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When a Plan Comes Together


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'Where is she supposed to go?' He asked. He knew straight away that he had a problem. There was no way he could back his wife up, not when he had been sleeping with his daughter. He was stuck in a tricky situation, but, unlike his wife, was not overly bothered that Ann-Marie had slept with her brother.

'You need to go and tell her she has to leave,' Cindy said vehemently.

'I'll go and speak to her.' Warren called, making his way upstairs.

In her room, Ann-Marie wrapped her arms around his neck the moment he entered. 'I'm sorry daddy. It just happened. It was hot outside, and we had a few drinks and one thing led to another.' She blatantly lied without a shred of embarrassment. What could her father say about what had happened, nothing, he was just as guilty as her brother.

'Listen, stay out of her way until she calms down, and then I'll talk her round,' Warren promised. He would need a few minutes before returning downstairs for his cock to subside, his daughter's closeness and the way she pressed her breasts and groin against him had instantly ignited his arousal.

For the rest of that week, Cindy took time off work, keeping her son and daughter apart. It didn't help that Dominic was constantly around, sunbathing in the garden in only shorts and she couldn't do anything about it. When she went out to speak to him, he would tease, the look on his face indicating he would like nothing more than to fuck her, his lewd intentions enforced by the considerable erection he always seemed to have and which he openly manhandled when they were alone together.

Each evening at the meal table there were tensions, their food eaten in stony silence. Cindy would not let her son be anywhere near her, at the moment; it was far too dangerous. The same went for Warren, as much as he was missing his daughter; it wasn't worth the risk to be caught in flagrante delicto, and with their mother's beady eye following every move, the twins were also going without.

She introduced a routine for her two children, out each morning to work or college and then straight home each night, after their evening meals, either downstairs accompanied by their parents or in their own rooms with no visits to any other bedroom. All of this had also caused problems with her marriage; she couldn't understand why Warren hadn't backed her up, seeing him as weak.

All he wanted was a quiet life; well, a little more than that, he wanted his daughter again. He couldn't remember when he and Cindy had last made love, the stony silence continuing once they were in their bedroom. It was as though they both got the same thoughts at the same time, the two of them realising that weeks, perhaps months had passed without them having sex. Cindy was the first one to wonder, did her husband have another woman, was that why he showed little interest in what their children had done. Warren wondered the same, was his wife having an affair, is that why she had gone over the top when she had found Ann-Marie and Dominic in bed, those things happened, and while it was wrong, it was nothing that couldn't be solved.

Cindy went out a couple of times a week with friends and her husband wondered if she was lying and was actually meeting someone else. Warren occasionally had to work late, or he may be away on business; was he taking another woman with him, his wife wondered?

The only person who knew the whole truth was their daughter, the instigator of all their problems. Ann-Marie was the only one who knew that brother was fucking sister as well as fucking their mother, and that sister was allowing their father to shag her.

Nearly two months had passed, with it being a miserable summer, trapped indoors, and all four of them going without sex.

Her mother had still not deigned to speak to her civilly. Ann-Marie was at the end of her tether; annoyed with being treated like a child when she was now twenty. Her father was working late, and so at the dinner table that evening, she made her announcement. 'I'm going out tonight...... and I might just come home pissed.'

'You will not young lady.'

Turning to her brother, 'Dominic, fuck off to your room for ten minutes. I want a word with mum.' He had been about to argue, but the look on his sister's face told him he needed to be out of the way and clear of the fallout which was about to happen.

'And I won't have you using language like that in this house.

Ann-Marie scowled at her mother. 'Dominic has been fucking me since he was eighteen...... longer than he has been fucking you!'

Cindy only looked panicked for a second before her brain told her to deny everything and get angry.

'That's preposterous. You're acting like a child now with your blatantly false accusations and lies.' Ann-Marie let her mother rant until she had exhausted herself, waiting patiently as she fiddled with her phone.

'Finished? Good. I watched him shag you on the couch the night we all went out and got drunk. I was still awake when you retired to your bedroom and he fucked you again' She held up her phone for her mother to see, flicking through one picture after another. 'Who was the first person he came and told afterwards? Me. Who taught him what to do and how to satisfy you? Me. Who knew that it has been going on all this time and has said nothing to dad? Me.'

Cindy was stunned, there was nothing she could say, denials were pointless, and the pictures told their own story. Her mouth hung open, her eyes starting to tear up, and she was struggling to breathe, while her daughter continued to speak.

'Whose idea do you think it was? Mine! It was my idea that you and Dominic ended up in bed together and please don't try and deny that you haven't enjoyed it. He's reported back to me every time he's shagged you and told me what you have both done.'

Cindy was in tears. 'But why...... why would you do that?'

'Because I wanted daddy...... and I got him! For as long as you and Dominic have been fucking, Daddy has been shagging me and I love him.' Ann-Marie finished triumphantly, leaving her mother speechless and in shock as she got up from the table, grabbed her coat and went out.

She had been in the pub just over an hour when Dominic appeared. 'What the fuck did you do? I just had to get out because world war three is taking place at home.'

'I told her the truth Dom; you might as well know now. While you have been fucking mum, dad has been fucking me.'

He stared at her incredulously before breaking into a grin. 'Is that what all this has been about? You wanted to sleep with dad and so you engineered a situation where mum slept with me?'

Ann-Marie nodded. 'Sorry, it seemed like a clever idea at the time.'

Her brother laughed uproariously, just like his sister, he thought. 'Tell you what, let's get pissed and then go home and I'll shag you. If they throw us out, they throw us out, we will manage somehow.' He indicated to the bartender and ordered more drinks.

It was late when they arrived home, both of them worse for wear. Their parents were upstairs, and they supposed they could have fucked. Instead, they simply went up to their own rooms and got into bed, both asleep by the time their heads hit the pillows.

Ann-Marie lay back, raised her knees, and opened her legs wide, rejoicing as the cock expanded her cunt and sent the first exciting sensations to her brain. His shaft fucked her slowly and tantalisingly, in, out, stop, start, her features changing constantly as the throbbing lump of meat teased her pussy.

When he leaned forward, his face coming closer, she raised her head, meeting his lips and the sweet taste of him before thrusting her tongue into his mouth as their lips ground against each other. From her lips, he moved to her breasts, his mouth encompassing each nipple in turn as he sucked, licked, and nipped them with his teeth.

As he returned to a full kneeling position, he glanced sideways for a second. Ann-Marie turned her head to look. Dominic was between her mother's thighs and for a few moments, she watched his cock slowly pound her mom's cunt. The sight of her brother and mother having sex next to her and daddy was thrilling in its intensity.

Her mother turned her head and winked with a smile before she was distracted as her son suddenly lavished kisses over her tits and nipples. Neither of them was expecting what happened next, it was the first time, as father and son swapped over, Dominic now shagging his sister while Ann-Marie watched her daddy's cock abusing her mummy's pussy.

It would not be long, already able to sense that her excitement was escalating and that her climax was near. It felt so perverted and erotic, being shagged by the two men and watching her mother receive the same attention. Teetering on the edge, Ann-Marie called out for her daddy, Warren and Dominic swapping again.

Cindy reached out, took her daughter's hand, and squeezed, watching intently as Ann-Marie's tits bounced back and forth. That was enough for her, Dominic's cock pummelling her cunt as fast as he could ram it in there as her orgasm swept her away, mouth open, and head thrown back. She heard her daughter's screams; they had near enough orgasmed together, two wet sloppy cunts now full of hot cream.

It had taken a few weeks for hostilities to cease. Cindy and Warren each blamed the other. It was Ann-Marie who eventually put them straight.

'You are both as bad as each other. You've both committed adultery and incest at the same time. But neither I nor Dominic are complaining; we both love what we are doing; we both love you to bits, so why can't it continue as it has been?'

It wasn't immediate and concessions were made on both sides, each of them getting a say in how they wanted things to be. It was decided that, when applicable, Warren could sleep with his daughter, spending the night in her bed. When that happened, Dominic would spend the night in his mother's bed and when their parents wanted sex, brother and sister would be free to sleep together.

It worked perfectly, surprising how swapping partners several times a week improved everybody's sex life.

There had also been an added benefit Ann-Marie had found, the second time the four of them had shared the same bed. It had been an experience, finding herself highly aroused as she watched her mother get fucked. Besides what her brother was doing to her mum, Ann-Marie found herself wondering what it would be like to touch her mother's breasts, to run her hands over her body, to perhaps kiss her. The very thought of doing those things with her added to the eroticism she experienced as her father fucked her and her mother watched.

When an opportunity arose a couple of weeks later, her dad and brother having gone to watch a football game, she cornered her mother in her parent's bedroom. Ann-Marie started haltingly, not sure what to say because she had never experienced a feeling like this before and had no desire to spoil what they now had.

'Is it unnatural to find another woman attractive?' She asked, sounding unsure of herself, and puzzled.

Cindy sat her daughter down. 'When you say, attractive, how do you mean? Attractive as in, good looking, or attractive as in sexy...... arousing...... desirable?'

'The latter,' Ann-Marie replied, feeling a little embarrassed that she had brought the subject up.

'I'm presuming that by another woman, you're referring to me. Do I make you feel funny....? down below?' she asked

Ann-Marie nodded her head; her mother seemed to know exactly what she was asking. But it still startled her when she moved closer, put a hand behind her head, and pulled Ann-Marie's face towards her. When their lips met, it was like a surge of electricity, her nipples hardening immediately; the sensation between her legs, not so much an itch, more, a demand for it to be touched and explored.

She closed her eyes; the kiss was sublime, in a way, no different than being kissed by her father or brother, only more electrifying and sensual. When it finally stopped and her mother drew back, Ann-Marie's heart was thudding in her chest, and she was having difficulty catching her breath. Her mother gave her a look which was one of amusement mixed with sensuality. 'That kind of funny?' She asked.

Before Ann-Marie could speak her mother reached out, staring her constantly in the face as she began to unfasten the buttons on her daughter's top. Ann-Marie couldn't look away as she felt her shirt loosen and then a hand slid inside, fingers tantalisingly stroking the flesh of her upper breast. It was as though someone had snuck up behind her and slapped the back of her head, her mum continuing to stare at her with the slightest hint of a sexy smile playing across her lips.

Suddenly, the fingers delved into the cup, located Ann-Marie's nipple, and gently squeezed and twisted it. She visibly jumped, her eyes closing for a second as a husky growl forced its way out and the conduit between her nipple and pussy was flooded with sensations.

Her mother was grinning now. 'That kind of funny?' She asked, finishing with a drawn-out laugh.

Cindy could easily see her daughter's chest rising and falling swiftly as she withdrew her hand, pulled her top over her head, and then reached behind her back as she unhooked her bra and cast it to one side before taking Ann-Marie's hand and placing it on her naked tit.

Ann-Marie had touched her own breasts before, but this felt different, cupping the smaller orb, and feeling the stiffened teat digging into her palm. It was like an experiment as she caressed and fondled it, saving the nipple until last as she rolled it between her finger and thumb. This time it was her mother's turn to let out a growl of appreciation, her hand returning to her daughter's breast as the two women slowly aroused each other. She had waited in anticipation for the moment when her mother's hand rested on her knee; Ann-Marie was now more or less panting. It moved slowly, teasing all the while as it glided beneath the hem of her skirt, up and up it came, upper thigh and then around to her inner thigh.

The pressure was building, her mother's hand inching closer, and then as several fingers softly stroked her pussy she exploded, eyes glazing over, mouth hanging open as Ann-Marie clamped her thighs together and shook violently. 'Oh fuck, fuck, mum? Mum? Mummy?' The orgasm was blinding, waves of pleasure washing over her until at last, it started to diminish, and she could hear her mother girlishly giggling.

'Oh, I see, you meant that kind of funny. Cindy continued to chuckle.

It hadn't taken either woman long to become naked; the rest of the afternoon was spent indulging themselves. Tits were caressed, fondled, and abused; nipples sucked pulled and twisted. Tongues explored pussies, slurping, and licking as they tasted each other, lips seeking each other's clitoris and lavishing the tiny buds with loving attention.

Fingers delved deeply into each other's cunts as they frigged, swapping as they suddenly found the urge to rub their cunt's against each other. One climax followed another, sharing orgasms; the bed damp from sweat and the secretions pouring from between their legs, a mass of entangled sheets and covers, pillows, thrown to the floor. And when finally, they had sated their lust, they lay side by side, chests heaving and as yet unable to speak.

Cindy raised her head and stared at her daughter before rolling on her side to face her. Ann-Marie giggled; her mum's hair was a mess, damp and looked like a bird's nest, all entangled.

'I would appreciate it if you said nothing about this to your father or brother. Let's just keep this between me and you...... our secret. If they find out, they will expect us to perform for them and I'd rather it was just something we had.'

Ann-Marie was all for that. Her plan originally had been a way of hopefully getting her daddy into her bed. By bringing her mother and brother together, it left the way clear for her final assault, neither of them was able to say anything because they were already doing wrong. And it had worked; she had finally achieved her fantasy of her father fucking her.

What she had never counted on, was developing a fascination with her mother. Their encounter had exceeded all expectations, a kind of sex that felt different than that of her father or brother, and something that she presently did not want to share.

Although she did not know it then, there was another surprise to come in the future, but that was nearly six months away yet. It wasn't only Ann-Marie who was surprised; it came as much as a shock to Cindy when both women eventually found themselves pregnant at the same time.

But that perhaps, 'was a story for the future,' Ann-Marie later thought, when the event finally happened.

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shadrachtshadrachtover 1 year ago

Parts of the story were great, but at the end, I didn't like the continued dishonesty. The only way they have a chance at not imploding is communication. Adding another secret between the women just indicates it's going to melt down and brought the rest of the story down.

rennat1rennat1about 2 years ago

Hi Miss D Mena

As ever enjoyed your story. Only 8 new stories this year, is it getting harder or are you just busy with other things?

rennat1rennat1about 2 years ago

love all your stories, keep them coming_ literally

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love your stories. Keep writing

PhineasNPhineasNabout 2 years ago

dumb as a box of rocks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great, sister is kind of a bitch, but it worked out. You need one more chapter when they are swapping & the women make the guys fuck each other !

walt555walt555about 2 years ago

Nice, i could see where it was going but it still kept me interested in exactly how we would get there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hot as fuck.

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