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Welcome Home Pt. 01


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"Ok sure. But I need to make a quick stop first." Rick said.

Jordan followed close behind Rick's big truck. Passing sites and places she remembered when she used to live here. Some of the memories made her laugh, like seeing the old abandoned barn that still stood behind some tree's, that was the first place she had kissed a guy, also the same place she lost her virginity. Some made her sad as they passed over a bridge, this was where they had found a brown bag full of drowned puppies, her father had saw the bag and tried to pull her away from looking inside. She never forgot that site out of her head, but it also made her remember the first time she saw anger in her father's face. He knew who the bag belonged to, they raced over to one of the neighbors house and her father nearly beat a big man to death, the cops came and everything. These were memories that she had forgotten all about, up till now. Rick's truck pulled onto the main road out of their town but then swerved onto a side street. Jordan knew where they were going but she thought it had closed. At the top of a small hill was a bar. It was not much to look at. Rusted roof, the wood had gotten a face lift since she last saw it, but it was still a bit run down. She got out of her truck.

"Thought Bill closed this after his wife past away?" she said over to Rick who picked up some empty bottles in a crate.

"He did." Rick said walking inside. "Want to wait outside?" he asked. She wanted to see the inside. Even as a kid she always wanted to see the inside.

"Nah. I am old enough to go in now." she said walking towards the entrance. She pulled one of the two door wooden doors open and let him in.

"Don't say I didn't warn ya." he said as he walked in. She did not pay any attention. The inside was much bigger than the outside would make you think. There was a narrow hallway with lots of pictures of country folk having a good time. Then it opened up. Far off in front there was a wooden dance floor, that could do with a make over, it was fenced off with a waist high wooden wall. Behind the wall and up to where she was standing now where tables with chairs. As she turned around behind the wall that made the hallway was some pool tables, where three guys were playing, then she saw the bar and her face dropped. "I warned ya." Rick said as he made his way to the bar.

"Heya Rick, who..." a large lady stood behind the bar cleaning some beer bottles. "I heard rumors you were back the lady said. She was a very large lady, both in height and weight. Her hair was straight and light red. Her face had seen better days, between the drinking and the smoking she had a lot of wrinkles.

"Hey Sherry." Jordan said looking away.

"Figured." the lady said shaking her head. "Can go home to see ma and pa. But can't look your older sister in the eye. Can you?" the lady said slamming the bottle down on the bar.

"It's not like that Sherry.. It's." Jordan said. She wanted to walk, run, turn around, or say something. Anything but just stand there, but she couldn't she was frozen.

"It's what?" Sherry yelled.

"Now Sherry..." Rick began to say.

"Shut it Rick!" Sherry yelled as she opened the half door and came from behind the bar. "This is family business, nothing to do with you." she said as she approached her little sister. Rick sat back he knew better. He had been called up many times because of fights that got out of hand here. Many times Sherry had called him because she had solved it herself and wanted the ambulance to take one of the guys away. She knew how to handle herself and many of her customers knew well enough not to make her mad. "So what is it sis?" she stood over Jordan looking down on her. Jordan cowered away.

"I'm sorry." Jordan said. "Is that what you want me to say?" Jordan said. There was her father. Rick thought. Sherry might have her mom's no back down attitude but Jordan had her father's temper. "Sorry I stole your boyfriend, sorry I slept with him, sorry I ran away with my tail between my legs, sorry I left you here, holding the bag. Sorry, sorry sorry." Jordan yelled up to her sister. The two sister's looked at each other. Everybody stared thinking a fight was on the brink of breaking out.

"What will you have?" Sherry said. As she walked back to the bar. Jordan breathed again.

"Just a coke. I have six months in." Jordan said showing her AAA band.

"You know what they say about that right?" Sherry laughed.

"Yeah call me a quitter." Jordan laughed. The two sisters laughed and joked for an hour. Sherry caught her up on how she bought the bar from Bill, with help from mom and dad. How she married the guy the both of them slept with and had two kids. They gave each other a hug and Rick and Jordan left the bar.

"Thanks." Jordan said as she got into his truck after dropping off the rental.

"For." Rick said.

"You know what." Jordan said nudging him.

"Well I knew the two of you were not going to patch things up yourself." Rick said. Jordan nodded. They drove back in silence, not because they had nothing to say but it was nice. She had always felt comfortable around Rick. He was probably the one thing she had really missed about this place. Even though they never had been together officially, they had made out plenty of times. As he pulled into the dirt road and close to the house. He looked at her.

"What?" she said.

"I missed you Jordie." he said with a straight look on his face. She smiled.

"I missed you too." she replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He grabbed her face and kissed her. She did not fight back. "Missed that too." she said as they stopped. She opened the door.

"Hey there is a dance tomorrow at the bar. I have the night off." he said.

"Why Rick are you asking me out on a date?" she asked smiling.

"An official date. Yes." he said without smiling. She stopped smiling too. She jumped back into the cab of the truck.

"We have been down this road before. Rick." she said. She remembered a school dance they both went to. Things changed that night, they stopped being close friends and things went south. It was the reason she slept with Eric her sister's boyfriend.

"I know. But I lost you. I did not know where you went. Or how to get you back. And when I did. I went to New York Jordie." he said looking out the front window at the house. He could see the outline of Jodie's mother peering through the window.

"Don't mind her. She is nosy." Jordan smiled. "And I know." she said looking at him. "I saw you." she shrugged. "Big white guy in jean overall's. You stood out." she shrugged again.

"I saw you so happy there. With your new job and everything. So I left." he said. "That's why I became sheriff, I hoped if you returned you wouldn't see that immature, beer drinking, truck racing teen anymore." he said. She nodded.

"I don't. Tell you what." she said looking at him. "You're on." she smiled. If he could turn over a new leaf so could she. She climbed out of the cab and went inside.

"So?" her mother said as she got into the house.

"Yes mom." Jordan said. "We are going on a date." she smiled. Her mom smiled from ear to ear. She had always liked Rick, had even planned a wedding for them in the future. Her father just sat there.

"Don't worry about him. He took some of the doc's medication and has been quiet all night." Her mom said. "Thank you for taking him in." her mom said sitting by her husband.

"Night" Jordan said going up the stairs.

She laid in her bed, watching the TV. She had to move it from the foot of the bed to the side. She could never watch it like that, her boobs always got in the way. When she began to fall asleep she turned it off. She began to think of Rick, she thought of the times they made out. He was the last guy she had gone down on, well when she was here. She remembered he had a slight curve to his dick. Her hand trailed down her body and began playing with her clit, how she hated she left all of her toys back in New York. The more she thought of him, the more she got into it. Before long she was beginning to moan, with her other hand she grabbed a pillow and pulled it over her face, but that did not work. She grabbed one of tits and began to suck on the nipple. It was working she was cumming. She loved her nipples played with she sucked and nibbled on it. Fuck she was cumming hard. It had been months since she had a real dick in her. And now she knew she wanted it more than anything. As she came, she fell asleep. Tomorrow she knew the date would go well because she was going to fuck him for all his worth.

When Jordan woke up she realized that what she thought last night was just a reaction to her being so horny. She hadn't slept with anyone in months. She got up and headed downstairs for breakfast. Her father was already tending to the horses. Her mother was making breakfast with a huge smile on her face.

"What got you so happy this early?" Jordan said.

"You." her mother smiled and sat next to her. Jordan looked at her mother even in her elder years, her mum maintained a nice plump figure. She was not as big as her sister but no where near skinny. Her boobs were much bigger than Jordan's. She remembered the day Sherry's breasts started to grow. Her mother warned her that they will never stop. It was a family thing, and there was no fighting it. When Jordan hit fourteen she thought the same thing would happen to her, but it didn't. Her's didn't start growing till she was in her later teens, and it was true, even now. Sometimes she had to get a new bra.

"What did I do?" Jordan asked. Her mom brushed aside a lock of her brownish/gray hair.

"The walls aren't that thick in this house." she gave her daughter a wink. Jordan's face flushed a bright red. Her mom laughed at her. "Seems like Rick is in for a rude awakening tonight." she smiled.

"No it's not like that." Jordan said as she stood up.

"Shit Jordie. A woman has needs and so does a man. Why do you think your father works out there all day." Her mom said with a huge smile on her face.

"Mom!" Jordan said quite embarrassed.

"He needs to keep that body in shape, to keep up with me." her mom was smiling from ear to ear.

"Mom! Stop." Jordan said trying not to listen.

"He sure as hell did not marry me for my smarts. He married me for these." her mom said bouncing her enormous boobs. "He still can't keep his hands off them." she said as she saw Jordan walk out the house. "It's only natural!" she shouted. She loved teasing her kids.

Jordan looked around but could not see her father. So he must be somewhere in the fields. She went to the truck parked in the shed. It was her father's but since he had an accident way back, he couldn't drive it. She started it up.

"Going somewhere?" her father asked.

"To find you." she said turning it off.

"Ah." he said. The two of them worked in the fields. And taking the horses out. They mostly grew tomatoes and other smaller vegetable to sell at the local grocery stores. Nothing big or that needed to much work. They hardly talked. Which Jordan liked. She had missed this. Quiet time with her father, he did not talk much but when he did people listened.

"So you have a date with that Rick tonight huh?" he asked as they headed back to the house.

"Yeah." she said. She looked at him, she could see he was not happy. "Don't like him much, I gather?" she asked. He shrugged.

"Your to old for me to tell you, who I do or do not like." he said scratching the hair under his hat. They sat on the porch steps.

"But tell me anyway." she said.

"I don't like how he got the job. It was disrespectful." he said. This was news to Jordan. According to Rick he had won it in an election.

"But didn't he win it?" she asked.

"Yeah, he went to the county, and asked for an election because of what happened with Cole." her father said. He had peeked her interests. "A few years back. Some black guys came into town, on their way to some other city, or something. Anyway they went into the hardware store and stole a few things." he said looking out as the sun was dropping. "Anyway Cole was nearby and got the call. He went out there and chased those boys right into the hands of the others out there on Dave's road." he said as if he had been there. "Rick was just a deputy then. So they cornered the guys, and Cole let em go, as long as they returned what was stolen." He said shaking his head. "Well two weeks later, those same guys robbed another hardware store, they shot and killed two people as they escaped." he looked over at Jordan. "Rick went to the county and told them, that Cole had let those men go. Just a few weeks ago. They ordered an election and well Cole lost. It wasn't fair in many peoples eyes. But what is done is done." Jordan sat there, she did not know what to say. She could see both sides of the story, but she wanted to hear it from Rick. Cole had been like another father to her when she was growing up. He had let her and her friends get away with some crazy stuff.

As Jordan looked in the mirror. She admitted to her self she looked great. She wore skin tight jeans, that she didn't think would fit her, but they just managed to button at the top. She turned around and checked out her ass. She remembered the guys at work used to call her a whootie, it took a her a while to find out what it meant but she had to admit they were right. She did have a nice ass. She wore a black shirt, which was her mother's a long time ago. It fit tightly across her chest, there was not many shirts or tops that she could wear. She had long ago stopped thinking she could wear any button up shirts. She wore one of her fathers flannel button up shirts over it, it was black, gray and white. She buttoned the bottom four buttons and tucked it into the jeans. Yup she looked great. There was a loud honk outside. She jumped but then smiled. She ran downstairs as she looked at her father sitting in his rocking chair. He was shaking his head.

"Tell him not to do that. He'll scare the horses." he said.

"Yes pa." she said as she ran outside. Rick was standing outside of his truck. She could tell he had cleaned it. "Thought you boy's liked your trucks dirty?" she said smiling.

"Well I figured I would clean up since your a city girl and all." he said. He was wearing a white plain shirt with jeans. He had cleaned up, his hair was nicely cut and he was clean shaven.

"I dunno." she said "I liked the rough look." she said looking up at him. He was a big guy almost 7 ft tall he was not muscular big but very intimidating tall and wide. "Plus do I look like a city girl?" she said spinning around.

"Nah!" he slapped her on the ass. "Get your country ass in here. Let's go." he said. She hopped in the truck. He got in and began to turn around.

"Father said not to honk your horn next time. You'll scare the horses." she said as she buckled in. Rick smiled. He honked the horn loud and long. "Rick!" she said looking at him.

"What? It's my acknowledgment." he said smiling.

"Not funny." she said. She was serious.

"Fine. I will apologize next time I see him." he said. She still wasn't happy. "What now?"

"He doesn't like you much." she said.

"Since when have you been daddy's girl?" he said.

"I'm not. It's just that. I am back home and I want to make amends." she said settling down for the drive.

"Look there are many people. That don't like what I did. But it had to be done. Cole was getting soft. Many people knew it, including your father. But they felt bad for Cole. I did what was right for this town, and I am not gonna apologize or feel bad for it. So if that's what you want. I might as well turn around right now." he said as he brought the truck to a stop. He looked at her. She opened the door.

"I will walk." she said as she went to get out.

"You're serious?" he said.

"No one gives me an ultimatum. Rick. Not you, not my father. No one. I asked a question, you gave me an answer. There was no reason for the rest." she looked back at him. He shook his head. "So we going to dance or am I walking?" she asked.

"Close the damn door." he said shaking his head. She closed it. "You sure have not changed Jordie." he said shaking his head.

"Did you expect me to?" she said with a smile.

"How did those city boys, put up with you?" he asked.

"Truthfully? They would have let me walk." she said shrugging. They both laughed.

The bar was not full of people, mostly people drinking at the bar. She walked over to her sister who was still at the bar.

"Is it normally like this?" Jordan asked.

"No. Usually there is less people." she replied. Jordan smiled. Rick and her sat in one of the seats, next to the dance floor. There was only four people dancing. After what seemed like a few hours she had to admit, that even with the slight hiccup at the beginning. It wasn't a bad date. She saw another side to Rick. He was right he was not the childish, immature person she had left. She looked over at the dance floor no one was dancing. She got up and went to the man in a small room, that played the music. She got out on the dance floor as the man played the song she requested. She loved this song, it was a country song with a nice beat. As she began to dance another lady joined her. She looked over at Rick and he got up. Then another, then another. They were all dancing the same to the beat, kicking their feet. Jordan looked around, the dance floor was almost full, and there were still people dancing were the tables were. Jordan looked over at her sister and motioned for her to join. Her sister made her way out to the floor. The song changed but people still danced.

As Jordan laid there looking up at the stars, she looked back at the events that led to her leaving this place. The door to the truck slammed, bringing her back to reality. They both left the bar and headed out to one of the fields. It was one of the fields that had a great view of the stars. She laid in the back of the pick up truck. Rick climbed in and laid beside her.

"Remember when we used to come out here." he said holding her hand.

"Yeah." she said remembering. He gently kissed her.

"Always wanted to do that." he said smiling.

"Oh yeah. What else?" she asked with a devilish smile. He began to kiss her and one of his hands began to fondle one of her tits. "Thought as much." she said. He kept kissing and now his hand was pawing and squeezing at her tit. She loved them being touched. She reached down his pants and found his dick, she pulled down his jeans and sat up. She had wanted this thing in her mouth, all night. It kept poking her while she was dancing and the whole drive over here it was on her mind. She engulfed the whole six and a half inches down her mouth. There was a loud moan from Rick as his hands fell to the sides. His pelvis pushed upwards. She bobbed her head down taking all of it in. Then released only to go back down again.

"Holy fucking shit!" he shouted. As his whole dick kept being swallowed. She then pushed him back down and held him down as she bobbed up and down faster and faster. She had plenty of practice with bigger ones. Her rhythm kept getting faster and faster as she took it all in, twisting her head this way and that, while she was doing it. Her tongue licked all around. "Fuck!" he said as he held her down. But she pushed it away. She did not need any help with this. She took it all the way in and began squeezing and milking his balls. As he shot his cum deep into her mouth. Deep down she giggled, she could always bring a guy to cum fast. She laid back.

"Where the fuck did you learn to do that?" Rick said breathing heavy.

"Do you really want to know?" she asked. "Or are you just glad to reap the benefits."

"Don't tell me." he said He began to take off her shirt. "I want to see how big these things are." he said as she lifted up, so he could take off her shirt. "Damn!" he said looking down at her bra. He began to tear it off.

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