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With the Help of a Caring Woman


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Neither of them was sure how long they stayed like that and when they slowly returned to reality neither was in a hurry to pull from each others embrace. It wasn't until Phillip's now flaccid cock slid from her pussy that they pulled apart and Jan quickly slid a pillow under her hips.

When he gave her a questioning look, she answered. "It helps keep your cum in me."

Smiling, he rolled on his back and slid his arm under her head, nestling her against him. "I like the sound of that," he said as he gently began to stroke her arm and shoulder.

Feeling relaxed and temporarily stated he whispered, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," a pensive tone in her voice.

"When this all started you said that you'd see me at work. I looked for you, oh boy did I look for you, yet I never saw you. Do you actually work at the firm?"

Relieved by his question, she answered, "I guess the answer to that is "Yes" and "No". I'm a consultant in the graphics department so I'm in and out all the time but usually I work from home."

"Ahhhh," he replied. Then after a few moments he asked, "What did you mean when you said you'd fallen for me?"

This was the question she had most dreaded and so she hesitated before answering "Simply that I've fallen for you as in I've fallen IN LOVE with you."

A smile filled his face as he responded. "I'm glad to know I'm not the only one."

Her face filled with a look of relief and hope for the future as she rolled on her side. Propping her head in her hand, she looked down at him and replied, "Me too," before kissing him.

Wrapping her in his arms, he drew her close and held her there even after their kiss had ended.

She nestled her head on his shoulder and sighed contently.

Then suddenly, he asked. "Who is JES?"

Laughing she answered, "That's me, silly. Janet Elizabeth Stone."

"Phew," he sighed. When I saw that on your first note I thought ..."

"You thought, what? That I was Jessica come back from the dead?" she teased.

Flustered he muttered, "Well, I ... ummmm ... I don't know. I just ..."

Teasing, she sat up higher, "Well does this LOOK like the body of a dead woman?" Then without waiting for an answer she grabbed his hand and brought it to her breast, "And does this FEEL like the body of a dead woman? Or how about this?" she continued as she pushed his hand between her thighs into the warm, wetness of her pussy.

Laughing, he rolled her over and quickly replaced his hand with his cock. "Nope, guess not," he snickered as he slowly pushed his newly hardened length into her.

When the sun rose the next morning, it found them wrapped in each other's arms. They had slept and made love and slept and made love again before exhaustion finally overtook them.

Now, intertwined with her leg over his hip and her head on his shoulder, they couldn't have felt closer yet there was still something he needed to ask.

"I know this is going to sound crazy but I want us to be a family in all senses of the word and that includes your son."

Shifting, she looked up at him. "What about my son?"

"Well, you left so soon after my dad's death that I never really had a chance to get to know him or anything about him. If I figured it right he should be about two years old now, right?"

"Yep, in fact, he'll be two next month."

"Now this is going to sound even crazier but I don't even know his name."

"I named him Joshua, though I call him Josh, after your father and of course he has the same last name."

"Ok, does he have a middle name?"

Whispering, she answered, "His middle name is Phillip."

A grin covered his face as he looked at her. "I don't think there should be much of a problem then, do you?"

"No, I guess there shouldn't," she replied. "Now I have a question."

"Ok. What's that?"

"What should we name our first baby?"

Curious he asked, "What do you mean?"

"I knew the instant your father got me pregnant with Joshua and I'm already getting those same feelings though they're a little different, so maybe this will be a girl."

Before he even thought about it he looked at her and asked, "Would you mind if we named her Jessica?"

Snuggling against him, she answered, "Not at all."


Sure enough, Jan was pregnant and nine months and seventeen days later, little Jessica was born. In the mean time, Phillip and Jan got married in a quaint little ceremony to make an 'honest woman' of her. Fortunately, the Justice-of-the-Peace barely raised an eyebrow when he noticed that their last names were the same.

Afterwards, life seemed to settle down, more or less. Joshua and Phillip quickly bonded and he was soon calling him "Daddy" while baby Jessica filled their lives in ways that only a baby could.

Then one evening, Jan walked into the living room and sat down on his lap.

Phillip knew that either this was the start of a fabulous evening of love making or the prelude to one of those in-depth talks.

"We need to talk," she said.

"So much for making love," he thought. "Ok, what's up?"

"Do you recognize this?" she asked, holding up a beautiful gold chain with a small ruby pendant.

Instantly he recognized it as his dead wife's favorite necklace. "Ya, that was Jess's."

"I found it on the baby's crib. Did you put it there? I don't mind if you did but it can be dangerous if little Jess put it in her mouth."

A far-away look covered his face as he seemed to see the Jess's shadow glide across the room. "Nope, wasn't me. Maybe Jess is looking over her namesake."

Leaning closer, Jan whispered. "I hope she doesn't watch too much because I can feel that bulge in the front of your pants growing and I have just the thing to take care of that." Then jumping from his lap she walked down the hallway towards their bedroom only stopping long enough to give him one of her 'come-hither' looks.

Getting up, he began to follow but once again noticed Jess's shadow, this time gliding into baby Jessica's room. Standing there, he suddenly realized that none of this would have been his without the help of a caring woman ... or maybe two.


On an unrelated note I'd like to thank all of me readers for their continuous support and e-mails. Recent events have kept me from writing and posting more often but I hope to have a few new or revised stories for you in the near future.


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JobewonJobewon4 months ago

I just found this and it is a Fantastic story. Thank you for sharing, as it is now one of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Grim coincidences, yet they build something from it, with love.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So few comments in 7 years. Please don't fail to read this wonder story of love and romance.

If you are reading comments before reading, read no further





There is no incest, just a beautiful story of love and compassion.

Nekomusume_DaisukiNekomusume_Daisukiover 1 year ago

This was an awesome story. The parts with sex were steamy, but the rest story is what they like to call a tear-jerker... Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent story. Your explanation of "why" was just right. Thanks for sharing your talents!


WolfenherzWolfenherzabout 2 years ago

Thank you for this story, loved it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very nice story. Thanks!

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(2/9/2022) This was an enjoyable read. The ending with Jessica's spirit giving her approval and encouragement was a nice touch. 5 stars.

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 3 years ago

Nice story. Grim subject handled very nicely, 5/5. Looking forward to more!

Diecast1Diecast1about 3 years ago

A very good story . It deserves 5 stars but it is not quite there. AAAA+++++

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
great love story

This tender and gentle story is much more of a Romance than it is an Erotic Couplings story; its tenderness and romantic atmosphere pervade the plot through out. Five stars.

SirCarlSirCarlalmost 6 years ago
Very Good!

Very well thought out, written, and presented.

TSreaderTSreaderover 6 years ago
Well done!

Another very yummy story! Thank you!

SBarak1SBarak1over 7 years ago
Enjoyed the story

Great story. Well written. Interesting and engaging story line not knowing where it was going. Also very erotic. Thanks.

ProfessorlondiabazProfessorlondiabazover 8 years ago
Very Well Written Story.

Loved it. Well done. This is your second story I read and Loved it. It is different than most of the RUN OF THE MILL stories.Keep up the good job.

SirCarlSirCarlover 8 years ago

Well thought out, written, and presented.

TSreaderTSreaderover 8 years ago
A lovely story!

Very well done indeed! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
One of the best

This is one of the best stories on this site. I generally don't leave comments on stories, but I couldn't resist for this one.

LaGazzaLadraLaGazzaLadraover 8 years ago

I think the idea of the incest taboo is that it pertains to a person you grew up with. In this case, he barely knew her. As you said, you're stretching it a bit.

Well-written story, with focus on the story's development.

Kookaburra8Kookaburra8almost 9 years ago
For fuck sake

For all those fucking Legal Eagle out there who gives a fuck what fucking category this story should or shouldn't be listed under. I read it.. I loved it..end of fucking story...5 stars.. NOW sue me....

oldwayneoldwayneabout 9 years ago

Five Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Love it. very good story line.

I am a native chinese speaker and usually i have a hard time to stay tuned with the author as the story expands. This story is well constructed along the way. The thesis question leads through the story and is very easy for me to follow. I enjoyed it. Well done man.

SuthrnlvrSuthrnlvrabout 9 years ago
Loved It

Such a fantastic and beautiful story, simply one of the best I've read in a very long time. Would love to see a continuation. 5 Stars

darkdance69darkdance69about 9 years ago
Liked the story a lot

In a sense though it was a shame it had to be listed in this category. You knew from the get go that JES was a sister, mother, cousin, aunt, MIL or SIL. I honestly had my money on SiL, but the idea of a stepmother he barely knew was inspired. However if Janet was intending to keep her identity a secret would she have repeatedly put her initials on her notes? Unless of course she was 100% positive that she would never be suspected?

GhostwalkerGhostwalkerabout 9 years agoAuthor
To Anonymous - all of loves pains and sorrows

In response to your question all of my stories have at least a grain of truth in them. Sometimes its the setting, sometimes the people, sometimes the relationship, and on rare occasions the actual sex. Only two are based on my own sexual involvements (not saying which.) Hope everyone enjoyed the story. Keep your eyes open a new story will be released (re-released) shortly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Excellent Story

I enjoyed the story. It was well written and kept me intrigued as to who the woman was.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
all of loves pain and sorrow

really liked this story,And could see this really happening in real life.wondered where you got your thoughts from to write it. We all need to have some one that Loves us enough to go as far as it takes to get us back to a safe place or as close to normal as we were .But with that said how many times have we heard that some one fell by the wayside because of grief / guilt or what ever made them give up on them selves.I'm not perfect by any means and I know that while at my worst all it would take was a kind word from some one caring enough to make me break down and ball like a baby..life is Fragile when your heart and soul has been Crushed by Accidents be yound our control..is there a second part coming for this story ????

Oldergenteman69Oldergenteman69about 9 years ago
One of my favorites!

Very well done. I enjoyed it tremendously!

WesafftonWesafftonabout 9 years ago

Very good story A five star for sure

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Just to say thank you

for sharing an intriguing and lovely story with us

GhostwalkerGhostwalkerabout 9 years agoAuthor
Is this Incest?

I've received comments on several of my stories stating that love or sex with an step-mother or step-sister is not INCEST. According to dictionary.com, Incest is its broadest definition is "sexual intercourse between closely related persons". A more precise definition can be found on wikipedia.com which states Incest is "sexual activity between people in a consanguineous relationship (blood relations), and sometimes those related by affinity, such as individuals of the same household, step relatives, those related by adoption or marriage, or members of the same clan or lineage." (NOTE the step relatives).

Admittedly I may have stretched it this time since Jan is his father's widow but in the eyes of the law they were still married at the time of his death and therefore she was related to Phillip.

Wang4Wang4about 9 years ago
Thank you

This was a most enjoyable read; fun and fine character development. Maybe could even have gone in Romance category for the enduring love of two women. Please keep sharing


searchingforperfectionsearchingforperfectionabout 9 years ago

If Jan's son was already two years old, how did she come to be lactating? Was she still breast-feeding him (not unheard of)?

WordcraftWordcraftabout 9 years ago
Great Story

I love this story. In this day and age, it has a very believable plot and is well written. I love the way you deal with the grief, and anguish, and the way his conflicted emotions are resolved. Love is the best thing one human can give another, and in my mind it doesn't matter who is the initiator. Sadly too many don't stick around long enough to tend it and nurture it to full bloom, like they do in this story. I know of a few women who have helped heal a grief stricken man, and it was beautiful to watch them detour the gentleman from certain destruction and win his heart for life. Thank You!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Nice story,

well written, but certainly neither incest or taboo, unless laws in your country are even funnier that the civilised world thinks they are!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Super job and fantastic story

This is one of the best stories that I have ever read on here. Five stars in my opinion is hardly enough.

Thanks for the GREAT READ

Papa Bear

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I was reading this from the prospect of it being erotic, while the love making and such was there, the story itself was what captured me, and led me along much more than the erotic aspect.

My life is that of a loner, it is 3am, I am at work (night Security, in the middle of no where) because I work nights all the time, I have no life, and no sex-life at all..

Anyways.. Awesome story.. keep on writing

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