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Wife's Awakening

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Adventurous wife slowly explores her boundaries.
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I woke up, placing my feet on the floor and stretching my arms out over my head languidly. The morning sun coming through the bedroom window warmed my skin, making my exposed nipples and slit tingle. I had taken up the habit of sleeping nude and my husband didn't seem to complain. In fact, as he exited the ensuite bath he gave me a low whistle and complimented me. I think if he had his way I'd never put clothes on - at least at home. I just waved him off with a smile, did my business in the bathroom, and slipped on a robe heading downstairs to make breakfast. My husband was about to leave on a trip and I wanted to make sure he was well fed. It was the small acts of kindness that kept our mutual flames burning.

After we shared the meal he gathered up his things and I followed him out to the garage. He slapped the opener as he crossed the threshold and began loading his bags in the car. There was a slight chill in the air, causing my nipples to perk up beneath the thin robe. We kissed goodbye and I stood in the open garage door waving to him as he pulled off. A strong breeze blew through just then, lifting up the bottom of my tiny robe and nearly exposing me to the neighborhood. I shivered in arousal and quickly pushed the edges down as I scampered back into the safety of the house.

As I did chores around the house I fantasized about what might have happened earlier. What if it had blown my robe up to my waist, exposing my trimmed pussy and pert bum to the neighbors? How would I have felt looking over and seeing the man across the street admiring me bottomless? What if instead of scurrying back into the house I just looked at him confidently, inviting him to ogle me? Or instead if it had gusted so hard the tie had come undone and the robe had blown completely open, revealing not only my bare pussy but my aroused nipples? Would I have hunched over in embarrassment covering myself with my hands or instead planted my hands on my hips and stood confidently in my bare skin? I'm not sure I had the confidence to do the latter in either case but acting them out in the fantasy of my mind turned me on immensely. I fanned the top of the robe, getting a breeze going down my inflamed skin beneath.

Later on as I lugged a basket of laundry out to the garage I realized I'd left the roll up door open. As I loaded the washer I thought back to my earlier fantasies. My senses heightened as I leaned forward, the hem of my robe barely covering my firm behind and moist slit. I listened carefully but the neighborhood was quiet. In the few minutes it took to complete the task I didn't hear a single car or person, just the hum of the breeze and rustle of the leaves.

We had an old couch in our garage as we sometimes used it for hanging out. It sat facing out the door. The heat of my body overrode my better judgment as I sat down and then slowly spread my legs. My hands reached down, toying with the hem of my robe as it barely managed to preserve my modesty. As the quiet persisted I began to act out one of my fantasies. I reached up, untying the belt and spread the robe open. There I sat, facing the door, in full view of anyone that walked by or even the neighbors across with my legs splayed open and my nude body on full display. I consoled myself that I was deep into my garage, so the risk was low that anyone could actually see me.

After a few moments of simmering in lust, barely managing to keep my hands off of myself, I stood up letting the robe fall off behind me. I now didn't even have the safety of something to quickly cover me if I was discovered. Still for some unknown reason I wanted more. My senses had been on high alert and it felt like my body had awoken to its sexuality. Now that I'd had a small sample, I just wanted more. My bare feel slapped softly against the concrete as I walked towards that yawning entrance to the garage. I hedged my bets as I pressed my body up against the wall beside it, peeking around. I spent several minutes looking and listening but I hadn't heard a single other person since I'd left the house. Shivering in arousal, I stepped outside the door and onto the driveway. I was now completely nude in public, even the flimsy excuse of being in my garage discarded. I took several steps forward, feeling the sun beating down on my exposed skin like a million warm kisses before I sat, lifting my knees up and spreading my legs, leaning back on my hands, exposing everything to anyone that cared to look. I was more turned on than I'd ever been it felt.

I bit my lip, fighting the urge to touch myself right there for the whole neighborhood when suddenly the sound of a dog barking shook me out of my haze. I turned down the street and saw my neighbor walking his dog this way and in moments he'd be offered a view only my husband and gynecologist had seen of me! I paused for a moment in the fantasy, imagining just offering up a coquettish wave as I sat sluttily exposing up my charms to him before the reality of that washed over me like a cold shower. I stood up and dashed back into the garage, slapping the button to close the door. I should have gone completely inside the house but for some reason I stood there next to the door leading inside the house, eyes silently urging the main door to slide close faster and provide me with some cover. Luckily before the neighbor came in view it slammed shut.

I shook with mirth and arousal, both confused together. What was I thinking? Then with an impish though I fished my phone out of the pocket of my robe and took a nude selfie by the main door. I texted it to my husband with a teasing "You left the garage door open when you left. I went out to do the laundry like this and almost gave the neighbors a show! What would you have thought of that?"

My phone pinged back with his response. "I'd encourage you. In fact, next time I leave you for a business trip I expect you to see me off just like that!"

"What's in it for me?" I text back.

"I'll tell you what, you have some risque adventures while I'm gone, send me some proof, and I'll let you ride my tongue for this weekend. You know you enjoy that!"

I swooned in arousal and dirty thoughts. I did enjoy that and he was magic with that appendage. I imagined myself standing completely bare in the front yard as his talented tongue played my pussy like an instrument and made my body sing for the neighborhood. Scandalous and slutty, but oh so alluring to my amped up libido. Instead I started to run through ideas of how to come up with some adventures to earn my reward.

I stood in my closet trying to pick out what to wear to the supermarket in order to achieve my goal. Catching my reflection in the full length mirror I put a hand on my hip and smirked at my naked reflection. Too bad I can't go like this. Sadly this was still a home outfit and not a public one, at least if I didn't want to get arrested. Grabbing one of my favorite sundresses I slipped it on deciding to forego any underwear as it would make my task easier. Slipping on some elevated strap on sandals, I grabbed my purse and hopped in my own car. As I pulled out I noticed my hastily discarded robe was still draped on the couch and a small tingle went down my spine at my earlier escapade.

The sundress in question had buttons all the way down the front. The sides overlapped enough that I didn't have to worry about it gapping and exposing my bare charms beneath. But as I prepared to exit the car in the parking lot I quickly undid the 2 buttons on top and bottom. This showed off a nice bit of cleavage at the top and the bottom opened up to expose a few inches above my knees. Head high, shoulders back, I strutted into the market as my libido raged.

Cheekily I scouted chances to misbehave. More than once I was able to catch the eye of a young male employee, then lean forward offering him a view down my dress. After each one I undid another button until it was undone several inches below my boobs, practically causing them to spill out as I leaned forward the last two times. I paused, looking up at them to know they had permission to leer at me as my nipples hardened under their gaze. My body hummed in arousal, begging to be set free and touched.

Before my libido threw off all my judgment - and my dress - in the middle of the store I paid for my groceries and walked out to the car. I had parked far in the back and after I finished loading the car and returning the buggy I stepped around to the driver's side where the body of the car blocked any would be audience from the store. Still I was in a public parking lot and risking a lot as I reached down to undo the rest of the buttons on my dress, pulling it off and tossing it on the passenger seat. I quickly fished my phone out and snapped a selfie with enough of the background revealing the risk I was taking before hopping in my car and slamming the door shut. Panicked, I looked around but there was no one nearby to have seen me. Before my inner slut had me getting myself off right there I turned the car on and headed home - getting halfway there before I realized I'd just driven nude through town. At a stoplight I pulled out my phone and fired off the selfie to my husband. His response back was simply "good girl, keep going".

My body tingling and my brain awash in a fog of arousal I pulled into the garage. I paused for a moment, my finger over the button to close the door behind me before I retracted it and hopped out. Looking around I was again greeted by the quiet of a typical afternoon on my suburban street. With a devilish smile I set up my phone to record me making several trips to unload the car in the buff, all with the open doorway in the background revealing the risk I was taking. Deciding to put on a real sinful show of it, I made sure to lean forward and spread my legs wide as I pulled bags out. On walking back to the car from dropping the bags off inside, I would reach up and cup my breasts, massaging them lewdly as I stared directly towards the camera. Despite my stalling and extending, no one was an audience to my depravity. Grabbing my phone I ended the video and sent it off to my husband who simply responded back with several suggestive emojis.

I didn't bother to get dressed as I put away the groceries and busied myself with some little tasks. I was doing anything to keep my mind occupied - and my fingers from dancing across my nether regions. I then remembered I still had to bring in the laundry from earlier and headed back out to the garage. Once I exited the house I realized the door to the outside was still open. I strutted my naked form across to the dryer, bent forward and spread my legs obscenely as I unloaded it, offering a full on beaver shot to the open door behind me. I sashayed my ass a little as I sneaked peaks back but I went unseen again, almost to my disappointment. Would I have been embarrassed or embraced it? Could I really expose myself to someone in broad daylight like that?

Walking over to the door leading into the house, I dropped the basket down and sat on the couch. Sitting back I opened and closed my legs rhythmically as I simmered. I was doing everything in my power to not lose control and start touching myself. I was worried if I gave into the urge I'd end up losing control, shutting my eyes, and jilling myself to several loud orgasms completely oblivious to anyone that watched. The thought oddly turned me on more, rather than scaring me. I found my hands suddenly resting on my knees and slowly drifting up to my inflamed and glistening pussy as my legs gradually spread obscenely wide. Just then the garage door of the house across the street started to open and I heard the sound of my neighbor's car. In a panic I stood up, grabbing the laundry, slapping the button to shut the garage door and scampering inside. Leaning back against the door from the garage I panted, my body shivering at almost being caught in such a scandalous position.

I managed to calm down and threw some actual clothes on, spending the rest of the day pretty normally. The next day I continued but my husband didn't help. He kept sending me compliments on my escapades and encouraging me, especially after I told him about almost getting caught touching myself by the neighbor. His only reprimand there being "pics or it didn't happen". He also kept reminding me of the reward, which sent tingles through my yearning pussy. As I stripped off for bed that night, I decided to set an alarm for 2am. After it went off I gathered my phone and slipped downstairs and then out the front door, completely bare. The air outside on my exposed nipples and clit again sent shivers of desire down my spine as I looked around my quiet street in the calm night.

After the brief pause on the front stoop I moved over to the tree in our front yard. Sitting on the ground, I leaned back against it, spread my legs wide, and held out my phone to snap a photo. The flash shocked me and I looked around in a panic to see if anyone had noticed. But it was just me and the night. I looked down at the scandalous photo of a woman with lust in her eyes, her house behind her, as she greets the neighborhood bare and spread eagle. If that didn't get my reward I wasn't sure what would. I quickly sent it off to my husband and escaped back inside before I pushed my luck too far.

When my husband came home the next day I was waiting for him in the garage wearing only a smile. He offered a smile back, leaving the garage door open as he exited the car. I sauntered over to him, giving him a long nude hug and making out with him passionately as his hands roamed my inflamed body. As I pulled back I looked behind him and went stiff as a neighbor walked by with his dog offering a wave. I wave back, wondering why he isn't reacting more to me standing there bare ass when I realized that my husband's body was covering me. When I whispered this in his ear, he offered to move aside and put me on full display. Seeing the mingled looks of panic and lust in my eyes he instead reached inside and slapped the button to close the door behind us. Once it reached the ground, he dragged me inside and spent the rest of the day taking advantage of me and sating my lust.

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zooliciouszoolicious9 months ago

Tasty adventure.

maninconnmaninconn9 months ago

Ok, this was hot!

Happily_Married87Happily_Married8710 months ago

Good story! That is a good way for a husband and wife keep their love alive and fresh as long as she doesn't cross any lines.

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

Good story so far, but belongs with your other work in Exhibitionists.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer10 months ago

What a beautiful, simple, example of the lust filled, highly erotic, days that people can experience. Many thanks. Cheers.

lc69hunterlc69hunter10 months ago

like where this is going

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