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Workplace Chastity Law

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Compulsory office chastity for male employees.
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This is set several years in the future from the 'Women in the Workplace' series. The FEM NOW party is in government and has passed a radical new workplace chastity law.


Jada knew she had landed on her feet with her first job. Fresh from graduation at Athena University, she had secured a well-paid and prestigious position within Osiris Investments; HR officer with special responsibility for male chastity. Though at 21 she was very young for such a tough job, her dissertation on the potential benefits of workplace male chastity had made her a perfect candidate for the role.

The male population was still reeling from the new Workplace Chastity Law passed by the all-female FEM NOW government. FEM NOW advocates had rightly pointed out that most sexism occurs within the office, where white-collar men, dull from the monotony of their paperwork, struggle to control their sexist, lustful thoughts towards women. This often spilled out into misogynist slurs, or even sexual harassment. Over two thirds of women had admitted to suffering such abuse. To counter this the answer was simple, imprison the male penis. Lock it tightly away in chastity, 9-5. Not only would it dampen male lust, but would also have the added benefit of teaching men humility towards their female co-workers.

Jada inspected herself in the full-length mirror in her office as she waited for Paul to arrive. She was of Ghanaian descent, her deep ebony skin contrasting with her silky white blouse that showed off her ample cleavage. With a red pencil skirt and matching red high heels, she was dressed to kill. She played with her raven hair so it fell loosely upon her shoulders. She was ready for the day.

Paul knocked timidly on her door and she barked in an authoritative tone for him to enter. Like Jada, Paul was new to Osiris Investments and fresh out of Athena Uni. They knew each other a little from their student days but if anything that made things worse for Paul, for he knew what was about to happen.

"Now Paul" Jada began, leaning over him, clearly making him nervous at her close proximity and visible cleavage, "You know the law. You've had a few days here to settle in but now, by law, we must lock you into chastity. I got your email asking if you could appeal this - I thought it a pretty dumb joke in truth. The law is the law, I take no pleasure in this, I'm simply doing my job."

She risked a hint of a smirk, she was lying; of course she loved this! Locking away a man's pride and seeing them walk around the office, heads bowed in the unspoken knowledge that they had been humbled by the female colleagues. It was delicious. Osiris Investments had been one of the many companies to support the passing of this law, known for its good work on female empowerment, Osiris was the first company to officially be awarded the FEM NOW government's 'female-first' employer recognition. The advancement of women in a previously male-dominated environment was at the core of the flourishing financial company.

Jada continued "This won't take ten minutes Paul, it's very simple. We'll head over to the Office Nurse now who is waiting patiently for us."

Paul tried to make sense of this, "Wait! I know the way to the medical room, there's no need for an escort. Thanks but no thanks."

Jada put on the stern, 'don't test me' face she had been practising. She stared down on this pathetic little man, sensing his acute fear and embarrassment.

"Now listen very carefully Paul. Here at Osiris Investments, we take the dignity and rights of ALL our staff very seriously. That means, in order to ensure your dignity is not in any way violated by the nurse, you must have a HR officer in attendance for the locking. I'm there for your benefit dear."

Paul struggled to contain his rage. His dignity!? They were about to lock his penis into a steel cage, how was that dignified! It was reverse sexism! Female supremacy gone mental! He saw what was happening and yet felt powerless to stop it. The feminist government was taking an axe to the patriarchy, men everywhere were finding out what it was like to be the weaker sex. Even this job was only a grade 1 mail clerk position. All the good jobs seemed to go to confident young, assertive women. He saw them daily, in their demure office attire, their young fresh, hopeful faces, sharing laughs between each other, chatting excitedly about possible promotions and salary raises.

He knew what they were thinking: We've won, men have lost. It's a woman's world now. Every time a female employee spoke to a male worker the unsaid imposition was there: 'Your cock is imprisoned so that I am empowered.' And yet Paul's penis was now twitching in delight at the surrounding female supremacy, the little traitor! He felt so ashamed.

Accepting his fate, he meekly walked behind Jada to the on-site medical room, admiring her big bubble butt in her tight little skirt along the way. The nurse was called Miss. Alstrom. She was employed part-time here, and usually worked at the Kvinnor Clinic. The maintenance and regular checks of male chastity and their penises had necessitated a nurse to be on hand and Miss. Alstrom was quite happy to lend that hand when it came to imprisoning cocks into steel.

Normally Paul would be happy to see such a beautiful woman but in this scenario it just added his humiliation. She was mid-thirties, her standard issue blue nurses dress could not conceal a very curvy figure, topped off with very pretty features and long blonde ringlets. She broke into a smile as she saw Jada and her latest victim enter.

After some perfunctory introductions and signing of documents she made a point of standing to her full height, hands on her hips, looking down on Paul.


Jada took a seat to the side and made no attempt to hide her wicked smile as Paul fumbled nervously out of his clothes. He scooped up his pants and held them defensively to hide his penis. He was trembling.

"Paul." Said the nurse in a severe tone "If you seek to impede my access to your penis, you are refusing to cooperate with the law. I will have no choice but to file a complaint to the police against you."

Jada had no time for such insolence, she stood up, stamping her heels down hard to get Paul's attention. She snatched his pants from his hands and threw them to the other side of the room. Pointing at him menacingly she commanded him:

"Hands on your head! Let the nurse do her job!"

Paul obeyed. Sniffling and feeling sorry for himself as he stood before them both, completely naked. The nurse began to roughly pull and prod at his small penis, seemingly caring nothing for his embarrassment. Jada leaned in to get a good look, scrunching her nose up in disgust. White dicks were so pathetic!

"Hmm..." said Nurse Alstrom "definitely on the smaller side. One of the smallest in the office, and there's a fair few of them!"

She and Jada shared a sisterly laugh at Paul's expense.

"Luckily we've just had a new batch of the extra small K-2 devices arrive. These are much more secure, with additional anti-pull-out spikes. They're quite heavy but I'm sure Paul won't mind. We'll need to take accurate recordings of his size, would you mind helping Jada?"

Paul stood paralysed in fear as they went about recording his shame. The nurse slapped his little limp penis onto a ruler while Jada leaned with a camera and took a picture. She couldn't resist smiling as she looked at the pathetic picture of a small white cock being measured at just over an inch. Humiliating men was just too fun, and she got paid for this! A surge of power coursed through her in an awesome wave.

"And now a full length picture please Jada...don't smile Paul!"

He stood their nude, hands on his head as the flash hit him from the camera. Why oh why did they need that picture? Now they truly had him by the balls.

"Now Paul," Nurse Alstrom began, "I see from your file you have no partner. Usually we give the responsibility of holding the key to a man's girlfriend or wife. They are then responsible for making sure their male is locked when he comes to work. And they can unlock him when he returns home."

Jada interjected "-although I've heard a number prefer to just leave it on their man!"

The nurse agreed, "Well quite, the behavioural benefits of long-term male chastity were proven some years ago. And it's certainly becoming a more popular trend. Now Paul, as you don't have a partner I will have to regulate your chastity here at work. You will be locked into your device each Monday morning by myself and Jada, then to be released from chastity Friday evenings at 5pm. So you will have the whole weekend to play with your silly little thing if you so wish."

Jada grinned when she saw Paul's crestfallen face. Haha that's right little boy, she thought, you'll be locked Monday-Friday here AND at home!

Nurse Alstrom then produced a terrifying looking device before Paul. It was so small he thought! I can't fit into that! He winced as she tugged at his heavy balls and fitted the steel ring around them. Pushing his penis back, she unceremoniously forced the tiny cage onto him, working it back until his crushed penis was fully encased. He could not help but flinch at the pain.

She tutted, turning to Jada, "These so-called 'men' are such babies over this, always complaining it's too tight! It hurts! The spikes are digging in! Honestly they're such wimps, no wonder they lost power."

Jada listened intently, nodding along while never breaking her cold hard stare towards Paul. It was intentional, she was fixing her dominance over him into his brain. Controlling men was so simple, just take their dicks away from them.

The lock made a loud snap noise as it was secured and that was that. They all stared at this powerful vision. Prideful manhood, imprisoned and defeated. His submission to his female superiors was complete. Paul felt like crying. A whole five days in chastity. Spending ever working hour locked, all the female staff looking at him, knowing that beneath his trousers was a steel cage subjugating his cock for their benefit.

"There you are Paul!" said the Nurse happily "we can all now benefit from a safe and secure working environment, this little guy won't be causing any trouble to any woman!" She tapped her nails on the metal to make her point.

There was one final matter to deal with. Turning to Jada she asked, "I'm unsure as to where his pictures, size measurements and records should go. I figure I just email it all over to you Jada?"

The HR officer spied an opportunity to earn some brownie points with her female superiors at the expense of Paul's humiliation, "Yes by all means. Actually could you also CC all heads of department and all senior staff? It will be useful for them to know the new procedure."

The Nurse knew perfectly well what Jada was aiming at and grinned in approval. "Of course, I'll send it on to them all, so they can see the law and company policy is being rigorously upheld."

Paul was dizzy now as he tried to pull on his clothes. He'd only been here a few days and now all those female superiors were going to get the pictures of his dick being measured, he'd be a laughing stock, a tiny joke! He felt so small right now, and the chastity device weighed down on him heavily.

Jada went back into authoritarian mode "hurry up Paul, stop showing off your little cage. BACK TO WORK!"

How she loved this new job! As Paul meekly thanked the two ladies, he dashed out of the room and practically ran away down the corridor. With him gone, Jada and nurse Alstrom turned to each other - and burst out laughing. They actually got paid for this! Now, which male co-worker to strip next for a 'random' check-up? ;)

Jada's enforcement of the Chastity law within the office will continue...

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

While I wear one in this instance I would have resigned and worked blue collar or started a one man shop.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Please make a part 2, this story is soo good!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, too bad this story line has not continued. It would have been great to have the women torment the males at work and see them squirm with discomfort as the cocks could not grow without some pain. I like the idea of inserting a sounding rod in the urethra that also shocks. There could be a GPS unit that the women could track males and could have a game of shocking males just for the fun of it. How humiliating that each male has to have their cages unlocked before leaving work or at home. I am waiting for males to be put in cages and instead of ankle bracelets the shocking/GPS units are used with tracking limits to their homes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

yes truely coming to America soon..

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very well written and a great theme.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I would imagine "shocked cocks" would be on to something more then just controlling male behavior. Since semen will conduct electricity, it should be able to control the male from even wanting an orgasm without a woman's approval by turning such shocking device off since it appears it would be inside the male's cock as it says inserted. If it was made to go off when it was semen around it, if the male was cumming he would certainly get a "shocked cock" hhehehehehe

I would have my key fob set to high fry and what was said? oh on universal settings so every cock around would feel the jolt and I would press it until I saw smoke coming out of all the pricks cocks around me.

Maybe you can write a story for this Miss Kate. I would love to try this shock collar out on my husband. I certainly would not use something like this on my dogs but human males Oh YEA.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Miss Kate, I love your stories. Perhaps a story idea about writing about Co-ed wrestling but there would need to be few simple rules.

1: All MALES will be naked while all women will be in modest uniforms.

2: Males can not touch a woman's breast or groin

3: There be no holds barred for the ladies so they can grab and do whatever they want to anything on the male.

4: Ladies will get extra points for crushing a couple of nuts.

Any other thoughts on this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Shocked Cocks

Chastity does not improve male behavior but there is a far better way, SHOCKED COCKS. Every male would have an electrode inserted into his cock as soon as he can get an erection. It would have a locking device to assure he can not remove it and it would have remote that all women and girls would carry. It as 3 settings, low, medium and high fry. It also has a setting to turn on just that device or a universal setting to trigger any within a block or two. Every woman and girl would be taught how to remove and reinsert and males would have to have a woman or girl inspect it before they can go out

If triggered, every male would get a shock to his cock (any male with bad behaver toward their superiors (women of course) would have an additional device on the balls so on high fry you could get roasted nuts along with the roasted hot dog. Maybe you can use this for your next story line

You can sure that every male would quickly learn to obey any woman especially if she has a remote but then every woman and girl would have one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Seems a rather misandrist

author whether they are female, trans or male. Given their choice of cfnm and sph material I'd suspect actually male, but clearly a defective male.

ptebadenptebadenabout 5 years ago
A handjob would have been well ... to help him

Jada's enforcement of the Chastity law within the office will continue...

Are you sure?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Extended week

His boss should have stated that she was not available on Friday so he would have to wear the chastity for 12 days. His alternative would have go to her home Friday to get release while experiencing more humiliation and teasing. If that was not an option she should have provided him in the office with an anal device where he could milk himself over the weekend. Only to have a practice test done in the office in front of the two female employees to ensure proper rechnique

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