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Will & Olivia


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I glanced at our mom, who didn't bat an eye. Her gaze stayed on the page, but she could tell I looked at her instinctually for an 'ok'.

"She missed you," Mom repeated. Liv had gone back into the second bedroom to wait for me. "She wants you guys to spend time together, and the bed in there is supposed to be plenty big enough. You can always come back to the couch if she annoys you."

"I suppose," I said, hefting my bag and grabbing the ladder. It was not the possibility of my sister annoying me that caused my apprehension. But I dared not say the true reason to my mom. That my firecracker of a sister had inadvertently been teasing me into a frenzy all night, and the thought of sharing a bed with her was threatening to push me over the edge of horned up insanity.

I climbed up the ladder into the loft. Immediately I was met with a blast of hotter air, hanging in the upper parts of the cabin. That might be an issue, I thought. The door to the second bedroom was slightly ajar, so I pushed it open and let myself in.

It was a nice little room. The ceiling was the highlight. In the middle of it was a large skylight, through which there was a treeless view into the night sky. The roof came down on the side, giving the whole room a sense of close coziness. The bed was plenty big enough for two people, a queen, and took up most of the room. Besides the bed there was also a small dresser, and another mirror against the wall. Liv had done a good job cleaning it. There were no cobwebs or stray spider friends, and she'd made the bed herself. She lay on it now, hardly looking up as I entered, scrolling through her phone.

"Ugh." She groaned. "Service sucks up here." After the shower Liv had put on an oversize shirt, and a modest pair of panties. She was swimming in the shirt, but laying as she was on her back, it was clear she didn't have a bra on.

"No big deal. I'm exhausted, I'd just tell you to turn it off." I threw my bag on the ground. I really was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to collapse into sleep. I wondered briefly if I should put on a shirt or something, but decided boxers were fine. Liv was in her underwear herself, and besides, we'd literally just showered together.

"I'm getting pretty tired too." Liv said, yawning. She threw her phone to the side and stretched out, reaching out with her legs. Her shirt rode up briefly exposing a section of tone tummy and her belly button.

"Should I just get the light?" I asked.

"Fine with me."

I reached over and flipped it off. The stars and moon were bright enough through the skylight where I could still see fairly well. I crawled into bed next to my sister. I stretched out myself, bending into the bed and hyper extending my arms and legs. I was happily surprised when Liv used that as an opportunity to cuddle up next to me. I felt her loose breast press up against me through the fabric of the shirt. She put a hand on my bare chest, right near my upper stomach and buried her head in my shoulder.

"What? My traveler brother is too tired to stay up and talk to his baby sister?" Liv spoke low into my ear. I brought my arm down from the stretch and put it around her. I felt her shirt clad back, and my fingertips briefly grazed the skin near the small of her back, exposed where the shirt had ridden up.

"Something like that," I said.

"You remember when we used to play games under the covers?" She asked. "And dad would yell at us to go to sleep?"

"And we'd pretend we already were." I smiled in the dark, and closed my eyes. "And then we'd get up all over again, and go back at it the second he left."

"We fell asleep in the weirdest positions." Liv said. "Remember that time mom found us with all the covers off both beds? We'd made a pit between them and fallen asleep under all the pillows."

"She thought someone broke in and took us." I remembered, chuckling at the memory. "Yeah, we were trouble makers."

"We still are," I heard Liv murmur, before I drifted off, comforted by the weight of her against me.


I woke up and the weight was gone. Sun streamed through the skylight. It took a second for my head to clear the sleepiness away. I hadn't slept that late, from the angle of the light shining through I could tell it was still early. I looked over. It had been a hot night, and Liv and I had disconnected at some point, seeking cooler sheet space. She lay against the wall, still sound asleep. On top of the sheets, her baggy nightshirt had ridden even farther up, exposing the entirety of her belly and one of her boobs. I stared for a bit, drinking in the sight of her perky breast and nipple as it slowly rose and fell in time with her breathing. My morning wood strained against my boxers, as I was once again reminded of my lack of ability to jack off in the last twenty four hours.

I had briefly considered waiting til everyone else was asleep, and sneaking into the bathroom to take care of myself. Two things had stopped that from happening. The first being how tired I had been, the second being Liv cuddling up against me. I had been so comfortable, the thought of getting up in the middle of the night to climb a creaky ladder in the dark had sounded less and less appealing, until I found myself here; Sunday morning with a raging boner. My view of Liv's partial nudity wasn't helping either. I supposed I could try the bathroom play now.

I pulled myself out of bed, and left the room, walking as quietly as I could to the ladder. There was nothing I could do about the creaking, and I winced as I climbed down. Our parents' room door was still closed. I let myself into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I peed first, a task easier said than done, then set about jacking off. I knelt by the toilet, and started working my cock up and down. My thoughts went straight to Liv, I couldn't help myself. I knew I shouldn't, but after the shower, and seeing her that morning, she was the only girl on my mind. Her perfect boobs... her shaved pussy...her incredible ass... I needed this badly. I thought about more than just her body. I thought about our shower going rather differently... her reaching for my cock instead of keeping herself to my back... me feeling her boobs and squeezing her ass... I was getting there... and then... creaks.

The ladder betrayed Liv, as loud as it must have been when I climbed down. I heard her coming and tried to speed up, but was immediately distracted. It only got worse when she banged on the door.

"Hurry up! I gotta pee bad!" She shouted to me, apparently unconcerned with waking up our parents.

"GIve me a minute here!" I shouted back, increasing my pace. Maybe.. Maybe..

"C'mon! I'm going to burst," she banged some more. It was no use. My cock was going soft around my hand.

"Course, now you get stage fright." I muttered to myself. Sighing I reached over and flushed, then tucked my now rapidly shrinking member away. I washed my hands and opened the door. Liv flew by me. Our dad cracked open their door, wondering what the commotion was all about. I groaned inwardly, and climbed the ladder back to me and Liv's room. It seemed like I'd have to survive another day in horny jail.


Once Olivia and I were up, our parents weren't far behind. We had a leisurely breakfast of pancakes and bacon, made special by our dad. Mom took a long morning shower, saying she could let it run cold and it'd be fine by the evening. The three of us just rolled our eyes and went over the plan for the day. I looked up the canoe place on my phone, using my shoddy service to at least make sure they were open on Sundays. It was only mid morning, but already there was a dry heat in the air. It was going to be a sweltering day. We figured we best get a move on, or it might get too hot to enjoy being out on the lake. Dad suggested we go out and pick up the canoes while waiting on mom. Liv said that was a great idea, and volunteered us, saying she needed to get ready herself.

The canoe place was five minutes down the road. They had a huge selection, when my dad asked about it the guy giving us the rental said they pretty much served all the vacation homes around the lake. Most of them were airbnb rental properties, like the cabin we were staying in. Visitors needed rentals all summer, and it saved the owners from having to take care of canoes themselves for no extra profit. My dad talked to him for a while about what a good business that was. Dads will be dads. We picked out a pair of two person canoes and loaded them up on the roof of the car. They looked ridiculous on our old ford escape, but we only needed to get them to and from the cabin.

We came back to mom and Liv waiting on the porch, sunscreen pre applied in matching sun hats. They both had on shorts over swimsuits, though my mom was in her one piece with a cover as well, while Liv sat shirtless with just her bikini top on.

"Seems you guys were working hard to get ready for us." I said jokingly.

"You know it." They chorused.

Dad and I carried the canoes down to the beach, while they watched, walking along with us and making comments about how strong we were. After we dropped the second one into the water, our mom wolf whistled suggestively at dad, who flexed his ample dad bod for her.

"You guys are gross," Liv said. She walked around next to me. It looked like our parents would take one, and me and Liv would take the other.

"You could've helped," I shot at Liv. She gave me a mischievous look.

"Why would I help when I have my hunk of a brother to do it for me?"

"To save your hunk of a brother from future back problems."

She giggled at me. "You're such a baby. Speaking of your back, you want me to do your sunscreen?"

"I was going to keep my shirt on, I don't want to burn."

"Oh shut it. You could use the sun. I'll do your back right now."

"I'm starting to think you want to see me shirtless."

"I wouldn't complain about it." She said, her lip curling a bit. "Besides, it's only fair."


"Like I haven't caught you staring at my boobs like five times since you guys got back."

I blushed. There was something about the unbuttoned shorts, through which I could see the red bikini bottoms, and the rest of my sister's slender body, her skin glistening from sweat and suntan lotion, that was repeatedly grabbing my attention.


"Shirt off." She commanded knowingly, hand on her hip. I took it off. Liv took the sunscreen, sprayed some into her hands and motioned for me to spin. I did, and she slapped my back, lathering me up.

"Get out here slow pokes!" Our dad yelled at us. He and mom had already pushed off, and were cruising out into the water, already past the floating platform.

Liv finished getting all over my back and shoulders. "All set," She said, and gave me a cheeky slap on the ass.

I jumped slightly when she hit me, and turned to get her back, but she was already skipping into the canoe, lowering herself into the front and picking up a paddle, an innocent expression on her face.

We had been pretty active growing up, so canoeing was nothing new. It took me a second, but soon I got back into the rhythm of steering and we were cruising along after our parents. We did a rough lap around the lake, turning the natural bend into the larger section. Immediately we were met with a busy summer scene. People fishing, other canoes and kayaks, speed boats out for a spin, dragging tubers and water skiers behind them. It seemed our little section of the lake was the smallest offshoot of a much larger area. The rest of the lake was packed, and we were waving or saying 'beautiful day isn't it?' to someone new every few hundred feet. Suddenly I was thankful my dad had picked the cabin. It must have been less desirable because of its age, but the privacy of our beach made up for it. I couldn't imagine being on the main shore, surrounded by all these people all the time.

The day had promised to be hot, and it was. As it neared midday, the sun became a burning sphere in the sky, relentlessly beating down on us, especially as exposed as we were out on the water. I reapplied twice, worried about my back, and would have put my shirt back on if not for the looks Liv was giving me. Periodically she'd turn back and let her hazel eyes give me a brief scan. She wasn't even trying to be sneaky about it, and every time it gave me a warm feeling inside, and a little confidence boost. At one point we were paddling by an old couple fishing, and the man called out to us.

He started with the customary "Hot one huh?" Then after we agreed, turned to his wife. "They are such a cute young couple aren't they?"

She nodded. "I remember when we were that young. Enjoy it you two! You won't stay that attractive forever!" Then she called to Liv specifically, "Make use of it every night you can, while it still works!"

I was going to protest their characterization of us, but Liv answered first. "I plan on it!" She yelled back, leaving me speechless.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I heard the old man say to his wife as they were carried out of earshot.

"You plan on it?" I called to Liv. She didn't turn around, her only reply was her laughter, dancing in the air back toward me.

As noon came and went, the sun was fast becoming too strong. The one lap was all we managed, and even then we cut it short, turning away from the last segment to head straight back to our secluded section of water. Our parents beat us back, and by the time Liv and I were beaching up by the cabin, dad had pulled their canoe ashore and mom was inside starting on lunch.

"I need to cool off." Liv said, after we had disembarked and I'd gotten the canoe onto the sand. She slipped out of her shorts and dropped her sun hat on the sand, then waded out into the water. She moved very intentionally, and this time I didn't feel embarrassed ogling her. Her skin was already beginning to tan, and she glistened in the sun. It was all I could do to get the paddles in and my own shorts off. I waded in after her in just my boxers, and we both quickly dove into the cool water. It was bliss.

"I should spend some time in the shade." I said after our short dip. I could feel her eyes on me as I headed back toward the shore. It felt good, knowing she was looking me up and down, knowing she had seen my water logged boxers hugging close to my cock, not being shy about looking at it.

Liv followed me in, and, grabbing our discarded clothes, we walked back to the cabin. The sun was so strong there was no need for towels, and we had mostly dried off by the time we let ourselves inside. The shade was a welcome relief, and the cabin, while not cold by any stretch of the imagination lacking air conditioning as it did, was much cooler. Mom had prepared a light lunch of fresh fruit and cold sandwiches. We grazed a bit, but all four of us were spent from being out on the water. Dad laid down for a nap. Mom and Liv decided to go for a short grocery run, wanting to spend some time in air conditioning. It sounded nice, and I was going to go with them, but then realized with them gone, and dad asleep, I would have a unique and rare opportunity to be alone. I said thanks but no thanks, a siesta sounded more appealing to me. I laid down on the couch, fully planning to fake doze until they were gone, then go into Liv and I's room and finally get a nut off.


I started suddenly, still on the couch. I looked around. Liv and mom weren't back yet, and dad was still asleep. I realized I had no idea how long I'd been out for. I glanced at my phone. It was a quarter past two. The girls had left for town around one thirty. I think. Maybe a bit before. I wasn't sure. I jumped up and climbed the ladder to the loft, letting myself into the bedroom. Maybe I still had time, if I was fast. I shut the door behind me, but it didn't lock. At least I had the ladder as a warning. I had changed when we got back to the cabin, putting on different dry boxers and shorts, though I'd refrained from putting a shirt on. It was too hot to bother. I lay on the bed and pulled my bottoms down to my ankles. With the heat and perpetual horniness, it felt like my dick was permanently at eighty percent. It barely took a stroke and I was hard, my balls instantly aching for release.

I spent way too long trying to pull up porn on my phone. Service really was bad, and nothing would load. Stroking away, I resigned myself to my imagination... and there was one person who jumped to mind. Liv. I thought about us in the shower again, only this time I took the lead. I kissed her passionately, pressing our naked bodies against each other, taking both her full and firm ass cheeks into my hands. Then I turned her around, and slowly inserted myself into her... It was so wrong, I knew I shouldn't be thinking about it. But I was starved for material, and the morning canoeing had confirmed for me she was teasing me on purpose. I couldn't imagine why, maybe it was just to be a bratty little sister. But maybe not... I was getting close, I kept going... I'd fuck her hard from behind, in the lukewarm shower, she'd press both hands up against the wall...

A door opened. Bags hit the counter. "Will, come see what we got!" Liv called for me. Mom shushed her in case dad and I were still asleep. Liv said something quieter, I picked up "long enough" and that was it. Then all of a sudden the ladder was creaking.

Fuck. My cock hurt. I needed to cum so bad. I had no choice but to stop. I grabbed at my shorts and pulled them up haphazardly over my glistening dick. I tried to hide my compromising position by rolling over toward the wall... just as the door shot open and Liv bounded onto the bed.

"Wake up sleepyhead, come see what I got you." She jumped right next to me, grabbing at my arm to pull me back over.

I groaned, pretending to be groggy from sleep. I tried to prevent her from rolling me over immediately, but she was relentless, and resisting longer would just make her more suspicious.

"Wake up dumbass." Liv pulled again and I gave in, rolling to face her, fake rubbing my eyes as if I'd been napping.

"What?" I mumbled. My dick was still hard as shit. And it fucking hurt. I glanced at Liv's face between my fingers. She stared directly at my crotch, whatever she had been excited to show me momentarily forgotten. Her eyes were even a little glazed over, and her lip started to curl ever so slightly. "Why'd you wake me up?" I said clearer this time.

She snapped out of it, her smile returning. "I got us drinks. Come." She tugged at my hand and jumped off the bed, leaving the room. I looked down at what Liv had seen, and groaned again. I had failed to get my shorts all the way up. My dick was caught high in my boxers waistband, and while covered, the tip had left a massive precum wet spot. Liv had been looking directly at it. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment, despite the horny nature of my thoughts a moment ago. She must consider me the biggest horned up perv she'd ever seen. And I was her brother. And I hadn't even managed any relief. It'd been for nothing. The brief shame made my dick calm down enough for me to fix my shorts and head downstairs without anything betraying me.

The girls had gone on a shopping spree. They had food for the week, plenty of snacks, and restocked cleaning supplies and sunscreen. Liv had also bought tequila for me and her, as well as a variety of teas, lemonades, and juices to mix it with. We liked the unorthodox margaritas. Our parents drank, but preferred wine to hard liquor. Liv had woken dad up as well, who stumbled sleepy eyed out of the master bedroom to take stock of the supplies as well.

Liv made me a drink. A spicy marg with lots of ice. Our parents gave us a look but we laughed them off.

"It's vacation," Liv said.

"You're not exactly twenty one yet missy." My dad said to her.

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