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Vix's Licks Pt. 09

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Love rediscovered for Mads, and an epic gig.
8.8k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 02/20/2024
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This is the 9th and final part of this series. Best to read parts 1 to 8 before this, so that you know the background. Even if you have, revisiting part 8 might be a good idea as a reminder of what led to this.


'Vix, it's me, Mads.... I'm sorry...I stepped over a line. I should have known better.'

Oh my God... After all my pessimistic gloom, here was a chance to avert the disaster. We could pull it out of the fire! I felt waves of sweet relief sweep over me. I couldn't speak.

Mads went on, 'I let my feelings for you get out of control, Vix. You were right to put me straight...' There was a pause, but I couldn't formulate a sentence. My mouth opened, but nothing came out. 'Before I'd even got home, I knew I'd fucked up. I wanted to call you straightaway but it's taken until now to be brave enough. Have I ruined everything, Vix? I don't want to ruin everything, but I'm just mad about you. I have been for a long time...'

Tears welled in my eyes. They weren't sad tears, they were tears of relief I suppose. I really had thought we were history. I did feel a bit guilty for the way I'd rejected her, even though I had to, and now, here she was apologising to ME.

'Vix? Are you there? Say something, darlin, I'm dying here.'

'Yes Mads, I'm here,' I croaked. I'm just... I don't know... I had no idea you felt like that about me... it's all been a shock... I really thought it was all over... us, the band, everything.'

'Well, I don't want it to be over. Can we still be friends? Please.'

'Yes, Mads, of course we can. It killed me to think you had walked out of my life. I'm glad you haven't.' There was a little sob and a sniff from her end and I had to stop because I was struggling to speak too. It was very emotional.

'Look...' I swallowed after along pause, 'I don't want to do this on the phone, Mads. Do you know the Three Bulls at Gerrard's Cross?


'I'll meet you there in half an hour.'


I grabbed my car keys and headed off, shouting 'Just nipping out. I'll be back.'

I arrived at the pub just as Mads was getting out of her car and I abandoned the Alfa, carelessly, and got out to meet her. We embraced in the middle of the car park, standing there for a long time, just holding each other and reaffirming our connection, until a car horn reminded us we were blocking the exit.

We went inside, got drinks and sat down, and then we both started talking at the same time. I stopped. 'You first.'

'Oh, Vix...Meeting you, and your mum and dad, and the rest of The Chootes, starting The Zelmas, not to mention the girly sex with you and Roo... It's all been a whirlwind. I was on a high, Vix. A euphoric high. I thought nothing could go wrong, but I was wrong, wasn't I? I got too cocky, thought you couldn't possibly resist me, but God you're a strong little bitch aren't you?' She smiled, ruefully.'

I gave a slight chuckle. 'You are very nearly irresistible, Mads, VERY nearly, and I think, in a way, I am in love with you, but I'm with Roo, and I won't let anything compromise that. She's my number one. You know that, right?'

'Yes, I do.' She looked sad. 'Roo is lucky to have you. I hope she knows it.' She suddenly looked alarmed. 'Have you spoken to her? I mean, does she know... about... today?'

I shook my head. 'No, and I'm not going to tell her.'

'What? But...'

Listen, Mads. If I told her, it would be kamikaze honesty. She'd be hurt and angry. It would drive a wedge between you and her, and it would compromise The Zelmas. Maybe even split us up. It might even have a negative impact on MY relationship with her. There'd be no winners, all of us would lose. It'd be crazy.

'Really? You're going to keep it a secret?'

'I don't see it like that. She doesn't need to know. It would only cause hurt. My relationship with her is unchanged. I'm flattered that you made a pass at me, Mads, I really am, but it doesn't change how I feel about Roo - or you either as a matter of fact. Let's just carry on as if nothing happened. You just have to remember that the three of us having some fun is OK, but you and me alone is not on.'

She turned to hug me and kiss me on the cheek. 'God, you're such a diamond, Vix. A real gem.'

'No, Jem's our lead guitarist,' I laughed.

I was driving home, after 11pm, when my phone buzzed. I knew it would be Roo, so I pulled off the road to call her back. I would usually have spoken to her by now, and she was obviously wondering why I hadn't.

'Hey babe,' I said breezily when she picked up, 'sorry, I took a nap and woke up late. You OK?'

'Yeah, I was just about to go to bed. How did it go today? Did Mads behave herself?' This was extraordinarily perceptive of her; she obviously EXPECTED Mads to try something on.

'Yeh, she was fine. A bit flirty but what's new? She knows where the line is.' Well, I thought, she does now.

I stumbled into my bedroom at half eleven and flopped into bed. Emotionally exhausted. Crisis averted.

The next time I saw Mads was at Saturday rehearsal and we acted like Wednesday didn't happen. It felt different though, now that I knew she was carrying a torch for me. I was a little less open and unguarded with her, and she was a bit more cautious around me, and noticeably quieter. It was a shame; I liked it as it was before. Perhaps we would gradually get back to the way we were. I hoped.

Of course, the question of staying over in the cottage together came up, but I didn't think it would feel right at this point. I was aware that it might seem strange to Roo if we didn't, and the last thing I wanted was for her to realise something had changed, so I invented a cock and bull story about the water to the cottage being off due to some water main problem. I really hoped things would get back to normal soon because this kind of dishonesty was not comfortable for me.

So, Mads went home on Saturday night, and Roo stayed with me in the house. I had mixed feelings. Of course, I always love time alone with Roo, and our lovemaking never fails to blow my mind. She endlessly surprises and delights me, like the time with the wine bottle, and sex with her is always a deeply fulfilling experience, but... I also loved the easy, naughty frivolity of our threesomes with Mads, and I felt its loss.

When I saw Mads again the next day, I made an effort to behave as much like before as I could, and a little bit of her risqué humour resurfaced. I realised that normal service may yet be restored.

On the Tuesday morning, I had just finished breakfast when Mum shouted to me from the living room; Vix, c'mere darling.' I walked through and she patted the cushion next to her for me to sit down. I looked askance at her. 'I've been looking at your setlist,' she said.

'O...K... and?' I could tell the setlist had raised a question.

'Nothing from The Bangles? Tut tut, Vix. Surely you remember me telling you how Vicki helped to kick-start my career?' Of course I remembered, it was the reason I got saddled with Victoria as a name.

'Yes Mum, of course I remember. Er, dunno why there's nothing by them. Must've just fallen through the cracks or something. We have had A LOT of songs to choose from. We can add one though. I love The Bangles.'

She already had YouTube teed up on the TV. 'Shall we choose one?' She said.

'If it means sitting here with you, watching Bangles videos, yes, I'm all for it,' I grinned.

We spent an enjoyable hour, and I was reminded just how good The Bangles were. I still can't believe they are from so long ago. Vicki Peterson is NEARLY 20 YEARS OLDER THAN MY MUM, for God's sake; easily old enough to be my granny. Their songs still sound great though, and I think if they appeared on the scene now they'd still be a massive hit. I had no idea why we'd overlooked them.

We got down to a shortlist of three songs and, strangely, none of them were ones with a Susanna Hoffs vocal. Strange, because her voice is a better match for mine than Micki Steele's or the Peterson sisters'. It looked like Mads would be getting called up for lead vocals again, though I could do the harmonies, which The Bangles were so good at.

The three songs were "Complicated Girl," "Bell Jar," and their Simon and Garfunkel cover, "Hazy Shade of Winter." I liked all these for different reasons, but we eventually plumped for the latter, which is a great cover. So, not actually a Bangles song, but a cover of a cover. We'd definitely do it Bangles-style though.

'We're tight for time now though, Mum. The gig is less than three weeks away.' I decided special measures were needed. I called the girls and explained the reasons for adding another song, and I suggested we do four days of rehearsals. Nikki and Jemma said they'd have to get back to me because it meant time off work, but they did get it agreed and we arranged to spend Thursday to Sunday, learning the Bangles number and polishing all the others, including the new one, which had a working title of "The Cream Song."

Almost as soon as we gathered on the Thursday, we talked about our overnight arrangements. I'd offered the cottage to Nikki and Jemma but they preferred to commute, so it looked like the menage a trois of Mads Roo and I would be restored. Roo asked Mads, 'You are staying over with us, aren't you?' and Mads looked to me for approval. I just smiled.

'If you'll have me, darlings.'

'Oh, aye,' grinned Roo, 'we'll definitely have you.' Nikki and Jemma rolled their eyes. Normal service. Restored.

The first rehearsal went like a dream; we followed The Bangles' version quite closely, which meant all of us sharing lead vocals, though our sound was different. Nikki said she was 'Not much of a singer,' but she did fine. Jemma and Roo were on fire playing the intro. In fact, the whole song. It was killer.

We packed up, well-satisfied, at about 5pm and, as had become normal, waved Nik and Jem off and walked down to the cottage. It felt different now though, and I was actually a bit apprehensive about how it would go. I mean, how could we avoid raising Roo's suspicions that something had happened between Mads and me?

After what had transpired the previous week, I really wasn't expecting Mads to initiate anything, and I certainly wasn't going to, so if anything sexual did happen it would have to be triggered by Roo.

We made some dinner, then sat around watching TV. I set us a challenge to find a YouTube video of every song on our setlist and it proved surprisingly easy. Two of the videos, Sleeper's "Sale of The Century", and Kosheen's "All in My Head" involved the artists playing in water. The latter had Sian Evans swimming in heels (ridiculous) but also reclining on a waterlogged bed in a short dress, and we all agreed there was something very sexual about that image.

It started a discussion about why the theme of water, and especially a waterlogged bed, seemed so sexual to us. Obviously, for women, wetness is associated with sexual arousal, and I've often found myself in a, not waterlogged, but decidedly damp bed. Roo said she'd had erotic dreams which involved being inundated with wetness (I wondered if I was the cause of them) and Mads reminded us of the shower sex and how sensual sex in water can be.

It's fair to say that this subject was making us all horny, and when Roo asked the question 'Who is the wettest of us all?' the answer was unanimous. Me.

I smiled, ruefully. 'Yes, it's true. In fact, I'm SO wet, and get wet SO easily that it's a bit of a problem sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love it when I'm actually having sex, or even wanking -- in those situations it can be very erotic -- but at other times it can be a pain in the arse. I never have enough pairs of knickers. Don't you two have that problem?

'Occasionally,' said Roo, 'but I have to be VERY turned on.'

'Kissing does it to me,' Mads said. 'If I have a real full-on snog with someone I fancy, I have to get undressed very soon, or escape to the loo for a spot of... er... mopping.' We all laughed. 'The joys of womanhood, eh?'

'I was watching a film,' said Roo, '...can't remember which film... and a female character said "I used to be a lesbian, you know, but it all got too wet for me in the end. Men are so beautifully dry." I was thinking, well it's not THAT big a problem!'

We cackled. We were just having a nice girly chat about girl things. All very light-hearted, but things took a slight turn when Mads suddenly said, These threesomes we have are awesome, but do you ever wonder about the potential for emotional complications? Love is a very unpredictable thing.'

Oh jeez Mads, don't do this, I thought. I froze in my seat, praying that Roo would answer for me. Thankfully, she did.

'What, you mean like you falling for one of us, or one of us falling for you?


Mads was holding steady eye-contact with Roo, who was completely unfazed. 'Hm, I haven't really considered it. I thought it was just a bit of fun. Why, is something happening? Are you falling for one of us, Mads?'

Oh God. She wasn't going to blurt out her feelings for me to my girlfriend, was she??

'Well, we've done a lot of bonding, us three, my feelings have definitely got stronger... for both of you.'

I felt the need to jump in and try to steer the conversation into shallower water. 'Of course. We both love you Mads, you know that, right?'

She smiled, but looked a little sad, 'Yes, and I love you, but we're not an equal trio, are we? I'm more of an accessory, really.'

'I don't think you're an accessory, Mads,' said Roo. 'I think you're a greedy girl. You have TWO women just dying to give you pleasure... Maybe we're the accessories?' Once again, Roo comes to the rescue.

Mads' mischievous smirk returned. 'Really? DYING to give me pleasure, hm?' We both nodded. 'Can you prove it?'

'Your wish is our command.'

'OK then. I want you to kiss me Vix. I want you to kiss me like you mean it. I want you to really get my juices flowing, and I want you, Roo, to eat my pussy at the same time. It's a combination I've dreamed of.'

Well, this wasn't going to be any kind of hardship whatsoever. Despite the travails and tribulations we'd gone through over the past few days, I still had the hots for Mads, and most of the worry I had about the risk of "leading her on" (now that I knew her feelings for me) had faded because we seemed to have crystallised where we stood with each other. What Mads really needed was a girlfriend, now that it was obvious "the boy" wasn't doing it for her.

She scooched her bum forward on the chair while undoing her belt, and Roo pulled her pants down and off. I quickly stripped - thinking the naked me would help the 'juices flowing' thing more than the clothed me -- then I stood astride her and leaned down to kiss her. Oh God, the look in her eyes was adorable as I brought my lips to hers.

We kissed for ages, caressing with lips and teasing with tongues, our heads turning this way and that as we orally explored each other's mouths. Fuck, she's a good kisser. Kissing her was always electrifying, and she wasn't the only one who's juices were flowing.

Her hands came up to brush over my hard nipples, as we smooched on, the kiss becoming more and more lusty and sexual, and I could hear Roo's rapacious piggy noises as she greedily ate Mads' obviously very wet pussy.

As I knew only too well, Roo's cunnilingus is phenomenal, and Mads was soon gasping and moaning, interrupting our kiss as her breath was taken away; 'Oh... fuck... Roo... darlin...'

Roo was obviously looking at my bum and pussy as I stood astride Mads' hips (why wouldn't she?) and she briefly paused her oral adulation to murmur 'Oh wow, you're dripping babe.'

Mads and I both said 'Mmm' in unison, as that comment could easily apply to either of us.

I swung my leg over Roo and turned around, spreading my legs wide to straddle Mads' again, then sat down on her abdomen, presenting Roo with a double decker pussy sundae to eat. She alternated between us for a minute, saying 'Oo, you taste so different,' but then concentrated on Mads again. She was obviously very much into it, and focussed on making her come and that was OK.

I stood up, hovering over her as she continued to tongue Mads' hot peach, and I rolled a wet, slippery finger round and round my clit as Mads reached up to tease my nipples. Fuck, this was hot and horny -- pornographic in fact -- and my juice was soon dripping out of me. Roo pulled back momentarily, as a long string of my honey drooled down into Mads' pubes, then she sucked it up, noisily, and went back to her lingual caresses until she achieved her aim; taking Mads to a howling, bucking orgasm. Mads pulled me back so was sitting on her chest, and her hips jerked, bumping her sex into Roo's face over and over as she tried to keep contact.

We loved this position so much, we wanted to try it in different combinations, so we did and I think my favourite was when Mads ate me out while Roo straddled me, so I could reach up and feel her marvellous tits, and admire the beautiful hourglass shape of her back.

Gosh we were horny girls. My raging libido seemed to have no limit. I would have a series of Earth-shattering orgasms, and would feel completely satisfied, but within an hour I could feel horny again. I think Olivia once referred to it as 'the super-carnality of youth.'

The rehearsals were relegated to being merely a diversion, an opportunity to build up my arousal by watching Roo play drums, or listening to Mads sing, ready for the main events; our girly threesomes in the cottage.

We spent an unforgettable four days like this. The Zelmas became a slick and finely-tuned band, and Mads, Roo and I became a well-oiled sexual troika. We reprised the shower sex (twice) and, on the last night, Roo and I visited Mads' bed in the wee hours of the morning for deliciously sensual and intimate sex; just kissing, feeling and caressing under the covers. There was definitely a three-way love between us, even though Roo and I remained firm in our underlying fidelity, and I couldn't help but empathise with Mads' obvious pangs as we kissed her goodbye and waved her off on the Monday morning.


The gig was looming now, and I started inviting friends and acquaintances: a couple of uni friends etc, and Olivia and Ellie, obviously. The Chootes were all coming of course, and Dad was also busy inviting contacts from the business, though I'd no idea how important some of them would be.

I'd been musing on Mads and her "accessory" comment. I met her for a coffee on the Tuesday and started prying... 'So, are you still in touch with any of your female exes Mads?'

'Yeah, a couple, why?'

I smiled and put my elbows on the table, clasping my fingers together in a whimsical way. 'Are there any that you wished you hadn't let go? Any that make you wish you could turn the clock back?'

She didn't even think about it. Without any hesitation at all, she said 'Yeh, Nena. She was my first girl. When we were at college. We practiced guitar together. Until you and Roo, she was my best ever lover. We split when we went to seperate universities.' Her eyes went a little misty and a far away look came over her face.

'Are you still in touch?'

'Oh God no, we drifted apart ages ago. Last I heard she was in Bristol, working for Invada Records.'

'If you could, would you get in touch with her again?'

'Well, yeh, I guess so. If I could.'

'Why don't we try? I'll help you. Dad has loads of contacts. Maybe we can find her. What's her surname?'

'Carmela -- when I knew her. Might be married now for all I know.' She looked at me quizzically. 'Why are you doing this, Vix? What's it to you?'

'What's it to me?' I gave her a reproving look. Mads, you're my friend. Your love life seems to be in the doldrums a bit -- apart from playtimes with Roo and me - and I want to help.'

'Sorry, Vix, I didn't mean it to come out like that... Yes, thank you, it would be great if we could find her.' She smiled and stirred her coffee.

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