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Weekend at Robyn's

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Siobhan sets Robyn a challange for the weekend.
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"Come on Siobhan, just a quick one!"

"No Robyn! Stop suggesting it!"

Robyn slumped in her seat on the couch of her student house. With her housemates gone for the weekend, it seemed only natural that she invite Siobhan, her best friend, a posh Brit new to the country, and the university they both attended, to stay for the weekend. Robyn not being alone in the house for multiple days was a big factor in it, but it seemed the blonde had other motives too...

"Are you going to help me with my stuff?" Siobhan asked, struggling to drag her suitcase through the door of the student house. Why she needed a suitcase worth of stuff for a single weekend was beyond Robyn, but the blonde put a finger to her chin regardless, as though she was thinking about her response to the question.

"Hmmmm... if you bring it in naked, then yes!" Robyn finally answered, grinning like a maniac, snark apparent in her voice, something her roommate for the weekend didn't seem to appreciate.

"That sort of defeats the point of the suitcase full of clothes, don't you think?" Siobhan retorted, finally dragging said suitcase over the surprisingly high step of the front door, "What is your obsession with getting me naked again?!"

"Gee I don't know!" Robyn raised her voice a little with her answer to the posh Brit's question, her tone dripping sarcasm, "It couldn't be anything to do with the fact that I caught you streaking the city centre last week! Naked, head to toe, and miles away from any cover... no, it couldn't be anything to do with that!"

Siobhan's face went red at the reminder from her best friend, or the previous weeks humiliation, and it took everything within her not to let out an embarrassed squeak at the comment. Robyn rose from the couch, finally deciding to help her housemate for the weekend up the stairs with her ridiculously overpacked suitcase, since the Brit it seemed was frozen in embarrassment.

"You can't tell me you didn't like it. You came right in front of me! C'mon, just a quick one, around the block and back..." Robyn bargained, pulling the handle of the needlessly heavy suitcase up the first step of the staircase.

"It's not... it's not as simple as that..." Siobhan answered, finally coming back to reality, and beginning to help Robyn with her luggage, the task going a lot quicker now that the two of them were involved.

"Then... what... what is it? It's it because... ugh... I'm here? Prefer to be alone doing it?" Robyn struggled to reply, heaving the suitcase occasionally as the girls lost momentum while ascending the staircase, finally nearing the top and stopping to catch their breath.

"No... It's embarrassing! On my own or not!" The post Brit stated through heavy breathing as they took their small break, Robyn's insistence of not dropping the topic causing more embarrassment to the recently discovered unnatural blonde, causing her to be more worn out than she should.

"But you were clearly enjoyed it! It'll spice up a Friday night!" Robyn began again, the pair of them heaving the suitcase up the final few steps onto the landing, "I promise, it'll be easy!"

"Then you do it!" Siobhan finally snapped at her, both girls freezing in place, the outburst being very unlike the usually prim and proper Siobhan. Robyn opened her mouth to retort, only to be cut off before she could speak by the Brit, "Better yet, since you think it's so easy to go wandering around outside starkers, I'll make it easier for you. Spend the weekend naked. You don't even have to leave the house!"

Siobhan's proposition left Robyn's jaw hanging open, her best friend not usually being one to be so forward with a lewd suggestion, let alone present it in such a challenging way. Not that Robyn was competitive... no, that wasn't the case at all...

"Except you won't..." Siobhan's tone of voice had lowered in volume, but there was something teasing about it that Robyn hadn't heard before, "You would never do that. I must be crazy even suggesting it..."

"Now hold on a second." Robyn stated, the blonde holding out her hand to literally stop Siobhan from walking any further towards the bedroom she would be spending the weekend in, "Why wouldn't I? You think I'd back down from a challenge?!"

"Well..." The Brit's voice dragged off in a very sarcastic manor, "I'm just saying, you're not nearly brave enough to pull off what I did, and I don't believe you could even last two days in your own house nake.. wait... Robyn... what are you doing?!"

The blonde in question was busy pulling off the fuzzy socks she was wearing, throwing them into the open door of her bedroom. Before Siobhan had even finished talking, Robyn's hands were fumbling with the waistband of her grey sweatpants, having them at her knees, and even further down than that within a matter of seconds, exposing a lilac thong. Siobhan's mouth hung open as Robyn revealed she hadn't been wearing a bra beneath the lime green hoodie she was wearing, pulling that over her head, and stopping momentarily to make sure she hadn't messed up her ponytail, showing off a fit and athletic torso, and a pair of full yet perky b cup breasts, and before the Brit even noticed that her mouth was beginning to dry out from hanging open, the lilac thong joined the rest of her clothes in the pile on the floor, showing off a patch of hair above her pink pussy, naturally blonde unlike Siobhan's own. Robyn placed a bare foot on the pile of clothing, sliding them into her bedroom with one swoop, and standing before her best friend in all her naked glory.

"All weekend?" Robyn had an eyebrow raised, her cheeks tinted red, and her heart pounding with adrenaline, but her competitiveness that had just compelled her to strip also encouraging her to say, "Challenge... accepted."

Mustering up as much confidence as the embarrassed blonde could, she swayed her hips as she walked past Siobhan to make her way downstairs, her British friends eyes magnetised to her perfectly toned ass as she did, and begun making her way downstairs, leaving a shocked and second-hand embarrassed Siobhan frozen outside the bedroom.


Siobhan had to admit, despite the fact that she wasn't at all serious when she'd laid out the terms of the 'challenge', rather seeing it as a way of ending the argument she was having with Robyn regarding her own exhibitionism, she definitely hadn't expected Robyn to actually go through with it. Much less, commit to it as hard as she had. It had been 2 hours now, longer than Siobhan had spent naked on her initial streak through the city, and Robyn was showing no signs of cracking.

The pair were sitting in the living room, glasses of wine in hand, and the latest trashy reality tv on the screen, Siobhan bundled up cosy in her pyjamas with a blanket. Robyn on the other hand, was still completely naked from head to toe, having elected to not even cover herself with a blanket of her own as she lounged on the couch, her commitment to the challenge being all too apparent.

"Ready to admit that I'm more willing than you and accept your fate of streaking around the block?" Robyn asked cheekily, a grin on her face as the blonde looked on at her friend, confidence oozing with every word. Despite this, on the inside Robyn's adrenaline hadn't cooled down at all, the student's heart rate just as high as it had been when she'd initially stripped down. And the prolonged exposure... well let's just say Robyn could see why Siobhan was as horny as she was last week.

"I'll admit, you've taken this a lot more seriously than I thought you would have..." Her British roommate for the weekend replied, voice sounding unsure, taking another sip of her wine to sate her nerves, "But you said the whole weekend. You've hardly even started."

"Longer than you were naked for." Robyn retorted, her smile shining through despite her blushing face, "And I've managed without blowing my load once, Miss multiple orgasms!" She couldn't help but laugh at her own vulgarness, especially at seeing the posh girls face go pale, and scrunch up in disgust at her words.

"That language! So unladylike!" Siobhan's disgust, and uncomfortableness was apparent in the tone of her voice, with some light embarrassment in there too, perhaps an acknowledgement that Robyn's crass and gaudy way of putting things did in fact affect her. "Besides, I'm sure I wouldn't have... reacted... like that if all I was doing was sitting around on your couch all day. You want a challenge? Try going outside yourself."

Robyn was cooking up a retort, an excuse to, in fact, not take Siobhan up on the second challenge she'd issued to the naked blonde that day, but was cut off by her phone beginning to buzz on the arm rest of the couch her naked body was splayed on. Holding up a finger in a "hold that thought" motion, Robyn read the caller ID, seeing it was Emma, her boss from work. Robyn's eyebrows furrowed, she was supposed to be off all weekend, she had specifically requested that knowing Siobhan would be staying with her.

"Hello?" Robyn answered after only a few seconds hesitation, the notion of answering would mean speaking to a co-worker while completely head to toe naked not being lost on her, but the blonde eventually deciding it would be no big deal.

"Robyn, glad I caught you," Emma answered. Robyn could tell from the older woman's voice that she was stressed out, not at all how you want to be on a Friday, "Listen, I know you're only part time, but I need a favour. I messed up the shift rota and put Helen and Cleo both on last Saturday, which means I have no one to cover tomorrow."

Robyn's heart dropped in her chest, it likely being apparent on her face as well, as she could see Siobhan reacting to her friends obvious change in expression, Robyn beginning to feel a bit of sweat begging to form on her forehead. She couldn't lose this bet to Siobhan! This couldn't have come at a worse time, "Look Emma, getting into the office might be a bit of a problem for me and... like you said I'm only part time..."

"I've already cleared it with the higher ups, you have the go ahead to work from home tomorrow." That was surprising. In Robyn's limited interaction with Emma, she'd never known her to go out of her way for anyone, so the fact that she was clearing something like that must mean she's at the end of her tether, "I've literally asked everyone else. I'll give you the overtime rate for tomorrow too!"

Robyn was silent for a few moments, the blonde considering her options now. The overtime rate was double pay, and she could certainly use a little extra cash in her back pocket... Her hand unintentionally reaching for said back pocket and instead finding a firm ass cheek brought her train of thought back on track. Working from home meant she didn't have to leave the house, and baring any Teams calls, she could avoid her co-workers completely. The fact that Saturday's are considered easy days as well helped. Still, there was a part of her that couldn't get over the notion that she would effectively be spending an entire work day naked! And all this just to win a bet with Siobhan? A glance over to her posh bestie showed her watching the conversation intently, hugging a pillow to her chest, a shit eating grin on her face at the thought that Robyn's confidence was about to crumble. Her face gaining a stern look, Robyn finally responded,

"Fine. I'll do it. But you owe me one." Her heart was fluttering as she sealed her own fate, a mixture of sighs of relief and grateful thanks coming from Emma on the other end of the phone, before Robyn finally hung up, never once taking her eyes off Siobhan for the rest of the call, staring down the Brit who's expression of disbelief was spurring Robyn off, despite the anxiety and dread and... other feelings she was having at the thought of working naked tomorrow, "You can make yourself busy for a few hours tomorrow, right?" Robyn asked, putting her phone down, and taking another smug sip of her wine.

"I... you... are you crazy? All this just to... to what? Win a challenge?" Siobhan could barely get the words out, obviously not having the same context as Robyn, but hearing enough to know that her best friend would be attending work, completely in the buff tomorrow. If Siobhan wasn't truly and utterly dumbstruck, she would be in a fit of laughter at the situation that Robyn's pride had just gotten her into.

"Relax. I can work from home. And the extra cash would be nice. Not like that's anything you have to worry about, huh rich girl?" With that, Robyn returned to the trashy tv, the student trying her best to put all thoughts of what tomorrow would entail out of her head, the anxiety of rationalising it already having her heart beating at a much faster rate and... well... having an excessive amount of heat radiating from her groin. Robyn decided not to have another glass of wine tonight... and to make sure Siobhan got up before she did, so she didn't see the wet spot she had surely been leaving on the couch this whole time...


An alarm blaring at 8am on a Saturday wasn't something Robyn was used to, and it showed. The athletic blonde rolled over, her hand scrambling on her bedside table for her phone, groaning in displeasure at the loud noise exacerbating her wine related headache. Finally managing to hit the off button, Robyn laid back in her pillow, the blonde cursing herself for having taken Emma up on her offer. Work, on a Saturday? Even the double time seemed like it wouldn't be worth it at this point...

"Rise and shine lovely!" Robyn was further disturbed from her sleep by a sing song British voice suddenly entering her bedroom, followed by light streaming in as the curtains were pulled open, revealing a lovely summers day.

"Siobhan! Go away!" Robyn groaned, addressing the intruder, her green eyes finally cracking open to see the Brit standing in her robe, at the bottom of her bed, a grin on her face.

"I'm just making sure you won't be late for work!" Siobhan said cheerfully, clearly not suffering from a similar wine hangover from the night before. She made her way from the foot of the bed to the side Robyn was lying on, placing a glass of water on her bedside table, before leaning into her friend, whispering "Naked work..."

Oh... yeah... she knew there was something she'd forgotten.

Moving to a sitting position, Robyn wondered how it was even possible that she'd forgotten about her challenge, each movement of the soft fabric of her quilt against every exposed inch of her skin causing tingles to run through her body. Robyn kept hod of the hem of the quilt, using it as cover for her perky breasts, and what she was sure were very hard nipples topping them, stretching out her arms and body as best she could without exposing too much to Siobhan.

"Oh come on, it's not like I didn't already see everything last night." Her blonde roommate for the weekend chuckled at her attempt at modesty, walking back towards the hallway as Robyn extended her arm to take a drink from the glass of water, "You start in half an hour. Should probably get showered and have some breakfast. At least you won't have to worry about picking out an outfit for the day..."

Robyn took a few sips from the glass of water, feeling her headache already starting to disappear and shaking her head at Siobhan's joking tone. After having slept on it, she had decided that doing a full days work completely naked was in fact a bad idea, but it wasn't like she could go back on it now. Her only option would be to lose the challenge and get dressed, and she wasn't about to admit defeat! No, instead the blonde poked her bare legs out from beneath her bedsheets, feeling her bare feet be tickled by the carpet of her bedroom, and stood up, exposing every inch of her athletic naked body for the first time today.

20 minutes later, Robyn had showered and done her morning hygiene routine, still not thrilled about having done it so early on a Saturday, but resolved that it was necessary in order to stick it to Siobhan. Walking down the stairs, the nude beauty found herself in the kitchen, the cold tile flooring being quite a different sensation than the carpet and wooden flooring of the rest of the house on her bare feet, seeing Siobhan finishing pouring two cups of coffee.

"So are you just gonna sit around and watch me work all day?" Robyn asked the Brit, gladly accepting one of the cups of coffee, and taking a seat at her kitchen table, where she had set up her work laptop the night before. Gosh if any of her housemates ever found out that she was lounging about the house so casually while naked from head to toe, they'd never let her live it down.

"I'll be in and out. I have a few errands I can run today, but I'll still be thoroughly entertained when I am here..." Siobhan replied, taking a sip of coffee, watching Robyn's hands shaking a little while entering her password, entering the wrong one a few times before finally getting logged in, "Nervous?"

"Shut up..." Robyn snapped, voice cracking a little as she was presented with the home screen, the very same thing she had seen hundreds of times before while working, but never while naked. She hadn't thought she would be feeling the effects of her nudity as much after spending most of yesterday unclothed. But now, sitting at her kitchen table about to do a full days work, and not being allowed to get dressed... Her nerves were going crazy, and she could feel familiar arousal she was feeling last night beginning to creep up on her again. Crossing her legs, and pulling the chair closer to the table, she took a deep breath as she looked at the time. Only a few minutes until her shift began.

"Well, I'm going to watch some tv. I'll be in and out to check on you every once in a while. To make sure you don't cheat and get dressed." Siobhan teased, beginning to exit the kitchen while holding her coffee, grinning like Robyn had never seen her before.

"As if!" Robyn snapped back, the blonde feigning confidence one final time before Siobhan was out of sight from the kitchen, letting out a breath, her face being overtaken with a blush as she swallowed hard. This was it, she was stuck like this for hours. She imagined she hadn't been allowed to work from home today. Having to get the train to the office completely naked, probably packed with people heading into the city centre for a day of shopping, all getting an eyeful of the naked girl. Seeing her perky breasts, nipples standing to attention, and her butt, just as tight and firm as she liked it, staring incessantly and even recording videos on their phones of the blonde's lower curls, and the treasure that lay beneath that. Robyn felt a tingling running through her body as she saw a notification on her screen. Her first email of the day.

Quickly opening it, Robyn saw that it was from Emma, and was sent to her and the other co-workers in that day, laying out the work that needed done. Robyn was a little surprised as she saw just how many people were actually online today, and thanking her lucky stars that Emma had sent an email instead of getting everyone on a video call. She could imagine nothing worse than her camera turning on, exposing her breasts to the thirty or so staff members also on the call, before panicking and exposing herself more as she tried to figure out how to turn the camera back off. Her legs crossed tighter beneath the table at this anxiety inducing thought, though the added pressure was having another effect between her thighs.

"This isn't the time to be getting horny..." Robyn thought to herself, as she read through the email two or three times before finally taking in what it was she needed to do. Robyn could already feel herself sweating as she began her assigned work, nervous at the prospect of a colleague calling her for a video call at any point, adrenaline running through the athletic blonde's nude body as she made progress, but far less than she normally would.

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