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Worth It In The End Ch. 05

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A little serious...
2.4k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/28/2012
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Needless to say, we left the museum shortly after that episode. The outside world was glaringly sunny and contained far too many people for us. We walked along hand in hand, but the ambience that surrounded us was no longer as carefree as our surroundings. His hand held mine tightly, his pace was quickened, and the air between us positively crackled with unsaid thoughts and feelings. My mind was filled with desire for Stefan—in more ways than just the physical. I wanted him in my life as a lover, a partner, and a friend. I had a strange feeling that being with him would ease this feeling of longing in my heart—longing for something that I couldn't quite put a finger on, but had a sneaky feeling he could fill.

My reasonable side still held strong, though. So far the only feeling he had expressed for me was pure, animal attraction. Now trust me... I was not complaining about that. There was nothing (nothing) like being desired that intensely. However, now that my feelings had deepened, I found myself wondering if perhaps something could grow from this avalanche of an affair. As if I needed further proof or any reason to exercise further caution in my relationship with Stefan, my mind felt the need to unlock boxes of past relationships and fling them in my face. Gonzalo, my ex-boyfriend to whom I had willfully given four years of my life, had stolen my trust from me with a sexy smile, and proceeded to take advantage of my trust in the worst possible of ways. Given the prospect of a new man in my life, I couldn't help but feel nervous and flighty. Yes, my mind, on the way back from the museum, was not a very pleasant place to reside. On the one hand, there was my raging desire to be lying in bed with Stefan on top of me, kissing my neck and whispering sexy things to me... and on the other hand, there was the sense of preparation -- it felt like my heart was trying to take off and fly and then discovering that it was still shackled to the ground. Nothing this good could possibly last.

I sensed a shift in his awareness and looked to my left to find him watching me intently. The expression in his eyes changed a bit as lust met and mingled with concern.

"What're you thinking?" he asked, his voice laced with worry. I mentally cursed myself for having such a readable face.

"Nothing really... just wishing that we had wings, at the moment," I grinned, rearranging my features and squeezing his hand in mine. He smiled back, but I could tell that he merely put aside his worry for a later time upon perceiving my reluctance to share the source of it. Wise man, I thought to myself, blessing him for his patience.

Sooner than I would have thought, we reached my apartment building. His passion seemed to have abated a bit, and he looked at me concernedly with a question on his handsome face. I knew he was expressing uncertainty as to whether or not I wanted to bring him upstairs right now. I made a mental note to ask him how he became so damn perceptive. Any other man I knew would have been thinking with their dick, and would have gotten me up to my apartment and divested me of my clothes by now. The truth was, no matter how much I wanted him physically in that moment I wasn't sure how much I could give of myself with the newfound knowledge of my love for him. I figured since he was too polite to invite himself in or leave, I would have to make the decision.

In the end, I figured, life is all about risks and hazardous decisions. We can never predict what will happen, and more often than not we find ourselves regretting events that transpired because we did not do what we wished. With this in mind, I turned to Stefan and looked at him. I took him in, unfiltered by any anxieties or preconceived notions created by past relationships —I just looked at him for the man he was, not the man he appeared to be upon comparison with others. He stood about a foot away from me, holding both of my hands in his larger ones. The look on his face was earnest and questioning. I thought of the time we had shared together so far—definitely nothing to complain about. Hell, what is there to lose?

"Come on... what're we waiting for?" I grinned, and pulled him inside.

Chapter Six

The walk up the steps was much less frantic than it was the night before. He slid his arm around my waist as soon as we got inside the doorway, and kissed the top of my head. The gesture filled me with a pleasantly warm sensation. Inside the apartment, I set the kettle on for tea, and Stefan took off his shoes and sat down on the couch in my living room. The scene struck me as domestic, and I smiled. It had been a while since I'd had a companion in life, and I welcomed this new development with open arms.

As I waited for the water to boil, I watched Stefan from my vantage point in the kitchen. He was sitting with his head leaned back and eyes closed, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. There was still a slight bulge in the front of his jeans that he was trying to mask with his hands. Once more, I found myself marveling at his perception of the situation, and his gentlemanly restraint. As I scanned further down his body, I saw that his feet were moving to a rhythm of a song playing in his head. When my eyes found their way back up to his face, I saw him watching me.

"What're you looking at?"

"Oh, just some really hot guy who decided to park it on my sofa."

"That sounds exciting."

"It is."

"Come here."

I walked over and sat next to Stefan on the couch. He lifted his arm and draped it around my shoulders, pulling me gently so that my head was leaning against his chest. I closed my eyes and listened to the strong beat of his heart. The warmth of the day still lingered on his clothes, heightening his natural aroma. I took a deep whiff and heard him chuckle.

"What're you laughing at?" I asked teasingly.

"Sounds like somebody likes the way I smell," he said, the smile evident in his voice.

"Just a bit."

"Only a bit?"

"Okay, maybe it makes me randy as hell. But I like other aspects of you as well."

"It's my lucky day. What might those other aspects be?"

"Well, for starters, you have gorgeous eyes," I said, raising my head so that I could look into the objects in question. "Really sexy hair, just long enough to run my fingers through," and I did. He smiled, a dreamy look passing over his face. "You also have a rather devastating smile," I said, allowing my eyes to drift down to his lips. I brought a hand up and traced them, running my index finger along first the top and then bottom lip.

"What else?" he asked, his voice slightly husky. I grinned at the effect I was having.

"You have a marvelous sense of humor... and you're probably one of the most genuinely kind people I've ever met. Also... you have a really nice..." I allowed my eyes to travel down to the bulge in his jeans to finish my sentence.

"Ach, you're making me blush," he said, stroking my cheek with a finger. His finger strayed under my ear, and then behind my head, pulling me to him. His lips caught mine in an incredibly gentle kiss unlike any we'd shared up to this point. Hell, it was unlike any kiss I'd ever received. His lips gently massaged mine, almost as if he were willing my soul to open to him. He licked my lower lip lightly, his tongue gently seeking entrance into my mouth. When I opened my mouth to accept his advances, the kiss turned into something slower and impossibly hotter. His hand trailed down my side, from my shoulder to my hip, and came to rest on my ass. I grinned against his mouth and pulled myself up and swung a leg around so that I ended up straddling his hips. As soon as I felt his hardness pressing between my thighs, I quit smiling. His hands gripped my hips and forcibly rolled them against himself, groaning into my mouth as he did so. My hands slid up his muscled chest and into his hair, holding his head so that I could kiss him more thoroughly.

His hands then took hold of the hem of my shirt, and began pulling upwards. I raised my arms compliantly, and he tossed the shirt aside. He discarded my bra in similar fashion, and broke the kiss in order to take a closer look at the parts of me thus exposed. He made a noise deep in his throat that I could only translate as one of intense satisfaction, and bent his head to my left breast, taking the nipple into his mouth. I moaned in pleasure and arched by back, allowing him better access to my breast. He kneaded the other in his hand, toying with the nipple in the same way his mouth was doing. I slowly began to grind myself against him, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of his hard length pressed insistently against my sopping sex.

With this, the tenor of our encounter shifted abruptly. He swung me around so that I was lying on my back on the couch, him between my legs. He raised himself up on his knees and divested himself of his shirt. I got only a glance of his delicious chest before he bent and took off his pants and shorts, leaving him naked. He seared me with his gaze.

"You're wearing far too many clothes, m'dear," he practically growled, before proceeding to slide my skirt and panties down and off of me. "That's better..." He leaned down and kissed my stomach gently, causing the muscles underneath to quiver. He licked me and blew on the moistened flesh, causing me to tremble more. I watched through heavily lidded eyes as he continued to make his way down, lower and lower. My eyes closed completely when he reached his mark, and I let out a deep moan. His tongue slid along my pussy, teasing open the folds and causing me to squirm beneath him.

"Hold still," he commanded, and I quelled my motions directly. Unwilling to trust me in such a state, he slid his arms underneath my thighs and held me soundly at the hips. As he continued to torment me with his delightful tongue, I ran my hands through his hair, knotting them firmly there. He grinned devilishly and looked up. "Like this, do you?" In response, I pushed his head back down. Before too long, his teasing tongue zeroed in on my clit and I moaned and locked my legs around his head, keeping him in place. He sucked my clit into his mouth and flicked it, hard. My moan escalated into a scream as I was hurled over the edge into an explosive orgasm by his skillful tongue. His hands continued to hold me in place, but his tongue mercifully stilled as I rode out the orgasm.

"Wow," I panted. He crawled back up my body, kissing wherever he saw skin along the way. He came to rest lying flush against me, and I could feel his hot breath in my ear. I felt his hard cock against me, and was brought back to the current time and place with alacrity. I reached around and gripped his ass and pulled him the rest of the way to me. My pussy was freshly soaked after the orgasm and he slid in effortlessly, groaning when he reached bottom. He stayed there for a moment, and then he began to move. He pulled out almost all the way, and then slid back in torturously slowly. He did this a few more times, and then he was gone.

"Wha-?" I asked, befuddled by arousal. I opened my eyes to find him on his knees before me. He gripped my hips and flipped me over onto my stomach. Instantly I understood and propped myself up on my elbows and knees and spread my legs helpfully. When he didn't enter me immediately, I looked over my shoulder at him to see what was up. He was staring at me with an incredible look in his eyes. For the moment, he seemed to have forgotten his painfully hard cock in favor of feasting his eyes upon my exposed sex. He blinked when he saw me look back, and smiled a strained smile.

"God, you're beautiful," he choked out. He reached out a shaking hand and slid a finger along my pussy. I shuddered and moaned, turning back to face forward. I leaned back, hoping to entice him in. I felt him scoot forward on the couch and press his cock against my opening. He slid in once more. The change in position caused his cock to rub against different places inside of me, and I moaned appreciatively, leaning back into him.

"Oh, my God," he groaned. Then he put his hands on my hips to hold me steady, and proceeded to pound into me mercilessly. Given the new angle of my body, he hit bottom each time, causing me to tense up in preparation of orgasm yet again. I gripped the sofa and bit into the pillow to keep from screaming. Dimly, I could hear the kettle begin to go off. I heard Stefan chuckle once, hearing it as well... at least I thought it was a chuckle. He reached around my hips and began rubbing my clit. After about two seconds of that, my orgasm hit me full force: my pussy muscles clenched spasmodically around his hard cock, causing him to growl raggedly. I was vaguely aware of the sensation of spilling warmth deep inside as Stefan thrust to completion. He sagged wearily against me, pushing me down flush into the couch. After a few moments, he turned so that we were spooning comfortably, listening to the kettle going crazy on the stove. As I drifted into sleep, I found myself smiling at the memory that he moaned my name when he came.

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SouthPacificSouthPacificover 11 years ago
So where IS the next instalment?

Five really short chapters, posted a day after each other (which I missed when they arrived, but have now read after following a link from another story). Now the author seems to have disappeared with no other contributions.

Not good enough! This is a fabulous story, and we, your readers, DEMAND that you continue forthwith!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Your writing is intensely sexy. I can't wait for the next installment!

junijunialmost 12 years ago

love the intensity of their relationship. i see the best future for the both of them. xx

luv_romanceluv_romancealmost 12 years ago

Simply wow! :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Flaming hot, yet tender, the perfect combination!

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