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West Valley High Day 41-43

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Susan gets dunked, tarred and burned at the stake.
3.8k words

Part 90 of the 130 part series

Updated 10/17/2023
Created 09/21/2016
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October 26

Mr. Rydberger pulled himself off the naked cheerleader underneath him, pulled up his underwear and zipped his pants. He reached down and grabbed Susan Mitchell's hand and helped her off the bench. "We need to go inside and get ready for today, Susan," he said, smiling at the girl. Susan looked down at the ground and followed the teacher back into the New Building of West Valley High, where senior students attended classes.

The teacher led the girl down the hall to a back shared hallway and down towards the gymnasium where the school's swimming pool was housed. As Susan walked into the pool area, she didn't know what to make of the contraption the shop class had built next to the pool, but she knew it would soon be used on her. There was a wooden frame with a long pole attached to it. The end of the pole was held up by a chain which ran over a pulley over the frame and down to the back of the frame, where there was a crank.

A group of Susan's senior classmates filed into the pool area and the teacher moved over to address them while Susan stared at the strange chair leaning over the pool. "Today we are going to demonstrate the infamous 'swimming test' for witchcraft," Rydberger said. "In this test, accused witches were dragged to the nearest body of water, stripped to their undergarments, bound and then tossed into the water to see if they would sink or float. Since witches were believed to have spurned the sacrament of baptism, it was thought that the water would reject their body and prevent them from submerging. Per this logic, an innocent person would sink like a stone, but a witch would simply bob on the surface."

The teacher walked back to Susan and told her to lie down on the tile floor adjacent to the pool. He pulled out a pair of padlocks and used them to lock her wrists to her ankles using the metal cuffs welded around her limbs. He tied a piece of rope around her bound limbs. Susan knew what was about to happen next and began sobbing. "No, no, please don't," she cried, hoping for some sympathy from her teacher.

"Do I hear you disobeying a teacher's request," came the voice of headmaster Stephen Krutz from behind her. Susan stopped talking. She knew once she refused any punishment Krutz had laid out for her that it was all over for her. He would know her breaking point and then she would truly be his slave. "No, sir," she said, her voice quivering. "Go ahead."

The wooden arm was swung so it was over her head and the rope was attached to it. Rydberger swung the arm back over the pool so the naked hogtied girl was now suspended a foot above the water. Slowly he cranked the rope down until her body rested on the surface. Susan craned her neck to keep her mouth and nose out of the water. "This would be one of the tricks used against a witch. As you see, it appears she is floating effortlessly on the surface of the water, a sign of a true witch," the teacher said. "Of course, it is obvious to us the rope is holding her up, but you have to remember that the people watching wanted to see what they expected to see so they would all swear they saw her floating on the water."

Susan hoped this would be the end of the demonstration, but she knew better. Suddenly and without warning, the rope released and she plunged to the bottom of the pool. Frantically she began writhing in her metal bonds, moving her wrists and ankles in what she knew was a futile attempt to get free. She held what little air she had inside her mouth for as long as she could, partially praying she would be pulled out of the water and partially praying for this to be the end.

Rydberger re-engaged the crank and pulled Susan from the pool, water dripping off her naked form as her body broke the surface. She was gasping for air, taking in long deep breaths as she hung suspended a few inches above the water. "It seems the devil has abandoned our witch and decided to let her plunge into the murky depths," came Krutz's voice, directed towards the teacher and his pupils. Mr. Rydberger nodded. "But how can we be sure the evil has been driven out of her, Mr. Rydberger?"

The teacher took his cue and plunged Susan into the pool yet again. This time the rope stopped her suddenly before she touched the bottom of the pool so she hung motionless submerged in the water, helpless to even flail much as her arms and legs were bent painfully behind her body. She was lifted again so her head just broke the surface and then plunged below several more times before finally be lifted out of the water and swung back to the safety of the pool deck, where she hung from the wooden arm as a new set of seniors came in for the next class period.

Rydberger began his lecture as if the girl was not even there although all the students' eyes kept looking at the soaking wet girl hogtied in the air in front of them. "Last period, we examined one witch test that involved submerging the witch in water to drive out the evil spirits. Now we will look at one that was designed to force a witch to confess to her evil doings."

The teacher lowered Susan to the pool deck and unlocked her wrists and ankles. She felt the relief to her aching limbs and wished for a chance to just lie on the deck for a few minutes but she was not given that chance. A chair had been brought out to the deck and Susan was told to sit on it. Her wrists were once again locked behind her to one of the chair's slats and her ankles were chained to the legs of the chair, spreading them wide and exposing her once again to her classmates. With the help of two students, the chair was placed on the end of the long wooden pole, mounted with a bracket that attached to the chair's back legs.

Susan's eyes widened and she struggled mightily to get free as the chair and pole were swung out over the edge of the pool. "Behold the 'dunking stool', Rydberger said. "As you can surmise, the witch will be dunked into the pool until she confesses to her crimes." He released the crank and suddenly the nude girl was plunged into the warm water of the swimming pool, face down as the chair pivoted forward. Susan tried to hold her breath as she was held underwater for what seemed like an incredibly long time. Then the rope was used to pull her back out and she gasped for air as her head broke the surface. She was held over the pool for a few seconds, then plunged back in, held there for what seemed even longer this time and then extracted. This punishment went on for quite some time. Susan couldn't figure out the rhythm of the dunkings, or maybe there wasn't one, but she tried to get a mouthful of air every time she was pulled up, to try to stop herself from choking on the pool water. Sometimes, though, she was given little warning or couldn't hold her breath long enough and she would come up coughing and gasping, trying to force out the water and get air into her lungs.

After over an hour of torture, Susan was left chained and sobbing in the wooden chair as the class dispersed. Finally, Krutz returned and swung the chair back over to the pool deck and unchained her. She sat emotionless staring at him, realizing this was the first time she had been face to face with her tormentor this week. "We are going to have a long talk, Miss Mitchell," he said. "But there will be time for that next week, after Mr. Rydberger is done with his Halloween week escapades. He really is quite an ingenious torturer himself. Not quite my level, mind you, but not bad."

The headmaster pulled the familiar pink vibrator out of his pocket, switched it on and shoved inside Susan's wet pussy. She glared at him as he violated her but said nothing. Then he grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her to her feet. With a quick shove, he pushed her into the pool. She went underwater and took in a bit of water before bobbing up to the surface. Krutz had a rope in his hand with a metal ring on the end of it and a padlock. He tossed it to the girl and told her to snap it onto her ankle. She paused for a moment and then caught his eye and did as she was told. He tied to rope off to the swim block in lane 1 of the pool. Then he tossed her another rope and told her to attach this one to her other ankle. He took the end and pulled it over and attached it to the block in the fourth lane so the girl's legs were now spread wide open. Susan did some light paddling with her arms to stay afloat. But she wouldn't have to do so for long as the teacher tossed her another pair of ropes for her wrists. He tied each of these off tightly to the sides of the pool so the naked girl now floated on her stomach, spread-eagled. Susan strained her neck to keep her face out of the water as Krutz turned to walk away.

"Enjoy your swim, Miss Mitchell," he said, leaving her to float on the surface of the water, bound, naked and exposed, the battery-powered vibrator slowly bringing her to orgasm.

October 27

"Think for a moment about what our poor victim must be feeling right now. She's naked, of course, exposed in front of her fellow townspeople. The men leering at her young body, the woman looking on scornfully. Imagine how scared she must be, dangling by her wrists from a piece of rope above the large iron drum."

"And then she is slowly lowered into the barrel. The hot tar bubbles as her feet break the surface. The black goo clings to her naked flesh. She feels as if she is being burned alive as she is plunged deeper. The tar seeps into her most intimate areas, but that is not the worst part as she is pushed down into it now, the hot material covering her face now, unable to open her mouth, struggling to breathe as she is completely immersed. Then she is pulled out of the barrel and left to hang there, black as coal, the heavy tar dripping off the ends of her breasts and her feet. The whole town is laughing at her."

"Then they move the barrel of tar out of the way and lower her down. The men bring out bags of chicken feathers and begin dumping them over her head. They stick to her hair and her face and she sputters to keep them out of her mouth. The men roughly apply them to her breasts, sticking them tight against her bare flesh. They do the same between her legs, shoving a few inside her. She is hideously covered in hardening black goo and prickly white feathers."

"Quite the scene, don't you think, class," Mr. Rydberger said to the small assembled group of senior boys and girls from his AP U. S. History class. "That passage was from a fantasy novel but it is a fairly good description of the practice known as 'tarring and feathering' that was used, albeit sparingly, during witch trials."

"You've now heard what it is like. So, let's now see it."

He turned around to where a naked girl stood suspended in mid-air by her wrists. Three large vats had been aligned in the open area of the courtyard of Senior Hall and Susan Mitchell was currently suspended over the first of those, held in the air by a winch attached to mobile scaffolding borrowed from the maintenance crew. It was usually used for trimming the large oak and maple trees around campus but had been repurposed for this more nefarious purpose. Susan wore no clothing except for the metal cuffs welded around her wrists, ankles and neck. Her eyes, however, had been covered with two black disks that appeared to be glued in place.

The teacher pressed a green button on a remote control attached to the scaffold and slowly Susan was lowered into the first vat, which had been filled with a body-safe adhesive glue which would further bind her inside her plastic cocoon. Even through the plastic, Susan could feel the warm glue as her toes broke the surface and she was plunged into it. The teacher explained this adhesive was typically used in theatrical productions to hold costume pieces in place. "We're going to use the glue as a barrier for our victim's skin to reduce the possibility of damage. Of course, real witches would not have been afforded that luxury," he said. The winch kept lowering Susan into the glue. She took a deep breath as her face neared the surface and held it as her entire body, all the way up to her suspended arms was plunged into the vat.

Susan was pulled out of the vat, glue dripping from her skin. Her long blonde hair was matted against her head and back. She was grateful for the black disks over her eyes which protected from the glue. She struggled to try to pry her lips apart, finally generating enough saliva so the water-soluble glue broke apart and she could take a deep breath. She felt the glue hardening around her, forming a tight, thin plastic cocoon around her body.

The girl was moved over to the next vat, which contained a black, sticky substance. Rydberger explained to the class that this was a pine tar mixture. "A lot of people, when they think of someone being tarred and feathered think of the type of tar used on streets or roofs. That tar can reach temperatures of up to 300 degrees, way too hot for even our demonstration. But pine tar, as the baseball players in the audience know, gets very sticky without getting very hot. It melts at about half that temperature. So it will be uncomfortable, like a very, very, hot bath, but with the glue in place, not damaging."

Susan was positioned over the vat and quickly plunged into it, the idea being to keep the time she spent in the hot vat to a minimum. She plunged below the surface, large bubbles forming as her body displaced the tar, and then quickly hoisted out of the vat. She was unrecognizable as she was pulled out of the sticky black goo, every inch of her skin now covered in black tar, making her look like a large black blob of goo on the end of a piece of rope. Her arms were straining from the added weight of the tar and she struggled to try to get mouth open without ingesting the material.

She was quickly moved to the next vat and plummeted into it, the goal to get her covered in the white goose down feathers before the hot tar had tried upon her skin. She was dunked into this vat several times to ensure a good coating of feathers all over her naked body.

The scaffold was swung to one side and Susan was lowered to her feet. The students applauded as they looked on at the sight in front of them. The form was still vaguely human, but no sign of pink skin remained - just black tar and white feathers just as in the story their teacher had told them at the start of class.

Mr. Rydberger motioned to two boys and they helped bring over a large wooden rod. They positioned it between Susan's legs and pulled it up until it touched her crotch. "The final step would be to ride the witch out of town on a rail," the teacher said. He grabbed Susan's wrists, unhooked them from the winch and pulled them down and chained them beneath the rail so she was slumped over. He then locked her ankles together and tied rope around her shins and knees, securing her to the rail.

The two boys lifted the rail into the air and Susan's full weight fell upon her tender naked pussy as they hoisted her and carried her through the courtyard, finally setting the pole down on two benches, which were just high enough that Susan could stand on her tiptoes. This did little to relieve the strain on her crotch as the class dispersed and she was left in her sticky prison.

It took several hours to get most of the feathers and tar and glue off Susan's body. She cried and wailed when Mr. Rydberger said he was going to have to cut off her long blond hair. But in the end, he could get most of the gunk out of it, although there were still some small clumps of tar and glue stuck to it.

October 28

"Today is the culmination of our week of witch trials at West Valley," Mr. Rydberger said to his class. We have tested our witch and found her guilty as charged of witchcraft. We have tried to drive the devil out of her using a variety of trials but in the end, we have deemed her unrecoverable. And so, for the protection of our school, our witch must be put to death."

Susan turned her head sharply to look at the teacher as he said those words, deep fear on her face.

"While most witches were hanged, or drowned, I think we all have the visual image of a witch being burned at the stake. So, that is going to be our witch's downfall."

If Susan had not had a piece of cloth shoved roughly in her mouth gagging her, she would have screamed her head off. She struggled against the tree she was bound against, thrashing left to right to try to convince the teacher that she did not wish for this treatment.

Rydberger walked over to her and unchained her hands from around the tree. He leaned in close to her and whispered into her ear and she stopped thrashing. He took her hand and led her through the courtyard to an open field, just as the sun was beginning to set. She saw the metal pole set into the ground in the middle of the field, raised in the air on a metal platform. The selected group of her classmates, all fellow seniors, including her best friends Brittany and Kylie, followed behind Susan and her teacher, their excitement and fear building as the nude girl approached the stake. The teacher led her up a set of stairs and had her lean against the metal pole. He pulled a large iron bracket around her waist and locked it behind the pole. Her wrists were pulled up in the air above her head so she was lifted practically in the air onto her tiptoes. She pulled down on the cuffs testing them. Rydberger pulled out a heavy metal chain from the ground and wrapped it around her chest, encircling her bare breasts. She shivered as the cold chain touched her flesh. Her ankles were chained together to the post, locking her in place. A chain encircled the pole near her neck and was locked to the metal collar welded around her neck.

Susan started to panic, realizing she was trapped on the metal platform. Her teacher had whispered to her not to worry and that she would not be harmed, but she didn't see how that was possible. Piles of wood were placed below her feet on the platform and she began to struggle in earnest again.

The teacher picked up a wooden stick with fabric wrapped around it and struck a match to it, lighting it on fire. "Susan Mitchell, you have been found guilty of witchcraft and heresy and condemned to be burned at the stake for your crimes." Susan's struggles intensified as Rydberger waived the torch near her, the fear in her eyes obvious. The teacher reached down and placed the torch down against the wood at the base of the platform. A very small flame was ignited from a gas burner underneath the platform. Someone yelled, "burn, witch, burn" and a few people clapped as the yellow flame flickered and began to rise higher.

The flames now had formed a circle around her feet. Susan felt a small amount of heat and tried to twist in her bonds to look at the fire. The chains held her tight to the pole and she felt completely helpless. She was surprised at how turned on she felt as she faced potential death at the hands of one of her teachers in front of her friends and classmates.

Suddenly the flames increased in size. No one saw Rydberger reach over and turn a small knob that increased the amount of gas being supplied. The heat from the flames intensified and Susan yanked hard against her wrist restraints as she felt the flame brush against her toes. It felt like someone had stepped hard on her foot. She lifted her toes up in the air so she was completely off the ground. Smoke was rising from the wood piled around her. She didn't realize the wood was fake - it wasn't actually burning, just putting off smoke, but it felt real to her.

Some of the flames sparked even higher. Susan thought she could feel them on her ankles and her shins but wasn't sure if that was flame or just heat. She was sweltering now and felt her heartbeat increasing dramatically as the flames appeared to be dancing even higher around her. She was in full panic now, thrashing around as much as she could in her bonds, trying to yell through her gag but she was held tight.


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