weekend to remember that had me agitated.

Greg had made a few hints regarding me getting lucky with Lindsey. He said that she thought I was a hunk, which made me laugh. He added that he was sure I would get some ass if I would just relax and be nice. This of course made me question if my date was a slut. He assured me that she was not and as far as he knew she was very particular about whom she fucked. I wondered why she would be interested in me if she was so particular. I also jerked off in the shower for the first time in months the Thursday before our weekend as I imagined the pretty near stranger naked and riding my cock.

I was so involved in my little fantasy with my eyes closed tight I didn't know that I had company in the shared shower. Just as I felt my balls tightening and my cock getting ready to erupt, I heard something that made my eyes fly open. Standing at the entrance to the shower room were two hot guys with hard cocks in hand. One was the guy I had seen getting his cock sucked the previous fall. I could only guess that the other was the one who had been on his knees that day. I had no idea how long they had been watching or what they were planning to do. Their position in the doorway made a quick exit impossible. The warmth flooding my face told me that my embarrassment was obvious.

"Hey man, no need to be ashamed on our account. Every guy needs to get relief," One of them said as they moved in my direction. "Maybe we could help?"

I was too stunned to react. They clearly took my lack of reaction for agreement. Suddenly I was sandwiched between them. One hard cock was grinding into my crotch while the other was rubbing against my ass. Hot water cascaded over our bodies as they rubbed their hard cocks and warm bodies against me. Competing emotions fought to a standstill within me. I neither fled nor joined in the activity. I was just there being fondled and rubbed against. Hands seemed to be everywhere on my body at once. My cock began to grow again despite the growing fear of being caught by another suite mate. When the one in front of me dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth I finally found my voice.

"No, we can't! Someone might come in," I moaned very unconvincingly.

"Relax stud-muffin," The one humping my ass panted as he kissed my shoulder. "We do this all the time. No one ever comes in this time of day."

"Except you," The one on his knees added with a wink before taking my dick ball deep in his mouth.

With one guy kissing and nibbling my shoulders and neck while running his hard cock up and down my ass crack and the other deep-throating me like a pro I was helpless to resist the surging passion I was feeling. My hands went to my cock suckers head and I started bucking. Each time I pulled back my ass pressed hard against the other guy. After another few minutes the guy in front of me stood up.

"Not so fast big boy. We can't have you cumming and running off on us," He said before pressing his lips to mine.

I let him kiss me, accepting his tongue into my mouth as the other guys arms wrapped around me and he began to fondle my cock and balls.

"Yeah I am not letting you go until I get that sweet cock inside me, stud," He moaned breathlessly.

With a mouth full of tongue I was unable to respond. I doubt I could have thought of words anyway. I didn't even know the name of the guy who was kissing me and in two semesters I had only had the most casual of contact with the guy who had just told me he wanted me to fuck him. When the kiss broke my still nameless shower mate added his encouragement.

"Man his ass is the best pussy I have ever had! You better jump on that cunt!"

His words must have triggered some deep seated urges in me. I didn't know if it was because I had so recently had my virginity roughly taken or what but I decided to fuck a near stranger good and hard at that moment.

"Ok, you want to be my bitch, then get up against they wall!" I ordered in the most forceful voice I could manage between pants.

"Yes, sir, stud!" He replied and placed his hands on the tiles as he spread his legs.

His friend lathered up his ass and used some of the foaming soap to lube his hole. After a minute of fingering his buddy's asshole with soapy fingers he told me that the cunt was ready. I walked over, grabbed his hips and began rubbing my cock on his ass. The guy who had been sucking me took hold of my throbbing cock and aimed it for his friend's soapy asshole. As soon as he had me in position he put a hand on my ass and urged me to thrust forward. When I pushed my cock head popped past his anal rim and my entire cock easily slid into his rectum. I couldn't believe how easily he had opened up for me. There was no hint of pain in his voice when he urged me to fuck him. I did not hesitate to oblige. I fucked him as hard as I could manage.

On each forward thrust I rose up on my toes and used my strong leg muscles to force my cock deep. Each time I pulled back I nearly pulled my cock from his ass which caused him to beg me to put it back. As I fucked him, my cock sucking suite mate began to jack both of their cocks. By the time my rough riding brought me to the edge they were both ready too.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned indicating that I was about to shoot my wad into his ass.

On my last thrust his rectal walls took hold of me with a vice-like grip. He was cumming, splashing semen on the tile wall. As my cock spurted cum into one guy's ass, the other one came, splashing his cum onto our hips. When finally he relaxed his rectal muscles, I was able to slip free of his body. My first thought was to flee and never again engage either of them with eye contact. But before I could move, the one I had just fucked turned, said thank you and kissed my cheek.

"Anytime you want my ass it is yours," My suite mate, Steve said. "By the way this is my boyfriend Jack. Jack this is Adam. You don't mind if he joins us again do you, lover?"

Jack just smiled and I didn't know what to say. So I just thanked them and told them that I had to get going. I quickly rinsed off and turned to leave the shower and dry off. As I exited the shower room, Greg handed me a towel.

"Happy birthday, babe!" He said with a big grin. "I thought it was time you broadened your horizons and tried some other cock. Next time you really should suck Steve's meat."

I was stunned and only barely managed to mumble something about him planning the encounter in the shower. He suggested that we go back to the room and discuss it privately. As we left the bathroom I noticed that Jack was on his knees with Steve's cock in his mouth. Back in our room, Greg explained that he had been with Steve a few times the year before I came to the university. He said he had never been with Jack but knew that Steve and Jack were a couple and that they shared. He had asked them to help give me a special birthday surprise, but didn't know exactly how it would go down. Then he assured me that the shower scene was only the beginning of my big birthday weekend.

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CuriousPeteCuriousPeteabout 9 years ago
Hot Hot Hot

This story just keeps getting hotter and hotter. I love it. Sad that will end after two more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

What a great story and re collection of events.

Being bi myself and having lived in a boarding I can relate to the thoughts, fears, desires, conflicts that the author went through.

The greatest conflict we all have is admitting to our 'difference', admitting and submitting to our desires.

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