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WICKed Hormones Ch. 09

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Jacob sees a doctor for help... Karen bends another rule.
26.3k words

Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/11/2020
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This is a complete work of fantasy. All sexual participants are 18-years of age or older.


After several changes I finally finished the chapter. I must say this one gave me some fits. Thank you so much for taking time to read my work... I really hope you enjoy...


Since Monday and the laundry room incident, Jacob had been receiving Karen's cold shoulder. She was not acting angrily in any particular way; however, the typically caring and loving mother was very standoffish and unaffectionate towards her son.

Most days, Jacob could not leave the house without Karen insisting on a hug or a kiss on the cheek. Even on occasions when she would drop him off at school, the doting mother would demand a quick show of affection before letting her little man out of the vehicle.

Embarrassingly, Jacob would go along with it, praying that no one saw his mom kissing his forehead as if he were still in grade school. However, the past two mornings, she had asked for nothing of the sort and barely told him 'goodbye' or 'have a good day.'

Normally, when Jacob would get home from school, Karen made it a priority to find out about his day. She would pepper him with questions for every detail, no matter how dull or insignificant. Now, if they conversed at all, it was usually him starting the conversation with his mother replying with short and direct answers.

Even Robert noticed during dinner on Monday and Tuesday the strange rift between his wife and son. Usually, when Jacob excused himself from the table, he would thank his mom for a great meal and give her a quick peck on the cheek before disappearing upstairs. This night, like the night before, the two barely talked or even made eye contact.

After dinner on Tuesday night, Robert helped Karen with the dishes and asked out of curiosity, "Is everything okay with you and Jake?"

"What do you mean?" Karen replied while rinsing off a plate.

"I've noticed the last two nights you two have hardly spoken a word to each other." Robert took the rinsed plate from Karen and placed it into the dishwasher. He then asked, "Did he get into trouble at school or something?"

Karen chuckled and shook her head, "No... it's nothing like that." She then turned off the water faucet and continued, "It's just a teenager thing." She then waved her hand, "You know how boys can be."

With concern, Robert asked, "Well, maybe I speak with him. You know... man to man?"

"NO!" Karen blurted out. Shocked from the outburst, Robert stepped back just a little giving his wife a confused look.

Calming down a bit, Karen softened her voice and continued, "I mean... no... sweetheart." The beautiful wife gave her husband a soft smile, "This is more of a mother and son issue, and I just think it best if I handle it."

"Is everything alright?" Robert asked with concern.

As Karen closed the dishwasher, she replied, "He's just at that stage where he is going through some... stuff, and it has him a bit confused. Plus, he's testing my rules and trying to stretch boundaries." She then patted Robert's chest and said, "But don't you worry... I have it all under control."

Robert leaned against the counter and smiled. "I bet it has to do with a girl... doesn't it?"

From the fact that she was the 'girl' in question, Karen could feel her pulse elevate, and her cheeks began to burn. Trying to act calmly, she nodded and replied, "Ummmm... yes... I guess you could say that. He is at that age, after all." The sudden wave of guilt made the shameful wife look away from her husband.

"Well, if you need me to get involved..." Robert said as he stepped closer. "Just know I always have your back."

Karen smiled and replied, "Thank you, Sweetheart... I know you do." Desperately trying to find a way to change the subject, Karen said, "Say... isn't your ballgame about to start?"

Checking his wristwatch, Robert replied, "Oh, you're right... it is. I didn't realize it was getting this late." Looking back at Karen, he continued, "I hope we win... I made a small wager with Tom from the office."

Narrowing her eyes, Karen replied in a joking tone, "Well, I hope you didn't bet the farm?"

Robert shook his head, "Nah... just lunch." He then chuckled and added, "I'm confident the Braves will win, but I'm not stupid."

Karen put her hand on her husband's shoulder and said, "How about this... why don't you go on into the den, and I will finish up in here?"

"Are you sure?" Robert asked with a smile, like a child asking for permission.

Smiling back, Karen replied, "Yes... I'm sure. We're just about done anyway. Once I finish, I'll come and join you."

Robert then gave his wife a quick kiss on the lips and happily left for the den. Once he disappeared, Karen breathed a big sigh of relief.


On Wednesday afternoon, Jacob hurried home from school. Ms. Turner was due to arrive in less than fifteen minutes for a visit and 'check-up' on his condition.

Jacob entered the house through the garage with his book bag over his shoulder. He called out, "Mom! I'm home!", only to hear no response. The only sounds were the gentle hum of the refrigerator and the washing machine in the laundry room going through a spin cycle.

The teenager then made his way upstairs and yelled out again when he reached the landing. "Mom?"

"In here, Jake," Karen replied from down the hallway. Her voice was a bit flat and missing its usual sweet and pleasant tone.

Jacob made his way down the hall to find his mother in his bathroom spraying window cleaner on the large rectangular-shaped mirror. He leaned up against the door frame and gazed upon his gorgeous mom's side profile. She was wearing a black pair of skin-tight yoga pants and a form-fitting gray tank top. As always, he found her womanly curves to be simply mindblowing. After a few seconds, the gawking teenager finally spoke up, "Just wanted to let you know I'm home."

As Karen began to wipe down the reflective surface, she replied, "I can see that." The circular movement of her right arm made her lower body begin to shimmy. Jacob couldn't help but lock his eyes on his mother's juicy round ass as it slightly jiggled side to side. His mind drifted back to Monday when he had his mom bent over the laundry table, plowing into her pussy from behind and slamming his crotch into that big cushiony butt.

Jacob was suddenly brought back to the present when he heard Karen ask, "Hello? Earth to Jacob... did you hear me?"

"What? I'm sorry, Mom... did you say something?" Jacob shook his head to gather his thoughts.

Resuming to clean the mirror, Karen replied, "I said that Ms. Turner called, and unfortunately, she will have to cancel again today."

Before responding, Jacob decided to react to the disappointment with a bit more maturity this time... plus, he knew his mother was still pissed. He asked with concern, "Is everything okay? I hope nothing is wrong."

Karen shook her head and responded, "No... everything is fine. She's just overwhelmed with work this week because of the Dr. Grant case." She then looked over at Jacob and continued, "She did want me to tell you, however, that she apologizes and will do her best to come by next week."

Before Jacob could respond, Karen exclaimed, "Jake... what in the world have you been doing in here?"

Not sure where this was heading, Jacob replied, "What do you mean, Mom?"

Pointing at the bottom portion of the mirror, Karen responded, "This mirror is filthy. There are hand and fingerprints everywhere!!" The tidy mom then resumed scrubbing away the dirty smudges.

Jacob felt his heart skip a beat in panic as he remembered back to last week. The prints on the mirror were not his but, in fact, his sister Rachel's. To steady herself, she had to place her hands on the reflective surface several times while bent over the countertop 'helping' her brother.

Jacob responded with, "Sorry, Mom... I promise I'll do better." Hoping to get her mind off of the subject of the mirror, he then took a step inside the room and softly said, "Mom... I want you to know that I am truly sorry and want to apologize."

Karen continued to wipe the mirror without looking in his direction and replied, "And what exactly are you apologizing for?"

Trying to sound as regretful as possible, Jacob answered, "For what happened on Monday... you know..." He then lowered his voice as if it were a secret, "Finishing inside you when you told me not to."

Karen stopped her work and added, "And for breaking my rules and going against my wishes?" She then looked over at her son and continued, "Plus, the fact that you took advantage of the situation. When I gave an inch, you decided to take an entire foot."

Giving her a pitiful look, Jacob nodded and mumbled, "Yes, ma'am."

Karen stopped wiping the mirror and replied in a softer tone, "Jake... I'm not trying to be mean, but our situation is very delicate... almost like a house of cards. We make one wrong move, and the whole thing comes crashing down." The hard-working mother removed her rubber gloves and set them on the counter. "I'm doing everything humanly possible to keep our secret from everyone... especially your dad."

Jacob nodded and replied, "I get it, Mom... we have to be careful."

Karen responded, "Well, now we have to be even more careful since I am no longer taking birth control."

Jacob gave his mom a confused look and asked, "Why not?"

Leaning back against the counter, Karen crossed her arms and replied, "Dr. Taylor suggested I stop them for a while. It turns out during my last exam; she found that my estrogen levels were extremely high."

With concern, Jacob inquired, "Are you worried that I may have gotten you pregnant the other day?"

Karen chuckled then replied, "No... thank goodness. Luckily it was a safe time of the month, so I think we dodged that bullet." She then gave him a stern look, "But that doesn't mean we can lower our guard because Lord forbid if I got pregnant and your father found out—"

Jacob jumped in, "He would most likely kill us."

Nodding in agreement, Karen added, "Yes... he probably would. It would destroy our family and the life we have built together. I love your father dearly, and I would rather die than see him hurt."

Seeing signs of remorse on Jacob's face, Karen then took a step closer to him, "But at the same time... I want to help you." Looking at her precious child, she couldn't help but smile just a bit. "As a mother, it has always been my top priority to take care of you and your sister... no matter your age or the situation. So, I need you to understand... that's why we must have these rules and boundaries... they're to protect everyone."

Jacob nodded and smiled and then carefully asked, "Sooooo... does this mean... you can forgive me?"

"Come here, you goofball," Karen said while she outstretched her arms. After dropping his book bag to the floor, Jacob quickly closed the distance and rushed into his mother's loving arms. He wrapped his skinny limbs around her tapered waist and rested his head against the round globes of her soft bosom. The warmth of her curvy body and her sweet honeysuckle scent was absolute Heaven. With his face buried between his mom's boobs, he said, although muffled, "I love you, Mom!"

While running her fingers through Jacob's messy brown hair, Karen sighed and responded, "I love you too, Snuggle Bear." The teenager hated the childish nicknames his mother insisted on using. However, there would be no complaints as he was just happy to be back in her good graces.

While they continued the warm embrace, Karen felt her son's hand slowly run down the small of her back to rest on the top swell of her juicy round butt. Along with that, she felt the bulge forming in Jacob's crotch pressing against her. With a laugh, she asked, "I guess someone could use some help today?"

Reluctantly pulling his face away from his mother's breast, Jacob stepped back and looked up into her beautiful face, and replied, "Yes, ma'am... I really could."

Brushing the hair from Jacob's forehead, Karen sighed and then said, "Well, since Ms. Turner had to cancel, I guess I should fill in."

Jacob's face lit up, and he exclaimed, "Awesome!!" He then quickly added, "Oh, and Mom... today I'd be okay with just hands and mouth." He figured it would make a good olive branch.

With a surprised expression, Karen responded, "Really now?"

"Well..." Jacob said while staring at Karen's chest. His eyes locked in on the deep cleavage of his mother's jutting mounds of tit flesh concealed underneath the tight-fitting tank top, "...maybe also your boobs."

Karen giggled as she spun Jacob around by his shoulders and said, "Okay, Boobie Monster... let's go to your bedroom."

Once they entered Jacob's room, he walked around the bed to his computer desk. While Karen closed and locked the door, she asked, "How much homework do you have today?"

While setting his book bag down onto his computer chair, Jacob replied, "None... I actually finished everything in study hall."

"Well, that's good," Karen replied. "How about the condoms I gave you? Are they still hidden away?"

"Oh yeah, don't worry, Mom," Jacob replied. "They're safe. I hid them in the back of my closet... Dad will never-" At that moment, he just happened to turn around and see his mom standing by his bed with her back to him. She had her tight yoga pants and panties pulled halfway down her shapely thighs. The sight of his mother's beautifully round naked backside made his jaw drop.

In her sweet motherly tone, Karen said, "Jake, Honey... be a good boy... and fetch one for Mommy."

A few minutes later, mother and son found themselves in very familiar territory. Jacob was in his bed lying on his back totally nude. Karen, naked from the waist down, straddled her second-born while holding onto the creaking headboard in a death grip with both hands. The groaning mother had already achieved one toe-curling orgasm and steadily rode her teenaged son in search of another.

Karen looked down into the face of her handsome little man. Between the constant "ohhh"s and "ahhh"s she was able to ask, "Jake? I don't understand... Ohhhh!! What happened... Ahhhh!! To hands and mouth... ooooh—nly?"

A smile spread across Jacob's face as he watched his mother's massive boobs rhythmically bounce underneath her tank top. He then reached up and gently cupped both of her heavy meat melons. As he gave them a firm squeeze, he replied, "I don't know, Mom, but remember... this was actually... your idea!"

Karen couldn't help but agree with Jacob... this was, in fact, her idea... her choice.

Earlier, when they entered the room, for some reason, Karen's vagina immediately buzzed to life, and trickles of sweet pussy juice began to leak into her cotton panties. She felt an overwhelming desire to be fully stuffed once again with her son's enormous appendage.

Her own words were coming back to haunt her. Just a couple of days ago, she scolded Jacob and told him just because something feels good does not make it right. In her heart, she knew it was her place to help her son. However, she knew it was wrong to enjoy it this much... so horribly wrong. However, that wicked thing of his just made her feel so good... so DAMN good.

The continued manipulation of Karen's sensitive breasts by Jacob's young hands amplified her arousal. With another orgasm on the horizon, the gorgeous mother quickened her pace of pursuit and rode harder on her son's throbbing penis. "Ohhhh! Jake... Sweetie!! I'm almost!! Ohhh yesss!! Mommy's... almmooooosssst!!"

Jacob was enthralled by what he witnessed. His sweet and reserved mother desperately bounced up and down on his raging cock like some dirty porn star. Her long braided ponytail flounced around as beads of sweat rolled down her neck and chest, only to disappear into the dark cavern of her deep cleavage. He'd jacked off to a lot of pornography over the past few years, but for him, nothing on the internet came close to this erotic vision.

The captivated teenager then noticed his mother's diamond-hard nipples trying to poke through her bra and tank top. Jacob tightly pinched the super-sensitive nubs with his thumbs and forefingers, sending an electrical charge straight down to Karen's pulsing vagina.

The sudden stimulation caused Karen's eyes to fly open, and she gasped. "Ahhhhh!!" She then threw her head back as the chase was finally coming to an end, "Oh Yes! Jake!! Yes! Yes! I'm doing it!! Yes! Yes! Yes!... YEEESSSSSSS!!"

With that, Karen slammed her bottom down onto Jacob's crotch and allowed the massive orgasm to take control. She stiffened and trembled as her nerve endings went haywire from trying to deal with the waves of ecstasy that flowed throughout her body. Her eyes scrunched closed, and her mouth opened as if trying to scream, but there was only silence.

Once able to breathe again, Karen found her voice. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" The climaxing mother wailed as she placed her hands on top of her son's as a sign for him to squeeze her big tits even harder. Her breasts tingled with delightful sensation as tiny jets of milk ejected from her sensitive nipples into the sports bra's soft padding.

Jacob smiled as he tightened his grip. He could feel his mom's pussy spasm around his cock as the waves of pleasure rejuvenated, and Karen's body seized once more, and she called out, "Yes... Jake!! Yes... Baby... Ohhhhh Yeeesssssss!!"

Somewhat exhausted, Karen leaned forward and grabbed hold of the headboard. She began to grind her hips and softly moan as her body would occasionally twitch from the pleasant aftershocks. Eventually, she looked down and asked her son, "Are you... close?"

Jacob nodded, then asked, "Mom... can I finish inside? I'm wearing the condom."

Continuing to rock her hips back and forth, Karen shook her head, "No, Sweetie... remember what we talked about... the house of cards." Even though Jacob wore protection, the conservative mother still did not completely trust the condom's effectiveness. She couldn't help but feel bad when she saw the look of disappointment on Jacob's sweet face.

Karen then stopped her movement and sat still. Reaching down, she grabbed hold of the bottom of her tank top and pulled it up and over her head. The loving mother then tossed the garment in the general direction where her discarded yoga pants and panties lay on the floor.

Now naked except for her sports bra, Karen smiled down at her teenage boy and said, "Besides... I think earlier you said something about these?" She tried to entice her son by slightly squeezing her massive boobs together with her biceps... further accentuating the already obscene amount of deep cleavage that seemed to swallow up the gold locket that hung around Karen's neck.

Jacob's eyes bugged out as he gazed up at his mother and her huge knockers contained inside the flimsy sports bra. The black garment was doing all it could to hold in all that succulent breast meat, but it appeared to be having a tough go at it. As a goofy grin spread across his face, he replied, "Oh yeah, Mom! Oh heck yeah!!"

Seconds later, Karen removed her bra and switched places with Jacob. Now she was lying on her back with her son straddling her soft tummy. Using her hands, the totally nude mother cupped her massive tits together to form a slippery smooth tunnel as Jacob slid his now-naked dick back and forth between her big mommy boobs.

For the next couple of minutes, Jacob got into a good rhythm of titty-fucking his mother. He couldn't help but continuously moan from the decadent pleasure. Karen thought her son looked so cute with the look of bewilderment on his face. He appeared as if he were eight years old again playing with a new toy.

Jacob could feel the familiar tingling in his bloated testicles. His end was near, and he was about to release the massive load that churned in his aching balls. Speeding up his hips, he muttered to Karen, "Mom! I'm almost... there!!"


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