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What Happens in Vegas Pt. 05

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Fred and Aaron begin to share their news.
5.2k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/24/2024
Created 05/12/2024
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The shrill scream of Fred's alarm scared Aaron so thoroughly he thought he'd have to be scraped off the ceiling. Fred rolled over towards the bedside table and grabbed his phone silencing it. Aaron reached for the opposite table where his phone sat charging and looked at the time.

"Jesus fuck, Fred. It's 5 in the morning," Aaron grumbled. He didn't need to leave Fred's place until 7am today. He didn't know why Fred had insisted on getting up so early.

"Are you always this much of an early bird?"

"No," Fred muttered. He had rolled back towards Aaron and was insinuating himself into Aaron's personal space.

"I'm only an early bird when there's an insanely hot person in my bed, who deserves a good fucking to start the day."

Fred, eyes still closed, nuzzled into Aaron's neck and began to kiss him. He ran his tongue up to Aaron's ear and nipped at the lobe. Flinging an arm and a leg over Aaron, he pressed his semi erect dick against his hip.

Aaron lay still, reveling in the light caresses of Fred's fingertips, allowing him to run his hand over the hair of his chest, rubbing one thumb over a nipple causing it to pucker and harden. Aaron sighed out a low hum as Fred continued to kiss his neck and rhythmically rub his growing erection against him. His own cock began to stiffen as Fred's mouth finally made its way to his lips.

Aaron opened his lips giving Fred's tongue entry. Fred moaned into his mouth as their tongues wrapped around each other. Aaron's breathing hitched as Fred brought his hand to the rising bulge in his boxer shorts. He rubbed over the bump and Aaron bucked his hips a little as his cock grew.

Fred propped himself up and moved his body on top of Aaron's. Like the night before, just before dinner had arrived, he rubbed his cock against Aaron's and groaned at the feeling of the two members pressed together. The heat and the hardness of it sent a rush of pleasure through both men.

Aaron hooked his fingers into the waistband of Fred's boxers and shoved them down. He removed his own as Fred took his boxers off completely and they both tossed the garments aside. Fred lowered himself on top of Aaron again kissing him urgently and groaning deep in his throat. Aaron returned the groan as his cock started to drip with anticipation, running his hands up and down Fred's back, over his ass cheeks squeezing, needing to feel every inch of his skin.

Fred rose to his knees and leaned forward towards the bedside table to pull out a tube of lube. He squirted a generous amount into his hand and rubbed it over his cock shuddering at the sensation. He hissed out a slow breath as he applied the slick liquid.

"Fuck," he muttered. His cock was so hard and hot in his hand. He stared down at Aaron who was stroking his own dick slowly and watching Fred. Aaron's thumb ran over the purpling tip of his cock, and he sucked in a quick breath stroking up and down the length. His tongue ran over his lips.

"You're so hot," Aaron grumbled breathlessly.

Fred smirked and put his lubed hand just under Aaron's ball sack. He gasped as Fred ran a finger down to his asshole and slowly eased it in. Aaron moaned and tipped his hips up, giving Fred easier access.

Fred's cock shone with lube and dripped as he watched Aaron's face contort with pleasure as he moved one finger, then two in and out of him slowly.

"Ah, ah, Fred," he groaned. Aaron's cock was dripping generously creating a puddle on his abdomen.

"Fuck me, Freddie, please," Aaron begged, his breath coming in quick pants, his face flushed. Fred grinned at the nickname. He hadn't allowed anyone to call him Freddie ever, but somehow it sounded right coming from Aaron's mouth.

"Yes, baby," Fred muttered. He eased his cock forward and pressed it against Aaron's tight little hole. Fred grunted as he thrust in slowly. Aaron moaned and whimpered, pleasure flowing throughout his body. He panted, open mouthed, as Fred began to pump in and out of him.

"Ah, Aaron, fuck baby," Fred groaned. He began to pump faster, and Aaron gripped his ass cheeks urging him into more speed. Aaron's cock dripped more copiously now and twitched with every thrust of Fred's massive dick.

"Ah, Freddie, AH," Aaron cried.

His cock burst onto his stomach, lines of passion reaching well past his belly button as he spurted twice more. Fred groaned watching this display. He could feel Aaron's hole tighten around his cock as he came, and he groaned at the clenching pleasure of it. His balls tightened as he pumped in and out with growing urgency, slapping against Aaron's. He thrust hard with a roar and buried his cock deep into Aaron feeling his own massive explosion begin to rock through him.

He froze in place holding himself still as his cock spurted. His hands pulled the sheets into his fists on either side of Aaron's shoulders. He gritted his teeth, squeezing his eyes closed as bursts of hot desire blasted through him. Finally, he relaxed and gasped as his orgasm washed through him and began to subside.

"Oh!" Fred gasped again as his cock burst out one last stream. "Oh, fuck, oh my god."

Groaning he thrust in twice more, panting, his cock twitching with the sensations.

He leaned down and kissed Aaron deeply, thrusting his tongue into his mouth. Aaron still panted but welcomed the kiss. With a grimace of excruciating sensitivity Fred pulled his cock from Aaron. He shuddered as the tip emerged and dripped. He collapsed next to Aaron on the bed.

The two men lay still for a moment catching their breath. Fred closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. Eventually, Aaron broke the silence.

"Sorry I called you Freddie," he said. "I know you don't like it." Fred huffed out a laugh.

"It's alright. For some reason I like it coming from you," he admitted. "Especially when you say, 'Fuck me, Freddie'. So, fucking hot." He put a hand on Aaron's thigh, trailing his fingertips through the hair. Aaron smiled.

"Can I call you that other times too?" Aaron asked. Fred smiled.

"Sure, baby," Fred paused. "I keep calling you baby." Aaron smiled.

"You do," he said. "Maybe let's keep that one private for now." The intimacy contained in the nickname given to him by Fred seemed too dear to utter in front of anyone else for now. Fred rolled to his side gathering Aaron up into his arms.

"Careful, I don't want to spill." Aaron gestured to his stomach bearing the leavings of their passions.

Fred leaned over Aaron, who planted a kiss on his chest, and grabbed him a tissue from the box on the bedside table.

"Here, baby." Fred gave Aaron the tissue and kissed his temple. Aaron smiled and wiped at his stomach.

"You know," Fred said. "I don't think I've ever cum so hard in my entire life."

"Well, glad to be of service," Aaron said smiling. He tossed the tissue on the bedside table and rolled to his side to cuddle up with Fred.


"I called my parents and they're free tonight," Aaron reported over a mug of coffee as Fred emerged from his bedroom.

He smelled fresh and clean, and his dark blond hair was combed into its usual tidy side part. Aaron felt grubby in his clothes from yesterday, his own dark hair starting to show signs of needing a wash.

"Great," Fred said. He pulled on a sport jacket and grabbed the briefcase he kept by the door. He popped it open for a moment and glanced at the files and papers there. After clicking it closed, he walked toward where Aaron stood in the kitchen.

Fred poured himself a cup of coffee as well, then stood in front of Aaron, and pressed himself against him. He grinned and planted a kiss on Aaron's lips. Then he slid to Aaron's side and leaned against the counter sipping at the coffee.

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning," Aaron said. Fred grinned again; his blue eyes glittered with mischief.

"Good sex will do that to me," Fred said planting another kiss on Aaron's cheek. "So, you were saying about your parents."

Aaron nodded and stared down into his coffee. His stomach turned as he thought about having to tell his parents. He thought they would be OK, but his anxiety still made it difficult.

"We can go over to theirs for dinner tonight. They said 5," Aaron said. Fred pulled his cell phone from his pocket and looked at his work calendar.

"Fuck, I have a meeting at 4pm. I think the earliest I can get there is 6," Fred said. Aaron's stomach turned again, and he took another sip of coffee trying to dull the feeling.

"Oh," he muttered. "OK, well I guess I can go, and you can meet me there." Fred looked up at Aaron, still staring down into his coffee. He put his mug down on the counter.

"Hey." Fred brushed the back of his hand down one of Aaron's arms. "What's up?"

Aaron shrugged. Fred sighed and draped on arm over his shoulders pulling him into a hug. Aaron put down his own mug and turned to Fred, wrapping his arms around his torso.

"I'm so fucking nervous," Aaron said into Fred's chest. Fred tightened his arms around Aaron.

"I know baby. We'll do it together. Let me see if I can move that meeting or skip it. It could probably be an email anyway," Fred said. Aaron snorted a laugh.

"I can just meet you there," Aaron said again half-heartedly. Fred put his hands on Aaron's shoulders and pushed him back a little. Aaron stared at a button on Fred's shirt.

"Aaron," Fred said. Aaron finally looked up into Fred's eyes. "I'm going with you, we're going together. We're not doing this alone. Telling Mark on my own was... it was too hard and not fair to either of us. I'm not putting you through that." Aaron dropped his gaze again.

"What is it?" Fred pushed.

"I'm sorry I put you through that," Aaron said. His voice cracked.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Fred asked.

"You had to do that whole thing with Mark. And I told you to, I told you to just tell him. I knew it should be us both, but I told you to just tell him," Aaron blurted.

"Aaron. Stop. It wasn't your fault, OK?" Fred said. Aaron snorted again and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Listen, you didn't make me do that. It was a... shitty weird situation. Had we all taken a moment to think about it, we might have found a better solution, but we didn't. It doesn't help to stand around blaming yourself, or Mark."

"But you had such a hard day yesterday and if I hadn't been such a coward..." Aaron started again. He brought his hazel eyes up to Fred's and they blazed with anger at himself.

"Aaron," Fred said again. "Stop. I promise you that's not going to be the only shitty day I have or the only meltdown I have. I've never allowed myself to really deal with these kinds of emotions." Fred sighed and squeezed Aaron's shoulders. "This is all new territory for me. I can't have you blaming yourself every time I fall apart."

Aaron lowered his eyes again. Fred brought his chin up.

"You were...amazing yesterday. I've never been so vulnerable with another person before, and you were perfect. I can only hope to do the same for you," Fred said. He kissed Aaron's lips again.

"You've really never been vulnerable like that before?" Aaron asked. Fred's face darkened for a moment, but it passed quickly.

"I wasn't allowed to be. 'That's not how men act'," Fred said tossing up air quotes with his fingers. "You know how... how my mom is." His eye shone for a second and he cleared his throat.

"So no, I've never been that way with anybody. I've always had to be the strong one."

"How can I ask you to do that then? How can I ask you to be strong for me?" Aaron asked.

"You don't have to ask. I'll just do it. You just have to let me do it," Fred said. Aaron stared at him for another moment, then nodded, wiping his eyes.

"So dumb. It's not like my parents will be surprised," Aaron said. Fred cleared his throat again before responding.

"This isn't the first time you've mentioned that," he said. "What do you mean?" Aaron reddened and grimaced at the embarrassing memory he was about to tell for the first time ever.

"Well, when I was a teenager, the housekeeper found... um... well..." he paused rubbing the back of his neck. "She found gay porn in my room and told my parents." Fred stared at him for a minute.

"When did this happen?" Fred asked.

"High school, sophomore year I think," Aaron replied.

"You didn't say anything!" Fred exclaimed.

"Of course I didn't!" Aaron exclaimed in return. "I was mortified! And besides you and Mark wouldn't have been...very nice about it back then."

Fred started to protest, but then realized with sudden clarity just how hard it had probably been for Aaron all those years ago. Fred thought of those times and grimaced at some of the things he knew he'd said to Aaron.

"Fuck man," Fred muttered. "I'm sorry. We were really shitty." Aaron shrugged.

"You didn't know. I barely knew, or was in denial about it," he paused. "I guess I still sort of am." Fred looked up quickly.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "I think the sex we had this morning is a pretty clear fucking indicator." Aaron smiled and chuckled a little.

"No, I know. I meant when we talked in Vegas. I said I didn't know if it was guys in general or just you," Aaron paused and swallowed hard. "I do know. It's guys. I like men. I always have."

Aaron breathed out a quick breath and his shoulders relaxed a little. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of him, a weight he had been carrying for so long. He had never admitted that to anyone, even to himself.

Fred listened and watched as his body visibly relaxed, and a soft smile appeared on Aaron's face. He brought a hand up to Aaron's face and stroked his fingers down his cheek.

"But it's me in particular, right?" Fred joked with a devilish grin. Aaron let out a loud laugh.

"Yes, it's you in particular," Aaron confirmed. Fred nodded and planted a kiss on his lips again.

He opened his mouth sliding his tongue forward into Aaron's. The taste of coffee coated both of their mouths and they kissed with growing intensity for a minute. Fred brought his wrist up and looked at his watch. He pulled back suddenly.

"Fuck, baby, I'm sorry I have to go," Fred said. "You need to go too, right? It's almost 7:15."

"Shit, yeah, I need to get home," Aaron jolted forward and snatched his wallet and phone off the counter where he'd put them this morning.

"Let me give you a ride," Fred said.

"No, you're already late," Aaron protested.

"I want to. Please?" Fred asked. Aaron sighed, smiling, and shrugged.

"Alright, Freddie. You can give me a ride." Aaron shoved his wallet and phone into his front pockets. They kissed again before running out the front door.


Aaron felt a new sense of peace and calm for the rest of the day. He still had his simmering anxiety that seemed to accompany him so often, but with the admission of something he had barely even admitted to himself all these years finally out in the open, he felt a new sense of lightness.

The workday passed in a blur with frequent messages exchanged between him and Fred. Nothing pressing or important just random texts to say hello, flirt and attempts to make the other laugh.

Mark jumped on to their group message thread and invited the two of them over for dinner on Saturday night and Aaron added it to his calendar. The admin assistant he shared with two other attorneys commented on how relaxed he looked today, regardless of the stack of work piled on his desk.

Aaron thought for sure he would be wholly distracted by thoughts of Fred all day. While Fred was on his mind a lot, he also felt strangely focused. It was unlike anything he'd experienced before.

He was so sure of Fred and didn't have to constantly remind himself to be excited about it as he had to do with every woman he'd dated. He allowed himself to know now, to acknowledge why that was; he was a gay man. It was work for him to be excited about dating women. But he didn't have to work with Fred. He simply was excited, a natural state of excitement that he didn't have to force.

Fred was able to get out of the 4pm meeting and told Aaron that he would swing by and pick him up. Aaron offered to drive, but Fred insisted. So it was that Aaron stood in the lobby of his office glancing out the window waiting for Fred to arrive.

His stomach was in knots as he thought about the task ahead. That was how he saw this announcement to people, a task. A task starting with the easiest part, his parents.

He knew deeply that his parents had already figured him out, even if he had never told them outright. They hadn't made an effort to get close with any of the women he'd dated. They never pressed him about his dating life, or asked when he would give them grandchildren like so many other parents he heard about.

But he wondered how they would react to Fred. His parents had known Fred nearly his whole life. A scholarship kid at his fancy private school, scrappy, confident and yes, a womanizer from the time he started showing interest in girls in 6th grade. How would his parents feel about Fred as a match for him? That was his main concern.

Fred pulled up to the curb, flipping off a car that roared past him and through the next traffic signal. Even in that show of anger Aaron felt some of the tension in his shoulders melt away and he smiled as he approached the car.

"Hey baby," Fred pecked his cheek once Aaron was in the car. "Did you see that fucking guy? He was halfway up my tailpipe for the last three blocks. At least buy me dinner first."

Aaron clicked his seatbelt and Fred threw the car into drive and began to make his way through the downtown area, towards the wealthy suburb Aaron grew up in.

"How was your day?" Aaron asked.

"Productive," Fred said. He glanced at Aaron. "You OK? You look a little..."

"Yeah," Aaron said quickly. "I'm nervous. But I think I'm OK." Fred put his hand on Aaron's thigh as they hurtled through the streets.

"We're gonna be alright, baby," Fred said. Aaron put his hand on top of Fred's and squeezed it, lifted it to his lips and kissed his fingers.

"I know," Aaron said. Fred braked at a red light and turned to Aaron.

"Yeah?" he asked. Aaron nodded and leaned across the center console towards Fred. Their lips touched and Aaron slipped his tongue into Fred's mouth. Fred put one hand on the back of Aaron's neck and kissed him deeply and slowly.

A sudden beep from behind them caused the two men to jump. The light was green. Fred quickly waved at the driver behind them and moved the car forward.

"I thought about you this afternoon at lunch," Fred confessed. His hand was resting on Aaron's thigh again absently rubbing as he drove.

"Did you?" Aaron asked with interest. Fred nodded.

"What did you do?" Aaron asked, his hand resting on his other thigh. He moved it up slowly. Fred glanced down at Aaron's lap, noted what his hand was doing.

"I might have excused myself to the restrooms," Fred said. "Had a little session with those sexy texts you were sending me."

Aaron had his hand on the crotch of his pants now rubbing up and down his rapidly hardening dick. He grunted and rubbed harder at the thought of Fred jacking off at work to the texts he'd been sending. He recalled exactly what he'd written and felt a wave of desire crash through him, even as his face flushed.

Fred gripped the inside of his thigh as Aaron continued to stroke his cock over his clothes. His own dick had risen at the sight of Aaron touching himself. Fred sucked in a quick breath as he dragged his gaze back to the road.

"Baby, are you really doing this now?" Fred breathed out. "We're going to your parents' house." Aaron sighed and reluctantly took his hand away from his dick.

"You're right Freddie," he said breathlessly. "I don't know what got in to me."

"Later, tonight," Fred winked at him. "I'll get into you." Aaron stared at him for a second then burst out laughing. Fred chuckled along with him.


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