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Working 9 to 5

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Mr L has the hots for a co-worker who barely notices him.
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Mr L. loved going to the office. It wasn't that he particularly loved his work, let's be honest. But there was a woman there that he had the hots for, Ms. Petite. Ms. Petite, as her namesake, was small, slim and with a very shapely butt that wriggled about in those short, tight skirts she loved to wear, tottering on those ridiculous heels that women so loved. Her olive skin, dark flashing eyes and sensuous lips drew Mr L's gaze every time she passed by. Meanwhile in the bullpen where he worked, most of the men would draw a collective breath and take a minute's break from clients to eagerly watch her pass by, to watch mesmerized as her long, black hair streaked with a shimmer of silver swished to the rhythmic clatter of her heels.

He could almost hear the inaudible groan of longing each time she passed by -- unfortunately, it wasn't often. She was the boss' PA and had many important things to see to in her office while the rest of them spent the day chattering to clients in the bullpen.

Mr L. hoped that she had noticed him but from the blank gaze that she would throw towards them every time that she passed on her way to the other boss' office, he doubted it. But that didn't stop Mr L. from idly daydreaming about her as he waited for calls to connect or the secretary to file the new client's details into the system. He wondered how her long black hair with those attractive silver strands would feel in his hands. What her lips would taste like. He wanted to taste her pussy and then.....with a start, he realised that the secretary was asking him a question. He reddened slightly, said, "Sorry", and asked her to repeat her question.

One day as he was standing by the secretary's desk getting yet another new client's name and contact details filed, Ms. Petite came by. She was wearing a sleeveless, red, silky blouse over yet another tight, black skirt, outlining her pert butt. Mr L couldn't help noticing it as, after saying a quick "Hi" to him, she had instantly turned her back to him to talk to the secretary. Mr L's cock hardened slightly. He decided that this was his opportunity to make himself be noticed.

"As it's Friday, we are all going out for a drink today, wanna come?" he asked, his heart accelerating in a mixture of dread and excitement.

Ms. Petite turned around. She saw a tall, well-built young man of about 30 with short, dark hair and impish eyes looking down at her. She noticed the rather un-ironed shirt, the poorly tied necktie and didn't bother looking lower.

"Ah, that's nice of you but unfortunately, I can't make it; I have a lot of work to finish," she said to his utter disappointment, "but maybe another time?" she responded. With that she turned around and went back to speaking to the secretary. Mr L. inhaled the air her movement had displaced and smelled her scent, a mix of something citrussy and vanilla. Mmmmmmm, she smells so good, he thought. And then before he could say anything else, she walked off. Grrrrrr

He had just ordered his second beer when he heard a sort of tittering at the table to his right and turned and saw her enter the pub with the secretary, a rather mousey creature. Next to the secretary dressed in sober grey, she blazed in her red top. Mr L.'s heart slipped a beat. He waved to her, wanting to show to the rest of the boys that he somehow had precedence over her. The secretary saw him and waved back. He moved to meet them, wanting to cut off any attack from the boys.

"Oh, you came?" he stated rather obviously, mentally kicking himself for not making a clever remark.

Ms Petite looked at him and gave a half smile and nodded her head. Moving her head in the direction of the secretary, she said, "Sylvia helped me finish the work and convinced me to come."

The secretary beamed at Mr L. but he had eyes only for Ms Petite.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked.

The secretary, damn her, responded, "A beer, please."

Ms. Petite looked around at the Irish pub they were in and responded, "I don't suppose I can get a glass of a dry white here, can I?"

"Sure," he said, "we can always try though I have never ordered wine here."

"Yes!" He said to himself, "we are chatting. Finally!"

Pointing to an empty table, unfortunately next to the boys, for them to sit down at, Mr L. moved quickly to the bar to order their drinks and pick up his beer.

Upon his return, he noticed that the 2 women were talking quietly to themselves while the boys were getting louder and louder, trying to draw attention and getting increasingly drunk.

Mr L. deposited the drinks at the table and sat down. His heart was singing or rather, his cock was singing.

The women thanked him and the three clinked their glasses and started to drink.

As the evening wore on, everyone relaxed. The boys got rowdier while the ladies ordered some dinner. Mr L. ordered something too, but he was too nervous to eat. He participated in the conversation, but he had no idea what was said. All he knew was that Ms. Petite was sexy as hell and every time she licked her lips or bit down on them when considering a response, he wanted to pull her towards him and kiss her.

The secretary had to leave. "Good riddance", he thought. He was a bit tired of the sheep's eyes she made at him. He waved a polite goodbye to her and went back to focussing on Ms. Petite.

Ms Petite had relaxed totally into the comfortable sofa chair after 2 glasses of white wine and some food. Her lids were half closed as she nursed her third wine, only half empty.

The phone rang. Ms. Petite jumped. It was her boss calling. He urgently needed her to confirm something to some Bigwig who would be visiting next Monday, via the company email.

Ms. Petite closed her eyes, sighed and told her boss she would go to the office and do the needful now and hearing his thanks, switched off the phone and gazed blankly at Mr. L.

"Is everything ok?" Mr L. asked solicitously.

"Yes, but I just have to go back to the office and send off an important email to some big Honcho who will be visiting the office on Monday, and it can't wait as he will be in at 9 o'clock."

"Oh, you want me to walk you to the office?" Mr L. asked.

Ms Petite looked at him gratefully. She hated the idea of going into that massive office alone.

"Yes, thank you! Being alone in that massive office scares me," she admitted, opening her almond shaped eyes wider as she confessed to this.

Mr L felt a frisson of excitement." Oh my lord, I am going to be alone with her. Yes, this is my chance!" he thought.

"No worries, I wasn't planning to stay around for long," his cock lied, "and the office is on my way home", his cock lied some more.

She smiled, took another sip of her wine and then got up. He got up too, hoping she didn't notice the telltale bulge in his trousers. Thankfully, his shirt was not tucked in and that hid most of the damage. When she turned to move away, he quickly adjusted his trousers. She went straight to the bar to pay, and he followed her to do the same, once again admiring that pert butt, the trim waist and that wonderful hair he was dying to touch and pull towards him, just like what he imagined a stone age man would do.

They went outside into the sultry evening air of the city. As he walked beside her, he became once again aware of how petite Ms Petite actually was. Unbidden, images of a naked her riding him, her tits jiggling in the frenzy of the coupling came to his mind and his cock hardened even more.

He must have made some noise because Ms. Petite turned to him and asked him if he had said something. Wordlessly, he shook his head, his face reddening. Never had he been more grateful for an unlit street as they walked down the little street where their office building was located.

They stopped at number 10, she pushed the key in and turned the lock. They entered and pressed for the lift. Mr L felt nervous, his heart was racing. As they entered the lift, he realised that it was rather small, and he tried as hard as he could to not face her because he was sure she would feel his hard on and that would not do!

Ms. Petite looked totally relaxed in the lift, her eyes almost half closed. When it stopped on the 2nd floor, he was quick to fumble out and hold the door open for her to exit. She smiled her thanks and walking to the front door of their office, unlocked the door and pushed it open. Her hand went to the light switches to her right and flooded the lobby with light. It was a high-ceilinged space. Immediately to the left was her boss's office with hers was next to it. She went straight into her office and pausing only to switch on the lights, made a beeline for her desk where her laptop sat. She switched it on and as it booted, she turned to look at him and smiled.

"Thanks a ton", she said, "I really appreciate it. This place gives me the heeby jeebies."She gave an embarrassed chuckle and moved the hair falling on to the side of the face, to behind her ear.

Mr L. made some dismissive noises as he quickly sat down on one of the chairs facing her desk, hiding his erection. Even though Ms. Petite had not made a single suggestive move, there was something so sexy about her firm body, her breasts thrusting against the very thin silk of her blouse, those sensuous lips asking to be kissed that Mr L. was aroused in spite of himself.

Ms Petite sat down and presumably logged in. Within 5 minutes, she was furiously typing away. Mr L., meanwhile, was having stern words with his cock which was determined to not listen to him. He adjusted it once more.

5 minutes more and she switched everything off. She then sent off a text message on her mobile, and looking up at him, gave a huge smile.

"Am done!" she said.

She closed the lid of her laptop decisively and got up. She walked towards the door, and he followed automatically.

"Oh, it's so weird to be here without all those people in", she said, walking towards the bullpen by crossing the lobby. Reaching the doorway, she moved her hands towards the light switch and flooded the room with light. As she walked in, Mr L followed closely, almost touching her. He was fully aroused and had difficulty maintaining his breathing steady. Damn the woman, just being near her affected him in a way nobody ever had! Grrrr

Ms. Petite walked towards the desks in the bullpen and then turned around and asked him where he sat. Mutely, he pointed to the first row, his desk in the centre. Ms Petite walked towards it and gave a cheeky smile to Mr. L.

"Come show me how you make the magic happen," she said.

Hypnotised, he walked towards her and unable to control himself anymore, reached for her face with his hands, bent down and kissed her.

Ms. Petite drew in a sharp breath but in doing so, opened her mouth allowing Mr L's tongue to invade the moist interior.

Mr. L. pressed his advantage and moved his tongue in her mouth, dancing over hers and into the as yet undiscovered cavern of delight. Ms. Petite didn't fight back but melted into his body, her tongue fluttering with his. Involuntarily, his arms moved down her body and towards that pert butt he had fantasized about so often. He felt the firmness and pressed it to his tumescence, no, ground it against it.

Before he knew it, she was sitting o the edge of his desk, her skirt pulled up to her hips. Their mouths pulled apart for a minute while he dazedly looked down at the barrier that was separating their bodies. It was a piece of black lace that he nearly ripped off in his urgency. Then he unbuttoned and unzipped his damn trousers and in a smooth movement, pushed both the trousers and boxers down. His erection swung out proudly. Ms. Petite looked at it and moaned in desire, her hot hands frenziedly pulling his body towards her by the upper arms. Reaching to cup her butt with both hands, he thrust his cock in her wet pussy in one thrust, making them both moan in satisfaction. And then he thrust and thrust, ramming into her pussy like a bull, to loud moans of pleasure from both, as the pent-up desire of so many months overwhelmed him.

He came in a hot surge but was so excited that his cock retained its hardness. Some sanity came back though and some of the haze cleared, and he opened his eyes and looked down at Ms. Petite. Ms. Petite, if possible, looked even sexier than ever, her lips wet and swollen from his kisses and open, while her eyes were closed in ecstasy.

She noticed the change in pace and opened her eyes, looking up at him, the pupils wide, the lids heavy with desire.

"Don't stop," she whispered.

Picking her up, he backed into his chair and sat down on it, with her on top. And then, he reached for the waistband of her skirt and grabbing her top, pulled it off her. Her breasts, covered in a lacy, black, half-cupped bra, barely covering the nipples, were at the level of his mouth. As she adjusted her body on top of his, he pulled the cups of her bra down and reached over to lick one of the taut nipples. She moaned and started moving on top of him. Ms. Petite clearly loved having her nipples licked and when he started sucking them, she started moving even more wantonly on his erect cock, clearly aroused, her juices along with his semen, gushing from her pussy. He kept on licking and sucking her nipples, moving from one breast to the other, his hands meanwhile guiding the movement of her butt as she moved up and down frictionlessly on his wet cock. He loved the way her breasts rubbed against his face, the taste of her nipples was so good and the feel of her hot, tight and wet pussy was driving him mad. "Oh, god, I am going to cum again", he thought, his eyes closed as he tried really hard to concentrate on calming his cock down a bit.

And then, he felt her pussy tighten even more as she slowed down and seemed to grind down on his cock once, twice and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, she came, moaning loudly, in one long sound of such abandon that he felt his insides tighten involuntarily. In one smooth movement, he pushed himself off the chair and laying her on the desk, rutted into her, frantically. She moaned even louder. His sweat dripped onto her but they didn't notice. And then just as he thought that he wouldn't be able to bear the tightness inside him anymore, he exploded. He banged her pussy a few times more, injecting his cum deep inside her. And then he collapsed on her immobile body.

If only he could work like this from 9 to 5, what bliss.

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Hmm72Hmm72about 1 year ago

Damn that was HOT!

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