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Watching My Husband

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Reverse cuckold; she's turned on by watching her man.
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I love my husband. We were married young but things stayed pretty hot for us both for the last 10 years. However, like most married couples do we decided we wanted to try some new things. We decided on the usual threesome. You know, find some young girl and bring her home, so on and so forth. I was excited about the idea and was ready for anything. Little did I know I had a dark side that was about to expose itself.

We found a young girl that we both found attractive through one of those internet sites you see ads for all the time. She was young but not too young, 26 to be exact. I thought this was perfect because I am 32 and my husband is 31, and I know he's wanted a younger girl for awhile but I knew I wouldn't be comfortable with an 18 year old bimbo.

Her name was Angela and she was of Italian descent with dark hair and eyes, average build, perky breasts, the whole package. I personally thought she was gorgeous and she was just different enough from me in appearance I knew my husband would enjoy the change. I am by no means unattractive. I just know how guys always want something new. I am 5' 6", 140 lbs, light red hair and nice full breasts. My husband is about 6 feet, 200 lbs, and average build.

Needless to say we were all excited when we finally decided to meet in person. We invited her over to our house to have some drinks and get to know each other better. I was so nervous when I heard the doorbell ring I almost fainted. I quickly checked myself in the mirror before hurrying to the door. She greeted me with a friendly hello, and we immediately fell into conversation as if we were old friends reuniting after a long separation.

My husband was still getting dressed after having his after work shower, so we helped ourselves to one of the bottles of wine we had purchased for this night. We had both finished our first glass by the time my husband came downstairs. He sat next to me as we all laughed and talked for about an hour.

We had just finished our second bottle of wine when I felt the urge to go pee.

"That wine sure goes through you", I thought.

I was just about to excuse myself and head upstairs to the bathroom when I realized Angela's jacket was still draped over the back of her chair. In our initial excitement I had completely forgotten to take her coat and hang it up for her.

"Angela, I'm sorry I forgot to ask you earlier. Can I take your jacket and hang it up for you?"

"Oh yeah, sure. Thank you."

"I apologize. I should have asked you when you first walked in but I was a little caught up in the excitement," I chuckled.

"Oh, it's no big deal Lauren. Don't worry about it," she said.

As she handed me her coat my husband, James, suggested I put it in our closet upstairs. "After all, that's where we will probably end up, right?" he said, almost half joking.

We all kind of giggled at the comment. The wine had loosened us up enough that our inhibitions were slowly eroding. I turned and headed upstairs, jacket in hand. As I entered our bedroom and opened the closet door a strange thought entered my mind. No matter how comfortable we felt around Angela we really didn't know anything about her at all. We knew her name was Angela Wilson. That was about it.

I knew I shouldn't have been nosey but the wine gave me the courage to rifle through her pockets. I wasn't sure exactly what I hoped to find, but I looked anyway. I found the usual, lipstick, wallet, keys, but no weapons of any kind. "Ok," I thought, "she isn't an axe murderer."

I felt a little foolish as I hung her jacket in the closet and turned toward the bathroom. As I sat there relieving myself it came to me in a flash. "The wallet," I whispered to myself. I hurried up and finished then ran to the closet. "I know it's stupid," I thought to myself, "but I just have to see."

I opened her wallet and checked her drivers' license. "Angela Turner," I read out loud. I was surprised that my unnecessary nosiness had actually produced something of interest.

"Angela Turner," I repeated to myself. "So why did she tell us her name was Angela Wilson?"

I went back downstairs and joined Angela and James on the couch. It wasn't long before Angela was asking where the restroom was. I led her to the downstairs bathroom and as I went back to the couch I whispered to my husband that something wasn't right.

"I know I shouldn't have, but the wine is getting to me and I'm not thinking clearly," I started, "but Angela's last name isn't Wilson, it's Turner. I saw her drivers license in her jacket."

My husband was surprisingly calm. "I know," he said. "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to ruin things. Angie was a girl that went to my high school. She was a freshman the year I was a senior. We didn't really know each other that well but we did have one class together."

"What kind of class would a senior have with a freshman?" I wondered out loud.

"I needed one elective to graduate my final semester. I chose home economics because I thought it would be easy. That's where we met."

I was shocked, not really angry, just shocked that he didn't think I would understand something seemingly innocent. "I'm sorry," he said, "I didn't realize it was the same Angie until earlier this week when she emailed the picture. I didn't realize it at first, but then it hit me. Angie Turner was using a fake last name in case someone recognized her."

"Did you ever sleep with her?" I asked.

"God, no. She was a kid. At least that's how I looked at her."

Call me crazy but that answer was enough for me. I was willing to let it all go, but I wasn't willing to let Angela continue the unnecessary lie. As soon as she came back into the room we let her know we knew her real name.

"I'm sorry Lauren. I wasn't trying to deceive you. As soon as I realized I knew your husband I decided I was going to tell you before we did anything. I was sitting here trying to find a way to tell you guys without it being a big shock and ruining the evening. I'm sorry. I know that sounds stupid. I should just go."

"No, no, Angela," I said, "it's just a coincidence. That was years ago. You guys were kids that had a class together. It's not a big deal. We're all adults here, right?" I said. "Here, let me refill your glass and you and James have a seat. James, hand me my glass, would you?"

I refilled our glasses and returned to the couch. It's weird, but finding out they actually used to go to school together somehow seemed to relax everyone a little more. Before I knew it we were all laughing again and making sexual comments to one another. By the time the third bottle was empty we were all obviously feeling buzzed and highly sexual. Angela and I had both removed our shoes and were eyeing each other playfully.

James excused himself to the bathroom and I offered to open another bottle. "Oh, no thank you. I don't think I'll be any good to anyone if I have anymore," Angela replied.

"Ok, well I will take our glasses and put them in the kitchen," I said as I stood on weak legs.

As I was walking back into the living room something animal in me was raging to get out. I walked up behind Angela on the couch and slid my arms over her shoulders and down over her stomach. She moaned at my sudden and unexpected touch, and leaned her head to one side allowing me access to kiss her softly on the neck and behind her ear.

I slowly stood up straight and slid my hands up her chest and over her shoulders, and ran my fingernails through her hair. She moaned as I massaged her scalp with my fingers.

"Let's get upstairs and surprise James," I whispered.

"Yeah," she sighed sexily.

By the time James came out of the bathroom we were both already naked on the bed. Angela was lying on her back and I was next to her on my side with my leg across hers. We were kissing passionately and she had her hand in my hair and was grabbing me forcefully. I liked the slight rough treatment. It was something I have asked James to do, but he says he is afraid to get rough with a woman he loves. I understand that, but this woman didn't love me. She just wanted to fuck me, and knowing that fact made my pussy cry! I wanted so badly to be used and abused by someone who didn't care about my feelings, and I was sure Angela could give me that. Little did I know I was about to get more than I bargained for.

James immediately took off his pants and shirt and joined us on the bed. Without even turning to look Angela let go of my hair and grabbed his cock. She tugged and stroked him slowly, but with a firm grip, and continued kissing me roughly all the while. I looked at James and we made eye contact just long enough to have that mutual understanding. This is what we both wanted.

Angela was a take-charge kind of girl and I enjoyed just following her lead. It was the perfect change up to our normal boring sex life. She got up on all fours with her legs spread as wide as she could and started sucking my husbands cock like it was something she had wanted all her life. I got down behind her and started licking and sucking her exposed cunt. I tried to see how far I could stick my tongue in her pussy. She was dripping wet, and I wanted to taste as much of her juice as I could. My husband was moaning and grunting like a schoolboy getting his first blowjob as Angela sucked his cock and massaged his balls in her hand. James had a hold of the back of Angela's hair and was fucking her face as hard as he could. Angela seemed to be enjoying every bit of it. Maybe a little too much, I thought.

It wasn't long before Angela pushed James onto his back. She climbed on top of his cock and faced away from him so I could kiss her and suck her tits while she rode my husband. She was rocking and bucking on his cock so hard I could barely keep up with her, so I just backed away for a second and rubbed my clit and watched this woman fuck my husband as if she were trying to prove something. I started to realize that that was exactly what it seemed like. She wanted to out-fuck me! I don't know if it was the wine or my own dark sexual fantasies kicking in, but at that moment I was more turned on than I had been in a long time. Watching some other woman try desperately to juice my husband for everything his cock could provide was so fucking erotic! I started making comments to her, trying to get her to realize she was fucking a married man.

"Come on, fuck him!" I said, "Fuck him like you know you want to!"

"Oh, fuck yes! I'm grinding the shit out of him!" she panted.

"You know you love fucking a married man while his wife watches, don't you?"

"Yes, I want you to watch me drain his cock!" she grunted.

"Then come on, fuck him! Harder! Show me how a real whore fucks! Make me jealous! Make me fucking hate you!" I yelled. I was rubbing my clit furiously, but I needed more.

"He's going to leave you for me!" she yelled back. "He wants to fuck my tight little hole! He likes it better than your worn out cunt, you fucking old bitch!" she screamed as my husband fucked her with violent force.

Now she's getting it, I thought to myself.

I sat up in front of her and spit in her face, "Fuck you, whore! He's MY husband!"

She seemed shocked at first, then smiled and whispered "He doesn't want you anymore!"

Then she got off of James's cock and bent over the bed in front of me, wiggling her ass and giggling. "This is what a tight young ass looks like. This is what your husband wants to stick his cock in," she cooed. She then gestured for my husband to come up behind her.

"Grab his cock, Lauren. I want you to be the one who puts your husbands cock in my ass! I want your hand to be the one that guides him into his new slut."

I obediently grabbed his cock and sucked her juices from it. It tasted so good to have her flavor mixed with the flavor of my husband's dick.

"Get down behind me and lick my ass," she commanded. "I'm going to need the lubrication to take his dick. How appropriate that his ugly old wife be the one to provide that lubrication," she said with a grin. As I hungrily dug my tongue into her tight hole my husband grabbed some edible lubricant from our dresser drawer and smeared it over his shaft.

"Ok, now put him in me," she said.

As I eased his cock into her ass she looked back over her shoulder and we made eye contact. "Fuck you," she mouthed, then let out a loud "Ooooh."

My husband eagerly pumped into her as she reached back, grabbed his left hand, and shoved his ring finger in her mouth. A minute later she had sucked his wedding ring off his finger and was sucking on it like it was a jolly rancher, smiling at me the whole time. I was on the bed rubbing myself and watching in awe.

Finally she spit the ring out at me as hard as she could. The wet ring hit me right in the chest and she laughed a loud laugh as my husband fucked her.

Finally, he pulled out and Angela reached out and grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled me down off the bed and onto my knees. "Suck my ass off your husbands dick," she commanded. I hesitated at first, but she slapped me hard "I said suck my ass off of his dick!" I did as I was told. I sucked as hard as I could, trying to rob her of his load even though deep down I wanted her to have it. I wanted to watch my husband's seed enter her body instead of mine. The thought of it drove me wild.

She quickly realized what I was doing and pushed me away, "It's mine, bitch!"

She sucked his cock and tickled his balls like a pro. It didn't take long and he unloaded in her mouth. She immediately turned to me, grabbed my face, and spit all his goo into my mouth. As she did that I rubbed my clit faster, harder, and finally came hard in a violent shudder as I swallowed his load. My husband and I cuddled up on the bed together and fell asleep with Angela stroking his hair.

When we finally woke up about an hour later she was gone. I got up groggily and went into the bathroom. As I clicked on the light I saw it. In bright red lipstick written on our bathroom mirror she had written, "until next time, bitch!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a great story. My name is Karen and It is not so far from my own reality. My husband, Jim, a medical student, and I had been married just three years when my best friend from work, Gloria, broke up with the guy she was living with and suddenly Gloria was kicked out. I asked Jim what we should do. He insisted we offer Gloria refuge with us. Now we had a large one bedroom apartment with a large living room/ dining as well. Gloria agreed to sleep on the couch behind a used four panel Chinese divider, an arrangement which seemed ok. We bought a clothes moving box from U-Haul and used that as her closet. Two weeks went by and Gloria had not found anything. I was getting worried because Gloria had taken a sudden interest in my husband. Also, Jim who likes daily sex had decided that Gloria could just listen to us and the noises we made having sexual intercourse. Gloria started staying up late with my husband as he studied and making breakfast. The Saturday of the third week, Gloria offered to do the weeks grocery shopping but asked Jim to come along. Off they went. Hours later they returned. After dinner, Gloria opened some ice wine and said, "We three need to talk." We all sat in the living room. Gloria started, "I want to tell you why Jim and I were gone so long. We stopped off at lover's lane in the park and I gave Jim a blow job, something I know you refuse to do. So Jim and I are proposing I move in permanently and the new sleeping arrangement will be all three of us in the king size bed." I just sat there and stared at both of them. Then I spoke, "I agree with conditions. First, Gloria, you will give Jim blowjobs but also you have to fuck Jim bareback at least three times a week and I get to watch if I choose. Second, from now on I get to let other men fuck me. Third, once agreed upon the changes are permanent especially the one about me fucking other men; even if Gloria moves out and gets married. Fourth, you both agree right now or Gloria leaves right now. Gloria, you answer first." Gloria's loud response, "OK." Jim's very subdued response, "I guess I agree." I replied, "No Jim, no guessing, do you agree?" He whispered,"Yes I agree." I stood up held out my arms and said, "Group hug." We all hugged and Gloria kissed Jim then I kissed Jim. Then I walked into the bedroom and opened my purse and pulled out my address book and picked up the phone and dialed. Jim and Gloria were standing in the door and heard me say, " Stan, I am ready for that ride. 1632 Main, I will be ready." Jim said, "What was that all about?" I replied, "That my dear husband was my first phone call to a man who has wanted to fuck me for years and today is his lucky day since you have released me from my marital vows." Gloria chimed in, "Did you just call Stan, the biker from work?" My response, "Yes and you two probably don't need to wait up for me." Right in front of both of them I started quickly undressing down to completely nude and then putting on my jeans with no panties, a t-shirt with no bra, and my fleece shirt, my sneakers and grabbed my pea coat. I waved good bye and left. I am now officially a biker chick.

Helen1899Helen1899almost 4 years ago

Sex wasn't that well written hence only 4*

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Yea right

My husband's sluts ever spoke to me like that. It would be the last thing they do. Fuck up slut and open your holes.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Reverse , backward, upside down,any kind of cuckold sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I like loving, willing cuckquean stories (but usually not willing cuckold), but not this one because of the disrespect Angela shows to Lauren, even if it may be playacting. As a corollary the kind of cuckold stories I dislike the most are the ones where the husband is (in order, progressing from bad to worst) disregarded, disrespected, degraded -- even if he professes to want it.

There is a paucity of cuckquean stories on Literotica compared to the overabundance of cuckold stories. You can find some by googling "cuckquean, literotica." Literotica does not have a good search system so you will miss most. They are in Fetish, Loving Wives (the proper category), and one I even found in BDSM (maybe that one was part of a series). One writer had degrading cuckquean which I dislike just as I dislike degrading cuckold. Some are not labeled cuckquean, but are sharing husband stories. Another class are those where the wife loans out hubby to a woman or couple to help them have a baby. You might find some of these by searching impregnation, insemination (adding "natural" to these might help), or wants baby.

Happy hunting.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Fucking awesome. This is one of the hottest ones I've ever read on Literotica

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Cum Together

I just LUV IT when my hubby masturbates for me! It's just so damn sexy & so very,very erotic to watch one another! I get him going by taking him in my mouth & stroking him nice & slow ,after awhile of teasing him I reach over & grab his hand & place on his cock & whisper that I want to watch him masturbate for me.I just LUV watching how he teases his beautiful 23 cm's long ( 9in. ), waxed smooth manhood. My silky smooth little kitty begins purring away & she's just begging for me to pet her! He'll start out very, very slowly by gently running his fingers along his beautiful erect shaft starting with his silky smooth balls, and up the entire length his gorgeous cock & while he's doing this I can see his manhood just throbbing more & more with each gentle teasing caress along the underside of his hard cock. Then his cock will begin jump off his groin on it's own to meet his hand & by this time my eyes are just fixated on that beautiful long cock of his & I am just entranced & hypnotized with pure amazement by this beautiful, erotic movement of his erection. By this time now my fingers are giving my pretty little bald kitty a good working over as I am becoming very wet with anticipation. I can begin to see now his clear pre cum is beginning to slowly ooze out of the tip of his cock so, I take my finger & gently begin to make a circular motion on the head of his cock & he starts to grip himself tighter & he continues very slowly to stroke it to squeeze out the sweet love nectar of his, that I yearn so badly for & longing to taste. After repeating this a several times all the while of course I'm still playing my silky smooth kitty, then he reaches over to grab my working hand & brings it close to his mouth, then he will very gently lick and suck on my fingers to taste my sweet love cream that he loves so much as well! This literally makes me cum again even more & nearly gives me an orgasm just from this alone! But I have to wait until we can both get off together ,after several minutes of slowly savoring each other we both begin again to get ourselves off & he starts picking up the pace of stroking that long beautiful shaft of his for me & by now I am frantically giving my kitty a good rubbing, faster & harder we both are going at it now & we both are echoing out soft moans of pleasure as were both watching one other. Then he's tells me he's about to cum and then just shortly later he erupts with all that beautiful hot pearly white cream onto my body. It feels so warm & good when he doe's this just for me & when I see it erupting out like a volcano it takes me right over the edge of shear pleasure with wave after wave of an awesome orgasms!

I have to recommend to all the ladies out there, you definitely need to seduce your man into masturbating with you sometime at least once! I mean we all have masturbated at some point in our lives why not simply be honest with one another & try it together occasionally? I think most ladies will truly end up just LOVING IT!

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