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Wife and Bull Conversation

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Wife and her Bull talk about her cuckold.
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"Met your husband Saturday. He was getting gas when I pulled up to the pump next to him. I didn't realize it was him until I got out of my car, so I had to say hello."

"Oh, what did you guys talk about?"

"Just the price of gasoline but let me ask you something? Does he know about us?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, I never liked him. When we were in high school, he always seemed arrogant, like he was better than me. I know that he was smarter than me and he always talked down to me but Saturday he was very meek. We were talking and he avoided eye contact. The whole time he kept his head down like he was a shame and it made me think that he knows about us. Does he?"

"Yes, Paul knows about us."

"You mean to tell me, that he knows that I'm fucking you and he's not angry? He's not fighting with me? What kind of a man is he?"

"Well, you were so proud of yourself, that you were one up on him by fucking me so I didn't want you to know this but Paul is my cuckold and he knows that you are what I want. All he cares about is my happiness and my pleasure. I can have any man I want while he must remain faithful to me. I'm the only woman he has ever had and I will be the only woman he will ever have or want. It doesn't sound fair does it?"

"Jesus! Doesn't he get angry or jealous?"

"He doesn't get angry but he does get jealous. When he knows that I'm with you, he goes through a whole litany of anxieties, too numerous to mention but I have him well trained."

"How do you train a man to accept another man fucking his wife?"

"Well it started in college when I was a naive freshman. My sorority gave a party and this senior, who was a football star, showed an interest in me. I couldn't believe that this tall handsome football star was interested in me. He gave me drinks and I may have drank too much. Yeah I know, I did drink too much and he seduced me. It was the first time I ever had sex with a man but I felt like we were in love with each other. He made me feel like it was love at first sight. I was so smitten by him that I gave myself to him that very first night.

"The next day, he acted like he didn't even know me. I was just another one of his conquests. I felt so used. Most of the other freshmen girls were going through the same experience as me.

"By the time I reached my senior year, I must have fucked the whole football team and the basketball team as well.

"In my senior year, I was working in the library and Paul would come in to do research. Now most of the football players had no direction. All they knew and cared about was football. Most of them figured they were going to sign with a pro team when they graduated but most of them ended up selling used cars. Paul was different. He had direction. He knew where he was going and I felt like, where ever he was going, I wanted to go there with him. I just got this feeling that I would be safe with him. That he would take care of me.

"At the time, I was dating a guy named Bruno. Bruno had incredible stamina. He was like you. He could fuck me for hours and not tire. He would give me multiple orgasms but he was a football player with no direction. We never really dated, we just fucked each other.

"Paul was a real gentleman. He cared for me. He took me out on dates. He would take me out to dinner and then at the end of the night, he would take me back to my dorm and kiss me on the cheek, to say goodnight. He respected me. He never tried anything with me.

"Paul knew that I was seeing Bruno and he was concerned about him. I told Paul that I could never be a one man woman and he would have to accept that.

"Then one night over Christmas break, my room mate was home at her parents so I brought Paul up to my room and we started making out. I could feel through his pants that he had an erection so I said to him that I wanted to show him what Bruno had taught me.

"I dropped to my knees and opened his pants. Pulling his pants down I exposed his erection. I was disappointed because it was smaller then most of the guys I had been with but I could take all of him in my mouth and when I did, he came immediately.

"Then I got him hard again so he could fuck me but he didn't have any experience. I had to teach him. He tried to fuck me but he was so excited and nervous that he came immediately again. That night after he left, I called Bruno and Bruno spent the night with me. I was grateful that I still had Bruno.

"Paul and I were married a year after I graduated. Three days before our wedding, Bruno gave me a farewell fucking and it must have been about two weeks after we got back from our honeymoon that Bruno and I continued our sordid relationship."

"Didn't Paul know what you were doing?"

"Yes. He knew and he knew that there was nothing he could do about it. In fact, it excited him. Some nights when he tried to fuck me and I didn't feel like it, I would take his little pee pee in my hand and stroke it. While I was stroking him, I would say the word, Bruno and it would cause him to ejaculate."

"Wow! That's incredible. Does it excite him to know that I'm fucking you?"

"Yes, it does. He can't help himself. He's so aggressive and successful at work but at home with me, he is very passive and obedient. That's not to say, that when our daughters are around, then he is very masculine and a good father figure.

"Now that the girls are out on their own, he is like my little boy. I'll talk to him like he is my little boy and I refer to his penis as my cute little pee pee."

"Are you treating him this way to keep him under your rule?"

"Yes. It's the shame and humiliation that keeps him passive and submissive. I keep him aware that his genitals are below average in size and performance. That they do nothing for me."

"Jesus. No wonder he's so humble."

"My girlfriend, Shelia, is married to a cuckold and she treats him the same way. When we have Girls Night Out we conspire and compare notes."

"You conspire? What do you mean?"

"We feel that masculinity is toxic. Don't get me wrong because we want our boyfriends to be very masculine and we want our cuckolds to be emasculated, even feminized."

"You want your man to be feminized?"

"Yes. We want them feminized to the point that they would be like our best girlfriends. We keep trying to come up with ways to enforce emasculation on them. Our cuckolds are doing a great deal of the house work and we have them working in the nude while we are dressed. It reinforces our authority and makes them realize their inferiority."

"I can't believe a man would allow a woman to do that to him."

"Do what?"

"Let a woman turn him into a cuckold and then emasculate him."

"Oh, it's quite common among college educated women. We entered college as young, innocent girls and the upper class men took advantage of us by using their toxic masculinity. Now we're in the business world and we are a lot smarter. You might say it's pay back time."

"You're getting me concerned."

"What are you getting concerned about?"

"All the men in this country."

"Tom, it's just the married men. When a woman turns her husband into a cuckold, she emasculates him. That is, if he knows. When he knows, like Paul does, the relationship becomes a female led marriage. All the cuckold wants to do is serve his wife. He will do anything for her and he will allow her to do anything she wants to him. Once he's emasculated, then it's very easy to feminize him."

"Hearing all this I'm glad I never got married but I don't think that a woman could do that to me. I wouldn't let her besides I'm all man."

"Yes you are and that's what drives my desire for you but if you were married to me, don't be so sure that I would remain faithful to you. That's just the way I am."

"Well you couldn't feminize me."

My girlfriend Shelia had a husband like you until she cuckold him. When he found out about her affair, he could have beat her or divorced her but instead, he became meek and unsure of himself. It became a female led marriage and she is in complete control of him. Men have no resistance when it comes to pussy.

"Now she is taking his feminazation to the next level. Last year, unknown to him, she went to her doctor and got a prescription for female hormones. She started slipping the hormones into his food. He's lost all interest in sex, his hips are rounding out and he's developing breasts. She tells him that he's just getting old. I would never do that to my Paul."

"Sounds like she doesn't want a husband. She wants a girl friend."

"No. Once he lost his masculinity, she no longer wanted him bothering her for sex."

"Besides comparing notes, what else do you do on Girls Night Out?"

"What do you think we do? We take off our wedding rings and we pick up guys. I leave my ring on the dresser where Paul will see it. Shelia does the same. It reminds them of their cuckold status."

"I still can't believe that Paul accepts his cuckold status, as you say."

"Paul is grateful that I have you so he doesn't have to worry about failing in his performance. He feels that you're responsible for my sexual gratification and you're doing a very good job at it. I tell him how good you are and he's grateful."

"I can't believe this. You mean to tell me, that you describe to him of how I make love to you?"

"Of course! It helps when I'm milking him. He cums very quickly. You and I can make love for hours on end. Then, when I go home to Paul, he is so aroused and excited that it only takes me a moment to get him off. After he cums in my hand, he is filled with shame and remorse and that finishes him for the night."

"You said that he's obedient. How obedient do you think he is?"

"Tom, I can tell you that he is very obedient. Why do you ask?"

"I want you to be mine exclusively. I don't want him fucking you and I don't want you giving him blow jobs. I don't want his dick any where near you. I don't want to be kissing your lips, knowing that they were around his dick or pushing my cock into your pussy after his cock was in there. Do you understand how I feel? You're my property now. Your vagina is mine and I don't want him touching it. No! You know what? He can lick your pussy but only after you've been with me. Have him lick you clean. We'll see how obedient he is."

"O Tom, I don't know if I can do that to Paul. He's so good to me."

"Yes you can Lynn. Now that I know he knows about us, you can tell him that I command you to do this. I want him to know that I'm your master."

"Tom, I have to give him some release. Can I give him hand jobs."

"OK. You can give him hand jobs but only if you use a rubber glove."

"He's not going to like that."

"I don't care. I want him to know that I took his wife. That you are now mine and the next time we are together, I'm going to rub my hands all over your body to show him that I own you. I'll enjoy watching him bow his head in shame like he did Saturday. It gave me a rush to see him so humbled. I want him to know that I am the superior male."

"I think he knows that."

**The following week**

"God Lynn, I love fucking you. Your husband just doesn't know what he's missing."

"Oh Tom, he knows. I just don't know what it is but he gets so aroused knowing that your fucking me and he's not allowed."

"Did you tell him of all my demands?"

"Yes I did. He was not happy with them but he will abide by them because he knows that is what I want. When I told him he got very passive. He's very high strung. I have to jerk him off twice a day. In the morning when he wakes up and then at night when he is going to sleep. Especially at night. I have to jerk him off to calm him down so he can sleep but why are you being so mean to him?"

"Well, like I said, he always thought that he was better then me. When we graduated high school, he went off to college to party for four years while I went into the military and was deployed to that hell hole of the Middle East for four years."

"Paul didn't party. He was very studious. He worked very hard in school. What did you do in the army?"

"I was an MP, military police so when I got out, I joined the police department and was promoted to detective. I like getting these tough guys especially the dealers. When I arrest them and put the cuffs on them, they become very meek and they beg me to go easy on them. I love when they beg."

"I think that you're a sadist"

"No. I just like being in command and dealing out discipline. So you jerk Paul off twice a day and that's all the sex he gets from you?"


"Are you using a rubber glove like I told you?"


"Good. From now on, when he cums in your hand, I want you to command him to lick his cum off of your gloved hand. Tell him it's what I demand."

"Oh Tom, I don't think he can do that with out gagging."

"Why not? You said he's obedient. Lets test his obedience and have him lick that glove clean, every time he spurts. Now that I know that he is a cuckold, I want to take you in front of him. I want him to watch a real man fuck his woman. That will humble him."

"Tom, it's crazy but he will love watching us. When I first told him that you made a pass at me. He asked me then, that if it happens, if he could watch."

"You told him about that first time I ran my hand over your buttocks? You knew there was some bad blood between us. Didn't you think that he would get angry and blow up?"

"I tested the waters first. I always wait until he is nude in front of me. He will try to hide his emotions from me but his penis never lies. I told him how we bumped into each other in the super market. When I told him that I thought you were coming on to me, his penis began to stir. When I saw that, I told him how you felt up my ass and he got a full erection. When we got into bed, I reached down and took his erection in my hand. When I told him that I thought you were a sexy hunk, I felt it pulse in my hand. I started to stroke him and when I told him that, if given the chance, I would let you fuck me, he came in my hand. He can't help himself and his penis never lies."

"So, that's how you do it."

"Yes. When I have something delicate to talk to Paul about, I'll wait until his penis is bare and in my full view. Then, while I'm talking to him, I'll watch it because it never lies."

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Improved from your earlier efforts, but the dialogue is still quite wooden, like the characters are going through the motions to get to the next, freakier thing.

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiam9 months ago

Love to katiegirl212 and her comment. I find great enjoyment from holding Dennises cock to my wife's beautiful vagina and asking him to please cum on her as she has a climax from his manhood. I admit freely I am not a worthy male.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wife destroying her husband and any man in him ,I doubt he fathered their daughters she totally destroying him now by this assole command...she don't deserve a husband, set him free ,no man wanted this humiliation for long

katiegirl212katiegirl212over 1 year ago

One person keeps anonymously commenting on this over and over again with misogynist crap about beating any woman up who would do this. Well, this is story is very honest, and it works for all involved, so stop posting over and over again.

4yourpleasureiam4yourpleasureiamalmost 2 years ago

I am just like her husband and so happy she has men who can give her pleasure a ways I could not. Only thing different is my wife no long touches my penis and insists we call it a clit and I have to rub it as such

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