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Winning Big

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A sexy Japanese daddy gives Alex the ride of his life.
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It was 2am in the morning on a Friday and I was bored out of my mind.

Still, this is better then listening to my Mum and Dad argue with each other all the time. I'm just glad she's finally moved out. I love her, but she never really looked at me the same way after I came out. Well, I didn't come out, so much as I was caught with another naked teenage boy in my bed. Hoo, boy was that awkward!

There was a lot of angry and disappointed yelling, but since she was divorcing Dad anyway, Mum had no problem moving out. I still loved her, but it was clear that she didn't feel the same, not while her only son was a

"Cocksucking sissy faggot."

Maternal instinct, my arse. Well, Dad certainly gave her an earful after that. It made me smile, thinking about that particular argument. It was nice to know that, at least one of my parents loved me unconditionally.

A boisterous, muffled shout from upstairs interrupted my reverie. Dad had a couple of his friends from his construction job over for a poker night. I had the door leading out of the basement shut, but as one might expect from having several drunk guys in a room together, some noise was going to come through. Dad offered to buy me in, but I declined. Not because I was a lousy player-in fact I was better than him-but well... Dad's choice in friends consisted of big, bulging beefcakes ranging in age from late forties to early fifties like Him.

Basically, the type of guy that makes my whole body turn to jelly, with the exception of a few choice inches.

Another shout. Sounds like someone just won big.

I turned up the tv volume to drown out the yelling. The soundproofing of this basement was terrible. I wasn't even watching the asinine drama it was showing, but I'd already exhausted all the trashy romances I had on my Kindle, so this was the only entertainment I had.

Suddenly, the noise from upstairs became louder. Someone was coming down. I looked back at the staircase to see who my new guest is. The aged wood creaks loudly with each step and as he turned the corner, I see I'm being joined by One of my Dad's friends, Mikio.

Mikio was something of an outlier in the group. He was 41 years old and had moved to town about ten years ago from Japan, apparently leaving an ex-wife and estranged family behind him. He was very quiet, polite and bookish, in stark contrast to the breast loving, pieces of meat upstairs.

Piece of meat is probably how I'd describe Mikio if I wanted to be nasty. Dad is pushing 6 foot 3 and Mikio stands nearly half a head over him. His shoulders are that broad that he probably has to sidestep through narrower door frames. He works construction, so he's built like a brick shithouse, his skin a lovely shade of golden caramel and arms and legs thick as tree trunks. But he's also a lousy cook, so he mostly sustains himself with junk food, which has coated his powerful muscles in a layer of fat which... Well I'll just say it, he's fucking sexy as fuck! The stained grey tank top and faded jeans he was wearing didn't do much to hide his impressive physique.

His face is also quite nice to look at too. He had wide set, almond shaped, mahogany brown eyes complete with big bushy black caterpillar brows, a wide slightly hooked nose, puffy pinch-able cheeks, full dark pink lips framed by a ring of black hair, covering his small rounded chin. His beard and eyebrows were the only hair on his head, as he kept the rest clean shaved. In a way, he reminded me of a Buddha statue, only sexier.

"Let me guess: Dad cleaned you out?"

I asked, in a vain attempt to distract myself from Mikio's glorious body. He nodded, with his ever present smile.

"Yes." He replied, plopping down next to me on the lounge with a long, tired sigh. I smiled sympathetically at him.

"Ah don't worry. Dad's been swindling people since either of us were born." I remarked. He chuckled, a deep one from his gut that seemed to make the whole lounge vibrate.

"I would believe that." He said. Even after ten years here, he still had a hint of an accent, particularly when pronouncing his L's. Like I said before, Mikio was quiet, but when he spoke, he was well worth listening to.

"He would make a killing in Vegas."

Mikio muttered, as he stretched his thick arms above his head, giving me a nice view of his sparsely haired pits and part of his barrel chest. I heard a pop as he stretched and settled his right arm on the back of the lounge behind me.

I fidgeted a little.

I wasn't scared of Mikio, he was the very definition of gentle giant. It was just... Having the subject of many of my jacking off fantasies sitting so close to me was having an effect on my loins. The heady scent of tobacco and sweat emanating from him wasn't helping either. Thankfully, Mikio seemed too absorbed in the B-grade melodrama on the TV to notice the sudden peak in my cargos.

I jumped as he loudly cleared his throat.

"One of the guys suggested playing strip poker."

I swallowed. Yeah, that didn't help my erection.

"I-Is that right?" I stuttered out. Dammit, use your words Alex, use your words.

"Yes. Some of them seemed to like the idea." Mikio continued. Fuck, why did he have to chose this topic of conversation!?

"Stripping off in front of each other... Right down to nothing... Sweat rolling off their skin..."

Fuck, shut up, please!

"So how long are you going to hide your boner from me?"

Dammit, I so need to jack off now-wait, what? I looked up at Mikio in surprise. He was still smiling, but the look in his eyes had changed from their usual friendly spark to something... Different.

"Er... Um... I-I can explain-"

"You're gay, yes?"

Mikio suddenly asked. I flinched, as if someone had punched me in the gut. There was no malice in his voice, just curiosity. But it still scared the hell out of me. Dad didn't care about my taste in partners, but I doubt his buddies would feel the same. I still felt his gaze on me as I stared-unintentionally, I'll add-at Mikio's rather sizeable bulge. After an eternity, I simply nodded. I couldn't lie now, could I?

"Ah. I thought so." Was Mikio's response. I risked a look back up.

He was still smiling, though he was looking back at the TV.

"S-so... What now?" I asked, not really knowing what else to say. Mikio shrugged. "Nothing." He replied.

A moment of painfully uncomfortable silence passed between us. When...

"Want to suck my dick?"

My jaw hit the floor. He asked it so casually, as if he were commenting on the weather. Just... What?!

I was still sputtering for an answer when he decided for me, it seemed. He unzipped his fly with his meaty fingers and reached in, rummaging around a little.

"Look, Mikio I... I..."

I had forgotten what I was going to say, as he finally fished out his manhood. Ho. Ly. Shit.

He was going commando, so it was just laying there, on top of a pair of ample plum sized balls. I'm 18 and I've already seen my share of dicks but I can safely say that this was the biggest fucking cock I'd ever seen!

It was huge. I can't think of any other word to describe it. And it was getting bigger. In my periphery, I could see Mikio had returned his gaze to me, his smile decidedly more erotic. I couldn't help it, I reached over and grasped it in my hand. It was nearly scorching hot and I could feel the pulses as blood fed into it, slowly growing in size. Mikio sighed quietly in pleasure as I gave it a gentle squeeze.

I watched with silent fascination and lust as his dick continued to balloon. Seven inches. Eight inches. Nine inches. Finally the growth seemed to halt at a whopping 10 inches. I reiterate: ho. Ly. Shit!

It was hot and heavy in my grasp, the foreskin, a shade darker than the rest of his body and retracted back to about halfway down the bright pink head, a clear bead of pre forming in the slit. It was completely straight, which was a rare sight in bigger cocks and nearly as thick as a beer can, my thumb and middle finger just barely touching around the circumference.

"What do you think?"

Mikio asked, interrupting my gawking. I gazed back at him with reverence.

"It's fucking huge." I uttered. To my surprise, he looked away and blushed.

"I-It's not that big..." He mumbled. I blinked. Surely he had to know he was at least above average? I mean, Christ he was married at one point. He still seemed insecure, so I decided he needed a little encouragement. I leaned forward, placing half of my body weight on his hips so he couldn't thrust up and slid my mouth down his shaft as far as I could go. Mikio groaned and tilted his head back, eyes closing in bliss. You think he felt good, I was in fucking heaven!

The taste of his salty pre, the texture of his skin as flicked and rolled my tongue along the underside of his length, I couldn't get enough. I tightened my lips as much as I could and began to bob my head. Mikio sighed and muttered something in Japanese, placing his hand on my shoulder and rubbing my neck with his thumb, encouraging me to go on. With each dive, I got a little closer to the bottom and I was determined to get this whole monster down my throat. I withdrew until only the head remained in my lips, gave a few sharp licks to the piss slit, making him shiver and plunged back down. I felt those thick inches press into my throat, my gag reflex nearly impossible to resist under the strain, but I pushed on. I reached passed the halfway point and tears began to form in my eyes. I struggled to get as much breath as I could through my nose as the spongy head slipped further and further down my oesophagus. Finally I was able to bury my nose in the thick, wiry black hair at the base of his cock.

Mikio gave his loudest groan yet as I breathed in more of that intense smell of sweat, tobacco and manliness that was strongest in his crotch. Suddenly, I felt a hand get a tight grasp of my hair, pull my head roughly back up and slam me back down to the base again. I gagged as Mikio ruthlessly used my mouth like a fleshlight, using both his hands now to keep a firm grip on my hair, his ample balls slapping my chin with every descent. It was all I could do to keep my teeth behind my lips to keep from giving him some nasty scars. My throat was going raw and my vision was almost completely obscured by tears of strain. Finally, I'd had all I could take and slapped his thigh a few times to signal him. Mikio let go of me and I sprang off that cock and coughed my guts up, struggling for air.

"Hah... Hah... F-Fuck..."

"Ah... G-gomenasai..."

Mikio muttered, his breath almost as ragged as mine.

"Mmh... You're very good at that."

Despite everything, I blushed, harder than in already was anyway. One thing cocksuckers love more than cock is getting praise for their Cocksucking, and I was no different.


Mikio ruffled my hair, his eyes half lidded from lust.

"That was wonderful. You deserve a reward."

I just gazed at him, knowing exactly what he had in mind. In my own mind, there were some concerns about size limitation, but right now my dick was doing all my thinking for me. Speaking of which, I'd better lose my pants before my dick gets a permanent zipper motif.

I stood up and lost my cargo pants and boxers in record time, tossing them on top of the TV. Mikio rose up as well, looking with approval at my own painfully turgid uncircumcised length. He took me by the shoulders and guided me, laying me down on the lounge, legs bent, knees spread. He lay down on his doughy stomach between my legs and took hold of my member. I shivered, spasmed and moaned as he firmly kneaded it expertly, stirring his index finger around under my foreskin and pressing his thumb into the underside of the head, coaxing out a few drops of pre.

I hissed through my teeth as he slowly, but surely traced a path with his tongue from the tip of my cock, down the underside, over my balls, across my taint and finally stopping at my hole, which he proceeded to tease relentlessly with the tip of his tongue. My thrashing and moaning was at an all time high and I was all but certain that Dad and his friends could hear me upstairs. All I could do was grit my teeth and watch, as Mikio closed his eyes and licked, suckled and teased my arse with a skill that no truly straight man should have.

He reached back into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a little bottle of hand lotion. Without stopping his oral treatment, Mikio flicked open the cap and squeezed some lotion onto his fingers. Despite it being in my best interest not to, I tensed up in anticipation. Mikio noticed and relented for a moment to look up at me.

"Relax. Just tell me if it hurts, alright?"

He whispered. His baritone voice soothed my nerves somewhat and I started to relax. I did my best to keep it that way when he brought one lubed up finger to my entrance and firmly pressed until it popped in up to the first knuckle.

I winced at the uncomfortable feeling, but I endured. I had to. His index finger wasn't even a tenth of the thickness of his cock. Mikio waited a moment for me to adapt to the feeling and then pushed his finger in further. He grinned devilishly.

"Tight." Was all he said.

He wiggled his finger around, trying his best to loosen me up. I yelped, honest to god, I yelped when he jackhammered his fingertip against my prostate. Strings of pre spewed forth onto my belly for every jab against my little love button. I was almost close to cumming when he stopped and began to push in another finger.

I bit my lip hard as his middle finger went in to the last knuckle and then both finger began a scissoring motion, brushing my prostate with every upstroke. My poor teenage body was being overwhelmed. I never even dreamed I'd be in this position, with Sexiness personified waggling his sausage like fingers inside me, prepping my hole for a much, MUCH bigger invader.

I was on cloud nine!

Finally, Mikio withdrew his fingers, thinking me suitably ready for his monstrous girth. I watched with glee as he flicked open the lotion bottle and emptied nearly all it's contents onto his dick, spreading it around with an upward look and a sigh.

He tossed the now empty bottle aside and shuffled forward on his knees, his shiny dick swinging in a lazy arc left and right, leaving my mesmerised. He grabbed my ankles and pushed them up, driving my knees into my chest. I dutifully took hold of my legs, keeping them out of the way and leaving my hole exposed to him.

Mikio grasped the base of his manhood with one hand and spread my cheeks with the other. He positioned the tip of his dick at my entrance, both of us shivering from the contact. Mikio smiled at me one more time.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded frantically.

He chuckled again and with a needful gleam in his eyes, he began to push. I hissed through my teeth as the head popped past the ring. Mikio's eyes rolled back in his head as he groaned. After letting me adjust for a moment, he resumed a slow but gentle thrust inwards. I shivered as I felt inch after hot thick inch spread my hole open impossibly wide. The pain was there of course, but it was dull, drowned out by the overwhelming pleasure of being split open by a hot Japanese daddy's thick dick.

I heard a high pitched whine and I realised it was me, as I finally felt the wispy tickle of Mikio's pubes on my balls as he finally bottomed out. I panted like a dog and clamped down on the thick intruder in my rectum. Mikio hissed in approval, giving me no warning but a cheeky grin as he grabbed my hips hard enough to bruise the skin, retreated back until only the tip of his cock remained inside and slammed back in with a smack of his hips on my cheeks.

I screamed.

The pain was sharp, but the pleasure sharper, as Mikio's bulk pressed right up against my prostate, driving me closer than ever to the edge. He chuckled again.

"Hold on tight." He grunted out before repeating the process again. And again. And again, until he built up a steady rhythm, his Hearty balls slapping my arse with a loud smack each time. I couldn't help the screams of bliss that bubbled out of my throat. There was no point in staying quiet now, everyone upstairs had to have heard my first scream. And I didn't care.

Mikio, for his part, seemed equally please, as he grunted with each thrust in, revelling in the feeling of my passage constricting around him. My stomach was near soaked with my pre as Mikio pounded me with all the strength and power of a battering ram, beads of sweat forming on his brow as went about his work, his face clenched in pleasure.

"Ahhh...! Mmmh... Fuck...! M-Mikio!"

"Mmmf... Nnng... Hahh... Alex..."

I don't know how long we've been at it, but it feels like hours. Sweet, blissful hours. My shirt was now completely soaked through with sweat. Mikio released my hips and full on tore my shirt away from my body with a loud tearing sound and flung it's tattered remains away. He himself had disposed of his own tank top a few minutes ago, leaving his broad pecs, coffee coloured nipples and soft but powerful abs exposed to me. I let go of my legs, letting them rest on Mikio's bountiful shoulders, reached forward and ran my hands across his sweat soaked skin. He moaned in approval as I harshly tweaked his nipples, thrusting into me harder than before.

But every performance has a climax, and I was rapidly reaching mine. I moaned louder and Mikio took that as his cue to finish things up. He started pumping faster, my poor cheeks red from slapped by his hips so hard. He changed his angle and hit my prostate even harder than he did before and I was loving every second of it. It was agony. Pure, sweet, blissful agony as the point of no return cane closer and closer...

Until finally the dam broke.

"Ahhn... F-Fuck... I'm gonna... G-Gonna... Ahh... FUUUCK!"

Stars danced in front of my eyes as I came harder than I ever had in my entire life! My dick exploded forth stream after sticky stream of cum, flying straight over my head, hitting the wall behind me, coating my face, my chest and belly. My teeth hurt, I was gritting them so hard as my orgasm at last seemed to peter out as Mikio continued to pound away faster and faster until...

"Mmmf... Ahh... NNNGAAH!"

Mikio shouted to the heavens as he emptied himself into my bowels, still thrusting erratically, his cum slipping out of me, there was so much, creating a slick squelching sound as his thrusts eventually died down and he braced himself against me, his breath ragged.

"Hahh... Hahh... Sugee..."

"Mmh... You can say that again."

Mikio chuckled weakly, withdrawing his now softening length from my insides. I winced at the odd feeling as he withdrew completely, leaving me gaping and dripping his seed onto the lounge. Mikio moved back, allowing me to put my legs back down. He shifted back after I'd straightened out and lay next to me, twirling a lock of my sweat slicked hair between his fingers.

"So... I assumed you enjoyed that?"

I gestured to my cum splattered front.

"Do you even need... To ask..."

I couldn't finish my sentence without yawning. I was suddenly exhausted, I just couldn't keep my eyes open. The last thing I felt before falling asleep was Mikio's lips brushing my forehead...

The distant sound of birdsong was what woke me up. I always was a light sleeper. I felt a soothing warmth next to me. I opened my eyes fully to find a half clothed Mikio napping peacefully next to me, snoring quietly. I grinned at the memory of what had transpired a few hours ago. I sincerely hoped that Mikio would want to do this again.

It was then that I heard a cough.

I glanced up to find my Dad looking down at me with a knowing grin. Before I could say this isn't what it looks like, Dad just raised a hand, asking me to be quiet.

"You and Mikio are paying to have that lounge cleaned."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Can you make a part 2? This was amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Great story. An older Japanese guy took me to a bath house in Nagasaki. I was working there for a month. We were bathed and scrubbed by women , served saki, warm, very good quality, I felt very light headed, massaged in the same room by two ladies, he said something to them and they left the room. An older lady came back, massaged my head and back then told me to turn over. I did, she massaged my chest then my legs lifting my towel, my cock was hard, I heard its ok, let her and looked over, he was with an older lady too who was doing the same thing. Oil was being poured on my cock and it ran down onto my buttocks, where she lightly massaged me, I looked over at him, his cock was standing straight up, long and thin, again he said something and the women left. He moved over to my table, said I hope you do not object and began stroking my cock,,he stopped, pulled me forward so I was right at the end of the table and continued stroking me. He then lifted my legs onto his shoulders, I felt his cock against my anus, continuing to stroke me, he slowly entered my relaxed body, I felt his long cock part my insides and he began fucking me, still stroking my cock, his hard cock guiding over my prostate, he took his hand away as my cum arced into the air causing his cum to enter me, I could feel his pulses and the warmth deep in me. When he finished he pulled back, and told me to follow him where we were washed down by two ladies again. A great experience for me.

SamCartierSamCartierover 9 years ago

Rock hard here. Wow


aclassyladyaclassyladyover 9 years ago
wonderful story

I takes a fantastic writer to have a wonderful story like this one. Keep writing!!!! Would like to see more of this story. See what happens next for the two.

SuthrnlvrSuthrnlvrover 9 years ago

Awesome story, got me rock hard and wet. 5 Stars

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