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What Women Want; What Women Need 02

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Augmenting his power to subjugate women, for their own good.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/20/2018
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Author's Notes: (I) This is the second part of the author's memoir from the late '90's, the start of a series on his life. In Part I, a 21-year-old student travelling in Paris meets a Frenchwoman nearly 15 years older than he was. In the first installment, our visitor had overwhelmed the local femme. It closes with them about to visit her apartment, where (he had just informed her) he would be staying for the duration of her trip.

Part I in the series is rated PG. This offering is X-Rated. A Prologue to the series will be forthcoming, as will several additional stories that occur subsequently.

(II) The original French words set forth the precise language used. But the English translation provided is idiomatic, not literal. Young people used slang then, as they do now. Some of the translated English phrases herein were not even in common usage when this episode occurred, but are the best modern expressions to reflect the behaviors and ideas involved. A few exchanges are not translated; you can likely figure out what was conveyed from the context.


Though Arthur had warned Françoise that sex was not on the agenda for this, their first night together, that didn't prevent her from trying to change his mind.

She seriously tried to engage Arthur physically. Françoise was a liberated and experienced Frenchwoman at the height of her sexual prime. She had removed her chemise and then panties but left on a skimpy black lacy bra that showed off her tempting breasts to great effect. Her overall visage was extremely alluring. But whenever Françoise made an attempt to actually initiate physical intimacies with Arthur, she failed. When she climbed on top of him and brushed her breasts across his face, he flipped her over, pinned her arms back and rebuked her. Other times she tried to entice him by caressing his semi-rigid cock or licking his ear. Or nibbling at his nipples. He in turn just wrestled her away.

At one point Françoise placed several of her fingers into her pussy, then rubbed the smelly digits across Arthur's nose and tried to insert them into his mouth. Her reward: a loud, painful slap on the face. Eventually he had to hold her down face first on the bed and spank her, hard. And suddenly, very much to her surprise (but not his) she came in a series of silent shudders. Finally her attempts to force Arthur to fuck her stopped. They slept: he well, she frustrated yet excited.

The next morning he awakened her at 7:30. He gave her 500 francs (about $40) and the room key to his modest tourist hotel, told her to take a Taxi there (about four miles away), pack his clothing and toiletries into his bags, and bring them back to her place. And, Arthur told her, return with croissants, Havarti cheese, and bottles of both sweet cider and vin ordinaire. She asked what he would be doing while she was off doing these things. "Endormi" was his reply. ["Sleeping."]

She was back by 9:30, and they enjoyed a nice breakfast. He told her his plans for the day: she would be his tour guide, and then that night they would take in her competition at the Moulin Rouge.

But, she said, she had to work that night.

No, he told her, you need to take off the next five nights. And so without further incident she called her club and did just that.

They went sight-seeing and then, that night, clubbing. They were back in her room a little after 3:00 a.m., slightly (but only slightly) drunk. And now was the, ah, moment of truth. He fully stripped her down in the "sitting room" part of the tiny apartment, and carried her to the next room where he lit a single candle before lowering her down into the bed. Arthur removed his own clothing except for his briefs.

Arthur teased Françoise with his hands and with his lips, his mouth ministering to every known erogenous zone North of her waist and South of her thighs. Manually he excited her clitoris to the point where she was ready to explode in an orgasmic cascade, but then eased her back down unfulfilled. Only to be repeated. And repeated again. Time stood still. Excited and frustrated, Françoise could not think: she could sense crudely and feel broadly and pulsate but her ability to act in any purposeful way was obliterated. Unlike with Hemingway's Rabbit (Maria), the Earth did not move: rather Françoise herself became transported helplessly in such a way as to transcend the Earth metaphysically, agitated and denied release.

The room took on the strong fragrance of Françoise's excitement. And that pheromonal essence spurred her on further. But not so Arthur: he had a job to do and maintained his control at all times. Satisfying, delivering, then subjugating a woman sexually is serious work, especially at the first coupling; of course in time it gets easier and easier.

At some points during the foreplay Françoise tried to direct the action ---- and got nowhere. Arthur did allow her to remove his briefs and after she gazed at his, uh, endowments she licked Arthur's balls and then took his engorged semi-rigid but not fully erect prick into her mouth.

Now Arthur has never much cared for being fellated -- too many women attempt to use it to control a partner -- and he greatly preferred the sensation of entering a woman and occupying her in the way Nature designed. Nonetheless Arthur told Françoise that, yes, she could minister to him orally all she wanted. But he added he doubted she could bring him anywhere near a climax. Françoise of course took up the challenge only to find herself with a sore jaw, battered gag reflex, chafed palate and feeling very, very inept.

Attempting to appear undaunted, Françoise sought to get Arthur to go down on her ["engager dans le sexe oral"], but he would have none of it. "Ceci est commun en France," she said. ["This is common here."]

"Not for me . . . anywhere" he responded. ["Pas pour moi . . . n'importe où."]

To this day, Arthur has never engaged in cunnilingus. He regards it as an unnecessary diversion and potential trap, an inducement to appear subservient and weak. And if the pungent and repellent odor of a woman's genitals were any indication, he couldn't imagine the taste being any kind of an improvement.

This was not to say that Arthur disapproved of pussies in general: he loved all pussies: plump, spare, swollen, trimmed, shaven, dyed, untended.

Finally Arthur was ready to fuck his anxious partner. Face to face he entered her slowly -- his tool was long and thick, and though she was tall, he wanted to gauge himself carefully in these welcoming but unexplored environs. But once fully in Arthur was quickly acclimated: he accelerated his efforts and before long was pounding Françoise in a frenzy that seemed somehow angry, almost as if he were punishing her, overwhelming her into mindlessness. And all too soon -- don't forget, he was just a month past age 21 -- he came. He filled her with the hot, flowing product of his lust.

Of course, Françoise was nowhere near cumming after Arthur's expert and prolonged foreplay followed by a frenzied copulatory sprint of less than two minutes.

But -- surprise!! -- Arthur was replenished and newly hard (and rarin' to go) within 20 seconds: the advantage of being young and in his sexual prime. This time his performance was quite different: Arthur didn't fuck Françoise so much as he explored and caressed her womb, gently, lovingly, without cease, for the next hour and a half. He would start slowly and tenderly, build in speed and intensity, then hold back for awhile. He changed their positions frequently, gently re-positioning her body by lifting her almost effortless with his upper body strength and managing to do this without removing his cock from Françoise's frantic pussy but still successfully alternating the internal pressure points.

And she came: over and over she climaxed, three, five, dozens then countless more times, climbing the magic mountain and reaching orgasm singly and in waves, mildly and intensely then gently then powerfully, an incalculable number of times with uncontrolled abandon as Arthur gave her a workout such as she had never imagined let alone experienced.

All the while Arthur remained in control, almost composed. At one point 90-plus minutes into the bout Françoise looked at him and raised an eyebrow as if to ask whether he planned on cumming again. He asked if she was in a hurry. And she definitely wasn't.

When it was clear that Françoise was spent, joyously and hopelessly quenched, exhausted and utterly drenched, Arthur permitted himself to cum again. Silently all the while; quite unlike her sound effects.

But he didn't pull out. As his cock deflated he stayed in her. His gaze into the windows to her soul intensified, and he told her from that point forward he would control all her orgasms so long as he was in Paris. He explained that she would cum only on command -- his command. She looked at him quizzically but not disbelievingly. Arthur pulled out of her, placed her head on his shoulder, grasped her left wrist, looked again her into the eyes and stated, "Françoise, I want you to cum for me . . . right . . . now." And with a convulsion she did.

Over the next four days and nights, Arthur supervised Françoise, in and out of bed. With quiet calm and self-assurance, he molded her to meet his needs. She was startled, confused even, as this scenario rolled out; but she was completely and unquestioningly compliant with his every wish. Willingly, her spirit was subsumed by his. And with every thrust, caress and directive her life was altered forever. She was ecstatic but also filled with dread: the fear that she eventually would lose him.

To this point Arthur had never hypnotized Françoise. He had merely overcome her both physically and with his force of will. But Arthur was still learning his abilities. The next night, after their bout of love-making, while she was experiencing a floating after-glow, Arthur looked deeply into her eyes and whispered: "Quand je commente que je crois que vous vous sentez d'une certaine façon, dans quelques instants, vous aurez en fait ce sentiment." ["When I state that I believe you feel in a certain way, within a few moments, you will actually have that feeling.]

The next day Arthur tried out his suggestive powers: Arthur knew that Françoise only rarely wore tights or pantyhose, and did not even own a garter belt or hosiery. (She had told him she was a modern woman, and did not need to do slutty things to attract or please a man.) Passing an upscale boutique in a fashionable neighborhood, Arthur leaned into her ear and whispered, "Je crois que vous auriez vraiment plaisir à acheter des porte-jarretières et des bas à porter pour moi." ["I think you'd really enjoy buying garter belts and stockings to wear for me."]

Within a few seconds, Françoise silently took him by the hand into the boutique, where she selected two garters and two sets of hose. Arthur selected a third set of black fishnet stockings and a provocative corset with garters to be used as outerwear, covered only by a skimpy skirt. Arthur explained that these items of lingerie were to be worn without panties. She nodded.

Though Arthur was on a student budget he offered to pay half for the purchases. She wouldn't hear of it, asserting (and sincerely believing) that she had been looking forward to acquiring these items for some time.

Françoise bought Arthur little presents, including a cravat he has to this day. He made clear that he was limited financially but would give her something worth far more than little trinkets: his attention. And training of incalculable value to last a lifetime.

Françoise and Arthur had discussed sex many times. She asserted that she had never been attracted to women, not even a schoolgirl crush; he believed her. Over lunch on Arthur's last day in Paris, he asked her if any of her fellow dancers in the revue were Lesbian or bi-sexual, and whether any of them had ever come on to her. She mentioned one girl whom she said was "très agréable, très proper" ["very nice, very clean"] and had unsuccessfully come on to her.

Arthur responded: "Je pense que vous trouverez très exaltant d'inviter cette jeune femme à passer la nuit avec nous." ["I think you will find it very exhilarating to invite this young lady to spend the night with us."] Françoise paused only very briefly then nodded agreeably. She told Arthur that she had been thinking for some time that she would like to engage in a threesome. Could we invite her friend for this, their last night together, she asked.

Arthur agreed. Françoise immediately called her friend, Marie.

It was a first time with two women for Arthur. Marie had taken off from work that night, and proved a willing participant. There was no need for Arthur to hypnotize her. She followed Françoise's lead, took direction well and without reservation, and the permutations are too many to go into here. (Dear reader: if you haven't gotten off by now, you're not going to.)

The only aspect of their session that disappointed Marie was Arthur's refusal to go down on her -- but Arthur did direct Françoise to minister to her friend in this way. And Marie's concerns were soon overcome when Arthur repeatedly brought both women to climax at once.

Marie was disbelieving when Arthur showed her how he could command Françoise to cum on demand. She thought it must be an act. But then Arthur demonstrated his power to Marie by bringing her off; she came again and again following his sway.

. . . . .

The next day Arthur and Françoise wound down their time together. Françoise summed up her view of the experience: "Je pensais que vous étiez un garçon que je pouvais ramasser, taquiner un peu, inciter à donner du plaisir à moi avec votre langue et des lèvres, vous amener à l'orgasme avec ma main, puis l'envoyer à votre domicile. Au lieu de cela, vous êtes l'homme le plus dur je sais." ["I thought you were a boy I could pick up, tease a little, have you satisfy me with your mouth, get you off with a hand job, and then send you on home. Instead, you are the hardest man I will ever know."]

And Françoise added the following: "Si vous venez de dire le mot, je vais laisser ma vie entière ici et viens vivre avec vous aux États-Unis. Pour aussi longtemps que vous aurez de moi." ["If you just say the word, I will leave my entire life here and come live with you in the United States. For as long as you wish."]

Gently but firmly, young Arthur politely declined the offer. Summoning Robert Frost, he told her, "Je dois miles à parcourir avant de dormir." ["I have miles to go before I sleep."]

Arthur told Françoise that he believed she would not be saddened to see him go because she had undergone his training and now knew what happiness and fulfillment lay in store for her over her lifetime. And within a few seconds she felt very good about things.

Arthur's parting instructions to Françoise were simple and direct:

(A) while masturbating she would not be able to cum unless she fantasized about Arthur -- this for the rest of her life;

(B) she was not permitted to engage with Marie again sexually unless at the behest of a man she was seeing;

(C) she was free to date any man that appealed to her, but would have to break off with him immediately if he (i) gave off the slightest evidence of inferior character, or, (ii) came to show that he did not care deeply for her, or, (iii) wanted to go down on her;

(D) she would not engage in a long-term relationship except with a man who mastered her as Arthur had; and,

(E) she was to name her first-born male "Arthur."

But, Françoise pointed out, her husband would want another name and she would have to obey him. Arthur explained that she need only point out to her husband that he was the beneficiary of the training Arthur imparted. And she nodded; he was right.

And so Arthur's adventure in the City of Lights came to an end.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Would they not address each other in the familiar second-person once they are lovers? It seems a little formal.

GrafStamphausGrafStamphausover 5 years agoAuthor
Historical accuracy...

A reader has commented on Part 01 complaining that it was inaccurate because it refers to expenditures in French francs rather than Euros. I assure him (and you): I was there, and francs it was. Although the Common Market was in full swing and had been for 20-plus years, the full conglomeration known as the E.U. was not yet incorporated, and each constituent nation still had its own currencies, be they pounds sterling, guilder, marks, etc. This was very soon to change, but not at the time period recounted herein.

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