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Wyex: The Cure

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Billy has cancer. Becoming Emily fixes everything.
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Disclaimer: All persons having sex are over the age of eighteen. This story involves a sex change from male to female and a sex change from female to dick girl, through the use of science fiction. Also, there will be lesbian sex, straight sex, futa sex, and pregnancy for the former male.

Amber and Karen Johnson's story is detailed in my story 'Wyex: The Pregnancy', but it is not required reading for this story. You will miss some Easter eggs if you haven't read it, though.


I was sixteen when the headaches started. Blinding, painful headaches that made me feel like I was dying.

It was an apt description.

By the time I got it checked out, I had a very large tumor growing near the center of my brain. It was completely inoperable due to its location, so that made treatment difficult.

I underwent aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment. I lost most of my weight, both fat and muscle. My hair fell out and I threw up all of the time. I think if it wasn't for my best friend, I would have given up.

Josh Johnson had been my very best friend since we were in kindergarten. The kind of guy you could lean on, no matter what. No judgements, no hard feelings, just complete acceptance of both my good and bad parts. I loved him like he was my brother.

When I was in the hospital getting my chemotherapy, Josh was there next to the bed, keeping me company. When all of my hair fell out, Josh shaved his own head. When I smelled like death and was vomiting every twenty minutes, Josh was sitting on the bed right next to me to play videogames and to hand me my bucket when I needed it, stoically tolerating my stench with a smile.

Josh Johnson was the kind of friend that no one ever got, except that somehow, I did.

So when the treatments were unsuccessful, and we had to go to the last ditch option for me to live, it should come as no surprise that Josh was completely supportive.

"Are you sure? I mean, if our positions were reversed, I think I'd need a little time to at least get used to the idea, you know?"

"Billy," he told me seriously, "when you get out of here, I totally want you to come over to my house, as soon as you can. I want you to talk to my Mom."

I shifted painfully. I had to let the painkillers and poison get out of my system before I could safely take the Wyex. "Why your Mom?"

"Because she's been taking Wyex for over twenty years now," he confided. "She can help with the transition, okay?"

That blew my mind. Amber Johnson was genetically a dude? It was unreal.

Josh had the hottest mothers in the world. Dr. Karen Johnson, who was athletic with big boobs and a gorgeous face, and her wife, Mrs. Amber Johnson, who was super curvy with giant boobs and a big round ass, beautiful in her own right, even if not quite as gorgeous as Dr. J. They were the MILFs every one of the guys talked about when Josh wasn't around.

Finding out that super-curvy super-mom Amber was born as a guy was almost as much of a shock as finding out I had cancer was. No lie.

"Okay, I'll come see her, I promise. Look, they're going to come check my levels again pretty soon, and if I'm in the safe zone they're finally going to give me the Wyex. You can stay, if you want, but I really don't need you to see me naked, especially when I look like a skeleton with skin."

Josh grinned at me, and stuck his tongue out. "Just my luck. First time I would get to see a naked girl, and I get kicked out."

I shifted painfully again. "You are my brother in everyway that counts. If you really want to be here, be here."

He shook his head and laughed, "No, I'm just messing with you. Mama says that watching the change is not a good time. Just... give me a call when you can, okay? As soon as you can. I want to know you're feeling better."

I gave him what was supposed to be a smile, but it was more of a grimace. "I'll call."

The door opened to my hospital room, and Josh's mother walked in. "Hello, boys," she greeted us with a smile.

"Hi Mama."

"Hi, Doctor J."

"I need to draw a little blood again, okay Billy? The previous test makes it look like this might be the last one. Then we can get rid of the pain."

I wearily nodded, and she took the smallest sample of blood from my vein, replacing the bandage over where I had been repeatedly pierced by needles every hour for ten hours now.

It had better be the last blood draw. I didn't think I had much left.

Josh stood, and slung his backpack over his shoulder. "I'm going to go now. Call me right away, understand? Right. Away."

I waved him off. "Yeah, yeah. Right away. Just go already."

He shuffled out of the door, dragging his feet like he always does, and then it was just me and his mother in the room.

"Can I ask what that was about?"

I closed my eyes and sank into my pillow. I was so tired, but in too much pain to sleep. "He wants me to call him the very second I'm better, come hell or high water."

She looked at the closed door for a minute. "He's been worried sick about you." She tuned back to me, giving me a compassionate look. "We all have."

"I know. I'm sorry."

I watched her shake herself and give me a comforting smile. "Don't be sorry, Billy. It'll all be over very soon, okay?"

"Okay. As soon as it's safe, I get it, right?" I checked.

"I'll get this to the lab right away," she gestured at the vial of blood in her hand and left the room.

I closed my eyes and tried to rest. I wasn't going to be able to doze off, but I could sure not move or speak anymore than I had to.


Dr. Johnson walked back into the room some fifteen minutes later, a large metallic cylinder in her hand.

"Is that it?" I hoped. I was so over the pain.

"It is," she answered. "Your tests came back in the clear. You will need to be nude to take the Wyex, and I realize that you may be uncomfortable with me administering it. Would you prefer that I get a male doctor, or even a female doctor that isn't your best friend's mother?"

I didn't even need to think about it. "I want it as soon as possible. I don't really have a lot of pride left here, Doctor J. Let's just get on with it."

"Okay. Your parents have given their consent, but you also need to before I can give this to you. Before you can give me informed consent, I have to give you the information. I'll try to be quick, alright?"

"Got it. Hit me."

"This dosage of Wyex will completely change your gender to female for one year, with a margin of error of up to eight days. You will want to get the booster no later than nine days earlier than this time next year, understand?"

"Right, got it."

"Okay, the way this works is by rearranging your body's cells into a new shape. Your current cellular profile says that you are a boy with cancer, and the Wyex will hold you in the shape of a healthy girl. Again, don't wait on the booster, or you'll be right back to how you are right now."

"Okay, I got it, really."

"Part of the change gives you the brain structures for bisexuality. You won't stop liking girls, but boys will be interesting to you too. I'm sorry, but that's part of the package."

I blew out a breath. "I can handle it, as long as I'm not dying. Anything else?" I asked impatiently.

"It's your own X chromosome that determines your body shape and looks. Wyex doesn't automatically make you beautiful, or even attractive. If you aren't happy with how you look, letting it lapse and trying again won't do you any good, okay? Don't do that. Just accept who you are."

"Okay. Got it. Please tell me I can have it now," I begged.

Doctor J. laughed a little. "I have nothing else to tell you, and I'll take that as informed consent. Can you take off the gown or do you need help?"

I reached up behind my neck and untied the single knot holding the gown closed. I pulled it down until it was folded over in my lap. No sense in being naked while she got ready.

I watched her as she twisted one side of the heavy canister, removing a clear cylinder with multiple winding tubes of pink fluid inside of it.

"Okay, there's seven small needles that'll inject the serum into you. It'll hurt for a moment, then the pain fades. Try not to flinch or jump, you could possibly break a needle off inside of you."

She brought it over, and I brushed the hospital gown to the floor. Doctor J. pressed one end of the cold injector to my belly, a couple of inches below my belly button, and on the count of three depressed the button on the top.

I barely felt the sting of the needles, it was merely a drop in the ocean of pain I'd been swimming in. The pink fluid drained quickly downward, and then she pulled the injector away. The puncture marks healed over before any blood even had a chance to escape.

I waited, and nothing was happening. "Is it working?" I worried.

Josh's Mom gave me a reassuring smile. "The first stage takes all of your body hair away and uses the material to lengthen the hair on your head. You don't have either right now, Billy. The second stage should be starting soon."

"What's the sec-" I stopped, because the pain faded fast. Suddenly I didn't care at all what the second stage did.

"Second stage is soft tissues. Muscles, fat, cartilage, your reproductive organs, things like that... including your tumor. You probably won't notice much of a physical change aside from your genitals until you put some weight back on."

I felt things moving around under my skin, but I was completely high on the euphoria of absolutely no pain. It should have been creepy, but I couldn't bring myself to be bothered. Not even about my face and groin moving around.

"The last stage is your bones. It's going to feel very, very strange, okay Billy? You may want to keep your eyes closed."

I shut my eyes, following her advice, and felt myself get a little shorter and narrower, sliding on the hospital bed from the top down and also the bottom up.

The feeling of my bones shifting slowed and stopped, and I took a deep breath before letting out an uncontrollable giggle. My voice was now in a higher register, otherwise I'd have been able to say it was a chuckle.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

A couple of happy tears leaked out from the corners of my eyes. "The pain's gone. I don't feel like I'm dying anymore. I am so far past just 'okay' that I can't even see it anymore."

I opened my eyes, and Doctor J. smiled at me. "You can get up if you like, but be careful. Your center of gravity has changed, and you are still very weak. Slowly, understand?"

I very carefully slid out of the hospital bed, and Doctor J. grabbed hold of my arm to help me balance. She pulled the bandage from my forearm where all the blood draws had been taken, and underneath was pristine, unmarred skin. I looked at her questioningly.

"Just like the injection site," she explained, "the serum closes any open wounds, and erases scars."

We shuffled to the bathroom mirror, and I got a good look at myself.

I was still a bald skeleton with skin, but the deep bags under my eyes had vanished and the skeleton was obviously female.

My shoulders and ribcage had narrowed, and my pelvic bones were a little bigger and starkly pressing against my skin. It looked like it should have been painful, but it wasn't. My cheekbones were even more pronounced, my nose and chin smaller, but all in all I didn't look that much different. Just me, plus one vagina, minus a little height.

"Thanks, Doctor J. I'd better give Josh a call. I suppose I need to wait for my parents to actually leave, don't I?"

She frowned at me. "You do. I'm sorry, but you are still a minor."

"Great." I had spent enough time in this hospital, I wanted to just go. We made our way slowly back to the bed, and I put the hospital gown back on and slipped under the covers. Then the most amazing thing happened.

My stomach growled.

I looked at it surprised, and Doctor J. asked, "Should I call for some food?"

I nodded quickly. "Lots and lots of it. I'm hungry for the first time in months."

She ran her hand over my bald head, which was probably against some kind of hospital policy, but she'd known me since I was five years old. She got a lot of leeway from me. Plus, you know, smoking hot MILF. "I'll get on that, and give your parents a call too, while I'm at it."

She left the room, and I picked up the room phone to call my best friend, as promised. Stupid hospital rules about cell phones. You don't realize how much you store information on it until you can't use it. It took me weeks to memorize Josh's phone number.

It rang twice before he picked up, eschewing a hello to instead ask, "Everything better?" as a greeting.

"So much better, you don't even know. Girl now, you know, but better."

"Yeah, your voice is different. When can you leave?"

I groaned, "I have to wait on the parents. They're both at work, so it's going to suck."

"Okay. I'm on my way back."

"Dude!" I protested, "You were just here! You don't have to come back just because I'm stuck here."

"Like I would make you be bored by yourself." I could imagine him rolling his eyes. "I'll see the new you soon."

Well, I guess that was that. I really did have the best friend in existence.


I was still flipping through the channels on the tiny TV in my room an hour later when Josh walked in, plastic bags in his hands.

"Oh thank God you're here. TV sucks so much balls."

He grinned and shuffled over to sit at my bedside. I was a little worried that I'd have some kind of thing for him after the whole gender and sexuality changeup, but thankfully he was still just my best bud to me. I hoped it stayed that way.

"Whatcha got there?" I nodded at the bags in his hands.

He sighed and ran a hand back over his stubbly head. "Mama called me right after I got off the phone with you. Said you didn't have any clothes, and gave me a list of what to get, and the sizes she thought would fit. I'd have been here way sooner if I didn't have to go buy all this shit."

He placed the bags in my lap, and the first thing that caught my attention was a bra and pack of panties. "You actually went into the women's underwear section and got stuff?" That must have been humiliating.

He shrugged. "Yeah. I'll do this for you, but there's no way I will ever go buy you tampons, so don't even ask about that."

I grimaced. Yeah, that was going to be a thing now. Still, I was touched that he went and got me a change of clothes no matter how embarrassing it must have been. "Help me to the bathroom, please? I have to get out of this hospital gown."

Josh held my arm and helped me shuffle to the bathroom, the bags clenched in one of his hands. He bravely didn't look at my bony ass hanging out in the back. I know, because I was watching to make sure.

Once I was sitting on the closed toilet lid, he left me to get dressed in private. I tore open the five pack of cotton panties, and pulled on the first pair from the top. I don't know what possessed him to buy me Wonder Woman panties, but it was a little funny.

They fit a little loose, but they'd work. The bra came out next, and after fighting with it for long minutes until I was almost in tears, I got it on. I had to dig in the bag for the tag to find out the size was a 28 AA. I probably didn't need to even wear it, not having anything up top, but I also probably should get into the practice of wearing one.

There was a purple tracksuit that was also a little too big, a package of socks, and a pair of white sneakers that were a little too small. Despite the fact that only the bra actually fit me, I was so incredibly grateful that I just sat all alone in the bathroom for long, long minutes until I got my emotions back under control.

"Josh? Help me again please?" I called out, and the door immediately opened like he was standing just outside of it, waiting for me. He probably was.

Josh Johnson, the best friend anyone has ever had, stayed with me in that boring hospital room on a sunny summer day for three hours until my parents finally came to get me discharged.

I really didn't deserve him.


"Hey, Mrs. J." I greeted as I gingerly made my way to the chair at her kitchen table.

Once Josh had me seated and comfortable, he scurried away to give us privacy at a look from his mom.

Immediately a huge piece of warm chocolate cake and an equally large pile of vanilla ice cream was placed in front of me.

At my questioning glance, Mrs. J. chuckled and sat next to me. "Expect me to feed you whenever I see you until I think you've put enough weight back on. How are you feeling, sweetie?"

I shrugged and started cutting into the cake with a spoon. "So much better, it's like night and day."

Amber Johnson grinned at me and wiped a stray tear from her eye. "I'm so glad to hear that. How are you dealing with being a girl so far?" she gently probed.

I looked down at myself. I hadn't put on any weight in the two days since I left the hospital, and I was wearing two layers of clothing and a stocking cap just to keep warm due to my lack of body fat. I didn't feel like a girl at all.

"It hasn't really sunk in yet. I mean, I don't have any hair, or boobs, and I'm always wearing multiple sweatsuits. Other than sitting to pee, I don't even think about it most of the time."

"Mmm. Well, I wouldn't worry about growing hair. Your hair is going to grow faster than you like from now on."

I paused with the dripping spoonful of cake and ice cream halfway to my mouth. "What do you mean?"

Josh's Mom sat back in her chair and sipped her coffee. "The hair on your head is going to grow twice as fast as it should. The upshot," she confided, "is that you never have to worry about shaving ever again."

I stuck the spoonful into my mouth and tried to make sense of what she was telling me; I came up empty. "I'm sorry, I don't get it."

"Wyex takes all of your body hair, breaks it down, and uses the material on your head. It's not just a one-time thing, it's constantly happening. So, you'll have to get your hair trimmed more often, but you'll never have to shave your legs, or your underarms, or... well, you know," she said leadingly.

I tried so hard to not be embarrassed, but truthfully shaving my pussy wasn't a thought I'd even had yet. "Okay... that's, uh... good, I guess?"

She chuckled and took another sip of her java. "Look, I won't bombard you with all the little things that I think you should know, okay? I can see you're uncomfortable. Just know that you can call me at anytime. Your own mother can help you with being a girl, but if you need to talk to someone who's went through the same transition that you have, I'm always here for you."

I was touched, and my eyes watered a bit. "Thanks, Mrs. J. I mean that."

And then, as I sat with a face full of cake and ice cream, looking like a starvation victim in layer upon layer of clothing, The Goddess of Ridgeway High walked into the room.

The very first playdate Josh and I ever had, way back in kindergarten, five-year old me met Josh's seven-year old big sister Brooke for the first time... and fell in love. Completely.

As she grew up and matured, it became obvious that she'd taken all the best traits of both of her mothers and combined them into the most perfect woman in existence.

She had Karen's beautiful face, tall and athletic body, intelligence, and confidence. She also had Amber's blonde hair, blue eyes, kind disposition, and, to put it crudely, tits for days and ass for weeks.

Everyone at school talked about the divinity made mortal flesh that was Brooke Johnson, yet the few guys brave enough to ask for a date were always gently let down. She didn't even go to either her Junior or Senior Proms.

"Hey Mom," she started without preamble, "we're out of laundry deter... oh, hello! I'm Brooke. Are you one of Georgie's friends?"


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