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Who Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 07

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Female wrestler tries to gain fame.
6.7k words

Part 8 of the 15 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 06/06/2018
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Jane Beefcake was not a pretty woman to say the least. Some might even claim that she was rather ugly, because of her broad face, rough features, thin lips and very short hair. Broad shoulders, flat chest and narrow hips did not increase her femininity either. But such claims did not bother her, because in her profession beauty was irrelevant. Jane was a wrestler and a mighty successful one at that. By the age of twenty two she managed to win Olympic gold and two world championships. She was blessed with physical capabilities, competitive nature and hard-working approach. Jane was 187 centimetres tall, had a muscular, almost masculine physique which allowed her to overpower all of her female opponents. Endless hours of training supplemented her body with technique which made her unbeatable.

The problem was fame or rather lack of thereof. Wrestling was a niche discipline and female wrestling even more so, and Jane wanted to be REALLY famous. Ella, her agent, came up with a solution - the wrestler could participate in the Who Wanna Be a Bimbo quiz show. It was incredibly popular and could attract some of the viewers towards her discipline. Jane was smart enough to memorize the general knowledge necessary to succeed in the quiz and competitive enough to be willing to try any challenge to achieve her ultimate victory. She decided to participate.

Ella helped her as much as she could in preparations, because she genuinely cared for Jane, not purely for professional reasons. She was a cute petite young woman, pretty but also smart and, when necessary, fierce and ruthless. Ella was also a lesbian and secretly in love with her Jane; she did not let her client learn of that though. The wrestler showed no interest in other women, most men found her unattractive and she was almost solely focused on wrestling; it had caused her sex life to be virtually non-existent. Ella accepted the platonic nature of her love.

As much as Jane craved fame she could only perform flawlessly when the ring was the spotlight. She did not feel equally comfortable in front of cameras during other kinds of events. She could never dress for them properly either, her body just was not suited for dresses. For the show she chose to wear a simple white polo shirt, sweatpants and sneakers. The only make-up she wore was the one applied right before the show, just so that her skin would not glitter. Jane was an athlete at heart, so she might as well look like one at all occasions.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Who Wanna Be a Bimbo! My name is Frank Trustworthy and tonight here with us is Jane Beefcake. Hello, Jane."

"Hello, Frank."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Jane is by far the biggest celebrity we've ever had on our show. She won the Olympic Gold in female wrestling and is a two time world champion in that competition. Jane" he turned towards the contestant "what brings such a titled athlete to our humble show? Do you wanna be a bimbo?"

"No, Frank, that's not the reason. I want to be famous and from what I've heard your show has a pretty high viewership. Definitely higher than female wrestling."

"We'll be more than happy to promote sports, sportsmanship and healthy lifestyle. Most of our constants claim that they're here for the money. How much do you want to win?"

"I won't say no to a financial prize, but that's not my main goal. I want to leave this stage as unchanged as I came here, so I can continue my career, only with more fans."

"We can't guarantee that you won't get changed. Quite the opposite, our viewers would love to see you transformed into a sexy bimbo. Are there any transitions you'd like to undergo?"

"Not really. I'm content with the way I am. I don't need any changes to remain a successful wrestler."

"In that case you'll have to give only correct answers. Let's draw the categories first."

"Greek Gods, Rise of Machines, Czech Republic, European Cities (find on map), National Coats of Arms, European Union, Capital Cities, Bard of Avon, Cats, African Countries (find on map), Dragons, Presidents of USA" Jane recited as she drew the cards.

"Do you like them?" asked Frank.

"Not really. None has anything to do with sports."

"They'll have to do it. Which one for the first round?"

"European Cities be it. I've been in a few, maybe I could find them on the map."

Fortunately for Jane the cities she had to locate on a map were relatively well known. She correctly located Venice, Lyon, Barcelona and St. Petersburg. She knew where Munich lies as well, but she was not precise enough, the place she marked on the map was a few centimetres too far from the actual location of the city.

"That's one mistake" exclaimed Frank "draw one transformation card."

"Lust Induction. Oh no."

"Oh yes!" replied the host with a grin "this is one of the audience's favourites."

"But not mine. I have to be able to focus on the training, that would be too distracting. I want to change it."

"The audience will be disappointed, but that's your right. Draw two new ones, but keep in mind that you won't be able to discard them."

"Lips Enlargement, Red Lips. I guess I can live with these."

"I'm sure you'll like them. Into the Chamber you go."

Jane entered the Chamber calmly, she had never been an overly emotional person and years of hard training only enhanced that trait. Once inside she closed her eyes, as she had been instructed to do so before the show, and patiently waited; she barely flinched when her lips began to tingle and swell. When she left the semi-magical device the camera instantly focused on her face, she could see the results on a large screen ahead of her. Her lips had indeed grown and had a bright red colour. Their larger size made Jane's face look slightly more feminine and friendly; she had almost never worn makeup before, but had to admit that the new colour did not look all that bad.

"How do you like your first transformations, Jane?" Frank asked.

"They're okay" the wrestler replied with a shrug.

"Ready to go farther along the path to bimboism?"

"If it's that minor, I could bear it."

"Pick the category for the second round then."

"Capital Cities."

What is the Capital City of Russia? Moscow. Correct. Norway? Oslo. Correct. Switzerland? Zürich. WRONG!

"It isn't?"

"No, it's the largest city, but not the capital."

"Oh, okay."

What's the capital city of Turkey?" Istanbul. WRONG! Same mistake as previously. Pakistan? Hmm... maybe Islamabad? Correct.

"Two mistakes this time. Draw the transformations."

"Submissiveness and Mascara."

"Another fan favourite!" Frank exclaimed with a grin.

"Not mine. I want to discard Submissiveness" replied Jane in a serious tone.

"I thought you might. Draw two new ones then."

"Double Hair Extension and Hips Expansion."

"Do you like the new ones better?"

"I guess they're bearable."

"Into the Chamber you go."

Jane repeated the routine equally patiently; the process lasted slightly longer this time, as her narrow boy-ish hips widened. Her head tingled even more when the hair grew longer, the appliance of the mascara was almost imperceptible. Finally it was over and the wrestler could leave the Chamber. Again she observed her transformed body on the screen and like previously she was not unhappy with what she saw. Her hair now reached almost to her shoulders, their hue has not changed, but Jane's natural auburn colour was quite pleasant; they were thick, healthy and slightly wavy. Yes, they would need to be tied into a tight braid for a fight, but that was just a minor inconvenience. The wider hips were equally noticeable, they caused her strong athletic body to look a bit more feminine. She would have to get used to the altered balance of her body, but again it was nothing huge. The final transformation, the mascara, was not nearly as prominent as the other ones. The camera did a close-up on Jane's face, the change was subtle, but noticeable. She did not suddenly become beautiful, but the mascara was done superbly and underlined the best parts of the wrestler's eyes while diminishing the flaws.

"I see that you like your new transformations" Frank commented.

"They're not so bad" Jane replied, but without a shrug this time.

"Just a few more and you'll embrace the bimbo body" the host said with a wink.

"I don't think so."

"We'll see, there are still five rounds ahead of us. Pick the category for the third one."

"African Countries (find on a map)."

Africa is the toughest of all continents to recognise or find countries, there are plenty of them and they are not that well known. Still Jane considered this category to be less bad than the rest. Finding Madagascar was easy, because it is an island. She had heard of the country Chad and made a lucky educated guess. She had no idea where Guinea-Bissau and Gambia lied and she guessed both WRONG! Lady Luck returned for Sierra-Leone and the wrestler located the small unknown country correctly.

"Two mistakes again" Frank exclaimed "draw two transformation cards."

"Double Demuscle and Height Reduction. Oh no."

"I understand that you don't like them?"

"They're awful, both would impede my wrestling capabilities. I guess I could regain my musculature through harder training, but I can't regain the height, so I'll discard Height Reduction."

"That's not how this transformation works, it changes your build permanently. You'll be able to stay fit of course, but wouldn't regain the mass. Your body would remain more slender."

"Crap. I guess I'll discard the demuscle then, because it's double."

"As you wish. Draw two new cards."

"Slutification of Clothes, Breast Expansion."

"Are these two better?" asked Frank.

"Meh. I guess so."

"Go into the Chamber then."

This time the changes were even more prominent. Jane obviously noticed when her body was getting shorter, but it was the sensation of her growing breasts that occupied most of her attention. They had barely grown during her puberty and now the Chamber was making up for that deficit in a fast forward speed. But this growth was not painful, quite the opposite, despite the tingling it was rather pleasant. Jane felt a tiny forerunner of a feeling that she could not fully identify, but which was simply arousal. She almost missed the fact that her clothes changed as well.

When Jane got out of the Chamber the camera first showed a shot of her entire body, it swirled from left to right to present it from different angles. The sweatpants had turned into white yoga pants, a skin-tight pair that clung to the wrestler's muscular body and showed off every curve; her widened hips and strong buttocks now looked rather sexy. The shirt had changed into a tight tank top which flaunted the new firm breasts, they were solid C-cups. The audience cheered for the first time in this episode, a glimpse of content could be seen on Jane's face. She was still tall and exerted a dominant presence, so the five centimetres less were basically forgotten.

"This time I have no doubts that you DO enjoy your transformation" Frank exclaimed with a grin.

"They're not as bad as I had feared" Jane replied with the slightest smile.

"Is that the closest to a praise I will get from you?" the host winked.

"We'll see. But still I'd prefer to avoid further transformations" her voice was not as confident as it had been at the beginning.

"That might be difficult to achieve. Which category for the fourth round?"

"President of the USA."

Who was the only president who served more than two terms? Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Correct. Who was the only president who served two non-consecutive terms? Grover Cleveland. Correct. The shortest serving president died only one month after his inauguration. (Commonly is blamed for his longest two-hour inauguration speech in cold weather, however he did not become sick until three weeks later). What was his name? Hm... William Henry Harrison? Correct. Who was the first female candidate for president? Maybe Charlene Mitchell in 1968. WRONG! How many presidents died in office? I'll guess eight. Correct.

"Only one mistake" exclaimed Frank "but I see that lady luck was on your side. Draw one card."

"Double Face Feminization."

"What do you think of this one?"

"Not bad. I'm aware that I'm not necessarily pretty, so I won't complain if that changes."

"I'm starting to see signs of enthusiasm" Frank replied with a grin "good, good. Go into the Chamber, so we can all see what a sexy bimbo you can become."

The single transformation took little time and Jane patiently withstood the tingling of her entire face. When she got out the camera instantly focused on her face; the change was enormous. The audience cheered, but more importantly for the first time during the show there was a slight smile on the contestant's face. Not only she looked feminine, she was actually pretty, something she had never felt before. The square shape, the rough features, the strong jawline, they were all gone, replaced by a young attractive face; all of the previous transformations fit with the new one perfectly. Jane Beefcake could still be recognized as herself, but no-one had any doubts that she looked significantly better.

"You turned out beautiful, Jane" Frank commented with a genuinely friendly smile.

"Thank you. I think I did" her voice has not changed, but the tone was softer.

"Being a bimbo isn't so bad, is it?"

"You don't have to be a bimbo to be pretty."

"Fair point. Ready for round number five?"

"Yes" she pondered for a second "let's try Cats."

What is the largest living species of cat? Lion. WRONG! Wrong? Yes, there's an even bigger cat. How many whiskers in total on average do cats have on their little muzzles? Quite a few, 24 maybe? Correct. By how many muscles are cats' ears controlled? 29. WRONG! What is the race of the cat shown in the picture? Judging from the background I'd say it's a Sand Cat. Correct. What is the largest subspecies of tiger? Bengal. WRONG!

"Three mistakes this time, Jane."

"I thought this would be easier. For some reason I had the cute cats of the internet in my mind."

"Sometimes the categories can be tricky. Draw three cards."

"Hips Expansion, Lust Induction, Mental Drain. On no."

"Two serious mental transformations. If you want to discard one of them I'm sure the audience would like you to keep Lust Induction."

"It's bad, but Mental Drain seems worse. I'll go with the audience's wishes this time."

"Draw two new cards."

"Demuscle, Breast Expansion. Eh..."

"It seems you can't escape the demuscle."

"At least it's not double like previously."

"Go into the Chamber and you'll learn that it's not so bad."

On the outside Jane remained calm, but inwardly she was quite uncertain. There were four transformations and this time they were a lot more serious, even hips and breasts would stack up with the previous changes. How would she wrestle with her body altered so heavily? She remained composed as she entered the device and closed her eyes, but the doubts did not leave her mind.

The sensation of her breasts and hips expanding was familiar, this time it felt even better. Jane was aware that the weight she was beginning to feel on her chest would be a handicap in wrestling, but she ignored it for now. The sensation of becoming smaller and weaker was tougher to ignore. Not that she has suddenly become a skinny and muscleless wimp, her body was still strong and athletic, just not nearly as powerful as it had been. What was impossible to ignore was the mental change; the tingling caused by the growth of breasts was mildly arousing, but it was nothing compared to the Lust that has suddenly lit up inside of her. Because of Jane's monk-like lifestyle and almost complete sexual abstinence the transformation was twice as powerful, even though it was not Double Lust Induction. The wrestler felt as if she had a fever, only this one felt GOOD, and the only pain was that of unfulfillment. Absentmindedly one of her hands creeped down between her legs, while the other one grabbed her large breast. Then the door to the Chamber opened. Jane hurriedly withdrew her hands, but of course the camera managed to catch a glimpse.

"Enjoying your transformations already?" Frank asked teasingly "come out and share your pleasure with the audience."

Even before the host finished his last sentence the audience erupted with a loud cheer. Catching Jane, the cold silent wrestler, at masturbating was only the icing on the cake. It was her body that caused most of the excitement. She looked HOT! She was still tall and athletic, maintained the dominant physical presence, but the loss of some of the muscles caused her to look actually feminine. When combined with new full round hips and large firm breasts she finally looked like a bimbo; strong fit sexy bimbo. The new E-cup breasts did not look that huge on her broad chest, but they attracted a lot of attention, especially since the tight top did little to hide their size and shape.

Jane admired her new body on the screen, the sight made her even hornier; she did not even think about wrestling at that moment.

"There's no denying that you love your new bimbo body, Jane" Frank announced instead of asking.

"I... I never felt like that before" stammered the contestant.

"Being horny feels good, doesn't it? How about you finish what you started in the Chamber?"

"What do you... Oh!"

Jane's face was red to begin with, but she blushed even harder.

"Go ahead! We know you want to. It's what this show is all about."

For a moment Jane still felt rather shy, but the urge was too strong and she quickly gave in. She grabbed her breast with one hand and began to fondle it softly. Soon her fingers found the nipple and began to play with it through the thin fabric of her top. The other hand slid down, into her pants and then panties. Her pussy was already getting moist and it gladly welcomed the attention. Jane had little experience with masturbation, but that is not necessarily something that one has to study, her hands and fingers simply followed the urges of her body. She closed her eyes and began to moan softly, the audience turned quiet, so they could hear her sexy noises. The wrestler was quickly picking up the pace, she began to grope her own breast and even squeeze her nipple, but it was the other hand that was doing the heavy lifting. She randomly altered between fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit, her wet fingers made a mess of her panties; her moaning was getting louder and more intense. Her legs were strong, but never before they had to carry the weight of such lust and excitement; she had to lean on the panel by which she stood during the quiz.

It took Jane merely a few minutes to reach an orgasm, she cried out loudly to the joy of the audience. Her body trembled as if it was about to collapse, but the panel helped her to remain in a vertical position. Her hands were moving chaotically, grasping at her own body. Even the unattended nipple stood proud and erect. The long intense climax eventually ended and Jane opened her eyes, she withdrew her fingers from her panties and licked them absentmindedly. Only when the audience erupted in a wild cheer she realised what she was doing. She put her arms down alongside her body, her face red with excitement.

"That was quite a spectacle, Jane" said Frank with a grin "it seems that you enjoyed it even more than the audience. You should now have a clear mind (and fingers), and be ready for round six."

"I... think so" the wrestler was still trying to calm her breath, her face remained red.

She obviously had an amazing stamina, but it was excitement not exhaustion that caused the heavy breathing.

"Which category?" asked Frank.

"Ehm... maybe European Union" her tone suggested that she was not thinking clearly yet and the quiz did not occupy most of her mind.


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