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We Witch You a Merry Christmas

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Kelli lusts for Santa. Viki knows him.
6.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 12/05/2022
Created 05/13/2020
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We Witch You a Merry Christmas

Viki swept the last bits of lint and dust into the dustpan. Emptying the dust into the trash, she set the broom carefully to the side and started unpacking the box of books. Owning a brick and mortar bookstore in an e-book economy was a tough go, but Viki thrived on challenge.

It was time to go home, but Kelli was still in one of the classrooms. Viki's bookstore, Edumacation, specialized in How-to, self-help, and instructional books. She sold everything from cookbooks to textbooks to knitting patterns. If you wanted to learn, you came to Edumacation.

In furtherance of that goal, there were several small classrooms in back, which could be rented for an hour or two, where anybody who had a desire could teach a class in whatever they felt they were good at. For two years, Kelli had been reserving one of the classrooms twice a week every Wednesday night, where she did tarot readings. Edumacation had a substantial New Age section, with histories, biographies, and philosophies, so Kelli had gathered a profitable base of clients.

But tonight wasn't Wednesday. It was Christmas Eve. Kelli had dropped by to use the classroom to change into her party clothes. Her roommates were conservative, religious males and she did not wish to flaunt her sexy, flirty outfits in front of them.

She emerged from the back in a sleeveless white top and a flared black skirt that ended just above her knees. With her cheerleader blond hair and sky-blue eyes, she was a knockout.

Viki whistled at her. "Sexy lady. You'll get some attention in that, I guarantee."

Kelli laughed. "I'm gonna get laid in this," she said. Lifting her skirt, she revealed her bare sex and wiggled her hips suggestively.

"Got anyone special in mind?" Viki asked.

"It's been months. I'll take the first decent offer that comes along. But it's Christmas Eve! Santa gets first dibs on my goodies. If he's not available, I'll find some lucky guy who wants to get on the naughty list with me.

Viki's eyes narrowed in speculation. "I happen to know Santa Claus," she said carefully.

"Well, hook me up, girl!"

"Are you sure? Would you really have sex with Santa Claus if I introduce you?"

"Honey, if you know the real Santa Claus, I swear that man can do any little thing he likes to me."

Kelli was joking. Viki understood that. But it didn't matter. Words have power. And the offer had been made. "If Santa gives you a present, would you share it with me?"

"Pay it forward. That's my motto. A threesome with Santa Claus sounds like my kind of party. I'm willing to share."

"Done then," Viki declared. "The bargain is sealed." Kelli had agreed to the price. Backing out was no longer an option. She pulled a towel from under the counter. She used them to stack books on, reducing dust, but there was another use to which they could sometimes be put.

"So where's the guy?" Kelli asked. "To be honest, I've never figured you for anything kinky. Is he a boyfriend? Did you promise him another girl as a Christmas present? I'm good with that, just curious."

Viki smiled and shook her head. "Not a boyfriend. Just an old, old friend."

"What are the ground rules?"

Viki picked up her broom, reversed it and wrapped the towel around the foot of it, covering the scratchy bristles. "I don't know what you mean by ground rules."

"To be perfectly honest, I've never been in a threesome before. Does the guy go back and forth between the girls or do the girls do things with each other while he watches?"

"Why don't we just play it by ear? See what happens?" Viki suggested.

"Ok. I've never been with a girl before either. Thought about it. Hundreds of times. But never tried. If I start to freak out, don't get mad, all right?"

"I think you'll be fine. Come over here and stand behind me."

Puzzled, but willing, Kelli followed directions. "Are we starting early? Before we meet the guy?"

"Not exactly. Put your arms around my waist and we'll be on our way. Spread your legs just a little."

"Hug you and spread my legs? Sounds like we're starting to me." Kelli did as she was told, but boldly slid her hands up to cover Viki's breasts, just to see how she liked it.

Viki smiled, allowing the contact, but she had a different agenda. She held the broom directly in front of her, then slipped it between their legs, twisting it so the towel-covered foot was under Kelli's butt. Viki leaned back, causing Kelli to lose her balance. Kelli's feet left the ground, but the broom supported her and she clung to Viki.

Instead of falling, the broom was floating about four feet in the air, both Viki and Kelli sitting astride. "What the hell?" Kelli asked. "How are we doing this?"

"I'm a witch," Viki explained.

"Seriously? Since when? You're kidding me, right? This is a joke. Some kind of trick? There's no such thing as witches."

Laughing, Viki said "There might be a few. Hold on tight. We're shifting realities."

The walls and roof of the bookstore went transparent. The night outside seemed to pour in, a deep purple sky, yet everything was somehow brightly lit. And thousands of glowing figures appeared all around, beyond the illusionary walls, for miles in every direction, even floating in the air.

"Are those ghosts?" Kelli asked, gripping Viki tighter, not even remembering that she was groping her friend's tits.

"Those are living human beings. In this reality, the physical fades and you can see their souls shining bright."

The broom rose up through the almost invisible roof, into the empty sky. Viki guided them toward a collection of souls seemingly stacked up hundreds of feet into the air.

"The Bolton Hotel," Viki pointed to two glowing blobs of light pressed tightly together, both pulsing brightly. The blue colour of one was flowing into the yellow of the other, turning it to a rich green. A smaller blob of pale green was forming inside the rich green. "Honeymoon Suite. 30th floor. Somebody's getting pregnant."

Viki took them through the dark sky toward two souls isolated high over a glowing river. "KVLX traffic helicopter watching the expressway. Lisa Baxter loves to come up here and give her pilot blowjobs between broadcasts. See how one is bright blue and the other is both red and blue? That means Lisa swallows. Good for her. Good girls always swallow. With straight sex, the colours merge."

Kelli watched them, looking back over her shoulder until they were too far back to see. "Where are we going?" she finally asked.

"To see Santa."

"There really is a Santa Claus? For real? Some fat old man delivering presents to every home in the world? If so, I have some questions about a certain bicycle I didn't get when I was ten."

"It's not exactly like that," Viki explained. "It's the collective human spirit of goodwill and generosity. Once a year, we give that spirit a name and an identity. Santa Claus has no physical existence and no conscious awareness, except on this one night and in this particular reality. But a night with Santa can last a very long time. Once you enter his reality, the night doesn't end until Santa's finished with it."

"How do we find him?"

"We don't. You made him an offer. A witch heard the offer and agreed to broker and transport. He's aware of us. If he accepts your offer, he'll find us and the long night begins. If the sun rises, he's turned you down."

They rode in silence for a long while, over the dark fields and hills to the west of the city, then out over the ocean. The stars were bigger and brighter than she'd ever seen them.

She was about to ask why when a jingling sound behind them distracted her. Kelli looked back and found herself face to face with a large animal. It sported a massive rack of antler and its nose was glowing like a torch.

"Heigh ho, Vikana!" called a deep male voice. "Show me your toes!"

The broom rose higher in the air. Nine reindeer trod the sky beneath them, slowly catching them up and overtaking them, until an actual sleigh came up underneath. It was the size of a tank, but open to the stars and exquisitely fashioned of wood and iron.

Kelli saw a cushioned bench in the front of the conveyance. In the larger, rear section was an enormous leather bag, dyed red and cinched closed at the top by a white rope. Sitting on the bench, the reins held in a gloved hand, was a large man. He was not fat, but burly, like a lumberjack or a professional wrestler. He was dressed in red sued, trimmed in white fur. His hair and beard were the colour of snow, flowing down his chest and over his broad shoulders.

As Kelli stared down at him in awe, his handsome face was looking up with an appreciative grin. "Lovely view! I thank you, Vikana!"

Kelli suddenly realized that he was looking at her bare bottom, perched on the foot of the broom, her skirt flaring out behind her as they rode the wind. She blushed, but made no move to lower her skirt or otherwise shield herself. She had offered herself to Santa. He had a right to look at the gift.

The broom suddenly dropped out of the sky as the sleigh moved forward. Santa's head passed just inches beneath Kelli's feet as they fell. She gasped and gripped Viki tight as the witch whipped the broomstick out from between her legs.

But instead of plummeting to Earth, Kelli found herself standing in the rear of the sleigh, her arms still wrapped tight around Viki's waist, Santa's enormous bag of gifts just to her right.

Wobbly on her high heels, Kelli reluctantly released her grip on Viki and stood on her own, holding onto the side of the sleigh for balance. Santa turned and leered at her. His eyes roved up and down her body. "Superb, Vikana. You have excellent taste."

"Vikana?" Kelli asked. "Your name's not Victoria?"

"A witch must carefully blend into the society in which she lives," Viki explained. "'Victoria' is suitable among English-speaking peoples, but has become old-fashioned. 'Viki' is effectively modern. 'Vikana' is far too noticeable."

Santa chuckled. "Now, perhaps. Once, there were many women who held that name. Wasn't there a goddess named 'VIkana' some thirty-five hundred years ago? Many girls were named for her, I believe."

Viki glared at him. "That misguided cult died out long ago. It should not be spoken of."

"Did it really die out? Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Assyria have all borrowed the myth of Vikana, though the name was changed."

"Again, all long ago."

"The Catholic saint of whores, incest, deflowering, and merry widows is honored still, is she not? Saint Vika? Wasn't that her name?"

"Never an official saint," Viki growled. "Can we drop this, please?"

"If you'd like," Santa said with a knowing grin. "No need to relive history, I suppose. Must have been a different Vikana. Let's see what you've brought me."

"Introduce yourself," Viki instructed her friend.

"My name is Kelli Fleming. I'm from Sacramento, California. I am 22 years old and a big fan of yours."

"Good to hear," Santa said. "Why don't you come up here and sit on Santa's lap?"

Viki helped her climb over the partition between the front and rear of the sleigh. She got a little dizzy, looking at the great height the sleigh was travelling at. If she were to fall, there would be no surviving it. She managed to get to the front without incident, but it left her shaky, wondering how this thing was up so high.

Santa patted his leg in invitation and Kelli sat down on his thigh, her knees between his. "Ever drive a team before?" he asked. "No? Just hold the reins for me. They know where they're going."

"I'm afraid of dropping them."

"It wouldn't matter. See that iron ring mounted on the front? The reins are run through there so they won't fall." Santa handed her the reins, so he could put an arm around her shoulder and a hand on her knee.

"What would you like for Christmas, Kelli? Perhaps some underwear? I happened to notice you were without panties."

Her mind awhirl, Kelli could only agree. "Yes, please, Santa, sir."

"I have a wide variety of colours and styles available. But the key is, matching panties to bra. Show me what you're working with."

Acutely aware of Santa's leather-clad hand between her thighs, and the fingers of his other hand tugging her skirt out from under her butt, Kelli unbuttoned her shirt.

Santa lifted his hand from her leg to open her shirt and examine her bra. He tsked and hmmed disapprovingly as he tested the fabrics between his fingers, studying how it stretched over Kelli's breasts and molded to their shape.

"On second thought, I cannot match this. I have nothing of similar quality in here." Santa gestured to his bag. That is not a sack of garbage."

"Garbage?" Kelli protested. She was very fond of that bra. "I'll have you know..."

"Shh," he demanded, easing Kelli off his lap. She stood in front of him, her arms folded in outrage.

Santa moved in close, taking the reins back from her. He backed her up against the front of the sleigh. Afraid of losing her balance and toppling over the barrier, Kelli put her hands behind her and grabbed the solid wood frame for balance.

Santa smiled and put his arms around her. He swiftly wrapped the reins around Kelli's wrists and tied them to the ring. He removed his own black leather belt, knelt down, and tightened it around her ankles, then tied the dangling ends of the reins to the buckle. Kelli's anger quickly turned to arousal as she found herself bound and helpless. She struggled for a moment, just to prove to herself that she could not escape. She had been tied up before, but her partner had been so gentle, she freed herself easily. The encounter had been disappointing. But Santa seemed to know a thing or two about punishing naughty girls.

He pulled a blade from his boot and cut the straps of her bra, pulling the ruined garment off her and holding it up. He looked at it in distaste. "As I said, this is garbage." He dropped it over the side of the sleigh, into the empty night sky.

Santa looked at her bare breasts and purred his appreciation. "These are far too exquisite to ever be confined in such unworthy materials."

He took hold of her shirt hem, merely glancing at the fabric before shaking his head and cutting away that garment as well. The skirt he didn't even pretend to examine, simply slashed it from hip to hem and tossed it away.

Kelli watched with regret as her sexy party clothes went fluttering away in the darkness. One by one, Santa removed her shoes and those also went into the night. She had liked those shoes. But then Santa's attention focused on her and excitement overruled the regret.

"Silks," he murmured. "Lace. Cashmere and sable for warmth, perhaps. You should never be clothed in anything else."

Flattered, Kelli tried to retain a grip on herself. "Not sable. Fur is murder. I won't wear animal skins."

"Any animal would volunteer to be your wrapper. And yet, perhaps you are right. There will never be anything fashionable enough to justify hiding this beauty."

Santa laid his hand on her shoulder. He slid it down her back and over the curve of her ass, then continued to her inner thighs and calves. It occurred to Kelli that she was being evaluated, inspected, as if she were a thoroughbred filly being considered for purchase. It was humiliating, and sexist, yet incredibly arousing.

Santa brought his hand up to her breasts. He caressed them, squeezing gently one at a time. "Look how responsive she is, Vikana. Her nipples are popping out. Her skin is rippling with excited goosebumps. I can smell her pussy watering."

"You've unwrapped her," Viki said. "Now play with your toy."

"Gladly," Santa agreed. He sat on the bench and pulled Kelli toward himself. With her wrists and ankles bound to the iron ring, she found herself leaning forward at an angle, her arms stretched out behind her.

"Let's get on course," he said, then bellowed out, "Yo, Rudolph! Donner! Blitzen! Hoof it!"

The sleigh sped through the night sky, picking up speed. Santa put his hands on Kelli's sides, just under her arms. He pulled her gently, using her body to tug on the reins. The reindeer responded and climbed higher in the sky.

He spread his palm over her left breast and curled his fingers behind her right shoulder. Santa pushed on her breast and pulled on her shoulder, twisting Kelli in her bonds, drawing the reins to the left, steering his team by manhandling her body.

She was grateful for his hands and the straps holding her. The deer were climbing so steeply, the sleigh was nearly dangling beneath the team, leaning hard to one side as they turned. Without the leather straps knotted around her wrists and ankles, she would surely go tumbling into the sky. A dark coastline was directly beneath her.

"France," Santa announced, turning Kelli, pushing her forward and leveling out their flight. "Paris just ahead."

Kelli peeked back over her shoulder to see the lights of the great city and smaller towns scattered nearby. "Shouldn't it be daytime here?"

"The sun does not challenge Santa Claus," he bragged.

"The wee hours," Viki explained, "follow him back and forth around the globe."

"Why can I see the buildings? They were transparent before," Kelli asked.

"Santa's sleigh is its own reality. He has to land on those buildings."

"Vikana!" Santa called. "Get your fine ass up here."

Kelli watched as Viki climbed over the bench to sit at Santa's side. The witch had removed her own clothes, offering Santa two naked women to play with. Kelli was almost jealous, but she had started this adventure expecting a threesome with Viki and her boyfriend. There was no cause for jealousy.

Viki lay back on the bench, draping herself over Santa's lap. Leaning over them, Kelli had an excellent view as he explored the witch's body. With one hand, he skillfully manipulated Kelli to steer his sleigh, while the fingers of his other roamed the slopes of Viki's tits, the smooth plain of her belly, and the thatched valley between her legs.

Watching Santa's journeying fingers was so fascinating, Kelli barely even noticed as she was positioned this way and that to pull the reins and guide the team. It occurred to her that she had no experience or knowledge of how a man plays with a naked woman.

In her own life, she was partial to fast, rough, almost violent encounters. By the time her clothes came off, she had no patience for anything but immediate penetration. These slow and gentle caresses were something new. She wanted to feel Santa's hands on her. And she wanted to put her own hands on Viki.

Kelli kept her eyes glued to Santa's gloved finger as it rubbed the witch's clit, the black leather shiny with her moisture. Viki writhed and moaned in his lap. Kelli's own pussy throbbed and watered. Santa's fingers stroked the plump lips of Viki's sex. He held them open, pinched them close, then massaged them with Viki's own oil.

"Finger her!" Kelli heard herself say. Viki and Santa both laughed at her outburst, but Kelli was not embarrassed. She wanted to see it.

And Santa did not disappoint. He slid his thick finger into Viki and Kelli nearly came at the sight. Kelli loved getting fingered, loved the clever fingers slipping into her, sometimes five at a time, and wiggling. But Kelli had always wanted the visual experience as well, and the pussy is located inconveniently for a girl to get a good view of her own. Watching Santa's thick finger break the surface of Viki's body and disappear from view was almost as good on feeling it herself.

And then she was feeling it herself. Kelli gasped as Santa pushed his thumb up into her pussy. "Lean to your left!" he urged her, pressing his thumb deeper and hard against the side of her cunt.

Kelli obeyed, throwing herself to the side, pulling the reins with her. As he had intended, the reindeer pulled in that direction.


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