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A young man explores an alien boy's anatomy.
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So... this is how humans defined "Netflix and Chill". Thomas took note of it. He was lying in the dark bedroom, the LED glow illuminating his face intently. Robert was staring at the computer, bare-chested, his arm wrapped around Thomas. Thomas didn't have much interest in the computer. He gazed at the wall, thinking quietly.

"Thomas." Thomas tensed up, then looked over. Robert was giving him a gentle smile. "The show's been over for a while now. Don't you want to watch the next episode?"

"Episode? No..."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Thomas thought a moment. "Do other human cultures participate in this... staring at a screen, thing?"

Robert chuckled. "Plenty."

"I don't understand the merit in it."

"You sound like an old man." Robert kissed Thomas's neck suddenly, before pushing the computer away, sitting atop his lover. Thomas saw he was laughing to himself.

"What's so funny?"

"You." He touched Thomas's cheek. "You look so... human. A cold blooded human. You know you never tell me," he reached under Thomas's shirt, gently caressing his smooth stomach, "what life is like out there."

Thomas blinked. "So vastly different, I don't even know where to begin."

Robert reached down, kissing Thomas's stomach slowly, before pressing his lips upward, to Thomas's chest. "Do they do... any of this where you're from?"

" Only... only the specialized ones."


"The ones who were bred to--what are you doing?" Robert pulled Thomas's shirt up, leaving the two boys shirtless. He kept kissing the alien's chest, which was smooth as silk against his lips and smelled ever so sweet. He took a moment to just inhale the foreigner's skin, then kissed him again.

"So you do breed."

"Yes, but I'm not a specialized unit."

Robert raised an eyebrow. "Can I see?"

"Well..." Thomas would have blushed. He thought a moment. "...yes. I suppose so. I ought to be able to control my pheremones."

Robert chuckled and took off the space boy's jeans. He started slipping off Thomas's underwear, but when he saw the boy's crotch, he hesitated, and looked up.

"Thomas...? Are you... are you a girl?"

"What?" Thomas blinked. "What do you mean?"

Robert looked down again, shrugged, and slipped Thomas's underwear all the way off, then bent forward. He took another whiff, and felt immediately intoxicated. It smelled very sweet down there. He hesitated a moment before slipping his fingers through Thomas's slit.

Thomas bucked a little encouragingly. Robert slid his fingers up and down through him, feeling the softest skin imaginable--and Thomas was far wetter than any girl could possibly get. Thomas had started panting feverishly. Robert grinned. He pulled himself closer, unable to get enough of just how damned sexy Thomas was. Suddenly Robert had his nose in Thomas's slit, rubbing it up and down, and Thomas's wetness was absolutely heavenly. He kissed it. He felt Thomas shudder, bucking into his face, as Robert lapped the space boy up, sticking two fingers inside. He wanted to fuck Thomas, right now.

Robert felt his fingers get absolutely soaked in Thomas's cunt. Thomas wasn't very tight on the inside--but Robert caressed the skin there anyway, so warm and soft, and then--he felt something touch his fingers there.

Robert recoiled instantly. Something was slithering out of Thomas's hole--something deep red and snake like. It slithered down the alien's thigh, before sliding up and standing at attention. It was long, thick, and of course, very wet. Robert stared at it for a moment, then looked up at his lover's face.

Thomas was twitching all over, and looking at Robert, looking profoundly confused and so full of pleasure. The poor boy didn't seem to know what to do with himself.

"We're not really... supposed to let that out... I'm not... of the specialized... unit" Thomas managed to huff.

Robert gazed at it in wonder, before suddenly pressing his face against it. He kissed it. He licked the wetness dripping off of it. Thomas flinched, but Robert held the alien's legs down. He kissed it again, stuck the tip of it in his mouth--Thomas gave crooked, happy groans--and sucked. To his surprise Thomas's cum squirted from the tip and into Robert's mouth. Thomas nearly screamed, gripping the back of Robert's head frantically.

"Thomas..." Robert sighed, swallowing, before licking some more, from the base of his vagina to the tip of the boy's beautiful alien cock.

"W-w-what?" Thomas was pushing Robert to take him deeper. Robert did so. There was more cum, and Robert suckled the sweet warmth gleefully down his throat. He came up for air. He stared at Thomas.

"I wanna fuck you."

Thomas shivered. Robert had an intense hunger lying in his eyes as he at long last took off his own jeans and boxers and kicked them aside. He took his cock and rubbed it against Thomas's own. They both groaned as the human boy began to grind himself, going lower, reaching into Thomas's slit, and trying to push himself in.

Thomas was dripping so wet for him that Robert tried his best to hold back from cumming just then, going in deeper, his cock still against Thomas's own, until the head pushed in finally. He jerked at Thomas's cock with his hand, and that set Thomas into sensory overload.

Thomas came first. Hard. He moaned loudly, Robert milking Thomas for all he was worth, his cunt tight against his cock suddenly, his cock now absolutely flooding with that heavenly fluid. At this Robert couldn't help but cum inside of Thomas--space pussy was too good to pass up.

When they were finally done they lay there, Robert huddled against Thomas's warm chest. Thomas groaned one final time, and then his cock began to droop, and slide back inside.

Robert kissed him.

"This is way better... than Netflix and Chill." Thomas told Robert suddenly.

Robert laughed, and kissed him again. It was going to be a long, long night for the both of them.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Too short

Some background about how they met would help sell the sex. By the way! How old is this odd couple supposed to be?

The description of events, people and places are too vague.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love the alien anatomy

Very reminiscent of tentabuldges and nooks from Homestuck fanfiction, loooooove that tentadick.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nice. Very Invader-Zim-esque

I like it. It feels a lot like if someone got an invader zim fanfic and changed the character names.

HatracksHatracksabout 8 years ago
Nice story

Nice story. Kind of sweet. I like that it's short. Leaves it to the imagination what comes next.

baikalisanbaikalisanover 8 years ago

More backgrond and flesh it out some please

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