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Weekend Revelry - Day 02

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The second day of an all-girl sleepover, and it gets heated.
7.6k words

Part 18 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 08/17/2020
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to Day 2 to this particular story!

As per usual, I'd like to note that while my stories are self-contained (except stories like this of course, which are split into sections) you should know that all of the stories I have written on Literotica are all tied together and are chronological to when I posted them. You don't have to read them all, but if you enjoy the characters you'll be pleased to know there are many more stories that came before this one, and more to come. They are in various categories and not labeled as a series, but if you follow me and look over my works list you can read them in order. I'd like to think that reading the previous stories gives a bit more context and characterization, but hopefully they can each be enjoyed in isolation.

That's all for now, please enjoy!



I think I had perhaps one of the best nights of sleep I've ever had. Perhaps it was because I had fallen asleep snuggling in a pile of my naked girlfriends, or perhaps it was because the king-sized mattress belonging to the parents of one of the aforementioned girls was absurdly comfortable. Whatever it was, I was floating on clouds. I had incredibly vivid dreams involving the girls cuddling in bed with me - Brooke, Sofia, and Alex - which seemed to flow into each other. I seem to recall visions of all three of their faces circulating in endless loops throughout the night. I don't recall having such fierce dreams before in my entire life, but I suppose I was utterly girl-crazy at this point.

I had spent most of the night curled under Alex's arm, though I was vaguely aware of the others moving around me. However, I was in such a logy and woozy state, as I drifted in and out of consciousness, that I really didn't give anything any mind. There was even a point where I felt Alex pull away from me and I limply flopped on my back, faintly aware of rhythmic thrusting and moaning next to me. Something was going on next to me, but I was dead to the world.

I lightly snored while the movements next to me sped up, then slowed, and eventually stopped. I heard some whispering, coupled with some giggling and the poking of my shoulder, but I only groaned in response. I was suddenly aware of my legs being spread apart, and a tongue, followed by a second, starting to lick and kiss the inside of my thighs. My eyes fluttered and I let out a soft moan, and I was abruptly aware of a shifting of weight above my face along with a musky heat against my mouth.

I opened my eyes to see Alex grinning down at me, mounting my face. She lowered her pussy to my mouth, and on instinct I began to lick and suck her lips as the scent of her filled my nostrils. As she grinded herself against my face, the other two mouths, which were obviously Brooke and Sofia, began eating me out, their faces pressed against each other and buried in my crotch. I was still dozy and out of it, but the girls were working me thoroughly and Alex was practically suffocating me with her pussy.

My entire body started shaking as I was pinned down by Alex and the other girls, who didn't stop eating me out for a moment. I groaned into Alex's wetness, and the excitement made me eat her out even faster. When one of the girls took my clit into her mouth and gently sucked it, I did the same to Alex, who grunted and came into my waiting mouth. I licked up every drop. She sighed and dismounted me, but mere seconds later I felt Sofia's petite body taking Alex's place on my mouth. Her pussy instantly began humping my face, as Brooke continued to eat me out into a second orgasm that was already starting to build.

Sofia gripped the headboard as she fucked my face, squealing and quivering on top of me. My tongue went quickly against her, and soon Sofia's head jerked up as she let out a loud gasp. Her pussy spasmed, and she exploded much like Alex had. Like a good girl, I drank every drop out of her sopping wet pussy until she also dismounted me. It was now Brooke's turn to ride my face, and she slithered up my body. Her pussy was shoved into my mouth, and I wasted no time in flittering my tongue in and out of her.

Brooke started bobbing up and down on my face while she moaned. Her hands grasped each of her breasts, and I gripped her thighs as I devoured her slit. There were a few hands and mouths that I couldn't see, but could definitely feel, on my breasts and my pussy as Brooke rode my face. I sucked her clit into my mouth, probing it with my tongue until in a sweet gush she came, her juices smearing all over my cheeks and chin. Brooke sat still pinching her nipples while I vainly attempted to catch all of her essence in my mouth.

I finally settled down, sufficiently awake. And what a way to wake up! Brooke shifted down my body a bit, as I opened my eyes to look up at her. She stared down at me past her hanging boobs, smiling.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" she cooed.

I gave a tired smile as Brooke giggled and dismounted my face. I sat up, my face covered in cum and my body covered in sweat. Alex and Sofia lay on the other side of Brooke, idly lounging and chuckling to themselves. They were similarly naked and sweaty from the morning's activities.

"So, I guess it's three versus one this morning?" I joked.

"Beth, you've been laying there in a coma for almost two hours!" Alex chortled. "The three of us have been fucking without you all morning!"

"We figured we'd help you wake up," added Sofia.

"Well," I started, with a heavy-lidded shake of my head, "I appreciate the assist." I held my chin, adjusting it and biting the air. "Geez, I think you three nearly broke my jaw!"

"Well, let that be a warning to not be such a lazy-bones!" scolded Brooke.

We all shared a laugh, as I stretched my back and my arms. "I don't suppose anyone else is hungry?" I asked. "I'm going to need to eat something this morning besides pussy!"

"Not a problem," assured Sofia who got to her feet. "I feel like making waffles today. I'm going to head downstairs and start getting everything ready."

'I can help," offered Alex, who also jumped out of bed.

"I'll need...just a few minutes before I can stand up, girls," I mumbled as I lay back down on the pillow.

"Don't worry," assured Brooke to Alex and Sofia, "I won't let her fall asleep again!"

"Ha, see that she doesn't," laughed Alex, who sniffed under her arm. "Probably should wash up a bit first. Race you to the shower, Sofia!"

Alex gave a playful pinch to Sofia's bottom, and the two of them bounced out of the bedroom, leaving Brooke and me in bed together. Brooke turned to look down at me, giving me her patented sexy smile. I smiled back at my beautiful girlfriend, and Brooke softly laid herself on top of me, our breasts pressed together, as she brushed hair away from my face. I wrapped my hands around her, and our faces were inches apart from each other. We simply gazed at each other for several minutes, until Brooke finally brought a kiss to my lips.

Not a hard, sex-fueled kiss, but a romantic kiss; intimate, and emotional. We kissed like this for some time as we hugged each other tightly, as if we were trying to melt into each other. Maybe for a moment we did. With a sigh and a moan, our lips parted, and we grinned at each other.

"God, I love you, Beth," Brooke whispered.

"I love you too, Brooke. I love you more than anything. I can't believe how amazing this all is."

"I know, right?" chuckled Brooke, who slipped to my side and curled against me. "We finally managed to seduce Alex and Sofia. I've been fantasizing about it for weeks, and it finally happened."

"Me too," I agreed. "It's just like our week in Long Island with the boys."

About a month and a half ago, Brooke and I ran off for a week with our mutual boyfriends at an estate in Long Island. We spent the majority of the time naked and fucking, and it was there that Brooke and I had sex for the first time. It awakened something inside of us, so we decided that in addition to our boyfriends that we would also be girlfriends with each other. It was a secret to everyone except our small group of friends, which now included Alex and Sofia. Including those two in our little lesbian romps was a mutual idea. The more the merrier, right?

"I know for sure that Mark is going to go nuts when he hears what the four of us have been up to," Brooke said. Mark was Brooke's boyfriend.

"I know, Rylan will too." I shook my head. "I'm starting to feel a little guilty. I've been so obsessed with pussy lately that I can't even remember the last time Rylan and I had sex."

Brooke lifted her head and regarded me. "You haven't been seeing Rylan?"

"No, I have. He picks me up and drops me off from school every day. It's just that playing with you and Alex and now Sofia...I just haven't found the time to hook up with him." I sighed. "Plus he's busy a lot."

"Really," Brooke frowned. "I've gotten my share of pussy, but I've fucked Mark like three times this week alone."

"You have? How did you find the time with all the girl sex we've been having lately?"

Brooke shrugged. "I dunno, I just have. Are you saying that you haven't been fucking Rylan?"

I felt a little awkward. "I mean...I guess not as much lately." I took a breath. "Plus, lately, I guess I've just been more interested...with you."

Brooke laid her chin down against my chest as she looked at me. "Really?"

I nodded slowly. "Maybe it's because the two of us can spend the night together, and I can't with Rylan. I dunno." I shrugged. "I've guess I've slipping to the gay side or something."

"Hey," whispered Brooke, who raised herself up and kissed me softly. "Listen, Beth. I love you. I know it's weird, because we've been just best friends until fairly recently. But I love you. You're my beautiful girlfriend, and there is one person that I want to have kinky sex with, it's you!"

I rolled to my side to face her, our legs tangling as I caressed her hips. I stroked her face. "Sorry if I'm being too intense and emotional. I just wanted to let you know how I felt."

"Hey, I feel the same way. I like being girlfriends with you. I've got the sweetest, bestest girlfriend in the world, after all."

"No, I do," I replied sweetly, giving her a peck on the lips. "Though perhaps I need to make sure that I am paying enough attention to Rylan."

Brooke poked my nose. "For the immediate future, though..."

"For the immediate future? I pretty much have lesbian action on the brain!" I laughed, and we kissed again.

It was a long, delicious kiss as we laid together on that comfy, comfy bed. We relaxed like this for several more minutes before we crawled out of bed. We held hands, stepping into the hallway and trying to remember where the bathroom was. We took a shower together, taking our time and rubbing every inch of wet flesh against each other as we hugged and traded kisses, until we dried off and headed downstairs as naked as when we got in the shower.

Alex and Sofia were both in the kitchen, hard at work. Alex was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping coffee and cutting up a bunch of strawberries while Sofia was at the kitchen counter pouring batter into a waffle maker. Sofia had put on an apron while she cooked, though I could see her cute little ass poking out from underneath the bow in the back. Brooke went to sit with Alex, while I sidled up to Sofia. I slid my hand down her butt crack, gently slipping my hand underneath her to stroke her pussy. She jumped a little, and gave me an appraising look.

"My my, aren't we familiar?" Sofia cooed at me, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm almost done here. Coffee's over there, so help yourself."

I kissed her neck as she arched it to the side, and I went to the coffee maker to pour Brooke and myself a cup. I delivered it to Brooke who was murmuring with Alex, and I joined the two of them as we helped chop up the strawberries. We may have sucked the juice off of our fingers and fed each other bits of fruit as we went along, as Sofia scolded us for wasting strawberries that were for the waffles.

We dumped the finished strawberries into a bowl, and while Alex brought them to Sofia, Brooke and I started setting the table. When the plates and silverware was on the table, Sofia came in carrying a big stack of warm waffles and Alex came with the can of whipped cream and the fruit. Sofia had removed her apron, and the four of us naked ladies dug into the yummy breakfast in front of us. The waffles were quickly devoured in a flurry of laughing and carousing; I suppose we had worked up an appetite this morning and the night before!

I was finishing my last bite of breakfast when Alex suddenly sprayed Brooke with whipped cream right on her chest. Brooke squealed, demanding that Alex clean her off. Greedily, Alex's mouth went straight for her boob, while she playfully licked off the mess she had made. She was so thorough, she even kept licking once all of the whipped cream was gone! I had a mischievous little idea as I watched them.

"You know, girls," I suggested, "I think we ought to put that whipped cream to good use to thank Sofia properly for making breakfast!"

Sofia perked up, mid-bite. Before she could respond, Alex and Brooke quickly laughed and agreed, and stood up. They started clearing plates from the table, as Sofia giggled with her mouth still full of food. Alex had Sofia stand up, and maneuvered her to lay down on the table. Sofia blushed fiercely, but immediately complied. Her petite, porcelain body laid flat on the table while she had an embarrassed grin on her face.

I grabbed the can of whipped cream, and after shaking it vigorously I sprayed two mounds on top of each of her brown nipples. I sprayed a circle around her belly button, and a healthy amount all over her pussy and pubes. Sofia was smirking timidly, as the three of us inspected her whipped cream bikini.

"Well, I guess dessert is served, ladies!" announced Brooke.

Alex went straight for Sofia's crotch, her tongue probing every inch of cream. Brooke and I went for separate boobs, relishing the time and not cleaning her up too quickly. We both alternated from her breast to drift down to lick her stomach, and right back up. Sofia was giggling like mad as she laid perfectly still and allowed us to work her over. It was in no time flat that Alex lapped her up into an orgasm.

Once Sofia was cleaned up, the rest of us argued about who got to take the next turn. Brooke won paper-rock-scissors, and soon she was in the supine position, and I got the honor of covering her breasts and pussy with whipped cream. The girls attacked each of Brooke's lovely breasts, and I ravaged her cream-covered pussy. Brooke tasted heavenly as her cum mingled with the whipped cream.

Brooke climaxed, and then it was Alex's turn. However, Alex insisted on being on her hands and knees for her round. We happily complied, and Brooke sprayed cream on Alex's hanging boobs and underneath her pussy. Brooke stood behind Alex's ass, a little grin on her face, and sprayed a stream of cream on her ass crack.

"Mmm, fuck yeah," moaned Alex, "make sure you lick my ass clean, Brooke!"

Brooke began licking Alex's tail bone, as Sofia ducked underneath to lick Alex's boobs and I slid underneath Brooke to lick Alex's pussy and to watch Brooke. Brooke's face was buried in Alex's ass, slurping up whipped cream while Alex started to move her ass back against Brooke's face. Brooke was quite good at rimming - she had done it to me many times and it got me off each time - and though it was still new to Alex, I could tell she loved it. Even Sofia peeked past Alex's hips to watch as Brooke's tongue darted in and out of Alex's asshole.

Finally, it was my turn, and watching Brooke eat her ass got me revved up for some of the same. I decided to stay on my feet and simply lean against the table while Sofia applied my whipped cream bra and panties. The can sputtered and ran out as Sofia finished spraying my ass, and she stood behind me, transfixed at my prone butt. I wiggled it at her as Alex crouched under my pussy and Brooke began to lick my breasts. Without a word, Sofia lowered her face to my ass, and I felt her tongue tentatively work my crack.

Brooke's tongue on my breasts and Alex's on my pussy felt heavenly, but for some reason Sofia was having a profound effect on my ass. I knew she was still getting used to all of the sexual acts she was partaking in, but the fact that she went to my ass without hesitation was just so damn exciting to me, for whatever reason. I closed my eyes, feeling my orgasm build inside of me, and with a groan I came into Alex's mouth.

My head collapsed onto the table, supported by my folded arms as I caught my breath as the aftershocks tore through me. Alex sat on the floor idly stroking my calves, While Sofia took a seat on the chair across from me, her tongue raking across her teeth. The sneaky little grin she gave me told me that she enjoyed eating my ass, and I smirked back at her. I promised myself that before the day was over that I would return the favor.

The four of us cleaned up after our breakfast and dessert - it was surprising how much whipped cream made it to the floor and not into our mouths - and took turns in the bathroom spraying off any residual stickiness in our private areas. One by one we filtered into the living room, staying naked of course, laughing and joking the whole time. Sofia turned on the stereo system, and soon the four of us were rocking and bouncing to the music. You'd better believe our hands were all over each other while we shimmied.

A glance out of the window told us that we had gotten almost two feet of snow overnight, so we were snowed in. The weather report said that most of it would melt by tomorrow morning, so it gave us the perfect excuse to call our respective parents, assure them that we were hunkered down and secure, and spend yet another night over at Sofia's. I mean, after all, it simply wouldn't be safe to be driving out in this weather! Eventually we slowed down on our dancing, turned down the music, and contacted our parents to let them know what was up.

Each of us started messing around with our phones in various positions as we splayed out on the couches. Brooke laid her head in my bare lap while she tapped away on her phone, and I was similarly engaged texting to Rylan. Alex and Sofia laid on opposite ends of the other sofa, their legs tangled with each other as they fooled around on whatever app they had open. We lazed about like this for a long time - we would chat for a bit, play with our phones for a bit, and occasionally we would touch and caress each other. Every once in a while one of us would shift around, or a couple of us would engage with a little playful petting or necking, but on the whole I was surprised at how normal it was compared to when we usually hung out. Well, except for being naked the whole time.

The afternoon wore on, as we continued to lay around like this and enjoying ourselves. We moved around every so often, and my head ended up on Sofia's lap, as she idly stroked my hair. Brooke was transfixed onto whatever mobile game she was playing. Alex began fiddling with the remote for the TV, and had the bright idea to go to one of the naughty sites and put on a porn video. Naturally, she picked an all-girl video, and the four of us hooted and giggled as we watched the porn actresses on screen. All of us were openly stroking our pussies, and observed that what we had done in the last day or so was far more hardcore than what was happening on screen.

All of the porn-watching and masturbating eventually turned into groping and making out between us, and while the videos played we paired up on each of the sofas. We were in no rush, and really took the time to just kiss each other and be intimate. Every once in a while one of us would squeak into an orgasm, and that was the unspoken signal to shift partners. I had at least two make-out sessions with each of the girls in the room, and made sure that I got to be on top and on the bottom with them as well.

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