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Click hereAs he slid effortlessly up to his full length he started fucking me, and as I look down at his grinning face. It was John, and I know I was far gone, but it still seamed unusual for him to be grinning like this. I'd expect him to be happy; he was fucking me after all. But this was different, a wicked grin, like a cheeky school-boy. Then as the dick started probing my arse, John stopped his thrusting, just long enough to give the man on top of me a chance to get his dick end located in my bum. But this wasn't one of the three men in suits, it was far too big. This must have been one of the studs. So that was what john found amusing. Now even though my bum is tighter, and initially it hurt more with the big dick, once this guy got my hole open, he was up to his full length in seconds.
Now they both started their thrusting, and with a dick in excess of twelve inches long up your bum, this is a lot of thrusting. My cunt and arse were getting pulled from pillar to post, well mainly my bum. Then once the initial pangs of pain had subsided, I felt like I was in heaven. Who went next, how many times I cum, I can't recall. The rest of this session is quite vague in my mind, but as far as I'm aware, they only had one of the studs join in with their fucking. They repeatedly fucked all my holes, shooting their cum when and wherever they wanted to. I put up absolutely no resistance, on the contrary, once worked-up, I loved every minute. And when they eventually stopped, I lay there with a satisfied smile.
Again I was allowed to come back to normality, and it's only then, that it really hits you. To find yourself with cameras and men all around, while you're laid spread wide covered in cum, it really makes you feel small and vulnerable.
"You're back with us again. I told you that you wouldn't have a problem taking one of my studs. You did well their, when you're ready you can shower-up again, then we can do our last scene, and you'll be done for the day."
I felt like I'd been done already, in fact I didn't think I could stand up. I wobbled my way across to the shower, and the water did seem to rejuvenate me a little. Then as I was handed a towel, two of the Black guys helped me back to the bed, where they proceeded to dry me down.
One guy handed me one of those energy drinks, and said, "Come-on girl, this'll help."
"Thanks." I drank it down in seconds, and sat there gasping for breath.
"Hey girl. Steady on. There's no need to rush, we can wait for you."
"She certainly looks fucked."
"So she should, she's done well for a novice."
Then Graham came across and put a pile of clothes down on the bed beside me. "How are you feeling now?"
"I'm ok. Just a little tired."
"Well when you're ready, you can get yourself dressed, and I've just got this one last scene for you to do. I'll explain what it's about, but don't think I'm rushing you, take as much time as you want. And remember, this is like the last scene you did for me, it's purely to please me, no pressure, and you've already earned your contract."
Now while he was telling me I had all the time in the world, Richard was stood up behind him gesturing like crazy. He couldn't actually say anything, otherwise graham would have known. But it was obvious from Richard's gestures, that I didn't have all the time in the world, and like last time he was indicating Graham would sling me out if I didn't do as I was told. Who should I believe? The only thing I knew was, that if I did Fuck-up at this last stage, as Richard had put it, then everything I'd been through would have been for nothing. So far, I'd been fucked, sorry eased open, in every conceivable hole, so what ever came next couldn't be much worse.
Back to Graham who was now telling me this last scene was to show the opposite emotion to the last one, this was to be fear. I had decided to follow Richard's advice, and the clothes I'd now started to put on, would make me look like a respectable straight laced woman. Long skirt, high neckline, dark colours etc.
They'd changed the look of the place, one wall of the studio now had a backdrop that looked like a brick wall, and the floor was covered in a rubber sheet, that look to all the world like cobbles. He explained the lighting would be low, to simulate a dark night. And by a series of shooting me walking, then going back to the start again, and re-shooting, they'd give the illusion of me walking down a long lonely road in the dark. I had to pretend I heard noises, and look scared. Then the five men would appear, and surround me. They would then film a simulated rape scene.
Now I'd heard about his simulation before, and even believed him. But every time, I'd just ended up being fucked. So I had no reason to believe this time would be different.
"Well what do you think; will you do this last little scene for me?"
"If I say yes, then I won't be asked to do anything more, and I'll get my lift back home?"
"That's the deal; you can be snuggled up on the back seat of the Jag, with a contract in your pocket, speeding your way back home down the motorway in no time."
"But the rape scene, they won't just be simulating their fucking?"
"What! Are you asking if they can fuck you for real?"
"No, I'm just saying. You say it will be a simulation, and then when I agree to do it, I always end up getting fucked."
"Fucking hell! Just when I thought we were getting on so well. So you don't want the contract after all?"
Why had I opened my mouth, I know what I said was true, but why the fuck did I say anything. Now I had to rapidly eat shit to calm him down again. "Please. I didn't say I won't do it. Please just try to forget I spoke. I will do the scene."
"I don't know about you anymore. Just when I was thinking what a good little girl you'd been, you get all bitchy."
"Please. I promise, I'll be that good little girl again. Please let me do the scene for you."
"Ok, but I'll want a full consent statement direct to camera before we start shooting."
"Ok. Just tell me what you want me to say."
So here I was facing the camera reading from an out of shot clipboard.
"High guys. My name is Brenda. I'm thirty years old, and normally I'm your everyday house wife. But today I'm moonlighting in this studio with five handsome hunks. And although the action you're gonna see is definitely real, don't worry about me, they're not really raping me, and my screams will only be acting. So by the time I get to speak to you on camera again, I'll have been fucked by the best. So this is Brenda saying bye for now, and wish me luck, cos looking at the equipment these guys are packing, I'm gonna need it."
"Very good, now let's see you in action. Start off with a few slow steps, looking nervously behind you."
Well before I knew where we were, the preliminary stuff was over. We were at the bit where the five men all dressed in old tatty clothing, converged in on me forcing me back to the brick wall with nowhere to go. I can remember the first few tugs, as they started ripping the clothes from me, you wouldn't imagine just how much that can hurt you. But then my clothing was gone, and they'd got me on the cobbles, my first thought was, how comfortable these cobbles were. They'd looked real, but were only rubber, and even though I was thrown down roughly, it was painless. But from then on, I can tell you, the pain started. No working me up, no time to get aroused. And even though I knew it wasn't real, just the scene with five rough men surrounding me, had got me scared.
So as these guys hauled my legs open, and one of them rammed me, I wasn't prepared for the pain. I let out a shriek, and all I got back was laughter. They weren't caressing my nipples; they were biting them, and biting hard. Someone started ramming my throat, but he was told to leave me to scream. Which I can tell you I was doing; I was screaming that loud, it was hurting my own ears. I was turned over, and now had another man forcing himself up my bum. My screaming must have gone on for about five minutes. Then gradually I lost the energy to scream, as the pain was now subsiding. My revulsion had gradually turned into a resignation of my situation. Once I reached that stage, my cunt juices started to kick-in. So from now on, I was a willing participant, sucking and fucking in what ever position or combination they wanted.
And they wanted every position known to man. I guess most of the time I had one up my cunt, one up my arse, and one in my mouth, with my hands wanking the other two. But I know at one stage, they had two guys in my cunt at the same time! Well I kept cuming, and so did they, in every hole, and everywhere. They didn't stop until all five of them could produce no more spunk. Then they simply walked away and left me on the cobbles.
"Ok Brenda, can you look up a minute?" It was graham. I slowly lifted my head, and could hardly see him for the spunk in my eyes. "You did real well, now the closing line for the film, just wipe some of that cum from your eye, and read the board for me."
I didn't feel like doing this, but once done, I knew it would all be over. "High again guys. I was going to say, I don't feel quite so spunky as last time I spoke to you, but I guess looking at me, you'll all think I'm spunky enough. Well I hope you enjoyed that as much as me. And don't forget, I'm just an ordinary housewife, not a stuck-up snob. So if you ever meet me in the street, come and tell me if you liked my little show. Now bye for now, and we'll leave you with a closing picture of my cunt."
I read it, very badly, and hesitating on some of the sentences. But as it was live to camera, I hadn't got time to workout what I was saying before it was spoken.
"Right my dear, that's the filming over. Are you ready to fuck?"
I looked at him in complete amazement, I'd almost come back down to earth, and his words hit me like a sledge-hammer. But it wasn't just his words, all the camera men, were standing there naked, along with John Richard, and Graham was busy getting himself to the same condition.
They just all piled in, and started fucking me again. I was turned on enough so there was no pain, but it was just a series of being turned from one way to another, and dick after dick shooting up every orifice. They pounded me for what felt like a lifetime, and when they'd done, I really couldn't get to my feet.
They had to carry me to the shower tray, and washed me while I lay in a heap. I was dried, and put back into my own clothes. Then carried to the Jag, and off home we went. In seconds I was asleep, and didn't wake until Richard shook me when we'd reached about half a mile away from my home.
"Are you ok?"
"Oh god, it really happened. I thought it was just a dream. What time is it?"
"Nearly quarter past three. See I told you we'd get you back home before three thirty. How do you feel?"
John spoke up. "I think she means fucked."
"That's enough. There's no need to rub it in, I bet she feels bad enough already without you going on."
"That's ok. I can take his comments. What happens now?"
"What do you mean? We'll drop you of at your house, and you can go and pick up your baby."
"No I mean what happens about the modelling contract, how long before someone gets in touch with me?"
"Hah hah. The stupid bitch still hasn't clicked."
"Richard. What's he laughing at? Please don't tell me that was all a con trick."
"Sorry girl. I thought you'd have realised by now." I curled back up into a ball, and burst into tears. "Don't feel too bad. Everyone falls for it. You're number fifty-one. So far, we've conned five women every week, and every single one has let us film them being fucked. Admittedly some took more persuading than you, but on the other hand, some took a lot less. But tomorrow, we'll have some other would-be model sitting back there, with her cunt getting all moist, wondering just how much she'll have to show to get selected. And by the afternoon, she'll be like you are now, feeling so stupid, with her cunt and arse full of cum. Just put it down to experience, and be glad we weren't murdering rapists. You're back home in time to feed baby, and make Harry's tea, so no real harm done."
"You fucking bastards! I'm phoning the police the second I get in."
"That's no problem my dear, maybe you'll remember, that before we got you to do anything, or any of us touched you, you always gave us permission on camera. And if you want to go to a police station, and have lots of hairy arsed plods gauping up your twat to see how much cum you took, then be our guest. But don't forget, hubby won't be to happy his wife was so fucking silly that she went off in a car with two men she'd never even seen before. Anyway, this is your house. So do we get a goodbye kiss?"
"Fuck-off." And with that I slammed the door as hard as I could.
The window wound down. "I'll take that as a no then. Bye Brenda, keep them legs open, cos if you can't get famous showing your clit, your face certainly ain't gonna do it for you."
I guess that's the end of this part of my story, I picked up baby, and made Harry's tea, as they'd told me to, so I was even following their instructions now they'd gone. There is more to this tale, and it does involve me unwillingly letting a complete stranger fuck me. But after that I get very withdrawn, and devote my life to the church. Well that turned out to be an even bigger mistake.
But you won't here about that, unless I get enough email to show people are interested.
Great story ,what about next chapter (say) six months later they come back and blackmail her to do more.
This is as a very compelling story. I really enjoyed how you wove your desire to succeed with your reluctance to comply, being lead one step at a time ever closer to full submission and eventually the realization that you had been conned. Very well done!! Can’t wait for your next installment.
This is one of my most favorite stories on Literotica. Do you ever plan on writing more of these?
Great story, once you get a slut worked up you can get her to just about anything, that is how a few of us got a co-worker to pull a train.