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Wife Sold at Auction Pt. 06


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Master turned me around and lifted my chin again to look at him. "Prepare yourself to learn this important lesson. Please remember the rules I outlined. Do you need any reminders or have any questions?"

"No Sir, Thank you Sir."

"Eric, you may begin when you are ready."

I lay across Eric's lap waiting for the first stinging blow. Would Eric be vicious or kind? Just before I laid on his lap, he pushed his cock forward between his legs. This made it pull up against my tummy when I lay across his lap. He was very hard and it did feel good. I felt his fingers slip between my cheeks and brush over my anus on his way to my pussy. He slipped the tip of his finger between my lips to most likely check my level of arousal. I was pretty sure my fear had dried me up, but was not absolutely positive because this was very arousing. In the end it really did not matter, I was going to get my ass spanked and I feared the spanking, at least from the men, was going to be very painful. Eric removed his hand and I felt his body jerk as he put all his strength behind getting his arm moving toward my ass.

It was strange as I heard the sound of his hand striking my flesh a split second before I felt the burning sting. My cheeks were on fire! He hit me much harder than I expected. I started crying forgetting about the people sitting in the plush soft theater chairs watching my naked body being punished. It seemed like an instant then I heard what I never wanted to hear. "Erica, are you okay?"

"Yes Master."

"Did you forget your instructions?"

"Master, I am sorry, I was startled by the pain of the spank."

"That is okay. Everyone forgets from time to time. We are all human. We will just have Eric repeat that and play like it was just a warm up."

"Yes, Master," I said as I started to cry, not from the pain, but from the fact I had just added one more swat to the total I would receive.

"Eric, please administer Erica's first punishment swat when ready."

"It will be my pleasure big brother."

This time he did not wait long as I again felt the jerk in his body and then the pain. I screamed and said, "One, Thank you Sir."

"Much better. I knew this would be beneficial and help you learn," Master said as I recovered.

I felt Eric's hand stroking the spot he had spanked. "That really does heat up female flesh nicely. She has such soft skin. She really does have a beautiful ass and you were right. It looks much more sexy with a nice red glow."

Again I felt the tell-tale jerk of his body followed by the fire on my flesh. "Two, Thank you Master." This time his hand had landed on my left thigh, closest to him, just below my ass cheek.

His hand slipped between my thighs and pulled them apart as much as he could in this position. It seemed like his cock was getting harder and poking harder into the softness of my tummy.

Another severe stinging blow this time in the same spot on my opposite thigh. "Three, thank you Sir."

"Erica, I do wonder why my brother gave you that particular name." Then another and another and soon I heard myself say, "Nine, thank you sir." My bottom and the back of my thighs were burning from the ten swats I had received, but only nine counted. I felt Eric take quite a long time as his hand openly fondled and explored me. From what Master had said, I realized once he gave his next swat he would have to release me to Mr. Smelling. Once again I felt this finger on my cunt. As I felt it easily slip in between my lips, I knew I was wet and now he knew it. To increase my embarrassment, he told everyone, "Her cunt is soaking wet. My brother's little slave likes her ass spanked." He held up his fingers and then showed me the reflection of the lights off my juices coating his fingers. "I need my fingers cleaned so I can continue your lesson." He pushed his fingers into my mouth without even saying anything. I cleaned my juices from his fingers with my tongue. When he pulled his fingers out of my mouth I felt him reach under me as he found one of my nipples. He pinched hard and I let out a loud scream. "Oh my, it seems that her nipples are quite sensitive."

That seemed to satisfy him as he adjusted himself on the chair and delivered the last of his swats. This one was the most severe. "Ten, thank you sir."

"You are welcome, it has been my pleasure to help teach you your lessons." Placing his hand under me and gripping a breast he gently lifted me off his lap. As I stood I could see his glans was wet as was the area on my tummy where his cock had been poking me for the last several minutes. With my arms bound I could not wipe it off and chose to not even acknowledge the moisture of his pre-cum was even on me.

Eric stood up and gave me a hug. "Sorry honey, did not intend on being so severe, but you are such a hot sexy little thing, I got a little carried away. I hope we can have more fun before Simon has to return you." He gave me a tender kiss on the cheek. I thought to myself, maybe he really is not such a bad guy after all then he leaned in close and whispered into my ear so only I could hear him say, "Bitch, you should have been more cooperative earlier."

I didn't say anything and tried to not react to what he said, but when I looked up I could tell Elizabeth knew something had been said that upset me. She glared at Eric, but didn't say anything. I don't think he knew she was suspicious. I heard her say, "Simon, hold on a second. I need to check and make sure Erica is okay. It will take just a second."

She didn't wait for Simon to give her permission as she stood up and headed directly to me. Lisa sat in her seat and didn't say anything or move. My arms were still bound behind me as she took hole of my bicep and said, "Come with me, I need to check you and make sure there isn't any damage."

I let her lead me out of the room as everyone just sat and watched, not knowing what to say. Once down the hall to the bathroom we had used before she waited until the door closed and said, "What the fuck did Eric say?"

"It was nothing. He just told me he enjoyed spanking my ass."

Elizabeth locked her eyes on mine. I could not look her in the eye and looked down to the floor. In the deafening silence we heard a knock on the door. Neither of us said anything. The knock turned into a pounding followed by Master's voice, "Elizabeth, is everything okay?"

She kept looking at me as she said, "Just a sec Simon." She never took her eyes off me and asked, "I am trying to protect you here. I will ask you one more time, did Eric threaten you or say anything about what happened earlier today between the two of you?"

"Mistress, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but honestly it was nothing. I put myself in this position and I can handle this. If things get out of control I have my safe word to stop it."

"Elizabeth, Erica, open this door, NOW!"

"Simon, just give me a minute. I am almost finished." Looking back at me she asked, "Okay sweetie. But I am watching and I will stop this whole thing if I don't like what I am seeing. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes Mistress."

"You don't need to call me Mistress."

"Yes ma'am I do. I am your brother's slave."

She paused and stood looking at me. "You really are something. You are so fuckin sexy and so frustrating at the same time. Just remember, I am watching and if anything happens you just give me the look and I will take matters into my own hands. If I have to, I will stop the fantasy, but will try to get it under control for your sake if I can do so without stopping the fun for you and Simon. Okay?"

"Yes Mistress. Thank you."

She took hold of my arm and said, "Okay sweetie, let's go get your ass spanked."

As we exited the bathroom Master was standing there looking at us. "Simon, she is okay. I thought Eric may have hurt her seriously, and I just wanted some privacy to check her. I checked her and she appears to be okay."

I am not sure he believe her, but there wasn't much he could say at that point. We went back into the theater and saw Mr. Smelling sitting in the chair waiting for me. Elizabeth led me to the chair where Mr. Smelling patted his naked lap indicating he wanted me to lay on it. I looked and saw his cock was semi-hard. I figured it was because he was older, but thought it will likely be standing tall when he is finished with me. Since I didn't have the use of my arms to lower myself onto his lap, Mr. Smelling reached up wrapping his fingers around my right breast and put his other hand behind my knees. This allowed him to control my body as I leaned over him and lowered my body across his lap.

"Okay, that was very instructive, thanks Eric. I am sure my little sex slave learned quite a bit from your instruction. It is now Harry's turn to see if he can reinforce the lesson Eric began. Harry, you may begin."

There was no preliminary warm up, Master had hardly finished giving Mr. Smelling permission to begin when I felt the first stinging blow. "Eleven, thank you sir."

After getting his first taste of his hand impacting my tender flesh, I felt his hand begin to wander. I was appreciative of Master allowing them to feel me up because it gave me some time to recover from the pain. In addition, the touch of their hands on my flesh did feel good. The fact they found pleasure in feeling my body made me proud of my body.

I felt him remove his hand from my cunt and prepared myself for the next blow, but instead felt his fingers on my nipple and almost instantly felt a hard pinch and pull on my nipple. I screamed as it felt he was trying to rip my nipple from my tit.

Over my pain I heard Lisa yell, "Harry, you release her tit this instant! The poor girl is only supposed to get a spanking, not get her nipples torn off. You can do that to my tits, but you leave hers alone!"

"I know Babe, but they are so soft and tempting. You know how much I love tits."

"Yes, and you have mine to play with anytime you want. Get on with this young girl's punishment so we can have some fun."

"Yes, dear."

I was thankful of Lisa's intervention, but the impact of his hand on my ass brought be back to my present situation. "Fourteen, thank you sir." After thanking him I felt the undeniable swelling of his cock against my tummy. Only six more to go and then the women will get their turn. I was very hopeful my time with them would be more pleasurable and less painful.

"Fifteen, thank you sir."

"Sixteen, thank you sir."

"Seventeen, thank you sir."

My ass was on fire. Mr. Smelling had given me three hard spanks in a row. My ass was really hurting, but I could also feel him breathing hard from the exertion. Maybe he would just enjoy touching me and catch his breath. I felt his hand on the move down my body. His finger dipped into my cunt. What was he doing? Then I realized his goal, with his finger lubricated with my pussy juice, I felt it touch my anus. The pressure I felt made it clear he was going exploring. He seemed to be intrigued with this new fuck hole he had discovered. After what I had been through I was sore, but he was not cruel like he had been with my nipple. Maybe his wife's scolding had been effective.

I felt him wiggle his finger around inside me and then he pulled his finger out. Like I had been required several times in the past 24 hours with my pussy juice, Mr. Smelling put his finger to my lips for me to open my mouth and clean. Thanks to Mary's delight in giving me enemas, I knew I was clean, so in my desire to make these people have an enjoyable evening, I parted my lips and used my tongue to clean his finger. It was more of a mind thing that it was actually cleaning anything from his finger, but as I was doing this I felt his cock get harder and he was pushing it into my tummy.

Upon pulling his finger out, I felt the unmistakable jerk as his body was building the momentum to try and force his hand all the way through my ass with his eighth spank to my ass.

"Eighteen, thank you sir."

Very little time lapsed and I felt the same intensity of the next spank on my right thigh.

"Nineteen, thank you Sir."

His hand was on the move again and I felt it go directly to my ass without the kindness of getting it wet first. The dry finger entering me was not comfortable, but with everything that had been recently done to my ass, it was not actually pleasurable. This time he seemed to push it into me further and was enjoying his journey into my ass. He pulled his finger out and did not surprise me when I felt it on my lips. Opening my mouth I sucked it in and gave him the arousal he was getting from doing this. Only one more and he is finished, I thought to myself.

This last one from Mr. Smelling was one to remember. There was no doubt he was going to get his best swing and it was a strong one to the top of my other thigh. I knew his turn was done and breathed a sigh of relief. Then it happened.

"Little one, did you happen to forget to count and thank Mr. Smelling?"

Oh, SHIT! "Yes Master. I am very sorry."

"Harry I hope you saved a little something for another reminder for our forgetful little slave."

"I think I can summon up another one just for her." I heard him laugh, but something only Mr. Smelling and I knew, was his cock jumped when he realized he was going to get another swing at my ass.

How could I forget? Why was I unable to remember? This was just causing me to give these men more opportunities to harden their cocks at my expense. Then it happened, square on the center of my ass came the last blow from this very aroused gentleman friend of my Master.

"Twenty, thank you sir."

As I stood up I was wondering what my ass looked like. I certainly knew what it felt like -- it was on fire. On top of it all, I was only half way through this punishment.

"Ladies, your turn," Master said to the women. "Who would like to go first?" I heard Elizabeth say, "Simon if it is all the same to you, I would like to give her the last set of ten."

"Lisa, if that is okay with you I certainly have no objections. My slave just needs to complete her punishment so she can learn her lessons. It does not matter to me in what order she receives her punishment."

I watched as Lisa and Elizabeth exchanged conspiratorial smiles and Lisa walked to the front of the theater. I could not help but wonder what it was they were not saying.

"Lisa, if you would like to disrobe first, that is up to you, but you do not have to. I thought the men would be more comfortable with their hard cocks free rather being confined in their pants. It is also much more pleasurable to have your cock against my slave's skin than confined in trousers."

"I think I will remain clothed. I know firsthand how much more embarrassing to be the only one in the room without clothes and the darling is such a pretty little thing, I believe a whole body blush from her embarrassment can only add to her beauty."

"Very well, have a seat. Erica, lay across Mrs. Smelling's lap, prepare yourself for Mrs. Smelling's continuation of your corrective discipline. Remember Erica, you must keep track of the swats."

When she was situated, Mrs. Smelling patted her lap saying, "Right here Honey." She helped me lay my tummy on her lap similar to how her husband had done. Her nylon encased legs felt so nice against my skin. I felt her soft hand on my bottom and heard her say to nobody in particular, "Her bottom is really hot. You men really laid into her with those swats."

"Sweetie, just relax while I check your pussy. I want to confirm for myself how much you are enjoying this." I felt her right hand holding my bound arms as she slipped two fingers from her left hand into me, which was soon joined by a third and then a fourth finger. My pussy was stretched around her fingers. I felt her withdraw her hand leaving me feeling empty. She lifted her fingers to her nose smelling the aroma of my cunt. Rather than have me clean her fingers, she put them in her own mouth one at a time and licked my juices from her hand. All the while she kept saying how delicious I tasted.

I was beaming with pride hearing her compliment me in this manner. I was thinking about her compliments and was not thinking about being naked in front of these people all of whom had been complete strangers just a few short hours ago. Then it happened as I felt the first swat from Mrs. Smelling. It stung like hell, but was not near as bad as those from the men.

"One, thank you Mistress."

"You are very welcome dear. Your ass is so cute and adorable. I don't know how you keep it so firm."

Next she picked up the pace and gave me five in a row with just enough time between them to allow me to announce the count and thank her.

A pause in the action was appreciated as she started exploring my body with her hands. At one end her left hand was gripping me between my legs. With her right hand she was squeezing my tit very firmly. Her left hand released the grip on my pussy and began to gently caress my body from my waist to my knees. The pressure her hand was exerting on my tit was substantial and she gave no indication of letting up. She demonstrated a strong grip I would not have expected from a woman. Her grip was almost tighter than her husband's. Evidently both she and Mr. Smelling were both into tits. While still holding my tit very tight, I felt a swat to my upper thighs. "Seven, thank you, Mistress."

I had learned this evening that a spank to the thighs is much more painful than to my ass cheeks. I guess because there is more fat and padding to absorb the force of the blow on the ass. I liked the feeling of having my tit squeezed hard while receiving my spanking. For some reason it made the swat a little less noticeable and it gave my cunt a tingle deep down inside.

It was apparent she was going to take her time with me and enjoy my body. As she was caressing me, I heard her talking to the others, "This little doll is the most exceptional pussy eater I have ever met. I don't know about the blow job you men received, but her ability to eat pussy is without question the best I have ever had, and I am no stranger to having a woman's tongue on my clit. I normally don't squirt when I cum, but tonight I was afraid I was going to drown the poor little thing. I could easily take her home with me and keep her locked up in a cage next to my bed. I would let her out whenever I needed my cunt eaten. I bet she would be great at cleaning a girl up after a man has had his way. Don't you agree Liz?"

Elizabeth said, "I never thought of that, but I bet you are right. I know she likes a man's cum direct from the source. I bet she would like it even better when mixed with pussy juice from another woman. You could just have her watch a guy fuck you and then she could be used to clean his cock and your own cunt. Probably be better than a douche." Everyone laughed and I suddenly felt another smack to my ass. "Eight, thank you Mistress."

"You are very welcome, Sweetie. I do like your cute little ass. It is so firm and cute not to mention how much fun it is to spank."

"I guess I have had my time with you and I know your Master has plans for you after we finish. Let's get this over with and let Liz have her turn at your ass. I know she is looking forward to her time with you."

With that I felt her hand tightly grip my tit again and gave me two quick blows with just enough time to count and thank her between each.

When finished she released her grip on my tit and helped me rise and stand next to the chair. She stood up, straightened herself, then wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug while patting me on my bottom. As she released her hug she lifted my chin to look into my eyes as she said, "You truly are remarkable." Holding my chin in place she gave me a full passionate open mouth kiss.

My head was spinning. I could still feel the treatment her hand had given my tit and was still hearing her words in my ears. I was right on the verge of what felt like a pending massive orgasm. Being used by these men and women was a huge turn-on for me. I didn't even mind my time with Eric. He was just playing along with the fantasy, or at least that was what I hoped.

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