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Vicky's Wild Weekend

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Vicky helps her boss cheat and ends up having a wild time.
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She felt Larry before she saw him, his big warm hands sliding over her arms to massage her shoulders through her white silk blouse. Vicky gasped and spun her office chair around to face him. She was getting a little tired of this! Larry smiled innocently, pulling his hands away and stepping back. The office junior was just out of college and looked every bit the handsome frat boy, even in his suit and tie. "Watch your hands, Larry!" she snapped at him, rolling her big brown eyes. Really, sneaking up on her at her desk to give her a back rub! Did the foolish boy want to get fired?

"I'm sorry, I just can't help myself, Miss Franklin!" he said. "You're the prettiest woman in the office, and you always look so fantastic!" His bright hazel eyes took a short round trip from her head to her toes and back. She'd worn a black pencil skirt along with her blouse, with black hose on her shapely legs and pumps to match. She wore her long, dark hair up, as usual. Pretty standard office fair, in her opinion.

"You realize that I have the power to fire you, right?" she scowled up at the sandy-haired young man. "And it is Mrs. Franklin, Larry, not Miss," she added sternly. "I've been married for fourteen years. You were probably in elementary school when I walked down the aisle! Pick on a woman your own age, will you?"

"Women my age aren't worth my time," he shrugged before leaning over the corner of her desk. "You wouldn't fire me would you, just because I'm madly in love with you?" His eyes sparkled, the boy did like to play with her!

"I swear to God, Larry!" she had to laugh. She should have known this would happen, the boy had flirted with her the day she hired him. It was flattering, she admitted to herself. How often did a woman in her late thirties and two children get hit on by hunky guys in their early twenties? "If you didn't do such a good job around here, I would send you packing!"

"See, you're warming up to me already!" he winked. "First it's compliments, then it's drinks after work, then all of a sudden you're calling my cellphone on a Saturday night begging to come over to my place!"

"You're dreaming, Larry! I'm a happily married woman, I'll have you know!" she said emphatically. Perhaps too emphatically. Randy, her husband, was a few years older and looked it. Acted it too. It seemed like one day a few years ago her once energetic and attentive husband had turned into a tired, cranky, and balding sixty-year-old man overnight.

"Does he treat you like a princess, Vicky?" Larry persisted. "A beautiful woman like you... Well, it's Friday. Come out with me after work and I'll show you how a woman should be treated!"

"Okay, I've really had enough of this! Get back to work!" she ordered. He was really taking things too far now! She turned away from the young man, grumbling to herself as she faced her computer screen. Randy certainly wasn't taking her anywhere that evening, she knew. But then again, Larry didn't have two kids to deal with. It wasn't fair.

"Sorry, Mrs. Franklin," Larry said with a chuckle. "I actually came to tell you that my meeting with the boss is done. She wants to see you now."

"Ugh! You couldn't have told me sooner?" she pushed the chair back and shrugged into the black jacket that matched her skirt.

"I could have, but would that have been any fun?" he laughed and strode off to his own desk, unconcerned. Vicky straightened her hair before striding down the short hallway to Sarah Haverson's office. When she'd graduated college, Vicky had hired on with a promising new company, Haverson Accessories. She was start-up's first employee. Over the years, she'd grown quite close to Sarah, and had helped the woman build her business to the point where it thrived and Vicky supervised dozens. She slipped into the office, Sarah always kept the door open.

"You wanted to see me?" she asked.

"I did. Close the door," the woman said, her words quick and clipped. She was older than Vicky, and whip-slender where Vicky was curvaceous. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a bun. A long narrow nose dominated the woman's deeply tanned face. She was more handsome than beautiful, and ran religiously every day to keep her body lean. Vicky though maybe she worked out a bit too much. She stood behind her desk, resting her bony fists on the desktop, glaring.

"Sure, Sarah," Vicky eased the door behind her closed. She took a seat and smoothed her skirt. "Is something wrong?"

"I know you've been working day and night to finalize that deal with Marvin and Hiassen's Department Stores," she began, and shook her head.

"They passed?" Vicky said incredulously. She'd been romancing the executives of the high-end regional chain for weeks now, and they were finally coming around. What had gone wrong?

"They faxed me over a signed agreement this morning," Sarah suddenly smiled. Her thin lips stretched over the even rows of her flat white teeth. "Well done."

"Oh you scared the shit out of me!" Vicky laughed. Sarah did like to play her tricks! Vicky sighed, not realizing just how tense her boss's little ruse had made her. Well done indeed! They had been all set to pass on the offer, at first. Now Haverson would have its purses and jewelry in dozens more stores across three states. Things certainly were looking up!

"It's all thanks to you, Victoria," Sarah came around the desk and bent to give the younger woman a tight hug. It was like hugging a fencepost! Vicky clapped her boss on the back, grinning for all she was worth. Vicky may have gotten a degree in business management, but the older woman had really been her teacher. It was only things to the business savvy she'd passed on to Vicky that she'd been able to make the deal.

"I thought I saw something in their faces when they turned us down the first time. I couldn't let it go!" she explained.

"Your instincts were dead right," Sarah nodded as she hopped onto the edge of the desk. "I don't have to tell you, this is going to be huge. My only regret is that I can't give you part ownership of the company. As you know, my husband," she sneered at the word, "owns half, and I'll be damned if I give him a higher share than I have!"

"Oh, that's all right, Sarah," Vicky nodded. The woman was full of spite for her domineering husband. Vicky had often asked why they stayed together. She claimed it was to not give the bastard the satisfaction of a divorce!

"But don't think I'm leaving you empty-handed! Take next week off, paid of course. You've earned a break," she nodded briskly. Vicky smiled, a week to herself wouldn't be so bad, with her own husband at work and the kids in school. "Plus a ten thousand dollar bonus, here's the check if you want to sign it!"

"You're kidding?" Vicky gasped. "That's too generous!" She took the check in trembling hands. She could do a lot around the house with this!

"Not really, we'll pull that much extra revenue in every month once they get our product on their shelves. Also, you'll need to sign this as well," she handed Vicky another paper.

"What's this?" Vicky pulled her reading glasses from her pocket.

"Your promotion. We'll have to hire more people as our business expands. Time for Haverson Accessories to have a Vice President, I think. Go ahead and sign, Vicky. There's a raise in it too!" she grinned.

"Sarah, you're the best!" Vicky gushed. She was barely able to scrawl her name onto the page. Her eyes started to water. People at the office may call the blonde businesswoman a bitch or a maneater, but she always repaid loyalty.

"Only because I've got good people with me," she nodded. She took the form when Vicky returned it and set it behind her on the desk. "I do need a favor out of you," she said carefully.

"Anything, you know that! You don't even need to ask!"

"Well," Sarah coughed and crossed her long legs. She smoothed her gray pant-suit before continuing. "You know, of course, about Craig, my boy toy?"

"Yes, you've mentioned him before," Vicky blushed. Sarah had confided in her about her lovers, a string of them, actually, a few years ago. All younger, some of them much younger.

"Oh don't give me that look! You've complained to me about your Randy more than once! You're an executive now, don't you think you deserve a stud who actually tries to please you?" Sarah smirked.

"I don't think I could bring myself to cheat on Randy," Vicky said softly. "Not that I'm judging you, of course! What you and Terry have, or don't have, well, it's not my place to comment!"

"Suit yourself," Sarah shook her head. "Anyway, he's also my personal trainer. I need you to pick him up at his gym at six tonight and take him to the Holiday Inn at the airport. I'll be waiting for you two there. It's just a precaution, you see, in case my husband hired a gumshoe."

"Do you really think he would?" Vicky asked. She'd only read stories about private detectives, it seemed so exotic that a real-life detective might be stalking her boss. She smiled. "Of course I'll pick him up for you, Sarah. You can count on me."

"I knew I could! You're one of the very few people I trust, Vicky." Sarah drew a small card from her jacket pocket. "This is the gym's address. He should be in the lobby waiting for you."

"How will I recognize him?" Vicky asked as she took the card.

"He'll be the huge hunk of a man with dark hair and covered in muscles. He'll probably also have a dopey grin on his face. He usually does. He's about twenty-five, so don't tease him too much!"

"You do like them young and dumb!" Vicky laughed.

"Oh you know I do! Now," she checked her watch. "It's almost five already. Wrap it up and get on out of here, Miss Vice President!"

"I'm on it, Sarah. Oh, and thanks again!" Vicky said before dashing back to her own desk. What an interesting afternoon this was turning out to be!


"Franklin residence," Randy intoned as he picked up the house phone. He always sounded so utterly bored.

"It's me, honey," Vicky sighed. "Can't you see that on the caller ID?"

"Oh sure. Anyway what's up?"

"I'll be a little late tonight," she explained into her cell phone as she pulled into the gym parking lot. She realized she hadn't thought of a lie yet. She gulped. "I'm meeting with those clients I've been talking to, again." She could hear their kids, Allison and Randy Junior, screaming in the background. Randy let them get away with anything.

"Fine, but what about supper? I can't cook, that's your job, remember?" Randy snapped. They supposedly shared household duties, but he'd rather play the kids than do any cooking or cleaning. At least keeping them was something, she supposed.

"Order pizza tten," she said in exasperation.

"We've had a lot of pizza lately, Vic. The kids want something different," her husband whined.

"Ugh! Just do it, and I promise," she took a deep breath. "I'll do that thing you like so much this weekend. You know, those little tricks I have with my tongue?"

"Oh yeah? Okay, pizza it is. Have fun making business, or whatever," he said and hung up without waiting for a reply. She nearly threw the phone out the window. Instead, she went into the gym to meet this young stud her boss was raving about.


"So you're telling me you really don't know who the Beatles are?" Vicky gaped at the big man as she parked her little compact in front of the hotel. The huge young guy hunched in his seat, barely fitting inside. Maybe she'd use that ten grand as a down payment on a nicer car. Thinking of the money brightened her mood. She chuckled at his youthful ignorance.

"Yeah, so?" Craig shrugged. He was lucky he was so good looking. And he was good looking, with classic masculine good looks. He had thick dark hair and a big square chin that seemed destined for a movie poster. He wore a sleeveless tee shirt and shorts, and was showing off a lot of perfectly sculpted muscle. It wasn't hard to see what Sarah liked in him.

"Come on, your lover is waiting," she said. He followed her along like a big dumb puppy, lugging his gym sack over his shoulder. The hotel lobby was crowded with business travelers trying to check out, but Vicky spotted her tall, blonde boss easily enough. She pulled her beefcake along after her.

"Ah, there you are!" Sarah sighed. Her eyes narrowed and darted side to side nervously. Craig took a step toward her, a big grin on his face. "Hold on," she stopped him.

"What's the matter, Sarah?" Vicky whispered.

"Don't make it obvious, but do you see that guy in the corner, the tall one reading a magazine?" Sarah responded, her voice a low hiss. Vicky checked over her shoulder quickly, and sure enough there was a tall man in an ill-fitting brown suit flicking through a fashion magazine. "He followed me in, and has been tailing me since I left work!"

"You think he's a private eye?" Vicky's eyes went wide. It was all so exotic. Could a thing be seedy and glamorous at the same time?

"I think so," Sarah licked her thin lips nervously. "After I checked in I slipped around the corner and listened to him as he talked to the clerk. He tipped the guy fifty bucks to get room next to mine. I don't know if you noticed, but the balconies are so close, he could step over to mine and peek through my window! I think he's trying to catch me with Craig!"

"Then just leave. I'll take Craig home and you can lay low a little while. I know you'll miss your boyfriend here, but you've got to be careful!" Vicky said.

"Hey, that's no fun!" Craig pouted.

"Sorry, lover, but Vicky is right. Game off tonight," the tall woman stomped her foot in frustration. "But how long will we have to go on hold, a week? A month?" she ground her teeth.

"I don't know what else you can do, Sarah. You don't want to loose the company. We've worked so hard at it!" Vicky said firmly. Surely her boss wouldn't throw it all away just to keep bedding this young stud, no matter how handsome he may be!

"Hmm, you know, just cancelling won't help. We've got throw him totally off track. I have to make my husband think I'm being faithful," Sarah said thoughtfully. She handed Vicky her briefcase. "Here, take this, act like I met you here to give you my papers. I'll leave, and you and Craig can go up to the room, instead of me."

"What good will that do? Sure we could keep the curtains drawn and watch TV or something, I guess." Vicky frowned. A wasted evening, it sounded like.

"No, you're right, that might not be enough to convince him that Craig is your lover and not mine. Hmm. Maybe if..." a slow wicked grin formed on the woman's face.

"What are you thinking about?" Vicky asked cautiously. She didn't like that look.

"Well maybe you could give the private dick a little show. You know, kiss, make out a little bit. Leave the window open and let him get a good picture," she suggested.

"Whoa whoa, he's your lover, Sarah!" Vicky protested. "And I'm married, for God's sake!"

"I know, but it's not cheating if all you do is kiss a little. Besides, once he realizes that's what's up, I'm sure he'll leave! He's after me, not you!" Sarah said.

"Hey, I don't mind if she doesn't, Babe," Craig shrugged and smiled at Vicky. Did he really have to be so handsome? "She's awfuly pretty."

"Yeah, all the boys at the office are totally smitten with her," Sarah laughed.

"Won't you be jealous?" Vicky asked meekly. The young man was leering at her now.

"We don't have that kind of relationship, do we, sweetie?" she winked at Craig. If anything his smile got even wider.

"Nope," he confirmed. "We're not exclusive. It's just for fun."

"Besides, it'll just be for a few minutes. I'll watch from the car and call you when our snooping friend goes back to his room. All you have to do then is wait half and hour and leave. Done deal!" Sarah said. When Vicky didn't answer, she pressed. "Look, if my husband thinks I'm just helping a co-worker have an affair, he might stop tailing me! This could end it all. Do you really want us both to be looking for another job if he finds out and takes the company in a divorce?"

"No," Vicky sighed. This was such a strange situation. Her boss looked about ready to get down on her knees and beg. She must really be desperate. "Okay, fine, I'll do it!" she said at last.

"Okay, great!" Sarah seemed relieved. "Now you two run along and try to have fun. Relax Vicky, and remember its all a show, all right?"

"I don't think I could forget!"


Craig was trying his best to set the mood right, bless him. He chatted innocently with her for a while, thankfully not about music. Mostly he just complimented her looks, going into detail about how he liked the way she wore her hair. He grabbed a bucket of ice on the way to their room, and once they arrived, he produced a bottle of whiskey from his bag and made her a nice bourbon and lemon soda. She gulped it down gratefully and sighed. He took her coat and laid over the back of a chair before pulling her down next to him at the edge of the bed. She smiled shyly at him.

"Don't be nervous, babe," he said as he brushed a stray lock of brown hair from her eyes. "It's just fooling around."

"I know," she said, and tried not to tense up when he laid a huge strong arm around her. "Do you think the private eye is watching us yet?" she whispered. The big lummox turned to the window. With all the interior lights on, the glass door to the balcony might as well have been a mirror. She resisted the urge to jump up and close the drapes. She was supposed to be putting on a performance, after all. "Don't look now!" she hissed.

"Oh yeah," he turned suddenly and kissed her. She froze, momentarily startled as his soft lips met hers. She hadn't kissed a man besides Randy in well over a decade. Craig may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knew how to kiss! His lips brushed hers lightly at first, teasing them before giving her the tiniest taste of his tongue. She found herself responding to his kisses, her body flush with long forgotten passion.

She wrapped her arms around his beefy neck as she wiggled her tongue into his mouth. He sucked at it slowly as he pulled her tighter against him. She felt so dirty, so naughty, kissing another man! When she remembered the private detective watching through the window, she shuddered. A man, a stranger, was watching her! She ran her fingers through his thick dark hair. A full head of hair! How long had it been since Randy could claim that? She practically ripped the young man's sleeveless tee right off his brawny shoulders!

"You have a great body!" she said, but it seemed too little to describe him. His chest was broad, his waist narrow. Muscles flexed under his golden tan, unblemished skin. She bent to plant soft little kisses over his bulging pecs, leaving a trail of dark red lipstick marks all the way down to his washboard abs.

"Yeah?" he chuckled. He flexed his muscles even more for her. She giggled but traced those muscles with her soft fingertips. "Time to get you undressed a little," he said softly. She sat back and met his eyes, then nodded slowly. He carefully unbuttoned her blouse while she watched, willing herself to not think about her marriage, or the man watching them. She shrugged as Craig got the last button, and her silky top slid down her arms. Craig licked his lips as he admired the soft swells of her full breasts, barely contained by her black bra.

They embraced again, tongues teasing each other's mouths and necks. Vicky lost track of the time as their passion grew. She was making out with a young man, and it made her feel like a naughty teenager! Her hand dropped into Craig's lap, and she pulled away from their kiss with a soft moan.

"Go ahead, babe, rub it," Craig urged her softly. His black athletic shorts were loose-fitting, but the bulge under her trembling hand seemed far too large for the short garment. She could see the massive shaft of it, tilted to one side above the more rounded lump of his huge balls. Her hand glided back and forth, feeling every inch of him as best she could.

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