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Runaway lady is discovered.
11.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/01/2012
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Sliding along feeling the thick rope beneath her feet, she drew deep breaths, focusing on the point where the rope ended and became a solid stand again. She moved with grace and skill honed by many hours of training. The taut rope felt solid to her now and she pivoted midway along her route to the gasps of the watchers. Below her, the others in her troupe prepared the finale, a spectacle of tumbling, juggling and fire, while she held the audiences in rapt attention with small wobbles and feigned unbalanced movements as she spun and twirled her way across the rope above their heads.

Eventually she was given a signal from the giant Alec. With a cheeky smile and a wink to the audience below she dove off the rope, the cries of those watching singing in her ears as she spun mid air to be caught by the giant. After acknowledging the cheers and applause from the crowd for a moment she tumbled away in a series of back flips to join the troupe in the finale. She smiled widely genuinely enjoying the fast paced movements and intricate series of tricks she was involved in as the show came to an end.

Rapturous applause greeted them as they moved forward to bow ostentatiously signalling the end of the performance. Leaving the small arena in place the troupe began to mingle with the crowd. Maurice the troupe leader was in his element. He took all the accolades as his own and she smiled as she watched him soak up the spot light. Quietly, she wandered to the edges of the crowds and onto the tent housing the harvest feast. She was always famished after a performance, her nerves making her unable to eat the day before. These were good people. They had become her friends and family as they travelled through villages and towns, the anxiousness of ever letting them down gripped her deeply.

The feast was sumptuous and she ate her fill sitting demurely in a corner her face bent to the food not inviting any conversation from those around her. Alec came to sit beside her. The giant had become her closest friend, mostly because he was as quiet as her. He didn't waste his words,, he said what he meant and never tried to pry into her past or what haunted her. She looked up at the man whose strong arms caught her safely every time she flew from the high rope and smiled.

"Good food." He said between mouthfuls, "You should eat more you are too skinny. My arms could catch three of you easy."

"I have eaten plenty, look," she giggled as she poked out her belly rubbing it, the small rounded bulge showing clearly under her good dress. "Any more and I might do you damage when you try to catch me."

Alec snorted in amusement taking a honey cake from his mound of food and placing it before her. "Eat," He said simply.

Laughing she picked up the cake and took a bite, "Okay but don't complain when I'm so heavy I break your arms when try to you catch me."

He rolled his eyes at her, happy that she was eating more. They sat in companionable silence as they finished their food. Finally he looked at her, "Ale?" he questioned.

"No. I need some fresh air but I will walk with you as far as the tavern."

As the revellers in the village continued to celebrate the end of the Harvest Season and the coming of the Season of Frost, Honey farewelled Alec and continued on to the edge of the village, walking quietly through the moonlit meadow near their camp. She looked up at the full moon smiling, reaching her arms out wide she spun around feeling the effects of the goblet of mulled wine she had had with her meal. "Life was good," she thought. It was not always so and she revelled in her good fortune of being able to join this troupe as it passed through a village she had been hiding in many moons ago.

Flopping back into the long grass she stared up at the moon, the harvest moon. Her mind wandered to the same harvest moon so long ago when she had fled her home. Her father, the Duke of Martizen, drunken and full of bluff had lost heavily playing dice with well to do visitors. He had put her freedom up as his stake in the end and lost once more. She was supposed to be delivered to the man who won her the following day to be wed. That was the day she ran away.

She remembered with a shiver the man she was to marry, Kade. His serious unsmiling face, the way others seem to fear his moods and she knew she would be trading one tyrant for another. She felt no regret at what would happen to her father when she fled. He had been demanding and brutal since the passing of her mother into the evermore and, try as she might, she could not find a fond memory of him. Nor did she want to, so she roused herself and slowly made her way back to camp.

Expecting most of the troupe to still be at the celebrations, she made her way to the tent she shared with Maurice. Seeing her pack safely tucked under her bed, she berated herself for becoming complacent. She had stayed longer than was safe with these people but she finally felt like she belonged somewhere. From the pack she took out her dark blouse and a pair of pants fashioned to seem like a skirt so they would pass a cursory glance but give her freedom of movement if she needed to run once again. Stowing her one good dress back into the pack with her few precious belongings she lay down to sleep in the dark garments.

As dawn was breaking, she was roused from her sleep by Maurice. Ostensibly the others saw her as his mistress and this was how she had able to join the troupe so easily. The reality was that Maurice liked men, pretty young men even better. Villages mostly frowned on this type of love and she gave him the appearance of respectability if any questions were raised. When he was unlucky in finding love he would rouse her like now. It was the sacrifice she made for her freedom and life here with Maurice was far more preferable to that from which she ran.

Dutifully she slid from the bed and fell to her knees taking his semi hard cock between her lips. Lifting a hand to his balls, she massaged them gently as she sucked and licked him to full erection. He groaned when she fluttered her tongue under the head of his cock and he took her head in both hands beginning to thrust into her mouth with increasing fervour. She had learned to pace her breathing and swallow around his cock as he forced it into her throat making her choke and gurgle. Tears filled her eyes till they rolled down her cheeks. He came quickly as usual and she drank all of him never spilling a drop until he released her and staggered to his bed.

Climbing back into her own bed, her hand snaked down her body to gambol in the damp folds of her sex and at the tease the hard little nub there, wondering at how such a loveless encounter could make her so aroused, so wet. Her fingers teased and trailed through the wet lips, her thumb remaining tight on the hard nub as a finger invaded her depths. Her back arched up off the bed as the first small waves rolled through her body she played her tight little hole in search of the bigger waves.

Eventually giving in to her need for more, she reached the other hand up to pinch and twist a nipple rivulets of pain flowing into her breast making her gasp as her legs began to shake coming closer to apex. She bit down on her lip so as not to cry out as she pinched and twisted hard at the other nipple doing the same to the swollen nub between her legs. Her mind exploded and her body quivered as she whimpered through her bitten lip, collapsing back onto the bed panting lifting her sticky fingers to her mouth to lick them clean.

The sun slowly lifted above the horizon and she lay quietly with her eyes closed savouring the last joyful waves of her orgasm before swinging her legs from the bed to greet the new day. Taking her pack she went to the wash tent to heat some water and clean up her tear stained face and sex stained undergarments. Taking the chance that everyone had partied late into the night Honey stripped off everything using the heated a cauldron of water to bathe properly with soap for the first time in days.

She inspected her body and fingering the faded scars from a cruel adolescence at the hands of her father who had abused her from the time her mother died. "Why hadn't she left earlier," she wondered idly, "Why did it take being gambled away like a cheap possession to make her run?" Clean now she shook herself from her reverie.

She began to hear noise within the camp and dressed quickly for the day. They would be moving into a town for the Season of Frost and would need to start their journey today. She smiled as she approached the cook fire and smelled fresh bread. Provisions on the road were never as good as in villages so everyone had gathered for one last good meal before the trek that would lead them to the city of Erato. Having a reputation for lawlessness, she felt there was less chance of being recognised as the runaway daughter of a Duke by anyone that would care in Erato and she looked forward to exploring the town.

Packing up the camp was a busy time. Honey was expected to do her share and she rushed to gather and put things away in the wagons. The men dismantled and moved the tents they dwelt in when in villages to the carts. She was just crossing to the wagon she rode in with Alec and Maurice, when she was swept up by the giant, Alec, who bundled her quickly into the back of a wagon and covered her with tent fabric. "Be still." He said with such urgency she could not think to do anything else.

Straining her ears she could hear snatches of heated conversations, ".... Last town.... young.... sodomy... charges..." She held her breath. After what seemed an eternity the canvas was lifted off and she saw the face of Alec looking grave. He spoke softly explaining that Maurice had been arrested for the sodomy of a young man in the last town, too young this time it seemed.

"They have asked to see his mistress to corroborate his story of being with her that night." He looked at her as he measured his words, "If you run now you won't get far. I don't know what you are running from nor do I care but it can't be so bad you would run now when you are needed by your friends." His voice was pained and she felt her tummy tighten.

Her need to flee was strong and her heart raced as she looked up into his caring eyes. The giant who always caught her, who made her feel safe and cared for. He and this troupe had become like family in the short time she had been with them and her racing heart warred between fear and the feelings she had for her friends.

Guessing her inner turmoil Alec took her choices away by picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder before taking her to where the troupe was assembled before putting her down to face them. She looked into each of the faces of her friends seeing their relief at her appearance before turning to face the Men at Arms and the Knights that led them. She paled and involuntarily took a step back as she gazed into the piecing blue eyes of the man standing with Maurice. "Kade," she breathed and turned as if to run but Alec rested his giant hand on her shoulder and turned her back to the crowd.

Kade seemed not to notice her reaction as his deep voice rumbled, "Ah the elusive Honey. We meet at last. She seems a bit young for you Maurice. How did you manage to claim her as your mistress? Win her in a game of dice?" He looked at her as he said the last a twinkle in his eye and she died inside.

Maurice began to splutter about hearts meeting and love growing. The man raised a questioning eyebrow and looked pointed at Honey until she moved on shaky legs to stand beside Maurice and nod dumbly in agreement.

Turning to his men, Kade, announced, "This will be no simple judgement. I believe we will have to accompany this troupe to Erato and seek guidance from the magistrates there." He turned back to the gathering as he continued to speak, "Help them pack their camp so we can be on our way. Our search for the Lady Honiara will have to be delayed but I have the feeling we are moving in the right direction, regardless." Turning back, he could not hide his smirk as he took in her wide green eyes, "And to ensure no one disappears, I will keep the lovely Honey here with me. Jarrau you go with Maurice to supervise the decampment."

As the troupe moved off she looked pleadingly at Alec not to leave her there, he nodded at her for reassurance before ambling away with Maurice to the wagons. Once the troupe were out of earshot Kade leaned close to her ear and whispered menacingly, "So my betrothed has become another mans whore. How very disappointing. I believe I will punish you when I have the time and leisure."

He saw her stiffen a small barely audible squeak escaping her. "Something for you to think about as we continue this charade until we reach Erato. I would not like my men to know the Lady Honiara has become nothing more than a common man's whore." Tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt trapped and humiliated and she sagged down onto the ground at Kade's feet to sit and await her fate.

After long minutes of silence as she stared at the ground near his boots he pulled her to her feet and dragged her to a nearby building. It was empty, the occupants at work in the village. He pushed her against a wall and pressed up close to her whispering in a deep sinister voice. "It has been a long chase little lady you have been quite elusive. Imagine my surprise when I found you had joined a troupe. You are a very talented girl indeed." He was angry, his voice a snarl as he continued, "What other talents are you hiding my dear or should I ask Maurice?" She said not a word, standing with her head down blushing furiously at his words shaken deeply by the depth of his anger toward her.

Berating her self for staying too long with the troupe, his torments continued to rain down on her. He called her a whore and a cheap harlot lashing her with his sharp tongue. The torment continued until at last he pulled her to a chair and sitting pushed her down over his lap. His hand hit her rounded ass cheeks and she yelped in surprise. He continued to bark questions about what she had let Maurice do to her in increasing lewd detail. She said nothing biting her lip and whimpering determined not to cry out.

He spanked her a dozen times before reaching between her legs and cupping her sex demanding to know if she gave up her virginity easily. She cringed. Thinking of her brutish father and the deal made with this man, she screwed her eyes shut tight and blocked out the questions about Maurice knowing they were unanswerable and her tears flowed freely.

He took her silence as a sign of her guilt and betrayal, ripping her undergarment to insert his finger in her heated folds. He found the tight hole unyielding to his large fingers as he attempted to force a digit inside her, 'Still a virgin!' he was stunned by the thought 'No, she couldn't be. She was a whore and a mistress to the troupe leader.' He faltered in his torment of her.

She gasped her body trembling in heat and pain, "How easily the whore is aroused." He growled at her the tone of his voice not as harsh as it had been but the words retaining their sting despite his confusion. Pushing her to the floor she lay at his feet panting and whimpering. Standing above her he whispered menacingly, "The punishment had just begun." Leaving her lying on the floor he stalked across the room and out of the door considering what he had just found.

The building was just one room. He stood just outside the open doorway his back to her as she got up unsteadily and stood where he had left her. She looked longingly at the window and wondered how far she could get. Determination to thwart him she walked to the wash basin beside the open window. She splashed water onto her face then, turning to watch his back, she took a step toward the window. Before she could take a second step, he moved with lightning speed to grab her by the waist and push her back toward the door. "Listen to me carefully Honiara," his face told her of his seriousness. His menacing voice continued "Should you run now these friends who have hidden you so well will pay dearly. Do you understand?"

Her eyes flared wide as she looked up, showing that she cared too much for these people and he smirked as she nodded meekly. "You will continue to be the whore, Honey during our journey and tell no one of your real identity or your knowledge of me. You WILL obey me because should you try to gain help or flee from me once more, trust me, the consequences will be dire for all involved. I have wasted too many seasons searching for you." His voice was demanding and harsh. "And I will waste no more."

With that, he grasped her arms behind her back and propelled her ahead of him. He led her to the lead wagon and Maurice. Making sure she was settled within the wagon, he called for his horse. Maurice and Alec looked at her with concern. "I am so sorry, Honey." Maurice looked desolate, his own fate hanging in the balance with hers he thought.

With Kade and his men riding alongside, the caravan rolled forward heading east to Erato. Having lost time in the morning they travelled late into the first night, sleeping under the wagons rather than erecting tents. Kade or one of his men stood guard duty during the night so no one could accidentally get lost. After a cold unfulfilling breakfast, they moved out. Honey spoke to no one aside of the daily greetings and sat in her own private hell, reliving her brutal adolescence, knowing that same brutal treatment waited in her future. ......................................................

Travelling at speed, they covered a lot of ground only stopping late at night to rest the horses and sleep. Each time she roused herself from her dark thoughts, he was there watching her with his icy blue eyes. His anger seemed to simmer just below the surface as he regarded her. This seemed the pattern for four days. On the fifth day, they found a stream early in the afternoon and Kade called a halt. He instructed the troupe to set up tents as they were less than a day's ride from Erato and they would spend the night here before entering the city.

After helping unpack wagons and set up the camp Honey strolled down to the stream with the ever present Kade not far behind her. He hadn't spoken to her since that first morning for which she was grateful but she had felt his eyes constantly watching and seeking her out as they travelled. She would be allowed no opportunity to escape him now. Desperation for the chance to bathe in privacy made her turn to him, her question frozen on her lips. He looked back at her and simply said, "No."

At the edge of the stream she took off her boots and stockings testing the water with her bare feet. It felt wonderful, she longed to swim naked and unfettered. She sighed, glancing over her shoulder at the ever present Kade who was now perched on a rock a few feet from her. He watched her carefully as she moved deeper into the water, ready to pounce if she moved too deep. The situation he found her in with these people confused him. 'How could she be happy here? She could have so much more if she wanted.'

"Well these clothes needed washing anyway," she thought and stepped into the water moving slowly deeper the heaviness of her skirt dragging her down. In waist deep water she reached back to unbutton the skirt and pull it off. Washing it and swimming to the edge to wring it out, she laid it over a rock before finally doing the same with her blouse. She finally ducked under the water feeling the grime loosen from her hair and swam enjoying the water despite the clinging undergarments she kept in place.

Kade had laughed at her modesty, reminding her that she was a harlot who whored herself out for food and a place to hide, making her blush and be more determined to keep her remaining clothes in place. She stayed in the water until her pruned skin could stand it no longer and the afternoon cooled to evening. The season of frost was approaching fast and she shivered as she redressed in the still wet clothes gathered her boots and returned to camp. Relieved to see it erected she walked into the tent she had always shared with Maurice.

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