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Way Too Easy


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"I can't do that. It's my responsibility. She'll understand. I may have to treat her especially nice for a while, but I can enjoy that."

"But, you really haven't done anything. You're not even undressed!"

"Not for long," he says and unbuckles his belt.

"Oh, that's right," I realize. "Well, if you're sure that you want to make the sacrifice, then I guess that I'm still willing."

I wonder how I'm going to explain this to Jeremy.

** Doc **

"This has been waaaaay too easy!" I think to myself, as I unbuckle my belt. Pulling off my t-shirt, I gaze down on the delightful naked body now resting on her side on the examining table. She is curled up with her legs pulled up under her.

A light sheen of sweat makes her skin glisten. The look on her face is one of languid relaxation and total satisfaction. Such a pretty little thing. And her last orgasm was massive. I almost drowned in her juices.

I kneel down to unbuckle my sandals, kick them off and then stand back up and unbutton my pants. The expression on her face is fascinating as I let my jeans drop. At first her facial expression seems to change to one of amusement, and then morphs to one of astonishment. When I pull down my boxer briefs, letting my throbbing erection free, her expression turns to a look of amazement followed by one of almost horror.

"Oh, Doc. I thought Jeremy was large, but you're HUGE!" she gasps. "How will that thing possibly fit in me?"

"Well, we'll see if it will, dear," I say soothingly, "And if it does, and I'd be surprised if it won't, then you'll have the confidence to handle Jeremy. Won't you?"

"Are you sure I can take it?" her voice quavers.

"Are you still willing to try, or do you want to stop now?"

After a long pause to reflect, she takes a deep breath and says, "I'll try. But, you've got to promise to stop if I can't stand it. That thing has to hurt." She is visibly trembling.

"OK. You have my word. Can you stand up?" I help her down and steady her when her legs threaten to buckle under her. We're standing within inches of each other. "You're a brave lady to have come this far."

Her wan smile is reassuring. "What now?"

"Would you do us a favor and lube me up good?" I suggest, handing her the bottle of lube.

She takes the bottle and slowly sinks to her knees. The crown of my cock is just about her eye level. She pops open the top of the lube bottle and squirts some on the palm of her hand. Putting the bottle down, she rubs her palms together and reaches for the shaft of my manhood. Her hands close around it with a delightfully gentle pressure and leisurely start working their way up my tool, leaving behind a glistening coating of lube.

Her touch is excruciatingly pleasant. As her soft graceful hands approach the crown of my member which is leaking pre-cum, she sits up and looks at it carefully. Then she astounds me by carefully sticking her little pink tongue out and collecting the tiniest drop of moisture from my slit. She pulls her tongue back in and considers the taste with a look of concentration on her face. Then she gives the very tip a gentle kiss.

"That's as far as I'm ready to go today," she says seriously and resumes lubing.

"Oh," I groan, "that feels so good."

Her hands slide up over the most sensitive part of me and mix the lube and the pre-cum before retreating back down to the base. I am hard as a proverbial rock and in desperate need of relief after all the sex play that we've been through. When she squirts more lube on her palms and continues her leisurely application, I grit my teeth and bask in the joy of the moment.

Just before I get absolutely desperate, I say, through gritted teeth, "That's fine, dear. You've done an excellent job."

Reaching down, I help her to her feet, amazed at how light she is. We share a long passionate kiss that actually slightly lessens the pressure in my groin. "Now we need to relax your back entry, little sweetheart. Turn around and bend over at the waist. Put your pretty head and your shoulders on the table. Let your sweet breasts hang free. Then I need you to reach back and spread your cheeks."

"Spread your feet apart. Further," I direct. "That's good. Now relax and remember what I told you."

What an amazingly cute little ass. I am astounded by my good fortune. Her face looks relaxed and when I squirt a glob of lube into the very top of the crevice separating her firm cheeks, she smiles. I work the lube down her crack to the little rosebud that is awaiting my arrival. With more lube on my fingertip, I gently press my index finger against her anus. A gentle press this time is all it takes to slide right in.

This girl is relaxed with a capital R. I feel the rubbery muscle surrounding my finger loosen even more and then I withdraw. Her groan almost sounds like disappointment, but I'm just reloading a little more lube and this time I press my index and my middle finger into her. She sucks her breath in but doesn't flinch. I gently work the fingers around for a few long minutes, feeling the pressure that originally held them together gradually lessen. Then I continue my in and out twisting and gently spread the fingers apart.

"Oh, Oh, Oh. That feels good," she coos. "I never would have imagined."

When I ease my two fingers out, I'm delighted to see that her sphincter doesn't completely close. We're getting there. This time I slowly insert three fingers and this time there is a look of concern on her face. Working slowly and gently, I gradually coax the muscle to relax even further.

"Relax, dear. It's very important that you relax. Now I'm going to insert just the head of my cock in your hole."

As I ease the swollen crown of my cock up to the well lubricated rosebud of her tiny anus and press firmly forward, I feel her body tense momentarily and then slowly begin to relax. The look of concentration on her face shows me that she is following the directions I'd given her and my patient pressure is rewarded when my cock head suddenly pops through the rubbery ring of her sphincter muscle. I pause to give her body time to adapt to the foreign intruder.

Her face betrays the discomfort she obviously feels at the initial penetration, but she doesn't cry out, so it must not be too intense. Gradually the pained look is replaced by one of ... what, I wonder? Relief? Satisfaction, maybe? Or even pleasure? I try to resist the urge to immediately penetrate as far as I can into her warm tight channel.

"Are you OK?"

"I think so. Please be gentle," she begs.

"I will. You're doing great. You're a very brave girl to do this for a man. You must really love him." My natural con artist is still alive. "Just pretend that I am Jeremy."

"Oh, Jeremy. Please be gentle."

I can feel her tight ring loosening gradually and I strain to hold my position. I gently rub my hands over her slender back and her tight little hips.

"You can let go of your cheeks now, if you want. I'm going to try to slide in a little further," I warn her.

She tenses and then remembers to relax. I lean forward and slide in another inch. Her eyes fly open and she grabs the edge of the table. But she doesn't say a word, so I give her a few moments to adjust. The tension is killing me. I'm really struggling to control myself.

"It's OK, Jeremy. I can do this," she whispers and closes her eyes again. I ease back until just my tip is inside her and then press in again. This time I'm a third of the way in before her sudden intake of breath signals her discomfort. Then I notice that she recalls another of the things we discussed and a hand slips down between her legs. I continue rubbing her back and hips and her face relaxes into a smile.

"That feels good," she murmurs.

I ease back out to the beginning and slide forward to within a couple inches of total penetration. My God! This is about the tightest place that my cock has every been. Her breathing returns to normal and without withdrawing this time, I ease myself all the way into her.

My cock can actually feel her working her clit through the walls of her rectum, it's that tight. My abdomen is firmly pressing against her delightfully tight little ass. I have arrived. Hallelujah! The promised land! My cell phone begins its incessant chirp. "OH, SHIT! NOT NOW!"

Where is the damn thing? I let my ears guide me to my pants on the floor. There it is, out of reach. I've got to get it before it rolls over to the answering service.

"Help me get the phone, dear," I plead and wrap my arms around Jenny's waist, trapping the arm that is working over her pleasure nub. I pick her up, still bent over and intimately connected to me, and pivot the both of us around to where her head is directly over my pants.

"Please hand me my phone." She reaches down with her free arm, retrieves the noisy interloper and reaches back around herself to hand it to me. I awkwardly walk the both of us forward until she can rest her head on the side cabinet.

Glancing at the phone, I see that the Caller ID identifies the source of our untimely interruption to be my good friend, Jack Horton. "Oh, well," I think to myself, "at least he's not usually long winded." Jenny is really starting to get into the self-stimulation idea.

"Hello, Jack," I answer, "What's up?"

"Ashleigh is over here at my place today and she had an accident on the rope swing. She fell off it backwards and landed heavily on her back and neck. The impact knocked her out for a couple minutes and now she has a headache. Her mother and I don't feel any indication of a skull fracture or any problem with her neck, and there wasn't any bleeding, but we're wondering whether we should take her to the emergency room or not," he explains.

"Fuck me, Jeremy," Jenny moans. "I'm almost there."

"Is she experiencing any dizziness?" I ask Jack.

"Yes, she has mentioned that."

"Oh, darling, you feel soooo good inside me," my young nurse purrs. I've got to get Jack off the phone.

"Can you bring her in to my office?"

"I don't want you to have to make a special trip, Doc. We can head for the ER," Jack replies.

"That's no problem. I'm already here. Please just bring her in and we'll check her out."

"OH! OH! I'm CUMMING," cries Jenny and her anus clamps down hard around my aching cock. Her orgasm racks her little body and I can feel the contractions ripple through the walls of her rectum. If her sphincter hadn't tightened so much, I would have erupted inside her at that instant, but my body realizes that the passage my semen needs to flow through is blocked and wisely holds off. But my head is swimming.

"OK. We'll be there in fifteen minutes," Jack agrees.

"Come around to the side door and knock. I'll let you in."

"What's all the noise in the background?" he asks curiously.

"It's nothing," I protest. "I'm ... er ... just watching some porn," I fumble, looking down at Jenny and realizing that it's not that much of a lie.

"OK, we'll be there shortly," and the connection is broken. This time I turn the damn thing off.

I can't take it any longer. I grip Jenny's hips and as soon as her ass relaxes its death grip on my cock, I start to slide in and out of her. I try to start slowly, but I know that I won't last. Her eyes fly open and she twists her head around as far as she can to look at me. I can't tell if the look on her face is one of wonder, confusion or fear. It doesn't seem to show any pain or terror, but I can't read her. She solves my confusion.

"Harder!" is all she says and she doesn't have to ask twice. I start to slam into her, her ass cheeks quivering with each impact. Her hands are gripping the counter top to the point that her knuckles are white. The sight of my cock stretching her tiny asshole to an unimaginable size causes my blood to boil. After all the delays, I'm getting close. Her lithe little body is pushing back in time to my every thrust.

"You're getting bigger!" she gasps and she arches her back and reaches her hands up behind my neck. I actually have her feet up off the floor, hanging onto my neck with her head thrown back against my shoulder. Her breathing is ragged. Her entire body shudders each time I slam into her.

This is it. I bottom out and explode, shooting a massive load of pent-up cum deep into her. She screams and her body jerks and convulses on my tool. Her body tries to tighten the anal noose on my member, but there's no stopping the flow of my seed this time. I pump load after load of jism into her.

Her orgasm rolls through her and she barks out a startled "OH!" with every spurt from my cock. My legs won't hold us both any longer and I try to gracefully ease us both down until I can roll back on the floor with her still impaled on my cock. We both collapse into whatever shape that gravity dictates. My arms are around her waist and her legs are spread apart on either side of mine. Totally spent, I can't move a muscle as she continues to twitch in my arms. Our hot sweaty bodies are still shaking gently.

"Thank you. Thank you, Doc. You've shown me so much that I never knew," she whispers in my ear.

"No, I have to thank you, dear. You are a brave and talented student. I'm proud of you," I whisper back.

We lay together on the floor for what seems to be an hour, but it couldn't be.

"We do have an incoming patient to care for," I mention. "Ashleigh St. James took a tumble and may have a concussion. Jack is bringing her in now. Do you feel up to working?" I offer her an out.

"If my legs will work," she says.

"Pfffhhhttt!" announces the expulsion of my limp dick from her well fucked ass and we both laugh heartily.

"I'm glad you warned me about that, Doc," she notes and manages to sit up on my abdomen. Gathering her feet underneath her, she uses the cabinet to help stand up, a little shakily.

"I don't have a uniform here!" she exclaims. I notice that her anus is still a little dilated. She grabs a paper towel and wipes at the cum leaking from her gaping asshole. What a sight!

"Just put on a lab coat. It's only Jack, he won't notice," I suggest. She reaches her little hand down to help me up and I slowly lever myself upright. Then she rises up on her tiptoes and gives me a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, Doc. You're really special," she says over her shoulder as her naked body slips out of the room. I try to imprint that moment into my memory, knowing that it will never happen again. Boy, was it fun while it lasted. Wiping myself off with a paper towel, I reach for my clothes.


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good premise.

But all the sex was so automatic. No tension at all.

She lubed up his cock. OK. She never asked him how he liked what she was doing. Was this the way he liked it? Would he like it if she played with his balls?

More step-by-step details of his fingering of her asshole would have been nice.

Despite her insistance on going ahead with getting anally fucked, there could/should have been some trepidation/reluctance that needed to be overcome.

Having her asshole licked happened, but it wasn't nearly sense of wonder as it could have been.

Her kissing the end of his cock clearly wasn't enough. Cock in mouth with a blowjob lesson would have been nice.

The friend/patient coming over at the end added absolutely nothing.

Maybe she could have decided she needed another session before letting the real Jeremy do it.

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Very solid fun story. Def would like so see it continue with her taking her new knowledge to her bf.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Very wonderfully written. Keep up the good work.

TheScribeTheScribeabout 13 years ago
good piece of writing

Very nice work. "Nipples in repose" was a well turned phrase. Enjoyed it very much. thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Awesome, keep writing! -Happy female reader


redeye62redeye62over 14 years ago
Oh So Nice!

An almost dreamy description of two souls experiencing pleasure and understanding while maintaining their self respect, then accomplishing a very touching and thorough sexual adventure. Also a great clinical "how-to" lesson cleverly woven into this masterful tale. Excellent writing too. Thank you sincerely for this one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

This is a fantastic story. Wonderfully and carefully crafted, marvellous development of the characters, and fantastic dialogue! Oh, and I mentioned the sex, didn't I? Oh my god. My new favourite story…perfectly paced, and perfectly sensitively written. Mmmmmm. (I WOULD argue that there are tons more nerve endings in the anal passage than in the vagina, which is exactly why anal is so delicious). Fabulous title, too!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Way too Easy was way too Great must ave been 'ay 2

Way too Easy must have been way too hard to write it was too

Great to be otherwise it must have been rewritten many times to make it such an easy read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Way too Easy was way too Great must have been way

Must have been way 2 fun to write love every word of it. Give us more like it AND soon! Where do you come up with these ideas? Are they from real life? If so how can you let us know?

How about a series of **** at the start of a true life story and hope it makes it past the censors, ok?



EmmaBumEmmaBumabout 15 years ago
Oh God yes!

Love from a radiographer! Em xxx

FaithWhiteFaithWhiteabout 15 years ago

I loved that story very much. You're a very vivid writer. Now i've got some cleaning to do it was that good. :)

Do continue your writing. You seem to have a natural talent for it.

littledaisielittledaisieover 15 years ago
Great story

I'm not into anal stories but this was so prettily written I couldn't help but get turned on. It was like watching really shiny porn - a total escape from reality. Some parts did make me giggle, but affectionately. I don't think you intended it to be taken too seriously. Lovely. Thanks!

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