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Wrong House

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Delivering a pizza to the wrong house has consequences.
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*All characters in this story are above the age of 18 years old*

Robert and Thomas were excited about tonight. They had cleared a lot of money this month and had decided to celebrate tonight by ordering a boy-for-hire from a gay escort service. They had been lucky to grab a confirmed virgin before anyone else. The service charged an extra premium to the lucky man rich enough to pay for the privilege of being the first to fuck the boy's ass, whenever they had a virgin enter their service. This was going to be a night to remember. The two partners had even decided to play as if they were seducing the boy against his will. The service had said that it was no problem and that the boy would play his part as a straight boy. The videos and erotic pictures showing all of the boy's delectable assets were mouthwateringly good. Robert and Thomas had been looking forward to this all week. They had even selected an option in case they decided to keep the boy for a second night. It would be twice as expensive to extend the rent of the boy from their scheduled 1 night to an additional 24 hours, but they decided to keep that option open.

Sighing as I finally reached the last order of the night, I put the address into my phone's GPS map for directions. Luckily it was only a few minutes drive away. It was my senior year of high school and at 18 years old, I was lucky to be able to land the pizza delivery job. The tips alone were worth it. I also enjoyed the freedom of working alone. I only came back to the pizza parlor for additional orders and I didn't have to deal with anyone else's BS.

I was 5'8" and 140 lbs. I had blonde hair and blue eyes with fair skin. I wasn't a jock and didn't work out, but I considered and have been told that I was cute. Plus most girls and women occasionally remarked about the cuteness of my bubble butt. I wasn't necessarily scrawny, but I also didn't have any toned muscles either. The most active thing I did daily was yoga and I thought it kept me well enough in shape.

Despite my supposed cuteness, I really didn't date much. Considering I would be graduating in less than two months, I figured it was just as well. Maybe college would be different. As I pulled into what I thought was the driveway of my last delivery, I admired the privacy of the property. The house was situated in the woods and I couldn't see the neighbors' houses from the driveway or the house.

I grabbed the pizza and walked to the front door. After I rang the doorbell, I waited a few seconds before it was opened by a white middle-aged man. He had short brown hair and tanned skin. He was built like a football player or bodybuilder but had a friendly smile as he greeted me. He was dressed in comfortable khaki pants with a tight polo shirt. He checked his watch and smiled again as he remarked that he hadn't expected me to arrive so soon. Not knowing what to say, I just smiled and said that I had his pizza.

He then smiled wider and said, "Well, I guess I could eat. Come on in and I'll get your money."

I stepped inside as I handed him the pizza and he went to retrieve his wallet. As I waited, another man looking close to the first except for having reddish/blonde hair walked up from a different direction. He greeted me and also remarked on my speedy arrival. I smiled again but was slightly surprised due to my arriving 5 minutes over the 30-45 minute delivery time they had been quoted, but I wasn't going to argue, especially if they tipped well.

As the first man returned with my money and a very respectable tip, the second guy asked if I wanted to join them for a bite. I was done for the night and they had ordered one of my favorite pizzas. Despite it being frowned upon by management, I said sure. They welcomed me in and we sat at their dining room table, politely chatting while we ate. They introduced themselves as Robert and Thomas. They mentioned that they were partners and I didn't know if they meant life partners, business partners, or something else. Not being a homophobe and it being none of my business anyway, I didn't pry.

As we ate they asked about my job, school, plans for summer, and if I planned to go to college in the fall. I told them about everything and admitted to already receiving a full academic scholarship to the state college an hour away. I told them I wanted to major in business and possibly go after my MBA. They encouraged this and said that the business world could use more go-getters who could earn their place through intelligence and merit.

We had finished the pizza by then and they volunteered to show me around the house after I complimented the house and privacy of the property. They showed me all around the house: the custom kitchen, large dining room, basement turned workout room with steam room and sauna, the wrap-around deck with large hot tub and grill, and ending with the rec room. I complimented everything and offered occasional good opinions on certain things all while trying not to sound overly impressed or fake, but they seemed to enjoy my opinions. As the tour ended, Robert asked if I wanted to hang out and watch a movie or two, unless I had a hot date or something. I said that I didn't and looked at their huge flatscreen with surround sound system as I agreed to stay.

Thomas went to grab us a few more drinks as Robert selected a movie. I was pleasantly surprised when he asked if I liked "Magic Mike." I told him it was one of my favorites and we chose our spots on the couch to watch the movie as Thomas returned with our drinks. I thanked him and they both commented on it being nice to meet an 18-year-old who was polite and had good manners. We all laughed and I shrugged at the compliment. We then quieted down as we watched the movie.

The movie is funny and it wasn't long before we were laughing along, making snide jokes about the actors, commenting about the male stripper scenes. We were having a great time and they asked me which actors or actresses I found most attractive. I admitted that I usually wasn't attracted to most of Hollywood. This statement caused both guys to look at me as I explained, that even though I could find actors and actresses attractive, everyone and everything was so fake and they were all just attention whores that I didn't actually consider myself attracted to most of them. The guys both nodded and said they understood that and we went back to criticizing and critiquing the movie.

As the movie went on, Thomas through Robert under the bus when he admitted that Robert had worked as a male stripper in college to pay tuition. I was impressed and said he had the physique for it. This comment started us talking about who the best tippers were for male strippers: women or gay men. Robert shrugged and said that the best situation was a group of women on a drunken girls-night-out or a bachelorette party. He admitted to getting quite a few indecent proposals when he worked at the strip club.

Robert shrugged again and said that he wasn't embarrassed about it and that it was good money, especially for a college guy. I made a comment about not having the physique for it. This had Robert and Thomas calling BS and saying I just had to know the right moves. Robert then demonstrated by jumping up and performing one of his old dance routines without stripping, leading Thomas and me to cheer him on and whistle.

Once Robert was done, they both encouraged me to stand up. I let Robert show me done moves and a few techniques. Before too long they had convinced me to dance along with Robert. I admit, I was having fun but I still didn't believe I could do this on stage, in front of other people, or actually strip. Robert said there was nothing you could to it. Plus I wouldn't actually strip naked. He said that most of the time, the lights on him blinded him to everything else and he could rarely see who was in the audience. He would just always make it a point to dance along the edges of the stage to give whoever a chance to stick money into his g-string.

After plenty of coaching and encouragement, Robert had me dancing and moving like a stripper. He then pushed me onto Thomas's lap and encouraged me to keep going. I was having so much fun and in the moment that I began giving him a lap dance without really thinking about it. I gyrated and worked my hips as erotically as I could imagine on Thomas's lap. I didn't realize it at the time but, Thomas had reached up and grabbed my ass cheeks as I was lost in the dance. I didn't notice until Robert called out, "No touching, dude. This is a respectable establishment."

Thomas laughed and asked, "Who said we were respectable?"

They both laughed, but Thomas did let go of my butt as I blushed brightly. I finished my dance and climbed off his lap as Robert stated, "See, there's nothing to it. You did great."

I shrugged and thanked him as Thomas theatrically fanned himself with his hand. I then sat back on the couch and tried to hide the fact that I had an erection from all of the gyrating and dancing. I was a bit surprised when I noticed that Thomas seemed to be readjusting himself too. As Robert asked about another movie, I quickly excused myself to the bathroom. Once I returned, Robert was just sitting back down on one side of the couch opposite Thomas, leaving me to sit between them. I didn't mind, considering the couch was large enough to fit all three of us comfortably.

As I got comfortable, I asked what the new movie was. Thomas said, "It's kind of a spoof of 'Magic Mike.' I think you'll like it. Just give it a chance."

I shrugged and we all started watching the movie, which turned out to be called "Magic Max." I thought it was a little on the nose, but didn't comment. The movie started with a boyfriend and girlfriend breakup. Then the guy is forced to move out and get a new job. At this point, the guy sees an advertisement for male nude dancers. The ad promises big money and flexible hours. Max goes to the club to speak with the owner.

It was at this point that I should have seen something was not as it seemed. Two naked male dancers were on stage showing full frontal nudity. Now considering that seeing a guy's dick in movies and TV shows isn't as rare as it used to be, I let it go. But the job interview quickly turned into full porn gay sex. I was shocked at first and quickly looked to either side and saw that both Robert and Thomas were slowly rubbing their cocks through their pants. I quickly turned my head back to the TV just as Max had the club owner's hard cock slide up his asshole.

I had never seen gay porn before, so I admit I was mesmerized for several minutes. I then heard Robert and Thomas let out soft moans on either side of me. Without moving or looking at either of them, I stuttered out, "I...I think that...that I should go."

Robert then leaned over and placed his arm over my shoulders as he said, "No, don't go yet. You have to stay at least for the first money shot. It's bad luck to stop watching porn before the first money shot."

I had never heard of this superstition, but I still couldn't force myself to stand up and now that Robert had his arm on my shoulders I knew I wasn't going anywhere until he let me go. Thomas then joined the conversation saying, "Yeah, the first money shot is usually a good one. The last is usually the biggest, but the first scene's money shot sets the stage for the rest of the movie. Where do you think he will blow his load: back, ass, stomach, cock, facial, or open mouth?"

Robert hummed audibly and said, "For the first scene, especially if this guy is trying to impress his new boss, I'd say open mouth. What do you think little buddy?"

I stuttered again and looked between the two of them as I tried to find my voice. Both of them now had their pants open and were stroking their rock-hard cocks. I was stunned to silence as I looked back at the screen in time to see the owner blow his load into Max's open mouth. Thomas whooped and called out to Robert that he was like a gay porn psychic. The next scene was of two of the male nude dancers 69ing on the stage. The camera angles showed each man enthusiastically sucking the other's hard cock. It also showed both guy's puckered assholes. Both men moaned in pleasure and trailed their hands up the other's naked bodies as they sucked. Robert then said, "Ok, this would never happen in real life. That club would get shut down. And I would never lay down naked on any of the stages I danced on."

Thomas then joined in, saying, "Yeah, although 69 is certainly cinematic and hot to watch, I prefer to just suck one cock at a time."

Robert laughed and added, "I think you forgot about your birthday bang. You sucked two cocks at once while I pounded your muscled ass."

Thomas smiled and replied, "That was a great weekend. But I meant that I like to suck a hard cock and give it all of my attention. When I'm sucking cock, nothing else matters. I also like to relax when I have my dick sucked. If I'm sucking cock and having my dick sucked, I'm missing out on truly enjoying both. You know what we mean, little buddy?"

Realizing they were speaking to me, I turned away from the scene of the two guys in a 69 and looked embarrassingly at Thomas as I admitted, "I've only had my dick sucked a few times by girls who really didn't know what they were doing or didn't want to be down there. So I really don't know."

Robert then chimed in and asked, "But what about when you suck cock?"

I stuttered out, "No, I'm straight."

Thomas laughed out loud as he leaned over, gripped my hard cock through my pants, and said, "Then why are you watching gay porn with two gay guys, with a rock-hard cock? I think our little buddy just needs someone experienced to show him the ropes. What do you think, Robert."

Robert slid his hand down my stomach and massaged my hard cock through my pants with Thomas, as he said, "I think he came inside for a reason, ate dinner for a reason, watched a movie full of hot male strippers for a reason, gave you a lap dance for a reason, stayed to watch gay porn with us for a reason, and is now letting us fondle his hard cock for a reason. I think our little buddy wants to know what it's like to be fucked by a guy. What do you think, Thomas?"

Thomas leaned closer until his mouth was next to my ear as he moaned out, "I don't think our little buddy wants to know what it's like to be fucked by a guy, Robert. I think he wants to know what it's like to be fucked by both of us."

Robert gasped next to me as he tightened his grip on my hard cock through my pants as he asked, "Is that true, little dude? Do you want us both to fuck you?"

I shook my head as I weakly argued, "No. I'm not gay. I'm straight. I didn't mean to stay for all of this. It just happened."

Robert then moaned into my ear, "I'll make you a deal, little buddy. If you can watch the rest of this movie while gently stroking our hard cocks without having your own cock hard at the end, we will apologize for our behavior and let you go. And we won't cheat either, neither of plus will touch your cock. But if your cock stays hard, we are going to have our way with you for the rest of the night. Deal?"

I was stunned into silence. All I could do was look from Robert to Thomas in shock that they had suggested this. I was cut off by Thomas as he answered for me, by saying, "Good boy. He says it's a deal."

Still too stunned to speak, Thomas and Robert silently stripped me naked as Robert stated, "Can't hide your hard cock now, little dude."

They both then stripped naked and sat on either side of me, placing their arms over my shoulders possessively, before each of them grabbed one of my hands and placed it on their hard cocks. They each encouraged me by working my hand up and down their hard cocks. Knowing I was no match for one of them let alone both, I acquiesced and gently stroked their cocks as I watched the movie. I felt a little hopeful at the fact that my cock had gone soft due to my embarrassment and shock at the situation. I smiled slightly thinking that this would all be over soon.

After the 69 scene, the movie changed to two boyfriend strippers, giving Max a few pointers and suggestions for working at the club. The scene inevitably became a threesome as the boyfriends pushed Max to his knees so he could suck both of their cocks. Robert leaned close to my ear and moaned out, "Look, little dude, it's a scene of your future. Pay attention and remember what you see, because when you lose this bet you're going to be our little fuckboy all night."

Thomas chimed in and said, "Be nice, Robert. He's just nervous. The little guy's never sucked a cock or been fucked before and now he knows he's going to have two hard cocks to deal with. It's enough to make any future fuckboy nervous. Besides, he seems to be enjoying stroking our cocks while he watches the movie. Look at his cock rising to attention. He must really want our hard cocks all to himself."

I stuttered again and finally managed to argue, it's just the first gay porno I've seen. I'm not gay. I don't want to be here."

Robert gently bit my ear as he moaned out, "You never said that you weren't enjoying stroking our hard cocks, boy. Sounds to me like you're starting to come around to the idea of sucking our cocks and taking us up your tight little virgin asshole. I saw that cute ass of yours, boy. That ass was made to take a hard cock."

I shook my head and tried to argue again but my concentration was caught by the scene of the threesome now showing Max on his hands and knees being fucked from both ends by the two boyfriends. Thomas leaned close to my ear and moaned out, "See, boy? That's where you're going to be after the movie's over. Don't worry, Robert was right, with an ass like yours, you were made to take hard cock. Max seems to be enjoying himself. Just listen to that cock slut moan. I bet that's how you'll sound with our hard cocks in your ass and mouth. I bet you moan in pleasure as we fuck you all night long. In fact, I bet you come back for more after tonight."

Robert joined in again as he moaned out, "I can see you coming over and dropping to your knees in front of us as you suck both of our hard cocks after our long days at work. Then we take you to our bed and show you who you belong to. I can see us fucking your tight ass and having you suck our cocks in every room of the house. We can get you in shape in the gym by making you do squats with our hard cock in your ass or making you do pushups as you suck our hard cock. We can relax after a long day in the hot tub while you help us unwind with our cocks inside you."

Thomas joined in and added, "I can imagine picking him up and putting him on the dining room table after dinner so I can rip his pants off and feast on his tight little ass for dessert."

Robert laughed as he asked, "Do you think our little buddy should be allowed to wear clothes in the house, like he was not our personal fuckboy?"

Thomas growled as he bit my ear gently and replied, "Oh, I figured he'd usually be naked unless we picked out a cute outfit for him to wear while he's here. I was thinking a black jockstrap, black vest, black bow tie, and dress shoes."

Robert growled into my other ear as he added, "I think he'd look adorable dressed in some kind of catholic schoolboy uniform, customized with pants with a zipper in the rear for easy access to that tight little ass. Or maybe just a leather slave collar, so he knows his place."

I felt a chill go up my spine as I heard them discussing all of this. They actually expected me to come back? Did they really think that they could force me to enjoy gay sex? All of this was just an example of a teenage boy getting horny at the drop of a hat, getting a little too comfortable hanging out with older guys who seemed cool, and being tricked into watching my first gay porno. I just had to will myself to stay calm and not get excited. If I could calm myself down and will my cock to go soft again everything would be OK. / loving wivesplaying horsey dad daughter story incest"hot lesbian sex"A naughty seduced her father[incest sex stories_xhamster.comBusiness woman sex stories on wattpadlesbian sey academy on wattpad""Yeah, that's nice," groaned Danny as Sylvia feasted on his testicles""bdsm library"dinkleberry asstrcouples wrestling literaticaSon put a microchip in his mother litertica"shemale orgy""girls getting fucked"literotica stepdaughter delicious pink aroma massage"mind control sex stories""sex cartoons"incest fucking back seat fiction storiesyes master nigger slavery porn"family incest sex stories"sex stories virgin ballet dancer Garage Gang Rape — Claire gets into trouble when she can't pay her repair bill. by Slut4Use 06/19/06 4.35lesbian football sex stories"young sluts"Literotica neswangyasstr nonono69literotica "take my seed"Cfnm incest history"mature sex videos""free sex stories""brother and sister sex stories"storiesonline.netliterotica audio pregnantliterotcaLiterotica gooner789caught in wifes lingerie then feminized storieschat-avenue"tia carrere nude""lesbian sex story""incest fuck stories"futadomBath my paralized sonsexstoriesmagic panties porn story"horse" "impregnate" incest erotica "rape me"liroticaHusband's Fantasy Backfires Pt. 03literotida christmas with my brother"literotica forum"force fuck princess disney literotica"kat dennings naked"persiankitty"mom son sex stories"Btb erotic storiesthe morrissons ch 22 literoticayou grope your cock between my ass.i feel it so hot in my ass/erotic couplings/"milf sex stories""sneaky sex""wife porn stories"bcupwifeukbrother trick me lyricsmaster.rudumb exhibitionist gay sex stories"literotica incest"/s/granddaughter-seduces-grandparents/comment/2905183chat-avenuekiddnapped family literoticaacdd123 new storieshome for horn* monsters literot*maxima and clark sexstorhesபூஜா - மேண்மக்கள்lushstories nail extensions"KeyraJefferson" pornhusbandms boss literoca"literotica wrestling""literotica enf"didi ne gupt rog ka ellage "interracial wife stories"sodom and gomora incest sexstoriesyour cock head growing harder inside my ass- Erotic Couplings - Literotica.comSpartucuss xx video"fuck my ass"Porn college tuition tripletskmaf literoticadominant son taboo stories"seduction of another cougar""mature sex stories"www.storiesonline.netliteroticasister teaches birds and bees sex storyQUEEN YAVARA-ADRIANNA-FREE NOVELS ONLINELiteroctica favoriteshijab ass women in crowded hall erotic sextending the curriculum"son sex stories"