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Wife Re-Trains Her Husband!


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Samantha began to caress the side of Tim's face in a reassuring manner as Nancy pushed the dildo deeper into Tim's ass.

"It's okay Tim, just relax your ass," said Samantha.

"Just relax and enjoy it."

Samantha's pussy was so wet from watching Tim get fucked, that the juices from her pussy started to run down her leg. Holding Tim's head with one hand she sank a finger into her sopping wet pussy and let out a long moan.

"Ohhhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhh," she moaned in pleasure!

She then took the finger out of her pussy and rubbed the juices all over Tim's nose and mouth.

"You see how wet this makes me Tim?" said Samantha.

Nancy had about half the dildo in Tim's ass now and he was starting to whimper.

"That's it Tim, cry like a little girl as I fuck your ass," Said Nancy.

But Tim was still trying to maintain what little manhood he had left and held back his tears. Inch by inch Nancy slid the dildo in Tim's ass until all 9" were in.

"That's it; it's all the way in now Tim!"

"Does that feel good?" Coooed Nancy.

Nancy could see the look of pain and humiliation on Tim's face as she buried the cock in his ass.

"Just accept it Tim," Said Nancy.

"Just let those tough guy thoughts go and give yourself to me."

"Look, that cock is buried deep in your ass now Tim!" cooed Samanth.

Nancy began to slowly fuck his ass with the strapon. Slowly she withdrew the cock out of Tim's ass all the way to the tip and then slowly slid it back all the way in. Every time she sank the strapon all the way in Tim's ass he would let out a grunt. "Uhhhhhhh!"

She fucked him with long slow strokes, so that he could feel every bit of the cock in his ass. The position that Tim was in with his legs up in the air meant that Nancy could go in deep with the strapon, even deeper than she could from a doggy style position. The pressure of Nancy's strapon in Tim's ass drove the small dildo that was on the other end in and out of her now sopping wet pussy. Nancy began to moan in pleasure as she fucked Tim. Nancy's pussy was so wet that you could hear the squishing sound of the dildo going in and out of her pussy.

"Ohhhhhh Yeahhhhh!"

"Fucking you makes me so fucking wet Tim!"

"I love watching you take this cock in your ass like a good little boy." Cooed Nancy!

Samantha had let go of Tim's head and he was now turning his head from side to side on the bed, trying to fight the pain and humiliation.

Tim was feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure from the strapon fucking he was receiving and his emotions were getting the best of him. He began to tear up. He was experiencing emotion overload. Nancy saw that Tim's surrender was close and continued the slow strokes of the strapon in his ass. Samantha started to caress Tim's head,

"It's okay Tim."

"It's perfectly okay to cry as you submit and let go of all those tough guy feelings."

"I know its tough Tim, but you have to accept your new role."

"It's going to be okay."

Watching Tim submit to them made Samantha even wetter and she began to play with her pussy.

Nancy bent down to Tim's face and looked deep into Tim's eyes as she slowly fucked his ass. "Are you ready to submit to me?" Asked Nancy.

"Are you ready to call me Mistress?"

"I uhhhhhhhhhh dooooon't know," stuttered Tim.

"Ohhhh Yes you do," replied Nancy.

"You are starting to enjoy this aren't you Tim?" "I know you are because your cock is starting to get hard. "If you admit that you are enjoying this, and you call me Mistress I will allow Samantha to give you her sweet pussy."

"Do you want Samantha's wet, steaming pussy Tim?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhh............Yessssssssssss I dooooooooooo!" cried Tim.

"That's a good boy," said Nancy.

"Now what's my name?" she asked as she drove the dildo as deep as it would go in Tim's ass!

"Misssssssssssstress!!!!!!" Tim blurted out!

"That's a good boy Tim," said Nancy. "You are going to learn to enjoy your new role in life."

" Give him his reward now Samantha," said Nancy.

Samantha loosened Tim's legs a little from the eye hook in the ceiling so that she could have better access to his cock. She then climbed on top of Tim and slowly slid her wet dripping pussy down on Tim's cock. "Ohhhhhhhh god!" screamed Samantha.

"You feel how wet my pussy is Tim?"

"Yes, I dooooo!" groaned Tim.

"Tell me how bad you want me to fuck your cock Tim."

"Oh so bad!" "Please fuck my cock Samantha!" "Please" moaned Tim.

Slowly Samantha slid her pussy up and down Tim's shaft. Tim's cock was now glistening with Samantha's pussy juice.

"Are you enjoying your reward Tim?" Nancy asked as she continued to fuck Tim's ass.

"Ohhhhh yes I am Mistress!"

"Good boy Tim!" Replied Nancy.

Samantha picked up the pace as she fucked Tim's cock. As she fucked his cock she would expertly slide Tim's cock all the way out of her pussy till just the head of Tim's cock was still in her, and she would then slowly fuck just the head of Tim's cock with her pussy. Tim began to grunt feverishly when she did this. "ohhhhhhhh your pussy feels so fucking good!" screamed Tim.

"Ohhhhhh I'm cumming," screamed Samantha. Tim could feel her pussy contracting from the orgasm that she was having and he couldn't take it anymore. His cock erupted into Samantha's pussy!

Tim let out a long grunt as his cum overflowed from Samantha's pussy.

Slowly she slid off of Tim's cock and stood next to Nancy.

"Did you like that Tim?" asked Nancy.

"Yes I did Mistress!"

"And what do you say?"

"Thank you so much Mistress!" Replied Tim.

Nancy buried the strapon deep in Tim's ass, bent over and put her hands around his neck. She looked deep into his eyes and started to gyrate her hips, which caused the strapon in Tim's ass to gyrate as well. This stimulated Nancy's clit and she began to moan in pleasure as her pussy started to cum. At the same time she squeezed the bulb that was attached to the dildo that made the cum shoot from her fake cock. The cum flowed from her cock into Tim's ass. Tim could feel something wet in his ass that he never felt before.

"You feel that cum filling your ass Tim?"

"Yes, I do." "Thank you for cumming in my ass Mistress!" replied Tim

"Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhh!" Nancy moaned!

After a few minutes Nancy caught her breath, and slowly she withdrew the cock from his ass. She bent down next to his ear and whispered,

"Now you're mine!"

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1Martiniman1Martiniman7 months ago

The writer tried to be erotic, but it just doesn’t work. I won’t go where other commenters went with talk of violence, divorce and prison. But what I don’t get is that the husband is a violent abusive asshole and you let your best friend fuck him thinking that will fix him. Huh?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm really surprised his wife didn't put his cock in a chastity cage? It was sure a good thing he didn't have go to the bathroom all three days he was tied to the bed....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

As soon as Tim was able to get up off the bed, he grabbed his 9mm out of the nightstand. Then Proceeded to put one round in both his wife and Samantha, then called the cops, to report a rape, and 2 shootings!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

All Tim had to do was Tolerate This torture and abuse till they untied him. Then go get in his truck drive to the emergency room. Tell them he had been raped and drugged by his wife and her friend. Ask to do drug test and call the police. Tim filed charges against his wife and Samantha for rape and forcing drugs in to him. The doctor had give Tim Counter acting drugs, then he divorced the stupid bitch. She won't be out of prison for several years..

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 2 years ago

It wouldn’t be very sexy if he pees (or shits) in the bed. 2-3 days of being restrained with no bathroom breaks would not be a good look (or smell).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Once free, he had them arrested and filed for a divorce while they sat in jail. Dumb.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Once he got loose, Tim introduced both of those cunts to the joys of female circumcision.

GymShortsGymShortsabout 4 years ago
No means NO..

Guess Nancy is a rapist, worse than Tim hitting her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This shit is bad for you

Reading this shit is bad for your mental health. Yeah I read it, but I'm going to stop.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ha Ha, as if...

nice wank fodder for the accurately named author Freakboy, Not in the slightest bit credible even on a fantasy level.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
An Old Favorite!

Nancy and Samantha will NOT get away with that stuff once Tim is untied. They can't keep him drugged all the time and the man has a score to settle. ~ I chose to suspend reality so I could fully enjoy this tale from the Land of Literotica.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
You think

You think you know abuse? Wait until he gets loose.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Hope the girls enjoyed their fun

And I hope they both enjoy the jail time and getting a two by four broken over their heads when they get out.

What a pile of utter crap.

ptebadenptebadenover 8 years ago
Hot story, OK, I enjoyed it

That problem, which exposed Goodhue, is solved by making the girls record everything and this serves to blackmail Tim later.

This can give many more chapters. it seemed me short. Continue, please.

A story of this kind accompanied by illustrations would be great. I find no account of male submission with illustrations. Why?

GoodhueGoodhueover 8 years ago
HOT Story But...

Unless they also gave him a lobotomy,he was probably just biding his time 'til he got loose. Talked about pissed off and vengeful,Nancy and Samantha would rue the day they were born when he got going! Provided that he didn't just torture then kill them,each would be felling his big dick up their asses for days as he bitch-slapped them so hard that their cheekbones shattered.

Nancy thought being hit was bad before she and Samantha pulled their little stunt? Wait 'til she feels Jim's wrath now!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Excellent story

Loved the scenario. WIsh you can add more to this series.

diegotoadstickerdiegotoadstickeralmost 10 years ago
Nice Story

Kinda kinky but as soon as he got untied he's gone. No respect and no equality = no marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Then he called the Police

And had them arrested for sodomy and rape. He went to the hospital, had a rape kit and a tox screen done. They had her DNA and the drugs were still in his system. They took him into surgery to repair the his torn sphincter muscle. She was found guilty, especially after Samantha told the Court that Nancy had planned it all in order to get a lighter sentence. Nancy went to prison for 12 years for the illegal drugs, illegal restraint, kidnapping, rape, sodomy, assault and battery. Tim kept all the assets in the divorce since Nancy had been convicted of so many felonies. What? You thought you wrote a decent of believable ending to this pile of crap? I don't think so. No stars for complete and utter garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Then he got his gun

And put them both in the morgue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Does anyone really think after a few days of that bullshit he wouldn't at the very least leave? Certainly he'd never sleep in her presence again, and seeing how her "revenge" is sort of overkill, payback would be a bitch. Now and then I worry that someone reading one of these stories would be so incredibly stupid as to try something like this...I suppose I'd read about the double murder the next day in the paper.......

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
yeah that's how he should get it.!

I wish my wife would fuck me with a girlfriend like that. I so badly need to be fucked hard by a mad bitch who ties me to the bed and yes yes rape s me in the ass with her friend. I think this story rocks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Off to jail

For the soon to be ex-wife and her friend. Construction guys are a pretty macho bunch. Plus which, they're all strong, given their profession. So the 2 women have zero chance of over powering him and zero chance that he'd accept her actions. Which makes this whole thing a ridiculous waste of time to read.

OneShotOneOneShotOneabout 11 years ago
She should have called the cops

And had his abusive sorry ass thrown in jail the first time he hit her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I don't think so.

She'd be out the door and served ASAP. Not only would they never be able to trap him like that, he'd be looking to put her and her friend in jail and they'd do time for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Loved it!

Awesome story, exactly my taste! Give them a taste of their own medicine! I only wish Samantha lowered her cum filled cunt onto his face forcing him to ingest his own cum.

Please write more!!

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
What Was.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Totally rocks

Hey its a fantasy and a story. I think this story is amazing. i love a good truely FORCED FEM story. thank you so much for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
same-o same-o

He does X - She does X

He's abusive - She's abusive

Old refrain: two wrong do not make a right.

In mental abuse a person can not ever give permission

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Dispite the complaints from the critics, the revenge and training was entertaining. If you wish to continue writing about this so called man, you can train him and shoot him up intil he cannot get it up anymore and he is a sobbing sissy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

unrealistic story. Told with poor, poor writing style. Call me a bitch, but I like even my smut to be well written. If I wanted lame scripting, I'd watch a porno. The good news is, I bet you could submit this to a porn company and get paid for it lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

yes thewre are three plots or flops on this site a wife makiing the husband a bitch or worse. a guy making him a woman by fucking and cumming in his boy pussy by any name it is still an asshole and giving him the greatest orgasimn possible and he did not touch his little clitty yeah right. oh dont forget no 3 a son fucking mommy or sister ands falling madley in love with mommy or sister and daddy doing the same. god it dont get no better then this let me go play with my clitty and my boipussy thank you thank

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Very different.

Plus I like payback. For those reasons, I gave it a 5.

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