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Where the Climate's Sultry Pt. 02

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Julia helps Hunter get over his grief.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/04/2023
Created 05/06/2023
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Hunter had high hopes for the dinner. Not so much for the food (he wasn't a fussy eater) but for the chance to restore some normality after the events following their arrival at the hotel. Unfortunately, what with one thing and another, it turned out to be another episode that tested his equilibrium to the limits.

When they got to the taverna, Julia took charge and after spending at least five minutes laughing and chatting with a girl who was a little older than her and, Hunter thought, perhaps the daughter of the owner, the group was shown to a table that was essentially cut off from the other diners by a couple of partitions made of reeds or something like that. It was also, Hunter thought, a really small table - much better suited for two people than for four. The others insisted that he sat furthest away from the passageway, which meant he was essentially hemmed in by Tina and Briony, with Julia sitting opposite him and taking charge of the ordering.

From the beginning, he felt a little uncomfortable at the way every waitress who came to their table (there were waiters in the main part of the restaurant, but none of these ever set foot in their alcove) had fits of giggles whenever they talked with Julia - invariably looking at Hunter as they did so.

As for the reason why they were behaving as they were, Hunter really didn't want to go there, but Julia took it upon herself to explain anyway. They thought Hunter was so handsome that they had taken to referring to him as Adonis. They kept coming back into the room because they wanted to imprint a mental image on their mind which they could keep with them until such time as they might see him again.

Hunter tried to laugh this off as so much nonsense, but when (at the serving girls' insistence) Julia was forced to translate what he had said, some became sad, others became angry and unwittingly he found himself in the midst of a diplomatic incident.

'Hunter, please,' said Julia, attempting to restore calm to the situation, 'they are merely poor serving girls. For many of them, the dream of escaping from this island with a handsome foreigner is one they cherish from their early teenage years. Please be civil to them and return their smiles. It is so little to ask.'

Hunter was close to falling for this line until he remembered how Julia had threatened to call the police when he inadvertently revealed more of her breasts than he ever meant to. They must make a packet out of foreigners during the tourist season and he couldn't believe they didn't have boyfriends of their own. Added to that, most of the foreign men who visited this place were a good deal younger and fitter than him. All in all, he was pretty sure that it was just Julia playing another of her little games.

Finally, the food arrived and they got stuck into the lamb, the octopus salad, the stuffed vine leaves, the spinach and feta cheese pie, and the fresh fish, which was pretty good, even if Hunter would have preferred it steamed rather than fried. The way he was squeezed in so tight between Briony and Tina meant he had to be very careful not to stick his elbows out too far, but the girls didn't seem to be reciprocating in terms of the care they were showing.

Things came to a head when Briony somehow managed to drop a piece of octopus, which ended up in his lap. Foolishly, Hunter wasn't wearing a napkin, not least because there wasn't any room to place them on the table, unlike in a normal restaurant, say the ones he was a partner in. Before he had a chance to deal with it, Briony was attempting to pick the twisty rubbery piece up with her fingers, but owing to the olive oil with which almost everything is served in a Greek restaurant she had succeeded only in pushing it further towards his zipper.

Not wanting to draw attention to the issue, as one of the waitresses who mooned over him the most had just returned to their table to check everything was all right, Hunter let Briony continue in her efforts to get her hands on the wayward piece of octopus. It must have been a lot oilier than he realised because rather than securing it between her fingers she had only succeeded in pushing it onto the area which was now occupied by his rapidly swelling penis.

Sensing this, she flicked the mollusc onto the floor and began to work her fingers along his shaft. Groaning involuntarily, Hunter tried to cover his outburst with an outbreak of coughing. This led Tina, who had been following Briony's escapades with growing interest, to pat him on the back in the time-honoured way. Under cover of that action with her left hand, she let her right one drop to his lap, unzipping his trousers in one easy motion.

Hunter's first instinct was to stand up and walk out of the room (hell, the restaurant!), but he could hardly do that given his dishevelment. With that adoring waitress only six feet away looking suspiciously at what was going on in the corner of the room, Hunter decided to engage Julia in conversation, commenting very positively on the quality of the food. Julia, who must have known what the other two were up to, showed that she wasn't entirely happy about the turn things had taken by asking him whether he knew that octopus was an aphrodisiac.

At this point the waitress interrupted them to ask, in English, what an aphrodisiac was. After being given the Greek translation (if you can be said to translate a Greek word back into Greek), she grinned in a knowing kind of way and, thankfully, made her way out of the room. By this time, Briony or Tina (he couldn't be sure which was which) had managed to undo his trousers and had slipped a hand inside, which was massaging his manhood - albeit, through the cotton fabric - rather fiercely. Not to be outdone, the other girl had somehow managed to get her hand round the side of his boxers and was cradling his balls - again, with rather more energy than he would have wanted, if he had wanted them invading his privacy in the first place.

Julia was getting increasingly peeved about the direction in which things were going, basically because it was a direction she wasn't travelling in. A loud cough was all it took to bring a bit of order to proceedings, to see that hands were returned to their rightful owners and that Hunter's trousers were handed back to him in their original state, barring the odd crease or two, and of course some olive oil stains. Owing to the lateness of the hour and the unruly behaviour of the other girls, Julia asked for the bill, paid up and they all trooped back to the hotel.


As they crossed the atrium, Hunter glanced across at Reception wondering if he couldn't even at this late hour cut a deal with the duty manager. He had stuffed his pockets with euros, thinking he might be able to bribe one of the hotel staff and get them to give him his own room. Sensing what was going through his devious mind, Julia had taken him firmly by the arm and was fairly marching him along to their room, followed by Tina and Briony, who had the room next door.

She threw the most cursory of 'goodnights' over her shoulder as she swiped her key card and ushered Hayden into the room. Clearly concerned that he might attempt to do a runner, she invited Hayden to use the bathroom first. He really wanted to have a shower, since he hadn't had one since that morning, but didn't want to make himself more attractive to this lustful young lady, so he satisfied himself with a body wash at the basin, which ended up being more thorough and covering more bits of his body than he had at first intended. After brushing his teeth and changing into his sleeping gear, he scooted across to the sleeping area he had made and, after taking his book, lay down, with his head resting on a couple of extra cushions he had taken from the chairs around the room.

He suddenly realised he wasn't wearing a pair of socks as added protection against a possible assault - something he had decided on earlier in the evening when Julia started to act so strangely - but decided against putting them on now. He felt pretty sure the worst was over, Julia-wise at any rate. As for the other girls, he would speak to them tomorrow - after breakfast, probably, without Julia. Yes, he was definitely going to do that.

When Julia came out of the bathroom twenty minutes later (what do they always find to do in there, he wondered?) he already had his back turned to her and he didn't move an inch. Unfortunately, that didn't prevent other senses being invaded by her, first the sense of smell, as an extraordinarily enticing fragrance wafted its way over to his corner, then the sense of hearing, as she spoke to him, using her sweetest voice.

'Hunter, I'm sorry about that little scene at the restaurant. I will speak to the girls tomorrow and remind them to behave themselves. They behave like teenagers sometimes. They have very little sophistication.'

From the volume of her voice, Hunter could tell that Julia was approaching him. Feeling buoyed by her words and also feeling that he was acting in an ungentlemanly way by ignoring her, he turned round and started to sit up. His movement was arrested by the sight that greeted him. Julia was wearing, well, next to nothing. Not the bath robe provided by the hotel, that was for sure!

He wouldn't even know how to begin to describe the outfit, except it was short, it was black it was see through and it didn't cover much. Under it she was wearing a tiny pair of black knickers. He didn't know where to look and ended up without much choice in the matter if he wanted to look at her while she talked to him, as she was standing virtually right above him. Aghast at what he was copping an eyeful of above, he looked down and found himself staring at her feet, which were only six inches from his head. They were very beautiful, he had to admit (and he'd always had a bit of a thing for feet) and the way her toenails had been varnished was the way he liked women to do their toenails. All in one colour (in this case a very nice purply blue), with no sparkle or multicolours or what have you. She also didn't have any tattoos, as far as he could make out, and by this time he'd seen enough of her to be pretty sure that his assessment of her body was pretty accurate.

He'd missed the first part of what she was saying because he was so distracted by her outfit, but he couldn't mistake her message now. She was telling him that it really wasn't necessary for him to spend a sleepless night on the floor when there was a perfectly good super king size bed ready and waiting for him. She could absolutely promise him that there'd be no 'funny business', and anyway they were both adults.

Hunter wasn't sure if he liked the tone of that last remark, as it seemed to be suggesting that they should consider themselves free to indulge in a bit of canoodling or whatever if the mood took them, and canoodling and all that kind of stuff was exactly what Hunter felt it was his duty to make sure didn't happen. Well, not between him and Julia - or Tina or Briony for that matter - what Julia (or Tina or Briony) wanted to get up to on holiday with boys their own age (or girls - he wasn't homophobic) - was their own business. Hunter wanted to tell Julia this and one or two other things that had popped into his mind, and which he'd now forgotten, but he found it difficult to say anything to her when he was staring at her feet - exquisite as they were.

In the end, though, despite her provocative apparel and her wonderful smell and her exquisite feet, he decided he would take her assurance on trust and made his way over to the bed. The first problem he noticed was that there was only one duvet. I mean it was big enough (huge in fact) but it did mean that there would be no sort of physical barrier between them. Perhaps he could shove a pillow or two under the duvet, he thought.

Anyway, he made his way under the covers and took up his book again. He hadn't bookmarked it, though, and couldn't remember where he'd got to. He flicked through the pages trying to find where he'd left off in the departure lounge at Gatwick and thought he'd found the right page when he was put off his stride once again by music coming from somewhere, presumably Julia's phone, he thought, as they didn't have piped music in Greek hotels. After all, it wasn't Butlin's.

'Is it disturbing you?' she asked sweetly, sitting with her back ramrod straight against the pillows she'd plumped up against the headboard.

'Not at all,' said Hunter, his gaze lingering on Julia's tits, which from this angle were clearly visible, jutting nipples and all.

Julia caught him staring at her chest and gently chided him after he had suddenly looked away and picked up his book again.

'You don't need to feel embarrassed. A lot of fellows like to take sneaky peeks when they think I'm not looking.'

Hunter wanted to say that it was well nigh impossible not to look at the things when she was constantly parading them about, but thought that a discussion about her breasts was the last thing he needed as he tried to settle down for a good night's sleep. He had just taken up his book again when she asked him if he missed his wife.

Hunter was really unsure how best to answer this. Say no, and a) they never had much of a relationship, b) he was a heartless brute and c) she would take it as an invitation to take things further. Say yes, and a) she'd want to comfort him, and he knew where that would lead. There was no b) that he could think of. So, after remaining silent for a while, during which time he put his book down and turned towards her a bit so that what he was going to say would sound more sincere, he told her that he missed her terribly. It just came out.

Julia shot across the bed and threw her arms around him. He turned his head to the side just in case she tried to kiss him, but she was just holding him tight, her breasts pressing against his chest. He suddenly had a picture of her feet of all things, with those beautiful pedicured toes and that lovely bluey purple varnish without the annoying glitter.

'You need to be made to feel special,' she said. 'I think she would like that too.'

Hunter told her how, long before Mia became ill, they had talked about what each wanted the other to do if one of them died before the other, especially young, like Mia had done.

'And what did she want for you?' Julia asked, her big black eyes looking doeishly at him.

'Well, she wanted - I mean we both wanted - the other person to go on living. Not to, you know, mourn for too long.'

'Not to hide away and mope, and push those who cared for you away from you?' Julia added.

'I guess you could put it like that,' said Hunter, his lips now just inches from Julia's.

'Is that why you wear those awful tracksuit bottoms?' Julia added, her eyes not moving from Hunter's.

'I rather like them,' said Hunter, struggling a little for breath.

The music wasn't loud but it was playing a number of songs he recognised that his wife and he had used to listen to back in the day: Barry White, Marvin Gaye and now something a lot more modern, which he didn't recognise but which had the chorus 'Your sex is on fire'. He wanted to ask her if her sex was on fire but he thought he knew the answer. He was feeling pretty inflamed himself.


As if reading his mind, she moved in and kissed him. She tasted of peppermint, which was fine by him. He hoped he tasted of something nice too. He had visions of her making a grab for his penis, which was so fucking hard that it was hurting him, as it had got itself snagged in that tracksuit she'd just been slagging off. But she didn't. After all the outrageous behaviour, the flirting bordering on sexual harassment, the incredibly sexy clothes, she was now just like a lover. Suddenly, it was he who wanted to fling her on her back and enter her and release his sperm inside her.

Hunter laughed at himself. He realised that he had just become a man again. Of course, he wouldn't hurt this girl, or disrespect her or do anything like that. He knew he ought to thank her because she had helped him return to the land of the living. So he did.

'You're just a big softy underneath all the gruff act,' she said.

And then she made the move that he had been hoping and praying that she would make, putting her hand under his tracksuit bottoms and taking his penis in her hand.

'O my god!' he said.

'I'm going to make him realise how wonderful he is,' she said, making good on her promise immediately by pulling down his passion-killing pants and taking his penis in her mouth.

'Aw, fuck!' murmured Hunter, an image of Mia passing across his consciousness, an image in which she was looking on approvingly and lovingly and telling him to enjoy the moment.

In her fantasies, it had been a giant, but the reality quite caught Julia out. She had once had to have a wisdom tooth extracted, and she still remembered how wide she had to open her mouth, so wide that it almost hurt. She got the same sensation now as she took the first couple of inches of Hunter into her mouth. No boy she'd been with had ever got anywhere near this kind of size. Her mind raced forward to the moment he would penetrate her and she shivered at the thought.

Hunter was acutely aware that things were going very fast and he was worried that Julia might be trying too hard to please him or that she might regret everything in the morning. He had to say something but the words got caught in his throat. He did eventually manage something but it was along the lines of 'Oh fuck yes! You're so good! God, I needed this for so long.'

Julia needed no encouragement but it's always nice to get a bit of praise anyway. She was still really struggling with his penis, but was determined to find a way to get at least half of it in her mouth. She was worried that he'd think she had no experience giving blowjobs or didn't like doing it, or, even worse, that she didn't like his dick. She thought about taking a break to tell him how big and wonderful it was, but didn't want to have to start again from scratch. She also wanted to cradle his ball sac, which was really outsized too (as Briony had whispered in her ear on the way back from the taverna earlier), but couldn't risk making his cock even bigger.

So she found herself in the unusual (actually, unique) position of wanting to lessen his arousal while giving him a blowjob in order to make the task more manageable. Whatever she tried, well, it just didn't work. She would slow down her tempo and he would tell her she was so fucking good, etc. (she didn't dare up the tempo); she would concentrate only on his helmet for a while and he would tell her he was close to coming; she would graze his sensitive skin with her teeth and he would go absolutely berserk - calling her a Greek whore and even a Helen of Troy and threatening to take her up the ass.

It was at this point that Julia realised that if she played her cards right she might achieve the trifecta - all three holes filled in one night. She had fantasised about each variety but never one after the other. This incentivised her to get the first of the three out of the way ASAP. Since she had had to admit defeat on getting the whole length of his manhood into her mouth, she thought she knew the best way to get him to shoot his load down her throat, and that was to cradle the balls while grazing his head with her teeth.

She never got that far. As soon as he felt her fingers on his scrotum, his penis began to jerk and a wad of semen flew to the back of her throat. God, it tasted good! After she had swallowed his offering, she came off him and gave her mouth a few good flexes to get it back into shape. Hunter was lying there looking like a cherub, his tracksuit bottoms still around his ankles.

Looking at his flaccid member, Julia found herself becoming indignant at the thought that he wouldn't be able to please her after all she had done for him. Realising how selfish she was being, she told herself off and showed her remorse by cleaning his tool with her tongue. The cherubic expression on Hunter's face quickly turned to something more brutish, as he used his hands to press her head down on his rapidly swelling member.


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