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WACS - Weekend Correction Ch. 04

Story Info
Miss Brown is once more humiliated and punished.
5.5k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/15/2012
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Edward grasped his cock for the fifth time that evening as he sat in his room trying to do his homework. Maths, how he hated it, the algebraic figures swam in front of his eyes boring him to death, especially as there was only one figure he want to focus on, Miss Brown's.

He conjured up the image of her running around in the courtyard at the correction centre, naked, for the thousandth time, as he stroked his stiffening member. What he would pay to be watching her humiliated in front of him once more. And not just watching her, but fucking her and seeing her fucked.

His parents had once more rung to check he was alright. They were still away and would not be home for another three weeks. They sounded pleased that Edward had contacted his uncle and encouraged him to phone him again. Edward certainly didn't need encouraging he had to fight to keep his hand off the telephone to find out if he could visit the correction centre again.

The week had dragged on interminably with important exams on the horizon. Although Edward was reasonably bright, he did have to work to get the best grades. Talking with his Uncle had stimulated him to try for the Correctional services, especially after his recent experiences. Also he knew his uncle though firm and demanding would help him as much as he could.

Much to Edwards disappointment, Miss Brown was not at school this week as she was apparently on some training course, Edward knew he would like to do some training on her, cock training.

It was a Friday night and Edward felt he should be out with his mates, but he had so much homework to catch up with, he just had to stay in. He still had the pleasure of meeting his Uncle tomorrow to look forward to and hopefully the pleasure of meeting up with Miss Brown. Once more his cock stiffened a notch.

What was wrong with him, he thought as he tried to refocus onto the math assignment.

He jumped when the phone rang, rousing him out of his reverie. He reached over to the side of the table and picked it up.


"Hi Edward, how's it going?"

It was Uncle Jack, Edward's heart sank hoping his uncle was not ringing to cancel the appointment for the next day.

"Fine Uncle Jack, I'm struggling with a maths problem at the moment, and it doesn't quite work out."

"Math's, hated it, all those funny symbols, history that was my strength."

"Yeah well I've got my final exams in a couple of weeks, so I've got to get to grips with it, I seem to have been doing it all night."

"Well it sounds as though you could use a break then, I'll pick you up in half an hour, OK?"

"Sure fine Uncle, what are we up to?"

"Oh I'll keep it as a surprise, see you then, just dress casual."

Edward put down the phone, now what did his Uncle want? It couldn't be anything to do with Miss Brown, as she was only required to "work" at the weekend. Edwards's curiosity was stirred. He knew his uncle from old and knew he had to up to something, though of course it might just be a drink at his Uncle's club. Edward had been there on several occasions. Although it was exciting to be out with his uncle, the club was a bit stuffy with its oak panelling and big soft armchairs.

Uncle Jack had never been married, explaining it away by saying he was married to the job. He had never talked about having a lady friend, though Edward knew he was not short of female admirers, as his mother described them.

Edward woke up from his reverie and, after closing his books, took off to his bedroom to replace the daggy old track pants he had on for something a bit cooler. He was tidying up in the kitchen when the front door rang.

"Come in," he shouted, knowing it was probably Uncle Jack. It was, the familiar craggy face peered round the kitchen door.

"Oh, what domestic bliss," he smiled, making Edward throw the tea towel at him. They laughed good-humouredly.

"Well the maid had to take the night off," he joked.

"Yes, I know all about that, being a bachelor has its drawbacks."

They chatted for a while, Edward offered Uncle Jack a beer which he gratefully accepted, Edward decided he would take a miss and cracked a can of coke, as he did have a lot of work to do over the weekend.

"What's happening Uncle Jack?"

"You probably aren't aware, but for some time now there has been a lot of news exposure on street prostitution. The government has been trying to clean up the streets and place the girls in government run brothels where they can be kept an eye on. This protects them and their clients from drugs, crime and disease."

"No, I'd not heard anything, but then I don't really read the papers that much." Edward admitted.

"You wouldn't at your age. You see new laws have been passed to encourage men go to government run brothels, rather than use the street girls, with hefty fines for those that still use them, but there are always a few that refuse to obey the law. In the government brothels the men have to use condoms, but there are always those men who want a bareback ride. So we needed to find a way of getting at these men. The trouble is, the street working girls don't want to become involved as they don't trust the police and don't want to rat on their clients. Also the pimps and fat cats who run the girls want them on the streets where they can make a big profit, so they want the state run brothels to fail. No only that the rich and powerful men in the town want don't want to be seen in a government brothel.

"So what's this to do with us tonight?"

"The Police Minister approached me to use police women to act as prostitutes to catch the men who are still prowling the streets and using illegal brothels. If we can catch and prosecute the users the street girls will eventually disappear. The trouble with this is, if the men don't have sex with the girls, we can't prosecute them and they will get off saying they are just asking the way or giving the girls a lift, or some other lame excuse. The men have to use the girls to get caught. Now no police women will allow that, especially without a condom, but we do have other women we can use, the WACS women."

"Oh I see, 'er I think."

"I talked to the Minister and he agreed to let us offer this type of work to the WACS women in return for a reduction in their sentence, sort of one night for two days at the weekends. Of course, whilst some were not interested, some of the more popular weekend girls thought it might make a good trade off and volunteered. Tonight is the first night they are going onto the streets. So I thought you might like to come along and see active police work in practice, also I think your favourite redhead has volunteered."

At the mention of Miss Brown, Edwards interested suddenly took a notch up.

"Has she really? Wow."

"Yes, you see because she a redhead and a good looker, she is very popular with the officers."

"If she's so popular, why would she volunteer?"

"You don't understand Edward, popular means she gets fucked a lot; I think last weekend she was fucked 20 times."

Edward was amazed, Miss Brown acting as a prostitute, she must really hate the weekend session to volunteer for that, but then fucked 20 times! His cock started to stir at the thought of her humiliation at having to work the streets.

"Uncle, do the girls have to have real sex with the men then?"

"Yes of course, that's the point, we have to either photograph the men in a compromising position or be able to collect semen samples to prosecute them for using the girls."

"So they have to have sex with any men, even the old fat ugly ones?" Edward asked, trying to picture young women with old men.

"Of course, that's what being a prostitute entails, though of course they get paid, or rather in this instance we get paid."

Edward was fascinated by what his Uncle was telling him, he had no idea what prostitution really involved

"So what are we going to do tonight, Uncle Jack?"

"First, I thought you might like to watch the girls getting ready. They have to look sexy see to play the part. Then we might drop them off in town, do some observation and see what happens. How does that sound, alright?"

"Cool, amazing Uncle Jack, thanks."

"Right, then we'd better be off." Uncle Jack said as he finished his beer and placed the can in the rubbish."

They drove across town with Edwards mind in a whirl at the thought of seeing his teacher again. Uncle Jack was also quiet; concentrating on the traffic as he expertly drove the car to the correction centre.

They entered into the car park where Uncle Jack slid the car into his reserved spot. Edward was always surprised at how busy the correction centre was. There were people about and cars coming and going. Crime never sleeps, as his Uncle used to laugh.

They made their way through the ground floor to a part Edward had never seen, ending up in a room next to the car park.

An officer greeted Uncle Jack as he came through the doors.

"Evening Sir, I'm glad you could come to this first evening."

"Think nothing about it, after all it was my idea, so I thought I would see how it was going."

"We're just about ready, everything is in place and we are just waiting for the girls to arrive from their briefing, they won't be long. There's coffee if you'd like some."

They talked together about the exercise as Edward stood listening with increasing interest. Finally they finished and Uncle Jack returned to talking to Edward.

There were several other men waiting around, who Uncle Jack explained were part of the task force for tonight. They would be stationed in and around the pick up area and would be doing the surveillance and testing, if necessary.

After a few more minutes the end door opened and an officer entered followed by six women. They were just dressed in ordinary clothes certainly nothing sexy there. They didn't look happy as they walked into the room, looking at the reception party. Edward was pleased to see that Miss Brown was indeed one of the women, and as she looked around and saw Edward, her reaction told him she was not keen to see him once more. He smiled to himself at her embarrassment, as he looked her up and down again.

They stood awkwardly clasping their handbags as they waited. The officer came over and talked briefly with Uncle Jack before turning around and addressing the women.

"As you know you are here tonight to do your community a service, and make amends for your errors. As has been already explained you will be protitutes tonight and will be followed and checked during the next 5 hours. You have already been briefed so all we need to do is to get you ready for your role. Remove all your clothes; you can place them on that table there."

Ah, Edward almost rubbed his hands together in glee as he heard those words. The girls each put down their bags before slowly removing their outer clothing to stand, hesitating for a few moments in their underwear.

"And the rest, come along we don't have all night."

The almost as one reached behind and undid their bra straps releasing their breasts and then sliding down their panties before stepping out of them. They were naked. Edwards cock had stiffened as he watched them undressing. Now, as they stood revealed before him it throbbed in his jeans.

They were all attractive young women who, he was sure would appeal to any man cruising the street. They must have been selected for their figures as they were all slim and busty; there were no tiny tits here tonight.

Edward looked from girl to girl, nobody attempted to cover themselves as they had all been trained during their short stay at the centre to behave properly, thus giving him an unhindered appraisal of their assets. He was amazed at the different shapes and sizes of their tits and nipples. And further down some were shaved revealing the slit of their cunts, whilst other still had their maidenhair intact. All were just wonderful.

They were each given clothes to wear and told to get dressed. As the women dressed Edward could see their clothes were skimpy to say the least and varied from very small mini-skirts with boob tubes to short dresses with low tops. None wore bras or panties. Only one was different and to Edwards's joy it was Ms Brown. He almost did a double take as she was standing in stockings and suspenders and a modified school blazer with only one button at the bottom. It was just like his school blazer, but the front was far more open showing him the mounds of her breasts almost to her nipples. But the main shock was that it was all she was wearing and it was clear she had no skirt or panties on. Her thighs were bare from the tops of the stockings to the jacket just showing her cunt under the bottom of her jacket, between her naked thighs. Edward almost came in his pants. How could she go out like this she was next to naked? Edward nudged his Uncle and pointed to her fanny.

"Uncle, is she going out like that I mean you can see everything down there?"

"Course, you need someone to pull in the punters and of course we've no need to worry about the cops checking up, do we," he laughed. "I thought you might like it especially the school blazer."

"Wow she's really going to hate that," Edward chuckled

Miss Brown was obviously not happy with her selection which was the most revealing of all of the girls and seemed about to say something, but obviously thought better.

One of the men with a clipboard and pen spoke up, "Alright everyone follow Sergeant Jones and then we can get started. He will drive you to the pick up area and we shall follow along. There are already several officers in place with recording equipment."

"Excuse me Inspector, we'll take one of the girls along with us and meet you there?"

"No problem Superintendent, choose which ever one you like."

"We'll take the redhead number 6, come on over here, you."

Miss Brown again looked as if she was going to say something, but knew from bitter experience that it was best to stay quiet.

"Come along Edward, let's be going."

Edward was stunned, take Miss Brown with them, whatever was his uncle thinking about?

Uncle Jack took hold of Miss Brown by the elbow and steered her out of the building and over to his car. Walking on the other side Edward got tantalising glimpses of Miss Brown's nipples as the coat moved about on her body. His cock throbbed, demanding attention. Several heads turned as they passed officers going on and off duty, and there were a few wolf whistles.

"Edward you can get in the back with No 6 whilst I drive to the rendezvous, and I'm sure she'll be eager to show you the skills she's been practicing won't you No 6?"

Miss Brown blushed even redder as the two men chuckled.

"Wow Uncle, cool."

"And you Number 6 behave yourself or I'll have you out every night this week."

Uncle Jack unlocked the car and got in the drivers side whilst Edward opened the back door and ushered the humiliated teacher into the back. As she leant over to get in the jacket rode up exposing whole of her buttocks and her cunt. Edward felt he was in heaven. He quickly followed and as Uncle Jack started to drive off sat back and looked at Miss Brown as she sat stiffly in the seat. Edward knew the leather must have felt cool on her bare buttocks. He enjoyed the view as the car gathered speed along the main road.

"Well don't waste time boy we'll be there is a short while, enjoy her, after all that's what she's here for."

Edward couldn't believe it, Miss Brown exclusively at his disposal. He leant over and moved Miss Brown's arms so they rested each side of her body before undoing the one button holding the coat together. In the flickering street lights her nakedness came into view as Edward pulled the coat aside. He could only stare at the perfectness of her breasts and the sleekness of her body. She certainly kept herself in good condition.

Her reached over and cupped her breast in his left hand squeezing and teasing it. He knew the erection he'd had for the last 20 minutes needed relieving, so after fondling her for a few moments more sat back and after releasing his belt, button and zip reaching into his pants and pulled his stiff member out.

"I think you know what to do Miss," Edward said softly as he emphasised the "Miss"

Miss Brown stared down at it for a moment before bending over and sliding her it into her mouth. Edward was in heaven. The heat of her mouth encompassed his cock, as she slid up and down on the shaft. He tussled her hair enjoying its softness and savouring its fresh smell. Edward felt Miss Browns tongue working at the tip of his cock and like a rocket he could feel himself moving toward coming.


Miss Brown gagged, as he pushed her head into his crotch and forced his ejaculating member deep into her mouth. She had no choice but to swallow his cum.

"How was that then, Edward? Is she ready for the streets?"

Edwards's heart was pounding so fast after his climax he could hardly speak, "I think so, Uncle," he squeaked and Uncle Jack laughed.

He sat back again still enjoying the view of her body as they sped along her breast bouncing as the car rode the bumpy streets. She stared out the window avoiding his look. Again he wondered what she must be thinking being forced to service him when ever he chose.

It did not take long to reach the area the girls were using. It was at the back of an industrial area, just off the main street. It was a common place to find street women. Uncle Jack explained that the area had been lightened up a little more to make identification of the clients easier, and to make the girls stand out more. The normal street girls had been warned off, so there was no chance of any confrontation. Special cameras capable of being used in very low light were being employed high in one of the adjacent buildings so they could film into the cars.

"Don't the cars just drive off with the girls Uncle?"

"No they use the car park over there, Also we have a caravan set up they can use, with a couple of rooms with beds for those that like a bit more comfort. We have hidden cameras there to film the action. We are encouraging the girls to take the punters over there but some men are still shy to get out their cars

Now let's go up to the observation place shall we?"

"Out you get No 6, time to start the night."

Miss Brown opened the door and holding the jacket close to her body walked over to where the other girls were already. There was a rough looking man standing next to them in a black leather jacket, talking to them as they waited. Edward was amazed to see these girls so blatantly displayed. Uncle Jack pointed out the man explaining he acted as their pimp, which was pretty much normal practice. Uncle Jack then drove around the corner and parked up a small alley. They got out and he led Edward into the building, up some stairs and then into a room at the end of a dimly lit corridor. There were already two men looking through sophisticated video recording equipment that was relayed onto several screens at the side of the window.

On the screen Edward could see the girls brightly lit as they waited. It was not long before a car cruised by slowing down, before speeding away. This happened several times in the following twenty minutes.

Edward asked his Uncle why they didn't stop.

"They are the lookers, who might be back later, or not. They just want to see what's on offer before they commit themselves."

As he spoke another car pulled up at the curve. The girls looked over to the driver who waved them over. Two girls sauntered to the car and leant over, before one got into the passenger seat. The car drove just up the road before stopping. Edward could see the man through the screen talking to the girl. He handed her something which she put into her bag before she pulled her boob tube down, revealing her tits to the man. He leant over and squeezed them before reaching down to his lap. The girl looked down and then bent over obviously giving him a blow job. The back of her head could be seen bobbing up and down as she serviced him. It did not take long, less than 3 minutes before the man sat up right, and the girl was ushered out of the door. She adjusted her dress and made it back to stand once more with the girls against the building, waiting.


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