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Virgin Sacrifice Ch. 03

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Paul learns the results of his actions.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 05/28/2008
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I woke to an empty bed. I was getting used to that. Again I found Ivy and Lilith downstairs in the kitchen preparing breakfast. I hesitated outside the doorway, eavesdropping on their conversation. It was the reporter in me.

"Are you sore?" Lilith asked her daughter.

"A little," the girl I had deflowered answered. "But I suppose that's to be expected."

"I bet you aren't half as sore as I am," Lilith complained. "Paul fucked me three times last night."

"I'm jealous!" Ivy cried.

"You'll get plenty of more men in the future. You should be happy that you were one of the chosen last night."

"Like you were," Ivy said.

"Yes, like me. I'm sure that had a little to do with the decision last night."

"I wonder if I'm pregnant," Ivy mused.

Pregnant?, I wondered, my stomach sinking.

"Only time will tell, dear," Lilith responded.

"You were lucky to get a bellyful on your first time," she sighed wistfully. "I hope I'm lucky like you."

"We'll find out soon enough. Have a little patience."

"Do you ever regret not knowing my dad?" she asked.

"Nope, I didn't need a man interfering with me raising you. And you turned out perfect. We're both better off not knowing. Just like you won't know who the father of your child is."

At this point I decided I'd heard enough but didn't want to get into a nasty confrontation, I snuck back upstairs and pretended to be coming down for the first time, being as noisy as seemed reasonable without being obvious. When I came around the corner into the kitchen both women were looking expectantly at me. "Why is it that you sleep in every morning?" Lilith asked me before I had the chance to sit down.

"Life of a lazy worker," I told her. "I get to set my own hours and therefore, I sleep in whenever I want."

Ivy said nothing to me. I tried to give nothing away as I looked at her, she seemed distracted. It was unlikely she knew that I was the one to fuck her last night, but I decided to play a game of informational chicken with her. "So I got to see you lose your virginity last night," I commented. "Not something that most girls generally want to do in front of a thousand people."

She immediately brightened. "Well, I'm not like most girls, am I?" She laughed and tossed her hair back. Somewhat like most girls her age. At least it wasn't a giggle. "Do you know who it was who deflowered me?"

I shook my head. "No, your mother already warned me about that. I can't reveal that to you. But what I want to know is how such a secret is kept from you when a thousand people already know."

At this point Lilith jumped in. "Actually, since we use outsiders as much as possible, most people here wouldn't know that identity of her first lover. And don't forget it was dark as well. His identity is well kept, trust me on that account." She smiled.

"Aren't you worried about getting pregnant? Or some STI?" I asked her. "Or did you take some precautions before your encounter?

"Nope," she crowed proudly. "I did it bareback like nature intended. Don't you understand? I want to get pregnant, like my mother did with me on her first day, on Summer Solstice Celebration. I'm one of the lucky few born of such a union. I have to continue that lineage."

I was dumbfounded. Obviously these people lived in a different world than I. Before I could ask anything more to continue our conversation there was a knock at the door. The newly arrived didn't bother to wait for Ivy or Lilith to let them in, they let themselves in. It was a troop of five girls, all around Ivy's age, wearing white robes trimmed in red.

"Your escorts are here," Lilith said, as if the quintet had been expected.

"Who are they?" I asked her, looking at the cheery faces of the girls who surrounded Ivy.

"We are Impatiens' escort for the next month," one of the girls replied. "We are to keep her safe, it is our duty."

Ivy winked at me. "They're supposed to keep me from fucking any other guys until it's proven I'm preggers or not. I can't let a man anywhere near my holy pussy until the pee stick turns blue or the red waters rush forth again."

"Must you be so crude?" her mother asked.

"Girls' these days, Mother," she sighed. "I have to go now." And with that the others escorted her out of the house. I only noticed now that Ivy was still wearing her pure white gown.

I immediately turned on Lilith. "You set me up to get your own daughter pregnant!" I accused her.

"So?" she asked archly. "Don't apply your common world morality here. She wants to be pregnant. The entire village wants her to be pregnant! It doesn't matter if she only just turned eighteen and isn't married. She has the support of hundreds of people here. Her child will never go hungry or starved for love. Can you say that of every child born in your community?"

I opened my mouth, bit back my answer, then spoke carefully. "I don't care what you do up here," I told her. "I'm sure if your daughter did catch a bellyful she'll be fine. What I don't like is the fact you used me to try and get her pregnant! What makes you think I'll give up the right to my child?"

I'll give her credit, Lilith was cool and unruffled. "First, it's unlikely she's pregnant with your child. Second, those escorts are taking her to a house where she'll be sequestered for the next month. Big open secret here: every boy who wants a go at her for the next month will get it. They sneak the boys in the back door. Both boy and girl are blindfolded and allowed to go at it all night long. No one knows who the father might be if she does wind up knocked up. There will be so much cum in her pussy the next few days it'll be a miracle she'll be able to walk from being so sore. Don't worry, any child she issues forth is unlikely to be yours."

"Very underhanded of you."

"Thank you," she complimented me. "We try."

"And you know all this because you live here?"

"Partly that, and partly because—don't forget—I was in her exact same position. The village is very appreciative of any woman who conceives a girl-child on summer solstice. How do you think I was given this wonderful house? And to make doubly sure the virgin is impregnated, we let the boys have her as many times as she and they wish."

"You're prostituting her!"

"She knows what she stands to earn if she conceives. Is she any different from a wife who births a boy-child for a rich grandfather eager to continue the family line? How many wives earned their keep on their backs? It isn't the act she's being paid for, but the fruits of the act."

I shook my head. "This is strange. More than passing strange."

"I'm sure you'll give us a positive write-up in your paper," she said kneeling on the floor in front of me. "I'm sure more than a few men would be willing to join a community that so highly values virile men." She reached for me crotch and pulled down my pants. "Want to celebrate my daughter's coming pregnancy?" she asked, then took my cock in her mouth without permission.

I didn't resist her warm wiles. "You're very good at that," I complimented her.

"Most men think so," she said after taking my erect cock out of her mouth. "It's one of the many talents I've worked on over the years." She stood up and dropped the bathrobe she had been wearing. For a thirty-seven year old woman there was hardly any difference between her body's and her daughter's. Other than a few faint stretch marks around her tummy, a good dose of freckles, and very well-hidden wrinkles, in the dark I'm sure there was no different between the two. Even their pussies felt much the same, except, of course, that Ivy's was a bit tighter, but I attributed that to her virginity, not age. Without so much as a by-your-leave Lilith straddled my legs and sat down on my lap, guiding my cock into her seemingly always well-moistened cunt. It was good to be back inside her again.

"How come you never had more children after Ivy?" I asked.

"I couldn't find the right man," she said while grinding her hips down on my manhood. I leaned forward and took a nipple between my lips, lightly biting the sensitive bud as I did so.

"But you don't know the man who impregnated you," I pointed out to her, my voice slightly muffled by her soft tits.

"And it's hard to improve on that perfection," she commented, starting to bounce up and down with enthusiasm.

"Did you get your tubes tied?" I asked. "Get serious with birth control? Never fuck a man since giving birth?"

"Shut up," she moaned. "Those answers, in order, are: no, no, no. I've just never been knocked up since."

"Have you ever tried to get pregnant again?" I asked looking up into her eyes that were glassy with building desire.

"Every time I've fucked since Ivy's birth."

And that certainly included me, each time since I met Lilith.

"That makes you a slut," I whispered in her ear.

"I'll wear the label proudly," she replied. "I'm not going to have a condom come between me and my lovers." A shuddering sigh escaped her lips and her body shook with her pleasure. When she was done cumming, she reached down between our bodies; one hand circled around my balls, gently and firmly squeezing, the other went to her clit, which she circled with her nimble fingers. Her hips started jerking back and forth, it didn't take her long to make me cum. "Fill me up," she whispered in my ear. "Be a man and give me a baby."

When I emptied my balls into her womb, I wondered if she was lying to me, if it was the truth, and if I had any chance at all of getting her pregnant. I spent the rest of the afternoon seriously interviewing her about her community way up in the Adirondacks. It was interesting, but I got my most revealing insight as evening dawned and she asked if I wanted to indulge in a little adult entertainment.

"What? Do you have strip clubs up here? Bawdy houses?"

"No, just some televised porn."

"Why not?" I agreed. She switched on the TV, fiddled with the controls and settled on what appeared to be a reality show inspired bit of voyeurism. The camera must have been mounted high on the wall and was pointed down toward a large bed that was currently unoccupied. After a few minutes of staring at empty sheets I turned to Lilith. "Somehow I thought this might be more exciting."

"Wait," she said, not removing her eyes from the screen for a second. It a minute or two the scene was suddenly filled with two bodies. The woman was already nude, the man was topless and wore jeans. He threw her down on the bed and fell on top of her. They rolled back and forth for a bit, kissing and petting like a pair of horny teenagers, before the girl managed to get his pants off and exposed his erect cock. All the while the camera was slowing panning in on them. It took me a minute to understand what was happening.

"Don't you find it even slightly distasteful to be watching your own daughter having sex?" I asked Lilith.

She shook her head, not looking away. "I saw her deflowered, why would this bother me?"

"It just seems more than a little odd. Incest is one of those universal sexual taboos."

"I'm not having sex with her, I'm watching her have sex."

"Still," I said.

"We installed these cameras to keep people safe, not for voyeurism. And besides, what woman wouldn't want to see her own grandchild conceived?"

"You're the only woman I know that would want to do that."

My slight was missed by her because just then Lilith squealed, "Look! He just came in her! It didn't take him long at all. She can't be satisfied."

Before I could comment another figure entered the scene. It was another boy, again no older than Ivy, he quickly took the place of the other boy between Ivy's spread thighs, sinking his already erect cock into her sopping cunt. "Oh good," Lilith said. "Maybe this boy will get her off."

"He didn't last long," I commented.

"Young boys are like that," she said. "I should know."

I opted not to follow up on that comment of hers. It was more than passing strange watching Ivy fuck two different guys at the same time; the girl was insatiable. It wasn't long before both boys were on the bed with her, one was fucking her from behind, spooning her as they lay on the sides, the other received a rather delicate blowjob from Lilith's daughter. I was both aroused and aghast.

"Let's see what else is on," Lilith said, reaching for the remote and flicking through the channels. It dawned upon me that she wasn't actually searching through television stations, she was clicking through the feeds of various closed circuit television cameras. Most were focused on empty scenes, most were boring, but eventually she found a pair of girls together on a bed. One was nude, on her back, legs splayed with the other girl, wearing just a pair of demure white panties, between her partner's legs, face buried up to her ears in the girl's muff. Lilith stopped. "Do you like lesbo action?" she asked me.

"What man doesn't?" I replied.

"Good," she said, as she unzipped her pants, pushed them down to the floor, and slipped her hand between her legs. "Mmm," she sighed. I watched her busy fingers half-hidden by her lacy panties, then looked back at the TV screen.

"Wait, weren't those girls here this morning? Aren't they the ones who took Ivy away this morning?"

"Mm-hmm," Lilith absently replied. "The short one is really cute. I wouldn't mind bedding her." The short one was the one getting her pussy eaten out by her taller companion.

"Do they know you're watching them?" I asked, once again in journalist mode.

Her fingers slowed and she closed her eyes, but didn't remove her hand from her panties. "Yes and no. They know the cameras are there, but they don't know when people are watching."

"Okay," was all I could think to say. I picked up the remote and studied the controls. They were fairly simple and in a moment, I was zooming in, focusing on the small tits of the shorter girl. Then I zoomed back out and discovered another set of voyeurs. "Who are those two?" I asked Lilith.

She sighed again and opened her eyes. On the screen were two young men sitting in a pair of chairs, there were heavy leather cuffs around their wrists and ankles, keeping them seated and in place. After a quick glance Lilith identified the pair. "Caleb and Castor," she said. "They're a handsome pair. The girls are teasing them. Minxes. Don't worry, they'll be sure to fuck the pair before the night is over."

"And they willingly allowed themselves to be tied up like that?"

This elicited a harsh bark of laughter from Lilith. "Of course they did! Once invited into the house they are assured of getting laid, but only by the rules set down by the girls. Apparently these two were promised a good fuck, but only if they were tied up. I can imagine a hundred scenarios under which they'd say yes. Besides, what eighteen year old boy wouldn't want to watch a couple of girls making love in front of him?"

Only gay ones, I thought and went back to watching. Even live porn holds a limited allure with a ready and willing woman next to you. A minute later I was on my knees in front of her, pulling down Lilith's panties. "I've been waiting for that," she sighed, pressing my face into her pussy. I opened my mouth and once again tasted her copious juices. When I looked up and met her downward gaze I couldn't help but think that somehow she had engineered the whole series of events over the past few days and I was just an unwitting but very willing pawn in the whole process.

I went home the next day after a slow, languorous fuck in bed with Lilith. I actually woke up with her mouth on my cock. Once I was awake she wordlessly straddled me, taking my hard, wet cock into her waiting pussy. There was little left to say or do, though I desperately wanted to get in Ivy's cunt one more time, I knew that wasn't going to happen. Eighteen year old girls generally don't want to bed men approaching thirty when they have their choice of beautiful young men. Lilith sent me on my way in my ancient car with a kiss and no promise. I knew I wouldn't be back; it wasn't the world for me.

What was waiting for me at home was a more than slightly ticked off girlfriend whom I hadn't bothered to call during my entire trip. True, she hadn't tried to reach me either—though I had my doubts about cell phone coverage up in the Adirondacks—but ignoring her wasn't a good idea, of that I was sure. Instead of finding my possessions thrown onto the street and the locks changed, I instead found a manila envelope on the kitchen table with my name on it. Inside, in a plastic baggie, was a home pregnancy test with a positive result. When Klare came home all was forgiven apparently. We celebrated her pregnancy with an evening-long fuck session, all the while I wondered if the baby growing inside her was truly mine. I had no reason to doubt Klare's faithfulness, just like she had no reason to doubt mine, but I'd fucked two women multiple times while I was gone. Could I not expect her to do the same?

Everything was soon back to normal. In a few weeks my article was printed in the paper and I received some minor accolades from readers in the city and members of the Northward Freedom Ecologists. Klare and I started to look around to buy a house now that we'd be outgrowing our apartment. As autumn started to approach an envelope arrived at my desk at the newspaper. There was no letter inside, just the printouts of two ultrasounds from two women. Both were a little over a two months pregnant.

I didn't tell Klare.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Yeah right, they were his. Hmmm, hmmm. Only in that twisted world.

Anyway it was a naive and predictable, yeah, silly tale. Try harder. Cheers.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A fairly decent storyline. It would have been nicer if the guy wan't some "random frat idiot". It would have been nice to understand some of the reasons for why or how he was chosen, but this being a jerk-off site, I imagine the author thinks a point was made (NOT).

A nice attempt with good possibilities -all lost

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