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Alex and Levi have an unexpected solution.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 07/03/2023
Created 01/29/2021
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Hello everyone. I have been an avid literotica reader and this is my first attempt at writing a story. Please comment so I can get a good gauge on what I can improve on and what you enjoyed. Thank you!

Chapter 1 Levi

How to describe the unlikeliest of possibilities. Maybe I should just start from the beginning.

I met my roommate Alex at a frat party. We did not have much in common that we knew of at the time, but we ended up bonding over one sordid category. We were man-whores to put it not so delicately. In our mutual adventures of obtaining one-night stands we were different in only one aspect of our adventures and that was the type of tail we gravitated to.

You see, I am unapologetically gay. I love ass and I most definitely love ass from a man. I love fucking ass, and I enjoyed the plethora and flavor of different types of bodies and styles of said ass.

Nothing was out of my preferences, if I found them attractive, I took them home. Tall, short, bulky, twinks, you name it, I would fuck it. My weekdays were usually filled with classes and studying but my weekends were a whirlwind of sex. Let's just say it was not an uncommon occurrence to find myself taking multiple people home over a long weekend.

Now Alex, was the same only he was as straight as you can make them. He held the same philosophy of sex and got laid as much as I did. The only caveat was that he was only into women. What really joined us was in a weird camaraderie was the rules that we lived and breathed by when it came to our sexual partners. Rule number 1: No repeats and rule number 2: No relationships.

I mean we were young, both in our junior year of college, both in the prime of our lives physically and both wanted to sow our oats when the pickings were at their greatest and our conquest were freely and willing to let loose.

When were we ever going to have the same opportunities as we have right now in college? The future only held constant work, responsibilities, and potential family life. So no, we did not want to be encumbered. We wanted to live life to the fullest. What was that saying...YOLO.

Now, if you are thinking if we get this much sex there must be something about us. We both have a reputation on the campus, him with the ladies and me with the gay and bisexual men. Have I ever entertained the thought of getting with Alex...hell yeah, the man was gorgeous. Standing at 6'5" and over 220lbs of finely tuned muscle, green eyes, and black hair perfectly cut and styled in a short easily managed cut. He was the epitome of what a Greek God should look like. People realized this as there was no shortage of admirers at his door.

Now for myself, I am not ashamed or feel I am egotistical to say that I am attractive. I know it, but I also do not rub my nose in it. I am just self-aware enough to know I can get most of who I wanted. I am 6'1, 185lbs of muscle that I worked hard to get. My dimples, blonde shaggy hair, and slight tan also did not hurt me in the looks department nor did my blue-grey eyes. This did not go unnoticed by my own admirers.

So, let us go back to how did we meet. It was a party we both attended during the first semester of our sophomore year. We somehow ended up as beer pong partners as we both were the odd ends of the separate groups we came with. That eventually led to us taking shot and shooting the shit in the backyard of said frat house where there was a jacuzzi.

I had been eyeballing a cute looking brown hair jock with a nice bubble butt in his swim trunk and Alex was eyeballing a pixie looking blonde sorority girl in a string bikini that was with my eye candy. By the looks and mannerisms, we could tell that they were a couple.

We both realized we were eyeing the pair and in our drunken stupor we ended up laughing at how unlikely it would be to get at them. I do not know how it started but we ended up talking about how we could each bag our preferred partner between the two of them. It became a game as to who can get the other in bed first.

Somehow between our charm and no doubt the guy's hesitant curiosity, that we ended up ushering them both upstairs into an unoccupied bedroom. It was a bit of a blur but what I do remember vividly was that we ended up standing side by side as we both pounded away into our respective partners as they lay on their backs in bed moaning in unison.

It was on that occasion, in a weird sense of mutual understanding, that we became friends, then eventually roommates at the start of the second semester of our sophomore years. Our mutual tales of conquering and debauchery, even with the opposite sexes, were welcome as we took a similar view on sex.

It helped that both our roommates were a bit of prudes who often complained about the number of partners we each passed through our swinging doors. This made it an easy decision to room together when the first opportunity hit, and we ended up going in on an apartment close to campus.

It was our mutual understanding of the rules we abided by that completely solidified our friendship and became the source of why I am opening this dialogue to you. You see we both were very upfront with our partners about our rules of sexual engagement but even when they agreed there were some that could not understand why they could not jump back in our beds.

For me, there was a guy named Dave. Now Dave was a spitfire twink with an admittedly cute little ass, pretty face, and a total slut in bed. However, Dave was not the type to take no for an answer. He somehow got my number (which I never handed out outside of close platonic friendships) and started texting me all the time about when we were hooking up again.

I started to see him everywhere I went socially and often cockblocked by his possessiveness. I had explained multiple times that it was not happening, but the guy just could not take a hint. I explained my issues with Alex and in his sympathy, he told me he was in the same boat but with a girl named Sharon. In the avoidance of our said stalkers, we forgoed parties, clubs, and in consequence, we got hornier. Now you might think in our horniness we did something together but that was not the case, what came from it was a solution. This solution was creative and not something that I came up with. My dear friend Alex came up with it a crazy opportunity that I was not initially happy with and eventually drove me to my wit's end.

It was one evening where I was home working on a paper with earplugs in as Alex was entertaining some female "guest" of his. There was a loud knocking on the door I was somehow able to hear between my music and the yells of Alex's partners.... yes, plural. I did not think to look in the peephole as I was irritated when low and behold stood Dave.

I must admit Dave was pulling out all the stops in the outfit he chose to wear. He shoved his way in as I peeked at his extremely short shorts showing the bottoms of his ass and the crop top displaying his smooth flat stomach. Before I could even open my mouth to say anything, he started spouting off.

"Levi! Baby! Where have you been?" he says putting his hand on my chests. I slowly grab it, remove it, then step back to create some needed distance.

"Ummm, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean!" he parrots me. "You haven't answered any of my calls" Dave said. In my mind I am like, hell no I haven't answered you; you crazy ass. I told your ass I am not interested!

However, I reply with "I been busy but listen Dave. I know you want to get together, but I don't do repeats. You knew this when you got together the first time."

"uhhggg" he says. Seriously? I say in my head.

"Levi, puhhhhlease, who would not be interested in this," he says as he motions his hands down his torso. "This playing hard to get at first was hot but now it's getting kind of old."

What was with this guy? I could not spell this out any clearer. I open my mouth to say this when I am interrupted by a girlish squeal coming from down the hall followed by a loud manly groan. Dave looks at me with confusion as I shrug. It was only a few moments later that outcomes two, what could only be described as half-dressed bimbos, coming down the hallway that led to the open plan kitchen, dining, and entryway.

Here I was busy being temporarily celibate to avoid Dave and Levi here was finishing up a threesome. Seriously!? The girls pause as they take me and Dave in and start eyeballing me in my boxers. Did I forget to tell you I was shirtless and in boxers. They giggle as they move toward the door still taking me in.

Now I only play with men, but I am a certifiable flirt and give them a wink and smile much to Dave's dismay who huffs in outrage. I could only chuckle as they shoot me one last look before leaving through the front door.

It was only moments later that I watch Dave's jaw literally drop. I turn to see Alex strode confidently into the kitchen and grab a glass from the cabinet and fill it with water. Now, why did Dave's jaw drop, well it was because he was in the presence of a completely nude, slightly sweaty, and still somewhat hard Alex.

His dick had hit his thigh and bounced as he strode his way to the sink and no doubt would remain in Dave's (and my) spank bank for the next few days. Good Lord. The guy was seriously packing. It took everything not to react but fortunately, I have seen him naked before and I had plenty of practice to school my features. It was only from our shared couple conquest that I knew that when fully hard he was 10" and thick.

Do I blame Dave, no, and if I have not seen a naked Alex before today my jaw would be on the floor as well so I pushed on as if his entrance didn't affect me and said, "really Alex, two at the same time?"

He laughs and says, "nothing you haven't done before, but of course babe, nothing compares to you." He then gives me a wink. You see, this is how it was. We always teased each other. It was our way of trying to get under each other skin and make each other uncomfortable. To anyone else, it may seem weird when we make comments like this but to us, it was just what we did. So, it was not surprising when Dave said "Ummm.... Babe?" as a question into why the hell Alex called me babe as he seriously eyeballs Alex and me.

"Alex...this is...Dave," I say this in a way to convey that yes this is the dude I am trying to avoid and yes please help me you naked fool.

I watched as Alex's eyes widen then take on a contemplative look. Then like reading a book I see his face morph into a look I can only say "oh shit" too. It was the same look he has when he has an off the wall hair-brained idea that would probably have me waking up on a boat on its way to South America or in a jail cell.

"Oh...so you are Dave," he says. "Alex mentioned someone trying to break MY rules."

My first thought was what do you mean my rules don't you mean our rules?

Fortunately, Dave speaks for me, "your rules?" in a squeak. Yes, an actual squeak. Alex steps closer into my space leering at me from head to toe then he hardens his eyes as he looks at Dave. Dave noticeably steps back considering the hostile scrutiny. I do not blame him, if I was 5'6" slim twink I would be reluctant to engage in an altercation with a man like Alex also.

Alex turns back to me with an intense look in his eyes and pushes up against me and in turn pushes me up against the kitchen cabinets. He raises his left hand and clutches the back of my neck in a possessive hold. I quickly steel my poker face to keep my eyes from widening wildly and keep my increased heartbeat from being noticed.

He turns his head back to Dave and growls "yes Dave. My fucking rules." Oh fuck, his tone goes straight to my groin as I pray to not get hard.

"You see Dave," he continues alternating between caressing my neck and gripping it "Levi is mine, and mine alone."

"but... you.... you... just had sex with two girls!?" Dave sputters. The guy has a point and I look at Alex to explain.

Alex just laughs and says, "yea, that is his rules." Ok, What?

"What," once again Dave answers for me, bless his heart.

"Our rules," Alex continues like it is the most obvious fucking thing. How about you clue me in Alex. As if he is reading my mind, he looks back at me with a boyish smirk I can't help but relax to.

He says, "I am allowed to fuck as much pussy as I want but I can't have repeats, I can't have a relationship with any of them, and I absolutely can't fuck any other guy but him." True...Wait a minute, what was that third rule! What did he just say?!

"My rules," he continues "are that he can have sex with any other guy he wants but he can't have repeats, he can't have a relationship, and he can't allow anyone in his ass but me." Oh, my fucking God, he did not just say that. "This right here," he says gripping my ass firmly with his right hand "is my fucking territory."

There were things happening in my body simultaneously that I did not know what to do about. I sprung a boner, I got mad as hell, and I was fucking nervous. Fortunately, my poker face held true and my boner was hidden in the press of his hips. However, the smirk he had on his face told me he felt it. The damn Asshat was messing with me.

My mouth was snapped shut, knowing if I had opened it, I may have put in my two cents about who's fucking who and ruin it all. I would shout to the world I was not his damn pussy, fortunately, Dave saved me from making a fool of myself. "Seriously!!!?" dear lord my eardrums nearly popped.

"you two!!!!!? I mean, you are a pussy hound, and you are the biggest gay man-whore in the entire district!!! BUT You two are in a relationship that only allows you to fuck women and you to only top other guys!!!?"

Well, when you put it that way. I mentally slapped my forehead. It sounded fucking ridiculous and the increased tension in my body was noticed by the pressed-up Alex, who in turn pressed harder as if to say, chill I got this. Like the smooth operator he was, he spoke on like the situation was nothing. He shrugged, "yea, it's why we don't say anything, most people wouldn't understand our lifestyle but in the end no matter who we fuck we end up with each other for the intimacy." Whaaaaaaaat?

I was going to call bullshit on ourselves when Dave, oh precious Dave, responded with an enlightened "huh...who would have thought?" a long pause then "That makes sense, why else would you not want me Levi?"

The fuck was wrong with this guy and why am I complaining if he believes it. Why, oh because apparently, I only get anally fucked by my roommate in our joint intimacy as he and I were allowed to fucked like hounds outside of said supposed relationship.

So maybe I should shed some light on why this is a big deal. The ass fucking at least. I have never bottomed. Well, I shouldn't say never as I experimented when I realized my sexual preference and quickly found I hated the lack of control of bottoming, so I only topped since the first time. It was common knowledge in the local gay community that I ONLY ever topped, much to the dismay of my passed partners. So yea declaring I was getting fucked in the ass regularly by my supposed "boyfriend" was like setting down a lite stick of dynamite at the corner of Saks Fifth Ave to the close-knit community of gay politics and gossip. This was going to blow the fuck up.

Now in my moment of situational contemplation, I did not realize Alex maneuvering to put on a fucking show. He pulls me into his naked body, grips both my boxer clad ass cheeks, and start sucking on my neck where it meets my shoulder. The motherfucker. He knows this is an erogenous zone for me. I have told him many times before that this gets me really going during our sexy shared storytimes. I feel his smirk around the suction in his purposeful attempt to mark me in front of Dave. This motherfucker knew what he was doing and knew I couldn't say shit while Dave was still here.

Putting me in this situation kind of peeved me, so what do I do in response, I say fuck it 'two can play at that game.' I go for his known erogenous zone and card my right hand through his hair and rub his head as I clutch my other hand to his bicep and moan. I feel his breath catch and curse against my neck before he continues to apply suction. The asshole.

I don't know how much time has passed before I register movement in my periphery and realize Dave is still here. Alex has me so far out of my element I don't even know what happening around me.

"Uuuhhh Dave, if you don't mind," I say in an out of breath, husky tone. A tone I had no control over.

His mouth is open and is stock-still like he was waiting to take in water. Alex lifts his head and looks directly at him and says, "Hey dude, get the fuck out, his hot ass is not gonna fuck itself with you around." Oh my God. Why do I feel tingles? Even though I was adamantly an avid top, somehow hearing Alex blatantly laying claim to my ass was turning me on.

The fucking NERVE of him to make me feel this way. So, in retaliation, I start to undulate against his half-hard cock and internally celebrate when I feel it getting harder. Yea bitch, how does it feel to be caught off guard. He sucks in his breath then squeezes my ass tighter.

Poor Dave gets out a "uuuhhh sure...yea of course...I'm just gonna." He nearly trips on the couch, but I cannot feel bad about it as he is already on his phone, thumbs moving impossibly fast obviously relaying the information he just gleaned on our "relationship status."

As he scurried to the door I say, "Hey we don't like having the nature of our relationship getting out too much...." He immediately and absently replies "Ugg sure..." then slams the door shut on his way out. "fuck, he already texted half the campus, didn't he?" I say in a monotonous tone knowing damn well I knew the answer to my own question.

Alex chuckles and releases me. I feel remiss but quickly dismiss it and rubbed my neck where he sucked on me, he most definitely gave me a wicked hickey. An unwelcome feeling makes its way through my body knowing I was marked by this man and my mind was reeling. What was going on? Fucking get yourself together Levi. He is just doing this as a ruse. Do not make anything of this and why the hell is this making you feel shit, he is your straight best friend!

I push Alex further away needing some space. "What the hell man!" he just continues to laugh as if it is the funniest thing in the world.

"Chill Levi," he says in a low grumble that make me shiver hearing my name on his lips.

"Chill!" I yell "you told him you fuck me in the ass!" I sputter then continue, "you basically said you have full claim on my ass!"

He chuckles then shrugs as if this was common knowledge which bewilders me. "Babes think about it," he says as he walks out of the kitchen.

I do not even realize I am following until he stops abruptly at the bathroom door and I run into his back. How fucking embarrassing.

He gives me a cocky grin. I quickly try to recover and say, "don't babe me, you asshat."

"Alex, you have a stalker who now understands why you can't be with him." He says in a 'what not to understand' tone.

"From what I can see is, it solved your problem, and it solves my problem with Sharon." For some reason, my irrational mind ignites hearing her name. Fuck, am I jealous? Seriously Levi, get under control.

"I can't start a relationship because I am in an open relationship with you, and you can't start one because you are in an open relationship with me," he continues to rationalize.

I sputter, "what?"

"Think about it babe," he says again as he strides into the bathroom and turns on the shower, and tests the water for heat before stepping in. I swear if he says think about it one more damn time.

I walk into the bathroom, set the toilet seat down, and sit with my head in my hands and elbows on my knees. Yes, I still had a fucking hardon.


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