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Wife Fucked Mom's Black Boyfriend

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Old black man fucks my wife and her mother in the same day.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/30/2018
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My wife Kit and I are both 30 years old. We have been married for five years and do not have any kids yet. Kit comes from a family of money. Her father's wealthy, and she grew up living in a wealthy suburb. Two years ago, Kit's mother and father went through a big divorce.

Kit's mother's name is Beth. She's in her 50's but looks 40! She really takes care of herself. She works out and has a very fit body. She is a brunette with nice boobs.

Kit definitely took after her mother. She still looks like she's in her 20's and has long dark hair. She is slightly on the skinny side with nice perky boobs. She doesn't like pubic hair, so she keeps herself shaved smooth. She takes birth control pills because we're not ready for kids yet.

After her parents divorced, her mom bought a condo in the city. She told us that she wants to be around the night life. She goes out several times a week partying.

One day I asked Kit what she thought about her mom partying and hanging out at bars.

She said "I think she's having a mid life crisis. She likes having fun, and has been going out to clubs to dance. She's even had a few dates. I think she's catching up on some fun after missing out on fun the last few years of her marriage."

I said "Well, she is a hot milf!"

"Oh really!" As she punched me in the arm.

I said "I am just kidding, but I don't think she will have any trouble meeting men."

Kit was running errands the other day, and decided to stop by her mother's condo. She figured she would surprise her mom, and maybe go out for lunch. She has a spare key but hardly uses it. She parked and walked up to her mom's door. She put the key in and opened the door, and Holy Shit!

Her mom was naked and kneeling on the couch. She was facing away from the front door so she did not notice Kit standing there. Kit was frozen still and couldn't speak. It wasn't the shock of her mom fucking. It was the fact that she was looking at an old naked black man fucking the shit out of her mom! He was holding onto her hips while plowing his dick into her.

The black man was the neighbor. His name is Martin, and he's 60 years old. He is still in good shape and was blessed in the cock department. It was big! Martin looked at Kit when she walked in because he was facing the front door. He was fucking Beth doggy style and didn't even stop. He smiled, and continued pounding into her mother.

After a couple of minutes that seemed like forever, Kit watched both of them orgasm together. She couldn't move and just watched.

Martin grabbed his clothes and said "Hi Kit."

Beth let out a startled squeal. She said "Kit! What the fuck?" She then ran into bedroom.

Kit couldn't help but to continue to stare at Martin until he got dressed. He said "How have you been, it's nice to see you again. I think I should be going. I'll see you later Kit." He then left.

Beth came out of the bedroom dressed and embarrassed. She said "You should of called me first before coming over."

"I was in the area, and thought I would surprise you for lunch. I guess I was the one that got the surprise. What the hell mom! Isn't he married? How long has this been going on?"

"Yes he is, so keep it down. He's been fucking me for a couple of weeks. I didn't plan it, it just kind of happened. He helped me with some things around the condo while his wife was at work. He's retired and bored. He told me that his wife isn't into sex as much any more. I always wanted to try a black guy, so I figured I would make a pass at him. He didn't hesitate, and the rest is history. We both don't want anything serious, just sex."

Kit said "I thought he was hurting you at first with the size of him."

Beth laughed, and said "I know. Holy shit his dick is big! He also knows how to use it. When I am in the mood, I just wait until his wife leaves, and knock on his door. He made it clear that it has to be a secret. He does not want to leave his wife."

They went out to lunch together and then Kit came home. I was home already and asked her how her day was?

Kit got a couple of beers and we sat outside on the patio. She said "Well, I received one hell of a surprise today."

I said "What happened?"

"I was running some errands today, and thought I would surprise mom for lunch. I stopped over by her condo without calling. I used my key to get in. When I walked in and bam! There's my mom naked and getting fucked by Martin the next door neighbor."

I almost choked on my beer. I said "The old black guy? He's like 60 years old."

"I know. I couldn't help but stare at them fucking like rabbits. I couldn't move and then they saw me"

I laughed, and said "Was it like watching a live porno?"

She said "Ya but it was my mother! I don't know how she took that thing. Let's just say that it's true what they say about black guys. His fucking dick was huge!"

I laughed again. I said " Ya, some black guys are definitely hung like a horse! Was he bigger than me?"

Kit and I have a good sex life, and one time she wanted to measure my dick. She took out a measuring tape. She measured my dick to be almost 7 inches.

She said "Honey, he's got you beat. He's at least 9 or 10 inches! I couldn't believe how big it was, and so black."

I said "Calm down now! Your starting to drool."

"No I am not. I always wondered about the stories I've heard about black guys is all, and to see one up close fucking my mom."

"It sounds like you were a little excited. Are you interested in trying one?"

Kit blushed a little and said "No, well maybe. It was just weird seeing it with my mom."

We drank several more beers and I decided to gamble with a thought. I know her mom is a fucking hot milf, and I was turned on thinking about Martin fucking her with his black cock. I wondered if Kit would really want to try fucking a black guy. I said "Do you want to have a black guy fuck you?"

Kit stared at me unsure how to answer. She said "Ya right. Is this some kind of test? Like you would let me."

I said "I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as I could be there to watch. I sometimes have fantasies that I am watching you getting fucked by a black guy. Maybe I could get a young stud to fuck you."

She said "It sounds like this turns you on. Since we're being open about fantasies, I have thought about what it would be like fucking a black man. I just don't want a young stud. Don't laugh, but I fantasize about older more mature black men fucking me."

I said "I am sure Martin would like a shot at the ultimate guy achievement of fucking a hot mom and daughter."

She said "I think he is a sexy black man, but it would be weird knowing that his dick was inside my mom."

We both have talked to Martin a few times when her mom was moving in. He seemed very nice, and always told us not to worry. He would keep an eye on her for us. I guess he was right. He definitely kept an eye on her alright.

A few weeks passed by and the subject never was brought up again. We had some good fuck sessions and I wondered if it was because we both were fantasizing about what happened. I kept thinking about it for sure. I wondered how hot it would be to watch Martin give it to my hot little wife.

One night Kit told me that we were invited to a private party at a bar downtown. She told me that a friend of her mom's was having it and invited us to come too. We agreed to go.

Saturday night came and we got ready to go. Kit was wearing a tight green dress. It hugged her body tight in all the right places. It didn't look like she was wearing a bra either. She topped it off with some hot high heels. The dress was short too, so it showed off her skinny little legs.

We met her mom at the bar. She brought Martin with her. Her mom looked like she was showing him off to her friends. It looked like he was enjoying the attention the other milfs were giving him. When he saw Kit, his eyes went wide with excitement. He immediately came over. He looked at her from head to toe, and said "Wow, you are beautiful!" He took her hand and kissed it.

Kit blushed and thanked him. She then went to talk to her mom.

Martin came up to me and we shook hands. He said "Man! You have one hot little lady there."

I thanked him and told him that I sure thought so too.

Martin and I got some beers. We were talking and he asked "You don't have a problem with me being friends with your wife's mom do you?"

I laughed, and said "Not at all, she is a hot woman."

He said "Yes she is but you got the beautiful young daughter. Man if I was 20 years younger I would be competing with you for her attention."

"Why do you have to be 20 years younger. After what she saw you doing to her mother, I am sure you would be successful now."

He said "She told you about that? I was worried she was going to be angry. I got lucky tonight too before we came here. Her mom is leaving here early to go catch a late flight to Vegas. She's going to be gone for a few days. I have to take a cab back home."

I told him not to be silly. We could give him a ride home so we could stay longer.

The women danced and Martin seemed to be getting a lot of attention from these older women. I noticed that he was polite to the women, but appeared to be more interested in my wife. I thought "Hmmmm!"

Beth had to leave and she made her rounds telling everybody goodbye. She asked me if it was ok to give Martin a ride home.

I told her it was fine and she left.

Kit came over after dancing. I said " It looks like your having fun dancing with those women and Martin."

"Ya, I think they all want to try him out! I know my mom told them that she was fucking him."

I said "It looks like he wants to try you out! He can't keep his eyes off of you."

She just shrugged and told me she was going to the ladies room.

Martin came over and started talking to me. He seemed like he wanted to tell me something, but was holding back. I said "Martin, I am not a jealous guy. So if you want to say something about Kit, I won't get mad."

"Well, since you say so. I have been thinking about that day when your wife walked in on me and her mom. It's turned me on to the point that I've fantasized about being with both of them."

I said "There's no way Kit would do a threesome with her mom! There's just no way, but I can tell you this, she admitted to me that she fanatasized about you fucking her. She just thinks that it would be weird knowing that you were inside her mom's pussy, and then hers. So if we could set this up. You cannot tell her that you fucked her mom earlier tonight. It would kill the deal."

Martin said "I don't know any black men that have fucked a hot white mom, and an even hotter daughter in the same night. I would be one lucky bastard."

I said "I don't know any white guys that have done that either. I just have one issue, otherwise I think I could set this up. As long as I get to watch you fuck my wife, I am fine with it."

Martin said "I had a feeling you were going to say that. I've had friends tell me about white guys that have wanted to watch them fuck their wives. I guess it's a white thing, but I don't care if you do. You could fuck her too if you want. I am just not into anything gay."

I laughed. "You don't have to worry about that because I am not either. I just want to watch her get fucked by a black cock. I know she wants to try it. I just don't think you should mention your fantasy of fucking her mom and her. Make it just about her, and I think you seal the deal."

Kit came back and Martin started laying on his charm. They went and danced some more before we left to try this out.

Kit came over and told me that we better leave.

I said "Why, your not having fun?"

"That's not the problem. Martin is making passes at me, and before I do something I might regret."

I said "I won't regret it, and if you ever want to try a black man, this is the perfect situation. We know he's a nice guy. He has a big dick, he's older, and married. You don't have to worry about him stalking you. It could be a secret one night thing. You also know he's been fucking your mom, so I am pretty sure it's safe that he doesn't have any std's."

She looked concerned, and I asked "What the matter?"

"I am worried that he fucked my mom before they came here tonight. I am also concerned that you might not be able to handle watching me fucking him."

I had to tell a little lie, and said "I don't think he was with your mom tonight. He's too horny thinking about being with you. I am fucking horny thinking about this."

She started kissing me and pushed my hand under her skirt. It was hot. I felt her wetness. She said "Let's go!"

I went up to Martin and said "It's on, let's go."

Martin and Kit were both pretty intoxicated. When we got to the car, he opened the backseat door to get in. He kind of fell into the backseat. His legs were sticking out still, and he asked for help.

Kit lifted his legs and was trying to push them into the car. She was leaning into the car when Martin grabbed her arms, and pulled her into the car. She fell on top of him and they both started laughing.

I said "Just ride in the back. We're leaving now." I looked in the mirror as I was driving and saw him make his move.

Kit was wearing a really tight dress that was pretty short.

Martin moved in to try for a kiss and put his hand on her leg.

Kit leaned away from the kiss, but she didn't stop his hand on her leg.

He then started sliding his hand up her leg and she let him.

I was glad it was a short drive back to his condo because I was afraid I would crash. I couldn't stop watching the mirror instead of the road. I heard her moaning a little and Martin commenting on how sexy her legs were.

We arrived at the condo building. I asked "Are we going to use your mom's key to her place?"

She said "Yes, it's on the key ring."

Martin got out and started for the building.

I looked at Kit and said "Are you ok with this? It's not to late to call this off."

She said "Are you sure you will be able to handle this? We can't take it back once this happens."

"I can't remember the last time I was this excited. I am already hard as a rock."

I saw that she was hesitant and knew if we waited any longer, she was going to back out. I quickly got out of the car and opened her door. I said "Let's go before someone sees us going inside with Martin."

I held her hand as we quickly walked to the building. Between her tight dress, and the high heels, it was challenging moving fast. We caught up to Martin at the elevator and we rode up to her mom's floor. I put the key into the lock and opened the door. We all went inside her mom's unit.

Martin went to the bathroom and said "I'll be right back."

Kit stumbled into me and I started kissing her. She said" I can't believe we're doing this. What if he fucked my mom before they came to the bar?"

"Don't worry about it. I am sure he didn't. That's why he wants you so bad. Make the old guys night. Now let's do it, I will be right there with you. Your so fucking beautiful and I want to watch."

She pulled me toward the hallway and I asked "What's wrong?"

She said "Nothing, I don't want to fuck on the couch."

As we got to the bedroom Martin came out of the bathroom. He came up behind Kit and grabbed the zipper to her dress behind her neck. He started pulling it down slowly.

She tensed when she felt this. She was really nervous. When she felt the zipper reach the bottom, she stepped out of her dress. She then walked over to her mom's bed and turned around. She faced us and said "What do you think?" Her nipples were hard and she still had her panties and heels on.

Martin said "God damn! You are so fucking hot. He immediately pulled his shirt off and pulled down his pants.

I moved up to my wife and started kissing her again. I ran my hands over her breasts and I heard her breath quicken. I sensed Martin come up next to me. I looked over and couldn't help but look down at his cock. It was hard already. I looked at Kit and she was mesmerized while looking at it. It was impressive and she was right. It was a few inches bigger than mine.

I stepped back as he pushed closer. He took my place feeling her breasts. He kept telling her how sexy she was. He said "Now I want to see that pretty little pussy of yours." He nudged her down onto the bed. He slid his fingers into the top of her panties and pulled them off. "Wow! You have a shaved pussy. Look at that pretty little pussy."

I said "You don't like shaved pussy?"

He said "I never had a fully shaved pussy before. I am used to hairy pussy." He then pushed her legs further apart. "Look at that. Your nice and wet already. Are you ready for my big dick?"

She mumbled "Mmmm hmmm."

He then took his dick and placed it on her tight little slit. He rubbed up and down a few times then pushed into her. He said "God damn you feel good. Your so tight." He took his time going in and out until he felt her loosen up. When he felt she was ready he asked "Are you ready for the rest of it baby?"

She was biting her lower lip and had her head back. She looked up and said "Yes, fuck me."

Martin pushed in until he hit bottom. He let out a "Oh ya, that feels good."

Kit screamed "Yes! Oh my god! It's so fucking deep. It feels so good. Fuck me."

I couldn't help it anymore. I pulled down my pants and started masterbating. My wife was so fucking hot and there is an old black dick pumping away on her. I couldn't believe she was taking the thing so deep. Every time he hit bottom, she let out a loud "Aahhh." His black balls would slap up against her asshole, and then he would pull most of the way out before slamming back in. I then remembered that he told me that he fucked Beth earlier tonight. For a guy that was 60, he certainly had fucking power.

After pounding my wife for ten minutes, he told her that she was going to make him cum soon. He changed positions from kneeling between her legs while fucking, to laying down on top of her. I think he liked to watch his black dick going in and out of her white pussy lips.

Kit was getting close to cumming also. She increased her moaning and grunting. She grabbed his black ass and held on while he drove into her.

He grunted "Here it comes baby! I am going to cum inside you." He slammed in one last time and said "Oh fuck, mmmmm, oooohh, shit, uuggh."

Kit screamed "Oh my God, Yes, I could feel you coming. Yes, yes, I am going to cum, aaahhh, aaahhh!"

It was to much for me too. I said "Watch out Martin" and moved near my wife. He got off my wife and I started shooting my cum onto her stomach. I looked at her pussy and saw how open it was. I could see Martin's cum inside her and it was leaking out. When I looked at Kit, she had her hand over her face. She was fucked out and still breathing heavy.

Martin was putting his clothes back on and said "Kit, you felt so fucking good. I hope I gave you a good black dick experience."

She said "Oh my God, that was incredible."

I put my pants back on and told her that I was going to walk Martin out. We walked outside, and I said "So how was my wife's pussy?"

He said "I never had white pussy until I fucked her mom. It was fantastic and I know why so many brothers like white pussy now. But I have to tell you, your wife's pussy might be the best I've ever had black or white. Holy shit it was tight! I loved how it was shaved too, I liked watching my black dick going in and out of her. Her mom's pussy is fine too, but she is pretty hairy and not as tight."

We shook hands and he walked to his unit. I went back into unit and Kit was still laying in bed. I asked "Are you ok?"

"Yes, he just wore me out."

"So was it what you expected?"

She said "Better. I actually felt him hit me deep inside. When he started to cum I felt it shooting in me. It then made me cum instantly. Your not upset are you?"


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