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Willy Gets His Dream

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A school geek uses a hypnotist to bag his busty teacher!
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His name was William Pringle, Willy to his friends, not that he had many. Something of a loser, in his 18 years on this planet he had never done anything remarkable, in fact the spotty teenager had been something of a failure in so many ways. This was in part because everything was just too much effort and his lazy attitude had led to him being dropped back a year in his schooling. But also it was due to the fact that he wasn't very bright either in fact he had found the whole schooling process a real trial.

He never really fitted in and if things weren't bad enough Willy had also suffered more than his fair share of bullying too. This was brought on mainly because he stood out from the crowd with his unfortunate geeky appearance. Firstly he was a small weedy runt of a teenager with fair ginger hair a pasty white complexion and a face covered with puss filled spots. If that wasn't enough he had large red ears that suck out like jug handles and a protruding jaw. Unfortunately the way his jaw stuck out gave him the look of someone rather simple particularly as he had a habit of sucking his top lip in behind his bottom teeth...really not a good look.

Having said all that in his own company at least Willy was still quite happy, and with a vivid imagination to keep himself entertained he did enjoy the one thing that we know all teenage boys enjoy. He was a regular dirty little pervert and would spend much of his time alone in his room with his trusty right hand whiling away the hours. He was a born dreamer who spent most of his waking hours in a world of fantasy where every hot piece of ass he saw was his for the taking. His mind was full of thoughts of all the things he would love to do to them given half the chance. Things that might be within the realms of possibility for some more fortunate than he, but being such an ugly little geek he knew deep down he would never be one of those fortunate people. He was one destined to a lifetime wanting and wishing, a lifetime of having to rely on his vivid imagination...But then sometimes, just sometimes something can happen and fate can be surprisingly generous, even to an unfortunate soul like Willy...

It was a usual Monday morning and as always it was a real effort for Willy to get out of bed. It was the usual routine, he would take a few minutes to enjoy the erection he had taken to waking up with every day, not fully but just a few gentle comforting rubs to wake himself up before getting out of bed. He would rarely finish off his early morning riser, instead preferring to save it for later in the day when he would have time to enjoy it properly.

In the bathroom he lazily brushed his teeth giving it a few minutes to allow his stiffness time to subside before he could take a leak. As he did he looked at himself in the mirror and contemplated squeezing a few of the many spots that peppered his red acne ridden face. But instead, being basically lazy, he decided that it wasn't worth the effort as there was just too many. As his bleary eyes cleared he stared at his reflection and, with the subsiding erection still having an effect, he wondering how he was ever going to get himself a girl. Willy wasn't stupid he knew how he looked and knew nobody in their right mind would ever fancy him, certainly not anyone worth a second look anyway. But being 18 and permanently horny the weedy little runt couldn't help trying desperately to think of any possible way to get his grubby little hands on the one thing he desired but as so far eluded him, the female body. The problem for Willy was not only was he still very much a virgin, but his appearance left him lacking in confidence. This meant even simply speaking to a girl was a face reddening experience of embarrassment and so getting any further was just simply never going to happen. Not ideal for someone who seemed to spend every waking minute in a state of arousal, someone who was always on the look-out for any cock hardening piece of skirt to fuel his over-active imagination. He couldn't help lusting after girls, always imagining all sorts of fantasy scenarios that would have his cock raging in his pants. But of course all his "experiences" came only as a result of his vivid imagination the reality was he had yet to even touch a girl let alone anything else.

So poor frustrated Willy threw his clothes on, picking them up from the floor where he left them and headed of out the front door. As he lazily meandered up the road it dawned on his that it was only Monday which, despite his hatred of school, was one of his favourite days...along with Wednesdays and Fridays of course. You see these were the days that he had his English lessons, not that he was much of a fan of Shakespeare or any shit like that, oh no! The reason he loved English was his English teacher, the legendary Miss Poole! His ultimate fantasy, the one person above all others given the chance he would pick if given just one wish. His dirty little cock would stiffen at the mere mention of her name. Never a day went by when the horny little 18 year old didn't find himself enjoying some fantasy or other involving her. Alone in the darkness of his sweaty bedroom it was her that he would turn to when he felt the need to quickly empty his aching balls. She was the one person always guaranteed to have him shooting his load all over his sheets within a very short space of time.

He found out some time ago from a popular social networking site that Miss Poole was 26 and although in a relationship she was not married. With the privacy levels of her page set so high he couldn't really see much else, except her profile picture of course, and that was one picture he had used countless times to relieve his long suffering frustration.

It had to be just about impossible for a man to be in the same room as her and not get at least a semi, if not a full blown hard-on. She was stunningly beautiful with dark wavy hair bright green eyes and a body that would have men of all ages tripping over their tongues. She was blessed with the sort of curves that were impossible for anybody not to notice, and she definitely knew it. Why else would she always wear such sexy figure hugging clothes. She often wore short tight skirts that she must have had to wrestle her phenomenal ass into every morning, and tops stretched to the limits by what Willy considered to be probably the biggest most incredible knockers he had ever personally laid eyes on.

Always wearing killer stilettos she would stand a few inches taller than Willy, not that she's tall, it's more down to him being a short arsed little runt. In his dreams he often imagined her for whatever reason giving him a friendly hug if maybe he was upset or something. He would of course imagine himself hugging her back causing those great big knockers of hers to squash against him so much that they would bulge up against his chin. Perhaps she wouldn't notice if he reached around her waist and his sweaty little hands just happened to slip down onto that incredible fucking ass of hers too. It was an amazing thought and one that would almost have the dirty little shit spunking in his pants! Oh well, a boy can dream, and to be honest that was all he had. But he didn't mind, he loved Miss Poole and being around her gave him all the fuel he needed to while away many hours of solitary fun!

Willy would arrive at all his lessons as usual unprepared and half asleep, except of course his English lessons. On this day as always he was fully prepared and wide awake as he entered the classroom and caught his first excited glimpse of Miss Poole. He sees she has her back to the class as she writes on the board. To be honest he was momentarily disappointed to see she had chosen that day to wear trousers instead of one of her usual short skirts. Willy's disappointment is brief however, as he take his seat he's transfixed by the way her ridiculously cheeky ass fills them out, they're so tight it's as if they've been sprayed onto her.

Almost instantly he can feel his pants tighten and his cock stiffen as he already found himself imagining the pleasure of what it must be like to place his sweaty hands on that most untouchable vision of horniness. He studies her ass intently as she continues to write on the board it's teasing wiggle restricted only by the tightness of her trousers. Unable to take his eyes off it the spotty little pervert is rewarded with a good few minutes of uninterrupted lust fuelling pleasure. He can hear his other classmates around him but pays no attention. Every minute detail is logged in his memory, that steep sloping curve from her slender waist to the perfectly rounded hand sized globes of her cheeks snugly held in those tight trousers, all of it memorised for recalling later.

"Right!" She says aloud as she turns to face the class. The geeky little pervert just sits there in dumbstruck awe as he takes the opportunity for a first look of the day at her bountiful chest. She continues to address the class but he can hear nothing, all his senses are focused on Miss Poole's cream blouse and more importantly those phenomenally huge tits contained within. Instantly the spotty little creep feels his cock throb as his eyes focus on those massive jugs, such is the effect the busty teacher has on him. He can even make out the faint lace pattern of her bra through the fine cream material, oh my God! He thinks, what a mouth-watering sight! All Willy can do is watch as she begins to slowly make her way around the class every sexually charged step increasing his state of arousal. She hands out books for everyone to read, it's as much as poor frustrated Willy can do to control himself as he waits for that incredible moment when she gets to him.

As she moves up and down the class between the desks he hears her voice and senses she is approaching him from behind. Then it happens. With a thud the heavy book lands right under his nose on the desk in front of him. He forces a polite yet awkward smile but doesn't look up as she carries on by seemingly oblivious to the fact that he's even there. With her perfume wafting over him she slowly walks by, this is his chance, he has to look regardless of whether anyone sees him or not. Glancing up his eyes are in line with the tops of her thighs, those trousers stretched so tightly around them as she strides forward. Her curvaceous hips are just inches away easily within his reach, his leg begins to tremble as he locks his gaze on that gorgeous ass at close quarters. It's right there, the realisation of all his dirty fantasies and lust filled dreams literally there right before his eyes. The urge to just reach out and touch it is almost overwhelming. He can only imagine how it would be to feel those gorgeous firm cheeks, to have them filling his palms as he gently squeezes them! With the blood pumping loudly through his head he gulps back the saliva that's forming in his mouth. Subtly he drops a hand in his lap to adjust his increasingly uncomfortable pants to make room for his ever stiffening erection...God if only she knew!

Suddenly his daydream comes to an abrupt end as she walks up to the front of the class and tells everyone to open the book and start reading the first chapter. He honestly tries, but with the object of all his lust fuelled teenage fantasies standing 10 feet away what can he do? She instructs random members of the class to read a section. Willy notices her head is down and she is reading the book too, this gives him ample opportunity to admire her once more.

With his hand still in his lap the little pervert gives his now pulsating hard-on a squeeze as he furtively glances up from the book at the incredible Miss Poole. He can't help but notice the way her trousers are pulled so tightly at the front from between her legs. The way they cling so snuggly to her pussy makes his mouth water once more as he is sure he can see its outline. Again his imagination takes over and he pictures himself crouching down before her and pushing his face into it. Nuzzling it with his nose he imagines extending his tongue between her legs and licking it through the fabric of those tightly stretched trousers.

He's now as hard as a rock when suddenly she calls out the name of someone else to read the next part and he quickly diverts his gaze back down to the pages he's supposed to be reading. Within seconds he looks up once more, she is still closely following what is being read out. She has lowered the book slightly and he finally now has an unhindered view of what he undoubtedly considers her best feature, those spectacular tits!

Willy takes his time as his eyes slowly roam over every inch of them taking in every perfectly formed detail of the outstandingly huge pair. He spots the buttons of her blouse pulling slightly as they always do. What he wouldn't give for just one touch. He can see the fine detail of what appears to be a white lace half-cup bra through the flimsy over stretched blouse. He can't resist giving his cock a subtle rub through his trousers, not too much though he knows he could easily lose control and shoot his load in his pants.

Having never been lucky enough to touch a woman's breasts regardless of size, he tries to imagine what they would feel like in his hands. He can easily see they are firm from the way they stand out proudly before her like two magnificent over-ripe water melons. What he wouldn't give to just grab and squeeze them, taking their huge weight in his hands as he maul's them all over...

"William Pringle!"

"Uh? W...what?" He was suddenly brought back to earth by the sound of his name being shouted across the classroom.

"William! Are you with us?" It was Miss Poole!

"Erm, y...yes miss," he nervously replied.

"Your turn!"

"Oh, I, er, w...where are, um..." Willy panicked as he flicked through the pages of the book trying to figure out where they were up to.

"Page 6 second paragraph," she sighed as if annoyed with him.

He felt terrible, he didn't want her to be annoyed with him, such was his feelings for her. He desperately wanted her to be happy with him, even like him, even if just a bit. Soon he found the right place and with his daydreaming over for now he began to read.

His dreary monotone voice clearly made an already boring book sound even more so. As he read he tried to think if he had been staring at her when she called his name? Would she have seen him looking? What must she think if she had? The truth was he couldn't really be sure either way, perhaps she had perhaps she hadn't. If she had then hopefully she was be so used to being constantly ogled that she thought nothing of it.

The truth was of course she was used to it. She knew only too well how she looked and the effect she had on guys of all ages. She loved to make the most of her hour-glass figure and loved the admiring glances she got from men. What she didn't like was the ogling stares of dirty little perverts that quite frankly weren't fit to lick her shoes let alone anything else...dirty little perverts like Willy for example. For the most part she ignored his lecherous stare although she was fully aware of it. All she saw was a sad and pathetic little creep with a spot encrusted face greasy hair and the annoying habit of constantly fiddling with himself. She knew deep down she was probably the fantasy figure for a lot of the lads and she didn't mind if they at least had the decency to not make it too obvious. The trouble was Willy made it very obvious and it wasn't appreciated at all. The fact that he was an ugly kid with big ears and that deformed retarded looking jaw wasn't her reason for taking a dislike to him. It was because he was lazy and unhygienic, his breath was foul so he clearly didn't brush his teeth, his clothes always looked grubby especially the suspicious looking stains down his trousers, and his spotty complexion and greasy hair could all be so easily rectified if he only took a little care of himself. The way she saw it the closest a piece of low life pond scum like him was ever likely to get to someone like her was jerking his little dick off over pictures on the internet...The thing is she was pretty much spot on.

Still he struggled uncomfortably on as he continued to read from the book out loud, but soon it was someone else's turn to read and Willy's pain of the embarrassment was at last over. He looked up only to find the gorgeous Miss Poole seated behind her desk with the book held up in front of her, it seemed his lustful gazing over her body was over for now as soon after the lesson came to an end.

Of course the spotty faced 18 year old with a one track mind was now left feeling horny for the rest of the day. Needless to say as soon as he got home he took himself off to his room lay on his bed and with his eyes closed recounted what he had seen earlier that day. He recalled every detailed curve and outline of the luscious Miss Poole, the tightness of those trousers stretched across her cheeky bum, her slender toned waist, and of course the shirt stretching size of those gorgeous big knockers. It didn't take more than a minute or two before at long last the sex starved little pervert had emptied the contents of his balls leaving his right hand and stomach literally covered in a sea of hot thick cum.

Of course being the dirty little sod he was it wasn't long before he had to take care of himself again, only this time he was able to last longer and have time to tease and play with himself for maximum enjoyment. He would often bring himself to the brink before easing back so as to not cum too soon making his cock so unbelievably stiff as he gently teased it. Of course it wouldn't be too long before his pace started to quicken and with images of his busty English teacher racing around his head he would soon deposit yet another impressive load of spunk all over himself. This is something Willy would often repeat several times a night such was the spotty little geeks unquenchable lust for Miss Poole, if only she knew...

The following day was going to always be uneventful as he had no English lessons and so no reason to see the object of his fantasies. At lunchtime being a bit of a loner Willy took himself off to the library to hide behind a book for some quiet shut-eye before the drudgery of the afternoon lessons. He had been there about ten minutes when he heard a voice he instantly recognised, it was Miss Poole! Carefully he peered over the book he was hiding behind and saw her talking to an older man who had been waiting there since before Willy came in who he hadn't seen before.

Carefully he listened and could just about hear what she was saying as he watched her extend a handshake to the strange older man. "We can use the deputy heads office," she said as the old man got to his feet and began to follow her as she lead the way out of the library. Obviously curious Willy decided to follow them off down the corridor. As he did he couldn't help admiring that sexy ass of hers in the tight pencil skirt she was wearing that day. The material stretching movement of those gloriously rounded cheeks had him thrusting a hand in his pocket for a sly fiddle with his slowly wakening cock. At the same time I tried to listen to what they were saying as he followed them to the office. From what he could hear it seemed he had come to see her in her lunch hour and was something to do with helping her give up smoking, but that's all he could gather.

He had no idea that Miss Poole had started a few weeks ago using the services of a hypnotherapist to help her quit her smoking habit. She never smoked a great deal, just a couple a day but she still struggled to pack it in completely, and so she decided this may be a way. She found it hard working the appointments around her busy work schedule and so it seemed to be easier to have him come to see her in her lunch hour, something that he didn't seem to mind.


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